Mark Kelly Lies About Gun Sales Before I-594 Vote


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2013
The gun grabbers are willing to do anything, including lie to get our guns. And the Press refuses to call them on it when they do it.

Kelly doesn't deserve any respect at all and neither does Giffords. They have proven themselves liars.

NRA-ILA Mark Kelly Lies About Gun Sales Before I 594 Vote

On Tuesday, five weeks before voters in Washington State will decide whether to require “universal” background checks on firearm transfers, gun control advocate Mark Kelly lied on national television about how many such transactions occur without a background check. Asked by CNN, Kelly said (at 3:30 in the video), “right now 60 percent of all gun sales go--occur--with a background check. Why do we allow the 40 percent, the other 40 percent, to happen?”

Kelly and his wife, former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, are the co-founders of the gun control group, Americans for Responsible Solutions. On their group’s website, they make the “40 percent” claim in its most common form, saying “up to 40 percent of all gun transfers . . . take place without a background check.”

However they choose to word it, the claim is false, and even the media have been saying so for more than two years. In July 2012, the Tampa Bay Times faulted Michael Bloomberg for claiming “There’s a loophole where you can sell guns without a background check at a gun show. Forty percent of guns are sold that way, same thing on the internet.”

Bloomberg said that the “40 percent” figure came from a study co-authored by gun control supporter Philip Cook in 1997 (a year before the national instant check system became operational). However, Times’ PolitiFact reporters Jon Greenberg and Molly Moorhead asked Cook if he considered the “40 percent” figure to be a reliable estimate of secondary market gun sales currently. Cook’s response, as Greenberg and Moorhead reported, was “I have no idea. This survey was done almost 20 years ago.”
How exactly does a background check "get your guns"?
How exactly does a background check "get your guns"?

The NRA is much like the Military Industrial Complex. Once they learned as corporations that they could Control the minds of idiots, they did and do. And the profits are all time high.

Meanwhile the scared to death broke idiot can't figure out why he's so poor.
The gun grabbers are willing to do anything, including lie to get our guns. And the Press refuses to call them on it when they do it.

Kelly doesn't deserve any respect at all and neither does Giffords. They have proven themselves liars.

NRA-ILA Mark Kelly Lies About Gun Sales Before I 594 Vote

On Tuesday, five weeks before voters in Washington State will decide whether to require “universal” background checks on firearm transfers, gun control advocate Mark Kelly lied on national television about how many such transactions occur without a background check. Asked by CNN, Kelly said (at 3:30 in the video), “right now 60 percent of all gun sales go--occur--with a background check. Why do we allow the 40 percent, the other 40 percent, to happen?”

Kelly and his wife, former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, are the co-founders of the gun control group, Americans for Responsible Solutions. On their group’s website, they make the “40 percent” claim in its most common form, saying “up to 40 percent of all gun transfers . . . take place without a background check.”

However they choose to word it, the claim is false, and even the media have been saying so for more than two years. In July 2012, the Tampa Bay Times faulted Michael Bloomberg for claiming “There’s a loophole where you can sell guns without a background check at a gun show. Forty percent of guns are sold that way, same thing on the internet.”

Bloomberg said that the “40 percent” figure came from a study co-authored by gun control supporter Philip Cook in 1997 (a year before the national instant check system became operational). However, Times’ PolitiFact reporters Jon Greenberg and Molly Moorhead asked Cook if he considered the “40 percent” figure to be a reliable estimate of secondary market gun sales currently. Cook’s response, as Greenberg and Moorhead reported, was “I have no idea. This survey was done almost 20 years ago.”

Answer this question.................

Have you met no one on earth that you thought shouldn't own a weapon?

No one in America EVERY talked about gun grabbing moron. We like to hunt, we like to fish, we like to be Americans. You fixate on gun grabbing just like your so calle
The gun grabbers are willing to do anything, including lie to get our guns. And the Press refuses to call them on it when they do it.

Kelly doesn't deserve any respect at all and neither does Giffords. They have proven themselves liars.

NRA-ILA Mark Kelly Lies About Gun Sales Before I 594 Vote

On Tuesday, five weeks before voters in Washington State will decide whether to require “universal” background checks on firearm transfers, gun control advocate Mark Kelly lied on national television about how many such transactions occur without a background check. Asked by CNN, Kelly said (at 3:30 in the video), “right now 60 percent of all gun sales go--occur--with a background check. Why do we allow the 40 percent, the other 40 percent, to happen?”

Kelly and his wife, former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, are the co-founders of the gun control group, Americans for Responsible Solutions. On their group’s website, they make the “40 percent” claim in its most common form, saying “up to 40 percent of all gun transfers . . . take place without a background check.”

However they choose to word it, the claim is false, and even the media have been saying so for more than two years. In July 2012, the Tampa Bay Times faulted Michael Bloomberg for claiming “There’s a loophole where you can sell guns without a background check at a gun show. Forty percent of guns are sold that way, same thing on the internet.”

Bloomberg said that the “40 percent” figure came from a study co-authored by gun control supporter Philip Cook in 1997 (a year before the national instant check system became operational). However, Times’ PolitiFact reporters Jon Greenberg and Molly Moorhead asked Cook if he considered the “40 percent” figure to be a reliable estimate of secondary market gun sales currently. Cook’s response, as Greenberg and Moorhead reported, was “I have no idea. This survey was done almost 20 years ago.”

Marco Rubio and Fox News also pushed this topic..........

Truth is, no one ever stated they wanted to end gun ownership........Just the dumb class bought it and now pay EXTREME amounts for ammo from Corporations.
How exactly does a background check "get your guns"?

It doesn't. Pay attention. They are claiming that the background checks aren't sufficient and they are lying about how many people get around that. The point they are making is that they need to make more laws to ensure more hurdles for people who want to own guns.

They will keep going until it's nearly impossible for anyone to buy a gun.
How exactly does a background check "get your guns"?

It doesn't. Pay attention. They are claiming that the background checks aren't sufficient and they are lying about how many people get around that. The point they are making is that they need to make more laws to ensure more hurdles for people who want to own guns.

They will keep going until it's nearly impossible for anyone to buy a gun.

That's not what the OP says -- that's a speculation fallacy.
Pay attention.
Chill out gun nuts. You can go to the store tomorrow and have pretty much whatever the hell gun you want in less then 20 minutes.

The "hurdles" you're talking about are stupid. And there are ways around all of them.
“The gun grabbers are willing to do anything, including lie to get our guns. And the Press refuses to call them on it when they do it.”

Obviously you're unaware of how moronic, ignorant, delusional, paranoid, and pathetic this is.

There are no 'gun grabbers,' the notion is idiocy.

Government cannot 'take your guns,' it would be un-Constitutional, a violation of the 5th Amendment's Takings Clause and current Second Amendment jurisprudence (see: DC v. Heller (2008)), where any law enacted by any government requiring citizens to 'surrender' their firearms would be invalidated accordingly.

The Second Amendment ensures citizens the right to possess a firearm pursuant to lawful self-defense, and the 5th Amendment requires due process when the government seeks to take private property – that means a warrant would need to be issued authorizing the taking of a firearm, and a hearing would be required for every single firearm sought by the government, that's 300,000,000 individual hearings. Government can't 'confiscate' firearms because the due process required would be far too burdensome, it could take decades to adjudicate, if not longer; not to mention the just compensation required.

All you're succeeding in doing is exhibiting your ignorance and stupidity.
“The gun grabbers are willing to do anything, including lie to get our guns. And the Press refuses to call them on it when they do it.”

Obviously you're unaware of how moronic, ignorant, delusional, paranoid, and pathetic this is.

There are no 'gun grabbers,' the notion is idiocy.

Government cannot 'take your guns,' it would be un-Constitutional, a violation of the 5th Amendment's Takings Clause and current Second Amendment jurisprudence (see: DC v. Heller (2008)), where any law enacted by any government requiring citizens to 'surrender' their firearms would be invalidated accordingly.

The Second Amendment ensures citizens the right to possess a firearm pursuant to lawful self-defense, and the 5th Amendment requires due process when the government seeks to take private property – that means a warrant would need to be issued authorizing the taking of a firearm, and a hearing would be required for every single firearm sought by the government, that's 300,000,000 individual hearings. Government can't 'confiscate' firearms because the due process required would be far too burdensome, it could take decades to adjudicate, if not longer; not to mention the just compensation required.

All you're succeeding in doing is exhibiting your ignorance and stupidity.
Gov. Cuomo Says New York May Confiscate all Assault Weapons.
How sweet is it for some NOBODY to get a job off the back of your wife being shot. And now he has become some expert who gets to go on Commie news network (cnn)

Mark Kelly is another typical liberal make money off others sorrow for his own agenda. just another vulture in a long LINE of Democrat vultures/creeps

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