Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of the Union

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I've listened to Levin for years.

I enjoy his show for its entertainment value since Levin is essentially a caricature of right-wing zealotry. That and for the fact that Levin essentially serves to undermine the Republican cause.

But make no mistake, Levin is a RW reactionary and a propagandist who routinely makes statements I'm convinced he knows are not true. That's because while Levin is a propagandist, he's not a very good liar, especially for a lawyer. He just can't pull if off all the time.

But his show is fun. He's like an evil Pee Wee Herman.

Ether you are lying and dont listen to his show or you need to seek psychological help for your delusions and auditory hallucinations.
I've listened to Levin for years.

I enjoy his show for its entertainment value since Levin is essentially a caricature of right-wing zealotry. That and for the fact that Levin essentially serves to undermine the Republican cause.

But make no mistake, Levin is a RW reactionary and a propagandist who routinely makes statements I'm convinced he knows are not true. That's because while Levin is a propagandist, he's not a very good liar, especially for a lawyer. He just can't pull if off all the time.

But his show is fun. He's like an evil Pee Wee Herman.

Ether you are lying and dont listen to his show or you need to seek psychological help for your delusions and auditory hallucinations.

If there's anyone who needs to seek help for delusions, it's Levin. But I gotta hand it to him that he's somehow managed to turn craziness and zaniness into a very lucrative radio gig. But people shouldn't take him any more seriously than they took the Marx Brothers. Alas, that's the one thing that I find troubling; people do take him seriously.
I've listened to Levin for years.

I enjoy his show for its entertainment value since Levin is essentially a caricature of right-wing zealotry. That and for the fact that Levin essentially serves to undermine the Republican cause.

But make no mistake, Levin is a RW reactionary and a propagandist who routinely makes statements I'm convinced he knows are not true. That's because while Levin is a propagandist, he's not a very good liar, especially for a lawyer. He just can't pull if off all the time.

But his show is fun. He's like an evil Pee Wee Herman.

Ether you are lying and dont listen to his show or you need to seek psychological help for your delusions and auditory hallucinations.

If there's anyone who needs to seek help for delusions, it's Levin. But I gotta hand it to him that he's somehow managed to turn craziness and zaniness into a very lucrative radio gig. But people shouldn't take him any more seriously than they took the Marx Brothers. Alas, that's the one thing that I find troubling; people do take him seriously.

Whats not to take seriously?
This would be great. Too bad most of the spineless Republicans have no guts

“Here's what should happen at the State of the Union speech,” Levin began. “Since these men and women will not use the Constitution to defend this nation, since they will not use the Constitution to confront a lawless president — worse yet, since they are funding his activities with these omnibus bills filled with all kinds of crap — what the Republicans should do is boycott the State of the Union.”

By such a “bold” act, he said, half of the House floor will be empty and it will grab the attention of the American people and the media, “which will attack it, but cannot ignore it.”

“It would be historic, it would be profound, that finally the opposition party demonstrates that it opposes not just the Democrat Party, but the destruction of this republic, but this president and his willing dupes in Congress," he added.

He suggested Republicans present their own State of the Union by, perhaps, joining together on the steps of the Capitol to lay out their case against the president's agenda.

Radio Host Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of Union

meh... not gonna happen...

n' besides... I'd be much more impressed if, during the SOTU speech, the GOP side of the aisle turned around, dropped their drawers, 'n before nationwide cameras, mooned the prez... :)
"income inequality" as well, but he's the king of it. What a joke of a president we have. What an embarrassment to this country. Who'd want to set there and listen to that bullshit.

Anyone who is not a racist, or a bigot, or a wingnut, or a teabagger, or a fringer, or an Israel-Firster.

Entirely wrong. Predictable. In reality, the only ones who want to hear Obumbler read his speech off of the TOTUS are the usual suspects consisting of the suck ass lolberal sycophant idiots and other drooling dipshits.

What's going to be your talking point when the next Republican president reads all of his speeches off a teleprompter - JUST LIKE EVERY PRESIDENT SINCE THEY INVENTED IT?*

* - it's a trick question - there aren't going to be any more Republican presidents. :lol:
Ether you are lying and dont listen to his show or you need to seek psychological help for your delusions and auditory hallucinations.

If there's anyone who needs to seek help for delusions, it's Levin. But I gotta hand it to him that he's somehow managed to turn craziness and zaniness into a very lucrative radio gig. But people shouldn't take him any more seriously than they took the Marx Brothers. Alas, that's the one thing that I find troubling; people do take him seriously.

Whats not to take seriously?

Levin sees violations to the US Constitution behind every act Obama does as president, regardless of how relatively benign it is. Yet, Bush and Cheney made a mockery of the Constitutional separation of powers and failed to enforce laws or treaty obligations, and I don't recall Levin ever making a peep of protest.

The point is that everything is a constitutional crisis to Levin when a Democrat is in the WH. Not so when it's a Republican.
If there's anyone who needs to seek help for delusions, it's Levin. But I gotta hand it to him that he's somehow managed to turn craziness and zaniness into a very lucrative radio gig. But people shouldn't take him any more seriously than they took the Marx Brothers. Alas, that's the one thing that I find troubling; people do take him seriously.

Whats not to take seriously?

Levin sees violations to the US Constitution behind every act Obama does as president, regardless of how relatively benign it is. Yet, Bush and Cheney made a mockery of the Constitutional separation of powers and failed to enforce laws or treaty obligations, and I don't recall Levin ever making a peep of protest.

The point is that everything is a constitutional crisis to Levin when a Democrat is in the WH. Not so when it's a Republican.

Well, no violation of the Constitution is 'benign.' And Obama's record on Constitutional affairs is dismal. He's merely continued all of Bush's worst policies. He's taken them to an appalling extreme. So Levin is right to criticize him.

But that being said, you do make a valid point. Neocons like Levin did not express the same outrage when Bush was doing all the same things. So him, Hannity, and Limbaugh do have a bit of a credibility issue. I have to agree with ya there somewhat.
Having Levin, Jones or any of the other right-wing shills in your corner doesn't help your cause. It impedes it...
This would be great. Too bad most of the spineless Republicans have no guts

“Here's what should happen at the State of the Union speech,” Levin began. “Since these men and women will not use the Constitution to defend this nation, since they will not use the Constitution to confront a lawless president — worse yet, since they are funding his activities with these omnibus bills filled with all kinds of crap — what the Republicans should do is boycott the State of the Union.”

By such a “bold” act, he said, half of the House floor will be empty and it will grab the attention of the American people and the media, “which will attack it, but cannot ignore it.”

“It would be historic, it would be profound, that finally the opposition party demonstrates that it opposes not just the Democrat Party, but the destruction of this republic, but this president and his willing dupes in Congress," he added.

He suggested Republicans present their own State of the Union by, perhaps, joining together on the steps of the Capitol to lay out their case against the president's agenda.

Radio Host Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of Union
Great point, and I listened a little bit, only one problem - Israel flag in your sig, and the fact that he says "this president" as if the previous president was different - THAT gives it away that it must be just another Zionist troll acting as opposition. but that said, very good presentation and very good point. I agree with him completely.
The target voter that the GOP needs to attract are Independents or Moderates and huge majority of these people aren't far right.
GOP (nor democrats) will not attract independent voters like me any more than a prostitute place will attract a decent man.
If there's anyone who needs to seek help for delusions, it's Levin. But I gotta hand it to him that he's somehow managed to turn craziness and zaniness into a very lucrative radio gig. But people shouldn't take him any more seriously than they took the Marx Brothers. Alas, that's the one thing that I find troubling; people do take him seriously.

Whats not to take seriously?

Levin sees violations to the US Constitution behind every act Obama does as president, regardless of how relatively benign it is. Yet, Bush and Cheney made a mockery of the Constitutional separation of powers and failed to enforce laws or treaty obligations, and I don't recall Levin ever making a peep of protest.

The point is that everything is a constitutional crisis to Levin when a Democrat is in the WH. Not so when it's a Republican.

Levin spells it out, he just doesn't through out accusations. Even mind numbed liberal clones should be able to understand Levin's postilions on the constitutional issues. People like Levin helped defeat Bush's attempt at amnesty, opposed Bush's prescription drug program, Helped to defeat Bush's Supreme court nominee Harriet Meyers before it really started....That may have actually been a mistake since Justice Robert's ended up giving us Obamacare:eusa_eh: but to say that Levin never went after Bush you're delusional:cuckoo:
Having Levin, Jones or any of the other right-wing shills in your corner doesn't help your cause. It impedes it...

Yes we know intelligent people scare you

tapatalk post

Hillary, Jon Stewart, Bill Maher and Stephen Colbert do not scare me.

However, I do find it troubling that not only people listen to dumb arses like Levin, Jones, Limbaugh et al, but that they actually believe what they say. Now, that is scary...
Whats not to take seriously?

Levin sees violations to the US Constitution behind every act Obama does as president, regardless of how relatively benign it is. Yet, Bush and Cheney made a mockery of the Constitutional separation of powers and failed to enforce laws or treaty obligations, and I don't recall Levin ever making a peep of protest.

The point is that everything is a constitutional crisis to Levin when a Democrat is in the WH. Not so when it's a Republican.

Levin spells it out, he just doesn't through out accusations. Even mind numbed liberal clones should be able to understand Levin's postilions on the constitutional issues. People like Levin helped defeat Bush's attempt at amnesty, opposed Bush's prescription drug program, Helped to defeat Bush's Supreme court nominee Harriet Meyers before it really started....That may have actually been a mistake since Justice Robert's ended up giving us Obamacare:eusa_eh: but to say that Levin never went after Bush you're delusional:cuckoo:

I never said that Levin never opposed Bush on an issue. I said that I never heard him oppose anything Bush did or wanted to do on Constitutional grounds despite the fact that Bush and Cheney quite clearly pushed the bounds of power of the presidency.
Levin sees violations to the US Constitution behind every act Obama does as president, regardless of how relatively benign it is. Yet, Bush and Cheney made a mockery of the Constitutional separation of powers and failed to enforce laws or treaty obligations, and I don't recall Levin ever making a peep of protest.

The point is that everything is a constitutional crisis to Levin when a Democrat is in the WH. Not so when it's a Republican.

Levin spells it out, he just doesn't through out accusations. Even mind numbed liberal clones should be able to understand Levin's postilions on the constitutional issues. People like Levin helped defeat Bush's attempt at amnesty, opposed Bush's prescription drug program, Helped to defeat Bush's Supreme court nominee Harriet Meyers before it really started....That may have actually been a mistake since Justice Robert's ended up giving us Obamacare:eusa_eh: but to say that Levin never went after Bush you're delusional:cuckoo:

I never said that Levin never opposed Bush on an issue. I said that I never heard him oppose anything Bush did or wanted to do on Constitutional grounds despite the fact that Bush and Cheney quite clearly pushed the bounds of power of the presidency.

Point um out
Looking at the world press I am very much surprised at how the reaction to Obama's campaign speech was underwhelming. In fact, it came close to having been totally ignored.
Levin spells it out, he just doesn't through out accusations. Even mind numbed liberal clones should be able to understand Levin's postilions on the constitutional issues. People like Levin helped defeat Bush's attempt at amnesty, opposed Bush's prescription drug program, Helped to defeat Bush's Supreme court nominee Harriet Meyers before it really started....That may have actually been a mistake since Justice Robert's ended up giving us Obamacare:eusa_eh: but to say that Levin never went after Bush you're delusional:cuckoo:

I never said that Levin never opposed Bush on an issue. I said that I never heard him oppose anything Bush did or wanted to do on Constitutional grounds despite the fact that Bush and Cheney quite clearly pushed the bounds of power of the presidency.

Point um out
That's impossible, as there is no internet archive of transcripts from his shows.

But you knew that.
Levin spells it out, he just doesn't through out accusations. Even mind numbed liberal clones should be able to understand Levin's postilions on the constitutional issues. People like Levin helped defeat Bush's attempt at amnesty, opposed Bush's prescription drug program, Helped to defeat Bush's Supreme court nominee Harriet Meyers before it really started....That may have actually been a mistake since Justice Robert's ended up giving us Obamacare:eusa_eh: but to say that Levin never went after Bush you're delusional:cuckoo:

I never said that Levin never opposed Bush on an issue. I said that I never heard him oppose anything Bush did or wanted to do on Constitutional grounds despite the fact that Bush and Cheney quite clearly pushed the bounds of power of the presidency.

Point um out

Here’s a very brief outline of the many abuses of power perpetrated by the Bush-Cheney administration:

Unfortunately, far from defending the Constitution, President Bush has repeatedly sought to strip out the limits the document places on federal power. In its official legal briefs and public actions, the Bush administration has advanced a view of federal power that is astonishingly broad, a view that includes

a federal government empowered to regulate core political speech—and restrict it greatly when it counts the most: in the days before a federal election;

a president who cannot be restrained, through validly enacted statutes, from pursuing any tactic he believes to be effective in the war on terror;

a president who has the inherent constitutional authority to designate American citizens suspected of terrorist activity as “enemy combatants,” strip them of any constitutional protection, and lock them up without charges for the duration of the war on terror— in other words, perhaps forever; and

a federal government with the power to supervise virtually every aspect of American life, from kindergarten, to marriage, to the grave.

President Bush’s constitutional vision is, in short, sharply at odds with the text, history, and structure of our Constitution, which authorizes a government of limited powers.

Power Surge: The Constitutional Record of George W. Bush | Cato Institute
Having Levin, Jones or any of the other right-wing shills in your corner doesn't help your cause. It impedes it...

Yes we know intelligent people scare you

tapatalk post

Hillary, Jon Stewart, Bill Maher and Stephen Colbert do not scare me.

However, I do find it troubling that not only people listen to dumb arses like Levin, Jones, Limbaugh et al, but that they actually believe what they say. Now, that is scary...
I said intelligent people jack ass. Clinton, Stewart, Maher and Colbert are fucking idiots
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