Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of the Union

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Yeah, right. Because the hand out law degrees from Yale to shrieking morons all the time...

Nay, only when they have a compelling reason to want to get rid of one without drawing liberal criticism. Thank you for providing such a brilliant example.

With such brilliant reasoning and deductions I wouldn't give up your day job flipping burgers, although I do hear that Walmart are hiring checkout operators1

Oh, wait a minute - even for that you have to have your GED...
What a load of horse shit.

She is a shrill, shrieking moron.

But, then again, she IS a modern American liberal. So, admittedly, noting her lack of intelligence IS kinda redundant.

Yeah, right. Because the hand out law degrees from Yale to shrieking morons all the time...

she was also one of the top 100 lawyers in the country even before bill was president. but it's not like he's any judge of intellect.
She was? Whats her legal background? ..What cases has she been a part of and won? she helped keep Bill out of jail that's defiantly an accomplishment
Bush 43 staffers like Pete Wehner, Michael Gerson, and Karl Rove - whose boss spent like a liberal Democrat, massively grew the federal government, and paved the way for Obama's election - seek to sabotage conservatives like Ted Cruz.

It's time to take on these Herbert Hoover Republicans and expose their disastrous policies and feckless arguments before they destroy what's left of the GOP and cost us another presidential election. They are every bit the reason, as much as Obama, the tea party movement came to be. And their perversion of conservatism and embrace of statism will doom the country.

Levin: 'Herbert Hoover Republicans...Will Doom the Country' | CNS News
Yeah, right. Because the hand out law degrees from Yale to shrieking morons all the time...

she was also one of the top 100 lawyers in the country even before bill was president. but it's not like he's any judge of intellect.
She was? Whats her legal background? ..What cases has she been a part of and won? she helped keep Bill out of jail that's defiantly an accomplishment

Any way you want to cut it, being Secretary of State is quite an accomplishment. And whatever you think of Hillary, she was Secretary of State. The top 100 lawyers is one of those Times lists and generally those included on it are not there because of anything they did as lawyers, but rather because they have a law degree but became 'top lawyer' because they got elected or appointed to something else of prominence. Mitt Romey and Marco Rubio, for instance, are on the most recent list right up there with Hillary but not because of anything they did as lawyers. Mitt Romney, for instance, graduated cum laude from Harvard Law School but has never practiced law.

But as a lawyer, Hillary doesn't have much to show for that. Her old employer, the Rose Law Firm, apparently doesn't even include her in their history at all. She got that lucrative job because Bill was in a high level government position in Arkansas. She was apparently not given a whole lot to do there.
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So how many republicans boycotted the SOTU?

she was also one of the top 100 lawyers in the country even before bill was president. but it's not like he's any judge of intellect.
She was? Whats her legal background? ..What cases has she been a part of and won? she helped keep Bill out of jail that's defiantly an accomplishment

Any way you want to cut it, being Secretary of State is quite an accomplishment. And whatever you think of Hillary, she was Secretary of State. The top 100 lawyers is one of those Times lists and generally those included on it are not there because of anything they did as lawyers, but rather because they have a law degree but became 'top lawyer' because they got elected to something else of prominence. Mitt Romey and Marco Rubio, for instance, are on the most recent list right up there with Hillary but not because of anything they did as lawyers.

But as a lawyer, Hillary doesn't have much to show for that. Her old employer, the Rose Law Firm, apparently doesn't even include her in their history at all. She got that lucrative job because Bill was in a high level government position in Arkansas. She was apparently not given a whole lot to do there.

Being appointed Secretary of State in an of itself is not much of a personal accomplishment really. What you do with the position once you have it is the true measure. She did not much of anything ..Traveled a lot, an ambassador was killed under her watch.
She was? Whats her legal background? ..What cases has she been a part of and won? she helped keep Bill out of jail that's defiantly an accomplishment

Any way you want to cut it, being Secretary of State is quite an accomplishment. And whatever you think of Hillary, she was Secretary of State. The top 100 lawyers is one of those Times lists and generally those included on it are not there because of anything they did as lawyers, but rather because they have a law degree but became 'top lawyer' because they got elected to something else of prominence. Mitt Romey and Marco Rubio, for instance, are on the most recent list right up there with Hillary but not because of anything they did as lawyers.

But as a lawyer, Hillary doesn't have much to show for that. Her old employer, the Rose Law Firm, apparently doesn't even include her in their history at all. She got that lucrative job because Bill was in a high level government position in Arkansas. She was apparently not given a whole lot to do there.

Being appointed Secretary of State in an of itself is not much of a personal accomplishment really. What you do with the position once you have it is the true measure. She did not much of anything ..Traveled a lot, an ambassador was killed under her watch.

I do agree that as Secretary of States go, her tenure was pretty unremarkable with little of lasting importance to show for it. Pretty much the same story with her tenure as Senator. In fact, just like Barack Obama, she has very little to show in the way of accomplishments, leadership skills, or initiatives that create lasting legacies. She got where she is by being married to the guy she is married to. That's it.

But I disagree that being appointed Secretary of State isn't much of an accomplishment. That really is a really big deal. Doesn't make her a 'top lawyer' in any sense, but then that 'top lawyer' list was never based on merit but rather is based pretty much strictly on name recognition. But I won't say that being Secretary of State is not noteworthy.
But I won't say that being Secretary of State is not noteworthy.

The way she bungled it one might say "notorious" rather than "noteworthy". Obama had to work hard to find someone equally inept but He put His back into it and, on this one thing, He DID succeed.
But I won't say that being Secretary of State is not noteworthy.

The way she bungled it one might say "notorious" rather than "noteworthy". Obama had to work hard to find someone equally inept but He put His back into it and, on this one thing, He DID succeed.

Who was the last Secretary of State that didn't have an embassy attack on their watch?
Well, since it looks like practically all congressional Republicans showed up for the SOTU (there are usually a couple of absences, ranging from sickness to family emergency and so on), looks like Mark Levin wasn't taken too seriously, what?

Color me surprised.

The only people who take Levin seriously are his sycophant fans who call him up and flatter his ego. And boy oh boy does he eat it up.
Well, since it looks like practically all congressional Republicans showed up for the SOTU (there are usually a couple of absences, ranging from sickness to family emergency and so on), looks like Mark Levin wasn't taken too seriously, what?

Color me surprised.

The only people who take Levin seriously are his sycophant fans who call him up and flatter his ego. And boy oh boy does he eat it up.

Again you should stop projecting because in truth we are not like you liberals we can think for ourselves

tapatalk post
I know there wasn't much in the "news" about Obama's campaign speech but really, you libs should have noticed he did stand up there and read something. Either that or Joe Biden is one hell of a ventriloquist.

In any case, the animals are all back in their cages; the freaks are all back in their trailers and this circus won't be coming back to town for a whole year. I sincerely doubt Mr. Levin - or anyone, for that matter - is calling for a boycott of that performance. After all, it Congress changes hands in November there might even be a new ringmaster long before next January.
Well, since it looks like practically all congressional Republicans showed up for the SOTU (there are usually a couple of absences, ranging from sickness to family emergency and so on), looks like Mark Levin wasn't taken too seriously, what?

Color me surprised.

The only people who take Levin seriously are his sycophant fans who call him up and flatter his ego. And boy oh boy does he eat it up.

Again you should stop projecting because in truth we are not like you liberals we can think for ourselves

tapatalk post

No you can't After all, there's a reason both Rush AND his listeners refer to his fans as dittoheads.
Well, since it looks like practically all congressional Republicans showed up for the SOTU (there are usually a couple of absences, ranging from sickness to family emergency and so on), looks like Mark Levin wasn't taken too seriously, what?

Color me surprised.

The only people who take Levin seriously are his sycophant fans who call him up and flatter his ego. And boy oh boy does he eat it up.

I tried to listen to him once. He's got this whiney little voice like he's speaking thru a kazoo.
Well, since it looks like practically all congressional Republicans showed up for the SOTU (there are usually a couple of absences, ranging from sickness to family emergency and so on), looks like Mark Levin wasn't taken too seriously, what?

Color me surprised.

The only people who take Levin seriously are his sycophant fans who call him up and flatter his ego. And boy oh boy does he eat it up.

I tried to listen to him once. He's got this whiney little voice like he's speaking thru a kazoo.

it's content that counts. If you want to learn about the founding and the constitution there's no one better on radio :cool:
Why bother going to it. Just replay the prior 5 state of the Unions and you've already got it.
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