Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of the Union

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I can probably find a dozen Levin quotes to show how he is no neocon. I won't bother because I know that would be futile in changing your mind about him. But then, even though you and I find common ground on numerous issues, the "Paulistas" tend to brand as a 'neocon' anybody who supports any kind of involvement with a foreign country. So the labels flung around really do lose their punch as they become meaningless and just another smear code word.

Well if he is truly changing, good for him. But his past indicates he was a loyal Neocon/Progressive Globalist. He worked tirelessly promoting that agenda. I'm very skeptical of personalities like Levin, Limbaugh, and Hannity. To me, they seem a bit disingenuous. They were all for Big Government Globalism in the past. For me, it's just not enough to hate Democrats. I see Neocons as being Progressives. I don't see much difference. Their policies are very similar. I'll give Levin a chance though. I'll give him some time to prove he's no longer a Neocon/Progressive. I'm a fair-minded person.

I know you are. I also know you are a committed Paulista and, while I respect that, I just can't share the isolationist doctrine to the extent that most of Ron Paul's supporters do. And neither do the people you listed here that you are skeptical about. But progressive globalists? Nope. Don't think you'll find one in the bunch. And that would include Mark Levin.

One of the most interesting, albeit wordy, insights into Mark Levin's perception of the way things were or are can be found in this comparison of Ronald Reagan with George W. Bush if you (or anybody else) is interested and/or has the time:

He's a broken record he's just spewing out Ron Paul talking points. No thinking just talking points:cuckoo:
I would encourage any of those who watch the TV coverage of The Great American Lie Fest to shower and brush their teeth immediately afterward. Especially before kissing your children good night. Better, bathe in water with a cup of bleach in it as hot as you can comfortably stand.
The founders of Neo-Conservatism were former Progressive Democrats for the most part. And Levin worked for them promoting that agenda. So i have to be a bit skeptical of the man. It's not enough to just screech about how much you hate Democrats. If i feel he's truly no longer a Neocon/Progressive Globalist, i'll gladly acknowledge it. I'll need more time to decide that though.

Bull shit.

Levin "worked" for Progressive Democrats?

Or are you attempting to grunt out that Levin somehow worked for Neo-Conservatism?

Either way, your statement is ZERO in the truth value department.
He was NEVER a NeoCon or a "progressive" nor was he EVER a Globalist.

WTF ARE you bleating about?

Levin was a Lawyer who worked tirelessly for the Neocon Globalist cause. He was an influential insider. I have to be skeptical of him, Limbaugh, and Hannity. In the past, they've proven to be big proponents of Big Government Globalism. But if they're changing, i'll be glad to accept it. But i'm not ready to say they have yet. I know they hate Democrats. But that's all i really know about them.

You are wrong and ignorant and kind of dishonest.

Levin is a lawyer but his field is Constitutional law and he worked in the Reagan Administration, you moron. He was NOT and is NOT a "globalist."

And nobody gives a rat's ass who you are or think you "have to be" skeptical of.
And you are also wrong about another factoid you spewed so baselessly. They do not hate Democrats.

They OPPOSE so-called "liberalism." You couldn't begin to fathom why. You don't even know what conservatism actually is. You remain quite clueless.

Ron Paul is still a bit of a dipshit, by the way.
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Bull shit.

Levin "worked" for Progressive Democrats?

Or are you attempting to grunt out that Levin somehow worked for Neo-Conservatism?

Either way, your statement is ZERO in the truth value department.
He was NEVER a NeoCon or a "progressive" nor was he EVER a Globalist.

WTF ARE you bleating about?

Levin was a Lawyer who worked tirelessly for the Neocon Globalist cause. He was an influential insider. I have to be skeptical of him, Limbaugh, and Hannity. In the past, they've proven to be big proponents of Big Government Globalism. But if they're changing, i'll be glad to accept it. But i'm not ready to say they have yet. I know they hate Democrats. But that's all i really know about them.

You are wrong and ignorant and kind of dishonest.

Levin is a lawyer but his field is Constitutional law and he worked in the Reagan Administration, you moron. He was NOT and is NOT a "globalist."

And nobody gives a rat's ass who you are or think you "have to be" skeptical of.
And you are also wrong about another factoid you spewed so baselessly. They do not hate Democrats.

They OPPOSE so-called "liberalism." You couldn't begin to fathom why. You don't even know what conservatism actually is. You remain quite clueless.

Ron Paul is still a bit of a dipshit, by the way.
^^^ "It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” ― William Shakespeare, Macbeth
I still don't agree with Levin. I oppose a GOP "boycott" of the President's SOTU address in Congress.

On the other hand, I see no reason to watch it on TV.

Who can't already say what Obumbler is going to ramble on about?
Levin was a Lawyer who worked tirelessly for the Neocon Globalist cause. He was an influential insider. I have to be skeptical of him, Limbaugh, and Hannity. In the past, they've proven to be big proponents of Big Government Globalism. But if they're changing, i'll be glad to accept it. But i'm not ready to say they have yet. I know they hate Democrats. But that's all i really know about them.

You are wrong and ignorant and kind of dishonest.

Levin is a lawyer but his field is Constitutional law and he worked in the Reagan Administration, you moron. He was NOT and is NOT a "globalist."

And nobody gives a rat's ass who you are or think you "have to be" skeptical of.
And you are also wrong about another factoid you spewed so baselessly. They do not hate Democrats.

They OPPOSE so-called "liberalism." You couldn't begin to fathom why. You don't even know what conservatism actually is. You remain quite clueless.

Ron Paul is still a bit of a dipshit, by the way.
^^^ "It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” ― William Shakespeare, Macbeth

Tranny, you one note symphony of stupid, you would be RIGHT ONLY if you are talking about the pending Obumbler State of the Union speech.

Otherwise, you are just a rambling illogical and dishonest hack dipshit. Your tales are the ones told by an idiot. The good news is: assholes like you are only able to persuade other dipshit tools, like your fellow lolberals.

Thank me. Then STFU, you dork. :thup:
As to the Obumbler State of the Union Address. Let's summarize it before he reads it off the TOTUS:

OBUMBLER's unstated but actual SOTU THEME: The greatness of all things "me." [Just count how many times he says the word "I" or "my." IT might even top the number of times he says, "err," "uhm," "ahh," or " --- " {i.e, his typical insertion of oddly long pauses between words in a simple sentence}.]

OBUMBLER's PRETEND THEME: How far we have come under his deft leadership BUT considering how much we suck, how much further we must go.
As to the Obumbler State of the Union Address. Let's summarize it before he reads it off the TOTUS:

OBUMBLER's unstated but actual SOTU THEME: The greatness of all things "me." [Just count how many times he says the word "I" or "my." IT might even top the number of times he says, "err," "uhm," "ahh," or " --- " {i.e, his typical insertion of oddly long pauses between words in a simple sentence}.]

OBUMBLER's PRETEND THEME: How far we have come under his deft leadership BUT considering how much we suck, how much further we must go.

"income inequality" as well, but he's the king of it. What a joke of a president we have. What an embarrassment to this country. Who'd want to set there and listen to that bullshit.
Bull shit.

Levin "worked" for Progressive Democrats?

Or are you attempting to grunt out that Levin somehow worked for Neo-Conservatism?

Either way, your statement is ZERO in the truth value department.
He was NEVER a NeoCon or a "progressive" nor was he EVER a Globalist.

WTF ARE you bleating about?

Levin was a Lawyer who worked tirelessly for the Neocon Globalist cause. He was an influential insider. I have to be skeptical of him, Limbaugh, and Hannity. In the past, they've proven to be big proponents of Big Government Globalism. But if they're changing, i'll be glad to accept it. But i'm not ready to say they have yet. I know they hate Democrats. But that's all i really know about them.

You are wrong and ignorant and kind of dishonest.

Levin is a lawyer but his field is Constitutional law and he worked in the Reagan Administration, you moron. He was NOT and is NOT a "globalist."

And nobody gives a rat's ass who you are or think you "have to be" skeptical of.
And you are also wrong about another factoid you spewed so baselessly. They do not hate Democrats.

They OPPOSE so-called "liberalism." You couldn't begin to fathom why. You don't even know what conservatism actually is. You remain quite clueless.

Ron Paul is still a bit of a dipshit, by the way.

Levin, Limbaugh, and Hannity have proven to be a bit disingenuous and hypocritical. They were silent or actually endorsed the same policies when a Republican was in there. All Obama has done is continue the worst of the Bush policies. Massive spending, Aggressive foreign Interventionism, Domestic Spying, etc etc... He's just taken those same policies to the extreme. He's made things so much worse for our Nation. Obama has been anything but the 'Hope & Change' President. But his followers are so damn dumb, of course they don't know any better.

My point is, it's not enough to just screech about how much you hate Democrats. You have to be consistent and honest. And i just haven't seen enough of that from some personalities who claim to be Conservatives. They just haven't earned my trust yet. But hey, at least we can agree on one thing... The Communists gots to go. Let's both hope & pray that happens soon. And you go on enjoying his show. I'm only giving my opinion.
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Levin was a Lawyer who worked tirelessly for the Neocon Globalist cause. He was an influential insider. I have to be skeptical of him, Limbaugh, and Hannity. In the past, they've proven to be big proponents of Big Government Globalism. But if they're changing, i'll be glad to accept it. But i'm not ready to say they have yet. I know they hate Democrats. But that's all i really know about them.

You are wrong and ignorant and kind of dishonest.

Levin is a lawyer but his field is Constitutional law and he worked in the Reagan Administration, you moron. He was NOT and is NOT a "globalist."

And nobody gives a rat's ass who you are or think you "have to be" skeptical of.
And you are also wrong about another factoid you spewed so baselessly. They do not hate Democrats.

They OPPOSE so-called "liberalism." You couldn't begin to fathom why. You don't even know what conservatism actually is. You remain quite clueless.

Ron Paul is still a bit of a dipshit, by the way.

Levin, Limbaugh, and Hannity have proven to be a bit disingenuous and hypocritical. They were silent or actually endorsed the same policies when a Republican was in there. All Obama has done is continue the worst of the Bush policies. Massive spending, Aggressive foreign Interventionism, Domestic Spying, etc etc... He's just taken those same policies to the extreme. He's made things so much worse for our Nation. Obama has been anything but the 'Hope & Change' President. But his followers are so damn dumb, of course they don't know any better.

My point is, it's not enough to just screech about how much you hate Democrats. You have to be consistent and honest. And i just haven't seen enough of that from some personalities who claim to be Conservatives. They just haven't earned my trust yet. But hey, at least we can agree on one thing... The Communists gots to go. Let's both hope & pray that happens soon. And you go on enjoying his show. I'm only giving my opinion.

The progressive Ron Paul is retired so now real conservatives may get the seat. Levin saw Paul for what he was

tapatalk post
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You are wrong and ignorant and kind of dishonest.

Levin is a lawyer but his field is Constitutional law and he worked in the Reagan Administration, you moron. He was NOT and is NOT a "globalist."

And nobody gives a rat's ass who you are or think you "have to be" skeptical of.
And you are also wrong about another factoid you spewed so baselessly. They do not hate Democrats.

They OPPOSE so-called "liberalism." You couldn't begin to fathom why. You don't even know what conservatism actually is. You remain quite clueless.

Ron Paul is still a bit of a dipshit, by the way.

Levin, Limbaugh, and Hannity have proven to be a bit disingenuous and hypocritical. They were silent or actually endorsed the same policies when a Republican was in there. All Obama has done is continue the worst of the Bush policies. Massive spending, Aggressive foreign Interventionism, Domestic Spying, etc etc... He's just taken those same policies to the extreme. He's made things so much worse for our Nation. Obama has been anything but the 'Hope & Change' President. But his followers are so damn dumb, of course they don't know any better.

My point is, it's not enough to just screech about how much you hate Democrats. You have to be consistent and honest. And i just haven't seen enough of that from some personalities who claim to be Conservatives. They just haven't earned my trust yet. But hey, at least we can agree on one thing... The Communists gots to go. Let's both hope & pray that happens soon. And you go on enjoying his show. I'm only giving my opinion.

The progressive Ron Paul is retired so now real conservatives may get the seat. Levin saw Paul for what he was

tapatalk post

Ron Paul is not a Progressive/Neocon. He's a true Conservative. He's despised by both. Neocons like Levin, Limbaugh, and Hannity have much more in common with Progressives than Ron Paul does. There are very few differences between Bush Policies and Obama Policies. I do agree Obama has done much more damage. But he did it continuing most of Bush's bad policies.

And so-called 'Conservatives' like Levin, Limbaugh, and Hannity went along and endorsed all of those bad policies. But why? Simply because he had an 'R' beside his name. So i'm sorry, they do come off as being disingenuous and hypocritical now. We'll see what happens when a Republican gets back in there again. Then we'll find out what they're really about. Are they Big Government Globalists or not? I'm willing to give them another chance. Time will tell.
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Levin, Limbaugh, and Hannity have proven to be a bit disingenuous and hypocritical. They were silent or actually endorsed the same policies when a Republican was in there. All Obama has done is continue the worst of the Bush policies. Massive spending, Aggressive foreign Interventionism, Domestic Spying, etc etc... He's just taken those same policies to the extreme. He's made things so much worse for our Nation. Obama has been anything but the 'Hope & Change' President. But his followers are so damn dumb, of course they don't know any better.

My point is, it's not enough to just screech about how much you hate Democrats. You have to be consistent and honest. And i just haven't seen enough of that from some personalities who claim to be Conservatives. They just haven't earned my trust yet. But hey, at least we can agree on one thing... The Communists gots to go. Let's both hope & pray that happens soon. And you go on enjoying his show. I'm only giving my opinion.

The progressive Ron Paul is retired so now real conservatives may get the seat. Levin saw Paul for what he was

tapatalk post

Ron Paul is not a Progressive/Neocon. He's a true Conservative. He's despised by both. Neocons like Levin, Limbaugh, and Hannity have much more in common with Progressives than Ron Paul does. There are very few differences between Bush Policies and Obama Policies. I do agree Obama has done much more damage. But he did it continuing most of Bush's bad policies.

And so-called 'Conservatives' like Levin, Limbaugh, and Hannity went along and endorsed all of those bad policies. But why? Simply because he had an 'R' beside his name. So i'm sorry, they do come off as being disingenuous and hypocritical now. We'll see what happens when a Republican gets back in there again. Then we'll find out what they're really about. Are they Big Government Globalists or not? I'm willing to give them another chance. Time will tell.

Paul was a lying progressive

tapatalk post
The progressive Ron Paul is retired so now real conservatives may get the seat. Levin saw Paul for what he was

tapatalk post

Ron Paul is not a Progressive/Neocon. He's a true Conservative. He's despised by both. Neocons like Levin, Limbaugh, and Hannity have much more in common with Progressives than Ron Paul does. There are very few differences between Bush Policies and Obama Policies. I do agree Obama has done much more damage. But he did it continuing most of Bush's bad policies.

And so-called 'Conservatives' like Levin, Limbaugh, and Hannity went along and endorsed all of those bad policies. But why? Simply because he had an 'R' beside his name. So i'm sorry, they do come off as being disingenuous and hypocritical now. We'll see what happens when a Republican gets back in there again. Then we'll find out what they're really about. Are they Big Government Globalists or not? I'm willing to give them another chance. Time will tell.

Paul was a lying progressive

tapatalk post

I disagree. Ron Paul has always been honest and consistent. You can hate him if you want. That's your call. But he has always been honest and consistent. That cannot be said of Neocons like Levin, Limbaugh, Hannity etc. etc... They fully endorsed Bush's Big Brother Globalism. It was just a 'D' & 'R' issue for them. Their Conservative credentials should be questioned.
Ron Paul is not a Progressive/Neocon. He's a true Conservative. He's despised by both. Neocons like Levin, Limbaugh, and Hannity have much more in common with Progressives than Ron Paul does. There are very few differences between Bush Policies and Obama Policies. I do agree Obama has done much more damage. But he did it continuing most of Bush's bad policies.

And so-called 'Conservatives' like Levin, Limbaugh, and Hannity went along and endorsed all of those bad policies. But why? Simply because he had an 'R' beside his name. So i'm sorry, they do come off as being disingenuous and hypocritical now. We'll see what happens when a Republican gets back in there again. Then we'll find out what they're really about. Are they Big Government Globalists or not? I'm willing to give them another chance. Time will tell.

Paul was a lying progressive

tapatalk post

I disagree. Ron Paul has always been honest and consistent. You can hate him if you want. That's your call. But he has always been honest and consistent. That cannot be said of Neocons like Levin, Limbaugh, Hannity etc. etc... They fully endorsed Bush's Big Brother Globalism. It was just a 'D' & 'R' issue for them. Their Conservative credentials should be questioned.

Son isolationism is a extreme progressive tactic used to snow the ignorant xenophobe

tapatalk post
Paul was a lying progressive

tapatalk post

I disagree. Ron Paul has always been honest and consistent. You can hate him if you want. That's your call. But he has always been honest and consistent. That cannot be said of Neocons like Levin, Limbaugh, Hannity etc. etc... They fully endorsed Bush's Big Brother Globalism. It was just a 'D' & 'R' issue for them. Their Conservative credentials should be questioned.

Son isolationism is a extreme progressive tactic used to snow the ignorant xenophobe

tapatalk post

Actually, Progressivism is all about Foreign Interventionism. Go read up on the history of Progressivism. Neoconservatism is Progressivism. It's all about Big Government Interventionism. I realize neither Neocons or Progressives want to admit they're on the same side, but they actually are. True Conservatism scares the hell out of em.
Ron Paul is not a Progressive/Neocon. He's a true Conservative. He's despised by both. Neocons like Levin, Limbaugh, and Hannity have much more in common with Progressives than Ron Paul does. There are very few differences between Bush Policies and Obama Policies. I do agree Obama has done much more damage. But he did it continuing most of Bush's bad policies.

And so-called 'Conservatives' like Levin, Limbaugh, and Hannity went along and endorsed all of those bad policies. But why? Simply because he had an 'R' beside his name. So i'm sorry, they do come off as being disingenuous and hypocritical now. We'll see what happens when a Republican gets back in there again. Then we'll find out what they're really about. Are they Big Government Globalists or not? I'm willing to give them another chance. Time will tell.

Paul was a lying progressive

tapatalk post

I disagree. Ron Paul has always been honest and consistent. You can hate him if you want. That's your call. But he has always been honest and consistent. That cannot be said of Neocons like Levin, Limbaugh, Hannity etc. etc... They fully endorsed Bush's Big Brother Globalism. It was just a 'D' & 'R' issue for them. Their Conservative credentials should be questioned.

First of all who really cares about Ron Paul? you guys are like a friken cult with all that stupidity. He's retired anyway. Ron Paul's foreign policy mirrors ultra liberal American leftist foreign policies
Paul was a lying progressive

tapatalk post

I disagree. Ron Paul has always been honest and consistent. You can hate him if you want. That's your call. But he has always been honest and consistent. That cannot be said of Neocons like Levin, Limbaugh, Hannity etc. etc... They fully endorsed Bush's Big Brother Globalism. It was just a 'D' & 'R' issue for them. Their Conservative credentials should be questioned.

First of all who really cares about Ron Paul? you guys are like a friken cult with all that stupidity. He's retired anyway. Ron Paul's foreign policy mirrors ultra liberal American leftist foreign policies

Must mean that about 11% of the GOP is ultra-liberal-left, for Paul got about 11% of the popular vote in the GOP primaries, and about 7% of delegates at the RNC in 2012 and, though he won no primaries, ended up with a PLURALITY of delegates in 4 states:

Louisiana, Iowa, Minnesota and Maine.

And even at the convention, when it was crystal clear that Mitt Romney would be nominated, those 154 delegates stuck by Ron Paul.

Those are the stats. They are not recorded history.

There is not denying that Ron Paul has been a part of YOUR party, not some ultra-leftist thing.

Results of the Republican Party presidential primaries, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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