Mark Levin Show, every day.

I will say he THINKS he's a constitutional scholar. Pretty hard when all he does is talk shit about his biased politic.
I take it you didn't bother to read his book on American Marxism which is all about Deep State Democrats who double dog hate everybody else except themselves.
I take it you didn't bother to read his book on American Marxism which is all about Deep State Democrats who double dog hate everybody else except themselves.
No I haven't. I have read excerpts from it and reviews from others who say his stuff stinks.
Not able to address any of M. Levin's points on any given day......Just personal attacks.
All 6 of those you highlighted indeed delivered personal attacks. I blame the main stream media bums for disabling some Americans from discriminating truth from bull. I didn't realize how much angst there is for a man worthy of knighthood in heaven for telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
No I haven't. I have read excerpts from it and reviews from others who say his stuff stinks.
"Others" who hate what Dr. Levin says rejoice in false narratives, because they can't take the facts that are so unpopular with extreme leftists led on by people who "forget" facts when facing a grand jury. Dr, Levin doesn't go there. He does his homework, painstaking as it must be, examines all of it, and puts it on the platter that everyone can understand. That's his genius, and predictably, leftists hate him more than the average political scholar who occasionally get sucked into the foolishly fabricated narrative when a pretty or handsome mouth says it.
That isn't what I said. You guys just create shit in your minds.

The genesis of the alternate universe was with Limbaugh. Levin is just one of his myriad copycats. One of the pillars, though.

I really do try to keep this simple for you guys.

All these liberal posts on this thread and nothing to refute what Mark said, so sad.
Let me make this as simple for you as I can:

Levin does what every other Right wing and Left wing pundit does, every single day. He amplifies arguments that support his ideological agenda, he minimizes, dismisses, distorts, mischaracterizes and lies about arguments that don't, and then he convinces you that he speaks The Truth.

He begins with verifiable facts so that he and you can claim he "speaks The Truth". But then he plays the dishonest games I list above to keep you tuned in, mal-informed and angry.

These people on both ends do this. And somehow, there are a lot of people like you out there, who don't see it no matter how fucking obvious it is. You just buy the whole intellectually dishonest package.

There. I patiently and comprehensively explained it to you. And you will have no idea what I'm talking about. None.
So, give us an example of what you are talking about here....
It's all about feelings with the left. Facts are for anybody else because the dems can and do create a narrative that falls short of the truth.
Plus they live in a make believe world, think everyone is the same and thinks like them.
As I predicted. Right over your head.
You're evading....All you seem to have is your ideological disagreement not because of what he says, but of what others have told you about him...Reading your criticisms of Levin, I would assume you've never listened, or thought about any of the topics he speaks about....You just know that he opposes the anti constitutional left, and you just regurgitate criticisms...

Come on Mac, show us how smart you are, tell us one thing you disagree with that Levin talks about, show the quote, and explain why you disagree with it....Otherwise, your comments here are something he would rightfully say if talking to you, 'get off my phone you big dope!'
Let me make this as simple for you as I can:

Levin does what every other Right wing and Left wing pundit does, every single day. He amplifies arguments that support his ideological agenda, he minimizes, dismisses, distorts, mischaracterizes and lies about arguments that don't, and then he convinces you that he speaks The Truth.

He begins with verifiable facts so that he and you can claim he "speaks The Truth". But then he plays the dishonest games I list above to keep you tuned in, mal-informed and angry.

These people on both ends do this. And somehow, there are a lot of people like you out there, who don't see it no matter how fucking obvious it is. You just buy the whole intellectually dishonest package.

There. I patiently and comprehensively explained it to you. And you will have no idea what I'm talking about. None.
The only thing that Levin distorts is his stamping on lies that are passed off as truth. There is a point where going with the flow on a mountain meets gravity which pulls everyone down who have no cleats on their shoes to keep them on the path to rightness.
Let me make this as simple for you as I can:

Levin does what every other Right wing and Left wing pundit does, every single day. He amplifies arguments that support his ideological agenda, he minimizes, dismisses, distorts, mischaracterizes and lies about arguments that don't, and then he convinces you that he speaks The Truth.

He begins with verifiable facts so that he and you can claim he "speaks The Truth". But then he plays the dishonest games I list above to keep you tuned in, mal-informed and angry.

These people on both ends do this. And somehow, there are a lot of people like you out there, who don't see it no matter how fucking obvious it is. You just buy the whole intellectually dishonest package.

There. I patiently and comprehensively explained it to you. And you will have no idea what I'm talking about. None.
I highlighted in blue the statement I'd like you to link us to an example of your claim. Keep in mind some of us took advanced communication skills at university and do not confuse the shingle from the shit, not ever. :cranky:

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