Mark Meadows says he didn't mean it to be racist when he said he wanted to send Obama back to Kenya

Obama pushed hard to have America fall to Kenya's political and economic level. What further evidence does anyone need that He (in his own mind that capitalization) jonesed to be in Kenya? Of course (in that same twisted mind) He'd think of it as "New Kenya". A country his putative "wife" could be proud of!
Still waiting for someone to show me how this pic proves someone is NOT racist....

But this pic doesn't.....
View attachment 248408

Especially when you consider the first pic was the epitome of a photo opp for the explicit purpose of proving that someone is not racist.....

The other pic is just a president holding a press conference with his cabinet members -- he never had to take a pic to show he is not racist because only RACISTS were claiming he is racist...and for them I say, fuck what they think
Poor baby just can't stand it when Republicans use a page out of the DeathRAT playbook....ROTFLMFAO
You mean Republicans are a coalition party? I don’t think they can be a coalition party when the party is like nearly all white. That makes it a white party.
Deranged is right on Top of the news...ROTFLMFAO

Despite Donald Trump's immigration comments, GOP is actually gaining among non-whites
Washington Post


The article you linked is from 2015, when people were naive enough to think that Trump wasn't really as racist as he seemed.

Today, the blacks, Hispanics and Asians are NOT supporting Trump. At all. Unlike every other sitting President in history, Trump has nothing to appeal to voters outside his base, and the people who didn't believe he was a white nationalist, know better. Trump's approval ratings among Republicans are so high, because they are so many fewer Republicans today than there were when Trump was elected.

And as tax deadline looms, and more and more Americans are seeing the results of the "tax cut", they're PISSED.
Unlike every other sitting President in history, Trump has nothing to appeal to voters outside his base, and the people who didn't believe he was a white nationalist, know better. Trump's approval ratings among Republicans are so high, because they are so many fewer Republicans today than there were when Trump was elected.

President Trump's superb economy helps everyone. A lot of people really don't want to go back to the unemployment lines, even if its sold as "funemployment" by the liberal media and they get 99 weeks of free money.

I don't even know what a "white nationalist" is, and what exactly qualifies President Trump. I think its just made up shit. Trump doesn't want America to be a "white nation" and I sure the hell don't either
I don't even know what a "white nationalist" is, and what exactly qualifies President Trump. I think its just made up shit. Trump doesn't want America to be a "white nation" and I sure the hell don't either
While it may be too much to call him a white nationalist, he is doing his best for them to keep supporting him, especially since they are his most fervent supporters.
I don't even know what a "white nationalist" is, and what exactly qualifies President Trump. I think its just made up shit. Trump doesn't want America to be a "white nation" and I sure the hell don't either
While it may be too much to call him a white nationalist, he is doing his best for them to keep supporting him, especially since they are his most fervent supporters.

You know what would have really made that post?

Supporting your very radical claim.

But on some level, you know that you are just spouting shit from your face anus, so you know to not even try.

I don't even know what a "white nationalist" is, and what exactly qualifies President Trump. I think its just made up shit. Trump doesn't want America to be a "white nation" and I sure the hell don't either
While it may be too much to call him a white nationalist, he is doing his best for them to keep supporting him, especially since they are his most fervent supporters.

What "white nationalists" are fervent supporters of President Trump that he needs to pander to? What makes them "white nationalists"?
What "white nationalists" are fervent supporters of President Trump that he needs to pander to?
The ones that post on the internet.

Dude. I don't know which was more pathetic. YOu cutting TWO sentences from that post, so that you post could not be seen in context.

Or your actual post, with even with context removed, was still dumb as shit.

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