Mark Meadows talks about having trump cabinet meeting in New Jerseyr

Leftists have no need to make shit up. That would be Republicans, who claim they won an election they lost overwhelmingly, and continue to believe, against all evidence to the contrary, that Donald Trump has never lied to them, mislead them for his own personal gain, or done anything illegal.
Leftists have no need to make shit up.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Leftists have no need to make shit up.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Once again, you prove your idiocy by posting NOTHING. You can't even refute the statement, you're that dumb.

Why are you always HERE, posting. Don't you have a job? Family? Friends.

I'm retired, but I'm spending today finishing an outfit for a client, now that life is getting back to normal. I spent yesterday with friends, and I have to set up my annual birthday sale for my website tonight.

Next week we're going shopping at the outlet mall which has been closed for most of the past year and a half. The Fossil store is calling my name. I can hear the sweet siren song of Saks off Fifth.
Meanwhile Trump's fund raising so far this year hauled in $85 million outraising the GOP :muahaha:
Once again, you prove your idiocy by posting NOTHING. You can't even refute the statement, you're that dumb.

Why are you always HERE, posting. Don't you have a job? Family? Friends.

I'm retired, but I'm spending today finishing an outfit for a client, now that life is getting back to normal. I spent yesterday with friends, and I have to set up my annual birthday sale for my website tonight.

Next week we're going shopping at the outlet mall which has been closed for most of the past year and a half. The Fossil store is calling my name. I can hear the sweet siren song of Saks off Fifth.
You made all that up.
Having a meeting is contempt for democracy? STFU.
Considering Trump's & his co conspirator's record of lying & attempting to engineer a coup, the answer to your question is yes. I wouldn't trust one of those bastards as far as I could throw them. Trump has proven time & again that he's capable of ANYTHING. He should be hung for what he did.
Kind of leaves nobody but 2nd string trump chumps, and people he got out of jail, doesn't it?
Roger Stone, Manafort, Kelly, his son-in-law's father (the moke who set-up and videoed his own BIL with a hooker).
There are a lot more of such quality citizens, but I'm pressed to dig 'em all up at this time. Work, work, work.

"Trump wants people to donate"
Do you live in Devin Nunes country in the Fresno, CA area?
That's a hotspot! :lol:...............Devin has lost every lawsuit. He’s trying to catch up with his Cheeto Jesus
You know, I used to live in Fresno. I liked it.
Tho I like LA, SF, and Sacramento better. I lived in those places too.

But back to Fresno. I liked the people there. They were good to me and my family.
And, honestly I'm quite surprised that their down-to-earth practicality would elect someone like Nunes.
Hell, even the Fresno Bee thinks he's a fake.

He claimed he was a farmer from Tulare.
But that part of his family moved their dairy operation to Iowa years ago.

Plus, the Bee thinks Devin is a dangerous jerk.
Here is just one piece hinting at their recent view of the Congressman who represents their district:
"What, pray tell, does Rep. Devin Nunes think he’s doing by waving around a secret memo attacking the FBI, the nation’s premier law enforcement agency? He certainly isn’t representing his Central Valley constituents or Californians, who care much more about health care, jobs and, yes, protecting Dreamers than about the latest conspiracy theory. Instead, he’s doing dirty work for House Republican leaders trying to protect President Donald Trump..."

The Bee, don't suffer no fools.
And they think Devin Nunes be one.

"Call your buddies Basement Joe and Kamel Toe"
I get it as to why some Rightfielders on this venue call President Biden..."Basement Joe".
But I don't get calling Vice President Kamal Harris "Kameltoe".
Explain that to us, poster Partiv.
Thanx, in advance

"stfu you arrogant effeminate little prick"
And, again we have the Macho MAGA's concerned over 'little pricks'.
What's up with that?
A projection-thingy?
I dunno.

Trump is a ridiculous joke
Well, we disagree. In detail.
I lean a bit more towards a 'satire-generating buffoon'... or .... 'the guy with the 'kick-me' sign on his back'

And I think I'm more right than you.
So there!

"We currently have a fraudulently installed invalid."
Prove both.
That it was fraudulent. That Biden is an invalid.

It's so easy for some moke to make assertions anonymously under a made-up name for an internet gossipboard.
But when asked to prove it......inevitably they shrink and disappear.

But let's give Lord Trout some space:

  • Prove that Biden's election was fraudulent.
  • Prove that he is an invalid.
Lest people think you are just a noisy empty drum. An all hat, no cows cowboy.
I don't mean to be harsh. Or disrespectful.
I simply aspire to be an advisor to help you be a better you.

"I have to set up my annual birthday sale for my website tonight."
DL.......if you are selling birthdays well, mi amiga, I wanna buy about, oh, maybe 15 more.
I love the life I have (married the right girl. That was huge.) as age creeps up, I can now pretty clearly see on the not too distant horizon the age my Pop passed to his reward.

So, I think I could be in the market for your sale of 'birthdays.
PM me if you've got a reachable price.
We can negotiate.
I have means. :cool:

"Meanwhile Trump's fund raising so far this year hauled in $85 million outraising the GOP."

Wouldn't it be inspiring if Trump, like Mitch McConnel recently, used some of that pile to persuade more Trump supporters, more Republicans, more Conservatives, more RWNJ's, to go get a Covid poke

Mitch showed leadership with his willingness to put his money behind persuading Americans to help themselves, their families, and their going and getting their pair of pokes.

Will Don Trump put his money where his mouth is when he begs for credit for Warp Speed?
Last edited:

Yes Sir - I cumulatively spent a year in Madera with buddy over ten year period taking care of his Dad & helping marry off his daughter.

Went to many football & hoops games 2005-‘15. As is everywhere, SOOO many great people & SOOO many redneck dummies.

Go Dawgs! :D
Considering Trump's & his co conspirator's record of lying & attempting to engineer a coup, the answer to your question is yes. I wouldn't trust one of those bastards as far as I could throw them. Trump has proven time & again that he's capable of ANYTHING. He should be hung for what he did.
No one attempted a coup other than the Dim NAZI minions in the Justice Dept.
"And he's promised to use the money to oust RINOs."

Well, that sounds plausible, poster 'partiv'

But then there is this from this morning's Politico:


"Trump raised millions but spent none of it on audits and GOP candidates
The one outside group the former president supported during the first half of 2021 was his own."
08/03/2021 04:30 AM EDT

"Six months since leaving office, former President Donald Trump is sitting on a $102 million war chest.

But having whipped his supporters into a frenzy with pledges to overturn the election and promises to support Republican candidates in the midterms, he is not spending his campaign money on either.

A review of election filings from Make America Great Again PAC, Save America PAC, and the Save America Joint Fundraising Committee show that not a single penny was transferred or contributed from those Trump-affiliated entities to GOP candidates or committees involved in the midterm elections. Nor did Trump's various groups write a check to support the audit in Arizona that he has repeatedly praised in statements and suggested would lead to the overthrowing of the 2020 election results.

(underlining for emphasis by my avatar)
Well, that sounds plausible, poster 'partiv'

But then there is this from this morning's Politico:


"Trump raised millions but spent none of it on audits and GOP candidates
The one outside group the former president supported during the first half of 2021 was his own."
08/03/2021 04:30 AM EDT

"Six months since leaving office, former President Donald Trump is sitting on a $102 million war chest.

But having whipped his supporters into a frenzy with pledges to overturn the election and promises to support Republican candidates in the midterms, he is not spending his campaign money on either.

A review of election filings from Make America Great Again PAC, Save America PAC, and the Save America Joint Fundraising Committee show that not a single penny was transferred or contributed from those Trump-affiliated entities to GOP candidates or committees involved in the midterm elections. Nor did Trump's various groups write a check to support the audit in Arizona that he has repeatedly praised in statements and suggested would lead to the overthrowing of the 2020 election results.

(underlining for emphasis by my avatar)
Did Trump say he was going to fund the audit? Nope.

Are the mid terms over yet? Nope.

Your article is attacking him for things he never promised.

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