Mark Meadows was registered to vote in THREE states!

My gosh. this is worst than we thought. The man who was the lead on trump's voter fraud campaign lie, was registered to vote in three states. This is the definition of Hypocrisy.
True, granted, his home state is N carolina,and he has a condo in Virginia. Not sure whats up with S Carolina.

According to the story, he sold his home in N Carolina and had not purchased a yet, but did still have a condo in Virginia. Likely he wasn't going to permanent reside at his condo, and wasn't going to rent an apartment while waiting to buy a new home, so he used a fake address. Maybe the Virginia and s Carolina addresses were old registrations.

Maybe he was wrong to use a fake address, but since he didn't technically have a residence in his home state at that time, don't know what he would have done.

I guess you can go after him for that, but, it doesn't appear he was using the 3 states to vote 3 different times. Even the stories don't allege that.
And now if htey can just prosecute him for voter fraud the state will really being doing it's fucking job

only you are doing that by pretending that lying about your address is not voter fraud.

No, he did not.

This is the fucking rule. how many times do I need to post it for you?

Live in the county where you are registering, and have resided there for at least 30 days prior to the date of the election.
If he committed voter fraud, fine. Prosecute him.

SHOW ME THE RULES. Don't just state what you think the rules are.
If he committed voter fraud, fine. Prosecute him.

SHOW ME THE RULES. Don't just state what you think the rules are.

I fucking copied and pasted right from their fucking site.

The point is you are covering for voter fraud because he belongs to your tribe.

NC law states 30 days prior to the election...not 2.

If this were a Dem you would be at the head of the mob chanting for his death.
Post in thread 'Leftist Organization Bribed Georgia Judges and Election Officials With 85,000' Leftist Organization Bribed Georgia Judges and Election Officials With 85,000

I do not believe that there wasn't any fraud, but I do believe that there was not widespread fraud enough to change the outcome of a national election.

Meadows slight indiscretion wasn't enough to change the outcome of the election either, so, it's ok...
Besides being funny against the ultimate Flip-Flopper, unless he voted in more than one, no big deal. I was still in my parents districts for a decade or two after having lived out of state.
I fucking copied and pasted right from their fucking site.

View attachment 634589
It has A SHIT TON to do with what constitutes a RESIDENCE!!!!

§ 163-57. Residence defined for registration and voting.

All election officials in determining the residence of a person offering to register or vote, shall be governed by the following rules, so far as they may apply:

(1) That place shall be considered the residence of a person in which that person's habitation is fixed, and to which, whenever that person is absent, that person has the intention of returning[, subject to the following:].

a. In the event that a person's habitation is divided by a State, county, municipal, precinct, ward, or other election district, then the location of the bedroom or usual sleeping area for that person with respect to the location of the boundary line at issue shall be controlling as the residency of that person.

b. If the person disputes the determination of residency, the person may request a hearing before the county board of elections making the determination of residency. The procedures for notice of hearing and the conduct of the hearing shall be as provided in G.S. 163-86. The presentation of an accurate and current determination of a person's residence and the boundary line at issue by map or other means available shall constitute prima facie evidence of the geographic location of the residence of that person.

c. In the event that a person's residence is not a traditional residence associated with real property, then the location of the usual sleeping area for that person shall be controlling as to the residency of that person. Residence shall be broadly construed to provide all persons with the opportunity to register and to vote, including stating a mailing address different from residence address.

(2) A person shall not be considered to have lost that person's residence if that person leaves home and goes into another state, county, municipality, precinct, ward, or other election district of this State, for temporary purposes only, with the intention of returning.

(3) A person shall not be considered to have gained a residence in any county, municipality, precinct, ward, or other election district of this State, into which that person comes for temporary purposes only, without the intention of making that county, municipality, precinct, ward, or other election district a permanent place of abode.

(4) If a person removes to another state or county, municipality, precinct, ward, or other election district within this State, with the intention of making that state, county, municipality, precinct, ward, or other election district a permanent residence, that person shall be considered to have lost residence in the state, county, municipality, precinct, ward, or other election district from which that person has removed.

(5) If a person removes to another state or county, municipality, precinct, ward, or other election district within this State, with the intention of remaining there an indefinite time and making that state, county, municipality, precinct, ward, or other election district that person's place of residence, that person shall be considered to have lost that person's place of residence in this State, county, municipality, precinct, ward, or other election district from which that person has removed, notwithstanding that person may entertain an intention to return at some future time.

(6) If a person goes into another state, county, municipality, precinct, ward, or other election district, or into the District of Columbia, and while there exercises the right of a citizen by voting in an election, that person shall be considered to have lost residence in that State, county, municipality, precinct, ward, or other election district from which that person removed.

(7) School teachers who remove to a county, municipality, precinct, ward, or other election district in this State for the purpose of teaching in the schools of that county temporarily and with the intention or expectation of returning during vacation periods to live where their parents or other relatives reside in this State and who do not have the intention of becoming residents of the county, municipality, precinct, ward, or other election district to which they have moved to teach, for purposes of registration and voting shall be considered residents of the county, municipality, precinct, ward, or other election district in which their parents or other relatives reside.

(8) If a person removes to the District of Columbia or other federal territory to engage in the government service, that person shall not be considered to have lost residence in this State during the period of such service unless that person votes in the place to which the person removed, and the place at which that person resided at the time of that person's removal shall be considered and held to be the place of residence.

(9) If a person removes to a county, municipality, precinct, ward, or other election district to engage in the service of the State government, that person shall not be considered to have lost residence in the county, municipality, precinct, ward, or other election district from which that person removed, unless that person votes in the place to which the person removed, and the place at which that person resided at the time of that person's removal shall be considered and held to be the place of residence.

(10) The establishment of a secondary residence by an elected official outside the district of the elected official shall not constitute prima facie evidence of a change of residence.

(11) For the purpose of voting a spouse shall be eligible to establish a separate domicile.

(12) So long as a student intends to make the student's home in the community where the student is physically present for the purpose of attending school while the student is attending school and has no intent to return to the student's former home after graduation, the student may claim the college community as the student's domicile. The student need not also intend to stay in the college community beyond graduation in order to establish domicile there. This subdivision is intended to codify the case law. (19th amendt. U.S. Const.; amendt. State Const., 1920; 1901, c. 89, s. 15; Rev., s. 4316; C.S., s. 5937; Ex. Sess. 1920, c. 18, s. 1; 1933, c. 165, s. 4; 1945, c. 758, s. 7; 1955, c. 871, s. 2; 1967, c. 775, s. 1; 1981, c. 184; 1991, c. 727, s. 5.1; 1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 762, s. 22; 2001-316, s. 1; 2005-428, s. 3(b); 2006-262, s. 2.1; 2017-6, s. 3; 2018-146, s. 3.1(a), (b).)

Now, go through those above requirements and tell me what facts support your contention that Mark Meadows did not meat the requirements to register and vote in NC.
(8) If a person removes to the District of Columbia or other federal territory to engage in the government service, that person shall not be considered to have lost residence in this State during the period of such service unless that person votes in the place to which the person removed, and the place at which that person resided at the time of that person's removal shall be considered and held to be the place of residence.
(10) The establishment of a secondary residence by an elected official outside the district of the elected official shall not constitute prima facie evidence of a change of residence.
Now, go through those above requirements and tell me what facts support your contention that Mark Meadows did not meat the requirements to register and vote in NC.

Easy, he registered to vote in two other states, thus voiding his registration in NC. Then he gave a fake address there is no evidence he has ever been to as his address when he registered in NC again. He did not fulfill the 30 day requirement. Thus the state of NC has revoked his voter registration and is investigating him for voter fraud.

Any other silly questions?
The cult doesn't care. They think they're at war. Anything goes.

Yep, you sure fooled us calling us deplorable, America's biggest national domestic threat, insurrectionists, cult members, enemies of democracy, Putin's puppets, and rioting against us doing 2 billion in damages in 350 cities.

Yep, anything goes (with us). :th_waiting:
Easy, he registered to vote in two other states, thus voiding his registration in NC. Then he gave a fake address there is no evidence he has ever been to as his address when he registered in NC again. He did not fulfill the 30 day requirement. Thus the state of NC has revoked his voter registration and is investigating him for voter fraud.

Any other silly questions?
You understand who has the burden of proof in a criminal case, right?

They would have to prove that he didn't live there AND that he was not auto registered elsewhere.

It's apparent that you really don't give a shit about voter fraud and cleaning up rolls, you just want to throw around some partisan shit.

This is a prima facie case demonstrating why cleaning up voter rolls so goddamn important, and you just want to focus on this individual. Because he's a Republican and you are a partisan hack. I thought you were different but apparently not.

The real issue is that there is voter fraud because they don't clean up the fucking rolls.
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You understand who has the burden of proof in a criminal case, right?

They would have to prove that he didn't live there.

Should not be hard. So far the only thing we know is one guy said his wife spent two days there and one other person said they saw his kids there once.

But hey, I get it. He is on your side so you do not really care if he voted illegally.
Should not be hard. So far the only thing we know is one guy said his wife spent two days there and one other person said they saw his kids there once.

But hey, I get it. He is on your side so you do not really care if he voted illegally.
I don't give a rat fuck what happens is that to that dude. Here we have a fucking knocked-out-of-the-park home run demonstration of why voter roll problems demonstrate a high probability of fraud all over the fucking place, and you want to detract from that very solid point and showcase on this jack ass nobody cares about.

My gosh. this is worst than we thought. The man who was the lead on trump's voter fraud campaign lie, was registered to vote in three states. This is the definition of Hypocrisy.

Hey stupid moron, being registered to vote in three states, and actually voting in three states, is two different things, Fucking Marxist idiot.

My gosh. this is worst than we thought. The man who was the lead on trump's voter fraud campaign lie, was registered to vote in three states. This is the definition of Hypocrisy.
First off, is there any proof that he voted more than once? Second, if he can in fact pull it off, just how many millions more could do the same and actually vote 3 times. After some pondering on this known behavior, try denying the fact that voter fraud exists.

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