Mark Meadows’s irrelevant memories about whether Trump declassified documents: The President declassified the documents by taking the documents.


FYI- around 20 documents found in Joe's possession were secret or top secret classified, from all his cases in the various locations searched is what I've read on it.....

That's still 20 too many documents but I doubt they would fill a quarter of one box/case....

Irrelevant. One should be prosecutable.
Irrelevant. One should be prosecutable.
Apparently, the government, over the decades, thinks the surrounding circumstance is relevant for the doj's decisions for prosecution... they differ with your opinion of how they should handle these cases....
Leftists are still blubbering about supposedly "classified documents" that Trump took with him when he left the White House. They claim to support Law and Order, but the truth is they don't even know the law.
Leftists are excited. They’ve got him now because Mark Meadows, Trump’s former chief of staff, doesn’t recall Trump declassifying the documents later seized at Mar-a-Lago. In fact, that’s a big “who cares?”. Trump didn’t need to follow bureaucratic requirements to declassify anything. As one with plenary power over national security under the Constitution, merely by taking them with him, he declassified them.
ABC News' story :

Trump is correct. He declassified the documents by taking the documents. That’s all he needed to do.
Let me explain.
National security questions belong solely to the president. That’s not me saying that; that’s the Supreme Court saying that:
That case is about Kushner's security clearance which he did not qualify for, and Trump over ruled the Clearance denial.

That blogger who wrote this opinion piece in your op, is off her rocker!
If you were really involved in classified information you would know better.

The DOCUMENT is not classified as much as the INFORMATION in that document is classified

A President removing a document from a SCIF does not declassify it
Everyone who has a copy of that document must be notified that document is now declassified b
Every person who has a document with that information must be notified that information is now unclassified.

A President who thinks he should declassify information just because he is too lazy to protect it is a sorry excuse for someone in charge of our nations security
It breaks the Constitution's TAKE CARE CLAUSE.... imo.

LII U.S. Constitution Annotated Article II. Executive Branch Section III Take Care Clause Overview of the Take Care Clause
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ArtII.S3.3.1 Overview of the Take Care Clause

The Constitution provides that the President “shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed . . . .”

This duty potentially implicates at least five categories of executive power, including:

(1) powers the Constitution confers directly upon the President by the opening and succeeding clauses of Article II;

(2) powers that congressional acts directly confer upon the President;

(3) powers that congressional acts confer upon heads of departments and other executive agencies of the federal government;

(4) power that stems implicitly from the duty to enforce the criminal statutes of the United States; and

(5) power to carry out the so-called “ministerial duties,” regarding which an executive officer can exercise limited discretion as to the occasion or manner of their discharge
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Apparently, the government, over the decades, thinks the surrounding circumstance is relevant for the doj's decisions for prosecution... they differ with your opinion of how they should handle these cases....

Yes, investigate themselves and "we did no wrong"..
1; Stealing presidential records that are supposed to go to the national archives is a felony under the Presidential Records Act, regardless of whether or not those documents are classified.

2; A document is not officially declassied until the classification markings are changed. If a document is still marked as classified, it's still classified. The sitting President can order a document declassified, but that order does not, in and of itself declassify the documents. Proper protocol has to be followed.

3; Trump is on tape talking about some documents with staffers and talking about how he COULD have ordered them to be declassified but no longer has the authority to do so, making it clear that at least some (the ones that he was showing to the staff member to whom he was speaking) were still classified.

4; The vast majority of the documents taken were a stashed among the Trump family's boxed up belongings and were moved out of the white house AFTER Trump officially left office, when he no longer had the legal authority possess or even read them. This would be a crime even of none of the documents were classified.
Yes, investigate themselves and "we did no wrong"..
I just think it is more complicated than what you seem to believe.... Criminal Acts are NOT all the same, even for the same criminal act....:).

There are always differences..... One might have committed a crime once, with no previous record of any crimes.... He will be treated accordingly, with perhaps a release of probation, vs. another criminal may be on their 5Th time committing the same crime.....and gets the book from high to low for his crimes.

Or murder as example...1st degree, second degree, 3rd degree.... Or manslaughter....

Someone stole $10 vs stealing $10,000....They both stole money...?

Someone being grossly negligent, verses someone doing it intentionally....

Anyway, punishments are different for crimes based on circumstances in order for them to be Just....or for justice to be served..... I think our justice system is built that way....?
I just think it is more complicated than what you seem to believe.... Criminal Acts are NOT all the same, even for the same criminal act....:).

There are always differences..... One might have committed a crime once, with no previous record of any crimes.... He will be treated accordingly, with perhaps a release of probation, vs. another criminal may be on their 5Th time committing the same crime.....and gets the book from high to low for his crimes.

Or murder as example...1st degree, second degree, 3rd degree.... Or manslaughter....

Someone stole $10 vs stealing $10,000....They both stole money...?

Someone being grossly negligent, verses someone doing it intentionally....

Anyway, punishments are different for crimes based on circumstances in order for them to be Just....or for justice to be served..... I think our justice system is built that way....?

While sentences can be different, it's still a crime.
I just think it is more complicated than what you seem to believe.... Criminal Acts are NOT all the same, even for the same criminal act....:).

There are always differences..... One might have committed a crime once, with no previous record of any crimes.... He will be treated accordingly, with perhaps a release of probation, vs. another criminal may be on their 5Th time committing the same crime.....and gets the book from high to low for his crimes.

Or murder as example...1st degree, second degree, 3rd degree.... Or manslaughter....

Someone stole $10 vs stealing $10,000....They both stole money...?

Someone being grossly negligent, verses someone doing it intentionally....

Anyway, punishments are different for crimes based on circumstances in order for them to be Just....or for justice to be served..... I think our justice system is built that way....?
If trump is convicted, i'm thinking the punishment will be more severe simply because Of the of the nature of the position he held as president. Most judges will hold someone who holds the position of authority to a higher standard when it comes to punishment, due to the breach of public trust.
While sentences can be different, it's still a crime.
Yes, but on a first time crime committer, a "pass" by law enforcement could be given due to circumstances, and another same crime committer may be given the book....based on being a repeat offender.

That's all I'm saying.... You appear to be saying, NOPE! They committed the same crime so both should get the same treatment....

And that way, has never been the case, with our system of justice imo.
Yes, but on a first time crime committer, a "pass" by law enforcement could be given due to circumstances, and another same crime committer may be given the book....based on being a repeat offender.

There should be no pass for mishandling classified information.

That's all I'm saying.... You appear to be saying, NOPE! They committed the same crime so both should get the same treatment....

And that way, has never been the case, with our system of justice imo.

And I've condemned our unfair system of justice for a long time. Some get charged, some get the system to look the other way.
If trump is convicted, i'm thinking the punishment will be more severe simply because Of the of the nature of the position he held as president. Most judges will hold someone who holds the position of authority to a higher standard when it comes to punishment, due to the breach of public trust.
It could be the case, as you state.... But, some may think it would be just, that some deference could be given because he was President, working 24/7 for four years for the Nation, with huge responsibilities and stress and weight on his shoulders....?

I'm uncertain how it will work out for the former President, if found guilty of his crimes committed...?? It could go either way....
If trump is convicted, i'm thinking the punishment will be more severe simply because Of the of the nature of the position he held as president. Most judges will hold someone who holds the position of authority to a higher standard when it comes to punishment, due to the breach of public trust.

I don’t think Trump would be sent to a normal prison.
Nonviolent crime, first offender I think he would be confined in some type of house arrest without an ankle bracelet

I don’t think playing golf at Mara Lago would qualify.
Trump can call him as a Defense witness in the trial and see if Kash Patel under oath, helps him in his defense, or NOT....!
Says you.

But you miss the point. Assuming the shot burger case ever actually makes it to trial, once the defense calls Lash Patel, and he testifies that the President has universally declassified the documents, something wonderful happens.

At that point, it becomes the duty of the persecution to DISPROVE the declassification BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT.
Says you.

But you miss the point. Assuming the shot burger case ever actually makes it to trial, once the defense calls Lash Patel, and he testifies that the President has universally declassified the documents, something wonderful happens.

At that point, it becomes the duty of the persecution to DISPROVE the declassification BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT.

It is not as easy as Trump waving his hands and saying……everything I possess is now declassified

Someone would have to take action to identify the classified information and declassify it.

It is not just Trumps copy of a document that becomes declassified but every copy of that document and the specific information it contains.

More importantly
Why would someone who has the responsibility of securing our nation and keep it safe universally declassify a stack of documents without consulting experts on the potential impact of the reclassification?
Says you.

But you miss the point. Assuming the shot burger case ever actually makes it to trial, once the defense calls Lash Patel, and he testifies that the President has universally declassified the documents, something wonderful happens.

At that point, it becomes the duty of the persecution to DISPROVE the declassification BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT.
First, the president is at the top and can order a declassification, per document....he does rule, and all others, have to follow his order of declassification for that document, including the agency that classified it in the first place....

and all agencies that hold that once top secret document must have notification of the president's order to fulfill the presidential order....and so that all agents and operatives and other Nations that may be involved know what the president had ordered, a declassification and how to prepare for the release of newly declassified document, to the public, including our enemies, through FOIA requests.

The key here, is the President has to order it, in a directive, so that the agencies can act on his order.

Regardless of what Kash Patel claims now....has to be shown to have taken place, with an Order directive, from the President. There is no such order.

The prosecution also has Meadows, his chief of staff, who would be the person in the know, said that never took place.

And the prosecution has an incident with other papers Trump wanted to have declassified, with him following the proper procedures for the president.... Impatiently waiting for the declassification process to work through the government system of declassification.

If he believed he could just take those documents home with him, and they would automatically be declassified, HE WOULD HAVE DONE SUCH, to expedite it.

Also, the prosecution has Trump on tape, speaking about the top secret Iran document to those Meadow's book writers, saying it was not declassified and he could not declassify it now, because he was no longer President.

WELL HOT DAMN! Tell us old wise one....

If trump had A STANDARD ORDER that anything from the SCIF, that went home with him was automatically declassified as Patel has claimed, then WHY OH WHY did Trump say the Iran document, taken home with him, had not been declassified?

Check Mate.

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