Mark this DAY for History

We will see what the people think of all of this in Nov of 2014 and 2016.

I also think that rw's like what their so-called "legislators" are doing. I like knowing that children and the elderly will go hungry. I think they'll vote for the ones who hurt Americans the most. The more corrupt and dishonest, the better.

Besides, the gerrymandering and voter suppression makes it really hard to get rid of the anti-America congress people and rw's are just too invested in their hate to be able to think any further than that.

They'll vote for whomever fox/limbaugh/beck etc tells them to vote for.
We will see what the people think of all of this in Nov of 2014 and 2016.

I also think that rw's like what their so-called "legislators" are doing. I like knowing that children and the elderly will go hungry. I think they'll vote for the ones who hurt Americans the most. The more corrupt and dishonest, the better.

Besides, the gerrymandering and voter suppression makes it really hard to get rid of the anti-America congress people and rw's are just too invested in their hate to be able to think any further than that.

They'll vote for whomever fox/limbaugh/beck etc tells them to vote for.

yeah yeah, the same ole fear mongering we heard with Clinton...I don't recall reports of MASS starvation then..but if they do this time, BLAME you party and Obama, they are the ones who REFUSED to negotiate and instead wanted to act like THUGS that they all em and bitch them out
We will see what the people think of all of this in Nov of 2014 and 2016.

I also think that rw's like what their so-called "legislators" are doing. I like knowing that children and the elderly will go hungry. I think they'll vote for the ones who hurt Americans the most. The more corrupt and dishonest, the better.

Besides, the gerrymandering and voter suppression makes it really hard to get rid of the anti-America congress people and rw's are just too invested in their hate to be able to think any further than that.

They'll vote for whomever fox/limbaugh/beck etc tells them to vote for.

So do the Dems who watch MSNBC,CNN, ABC,CBS and who listen to left wing radio.

Did you know that Beck & O'Reilly are not for either party?
Gerrymandering, voter fraud and corruption are in both parties.

I think that Democrat voters should look at Democrats also, who will not stop their spending.
What will happen when the Government goes bankrupt like Detroit did?
This is where it really would harm the majority of all Americans, especially our children and elderly.

At least Republicans are trying to get the spending under control, so that people who really need assistance can still get it.
I figured "slow news day" and moved on. You on the other hand have a meltdown about what other people are posting.
Staph is Drama Queen #1. Always a new thread about how the country has been dismantled or we are living like slaves.

God help those who must deal with her hysterics face-to-face.
I figured "slow news day" and moved on. You on the other hand have a meltdown about what other people are posting.
Staph is Drama Queen #1. Always a new thread about how the country has been dismantled or we are living like slaves.

God help those who must deal with her hysterics face-to-face.

speaking of a drama queen^^^^
I'm really a nice person...but these politicians this damn government and all the people standing up for THEM, burns me up...

I'll say I'm sorry if hurt your all's fweeling
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I figured "slow news day" and moved on. You on the other hand have a meltdown about what other people are posting.
Staph is Drama Queen #1. Always a new thread about how the country has been dismantled or we are living like slaves.

God help those who must deal with her hysterics face-to-face.

speaking of a drama queen^^^^
I'm really a nice person...but these politicians this damn government and all the people standing up for THEM, burns me up...

I'll say I'm sorry if hurt your all's fweeling

No Steffy, you are not a nice person. You prove that every single day.
Staph is Drama Queen #1. Always a new thread about how the country has been dismantled or we are living like slaves.

God help those who must deal with her hysterics face-to-face.

speaking of a drama queen^^^^
I'm really a nice person...but these politicians this damn government and all the people standing up for THEM, burns me up...

I'll say I'm sorry if hurt your all's fweeling

No Steffy, you are not a nice person. You prove that every single day.

coming from the one who post daily about those damn rwingers.
pfeesh look in a mirror luds...
rw's are celebrating that children and the elderly and handicapped are losing some or all of the food stamps but LOOK ... here's ore for you to be happy about -

At the National Institutes of Health, nearly three-quarters of the staff was furloughed. One result: director Francis Collins said about 200 patients who otherwise would be admitted to the NIH Clinical Center into clinical trials each week will be turned away. This includes about 30 children, most of them cancer patients, he said.

Shutdown Is Pain for Some, Irritant for Most -

If only they were fetuses.

Take your food stamps, go down to the local gas station and buy you some more malt liquor. Anything to keep you from posting your normal amount of 80 IQ drivel.

Speaking of a low IQ ... food stamps cannot be used to buy booze.

Most of the recipients of food stamps are white, elderly, handicapped, children, vets ...

Bet that makes you proud you voted for the slimey pubs because that's what the right is all about - shit on the little guy, screw over those who cannot fight back.

Take your food stamps, go down to the local gas station and buy you some more malt liquor. Anything to keep you from posting your normal amount of 80 IQ drivel.

Speaking of a low IQ ... food stamps cannot be used to buy booze.

Most of the recipients of food stamps are white, elderly, handicapped, children, vets ...

Bet that makes you proud you voted for the slimey pubs because that's what the right is all about - shit on the little guy, screw over those who cannot fight back.

You're going with that stamps can't buy booze

We proved you wrong already on they use them to buy drugs..

how the hell do you know who MOST people are on food stamps?

crystal ball or you just made it up like most things you talk about

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