Mark Warner

Trump administration isn't trying to kick American muslems out of the Country. Trump is trying to keep unvetted unverified European Muslems out of the Country.

There's no such thing.
This inane mythology that our already-stringent vetting process does not exist is a fiction sold to the "poorly educated". Interesting to see who lines up to buy it.
Watching The King's Speech this afternoon again. The King's condemnation of Hitler can easily be applied to Trump. Neither had or have any appreciation for the worth of others or Western values.
Remember, ISIS' stated goal is to drive a wedge between moderate Muslims and the west. Their greatest ally in that is Trump.
Islam Must Be Destroyed. It Is Not "Too Big to Fail."

The downfall of the last jihad started September 12, 1683, at the Battle of Vienna. The success of this one started September 12, 2001, when a typically ignorant and limited leader declared a "War on Terror" instead of a War on Islam.
Warner: Trump could harm Muslim integration

Mark Warner tells Jake Tapper that the Muslim community is better integrated into society here than in Europe, but that Trump's rhetoric could threaten that

So we shouldn't say the killers were muslims? we should just take all muslims into our country...oh wait that's what Europe has done, it didn't help. If these are "Good" muslims, then they know the score and need to help weed out the crazies or it taints them all.

The klan was wiped out by whites, not minorities
If you have a problem in your own circle, then the only ones that can fix it is you.....
Until people stop yelling racism and fix their own're gonna have high black crime rates and high rates of Muslim terrorism......

Funny how you want to say "the killers were Muslim" yet dance around saying "the Klan was Christian".

Bit of a double standard wouldn't you say? I mean, as long as you're going to try to pin religious motives on a terrorist group, how come one gets that status and the other doesn't?

Of course the Klan was "wiped out" by whites --- that's who had the power to do so, at least as far as they did.

Not that it was really "wiped out" -- hasn't existed officially for thee-quarters of a century but that sure hasn't stopped its subsequent wannabees from playing dress-up, so "wiped out" is relative.
Wiped out in terms of power, no one takes the klan seriously

"Seriously" doesn't even enter into it --- you held up a double standard, on the ass-umption that one group can be a representative of its populated religion, and the other cannot. Now you're trying to move the goalpost with, "aw them Klan boys they wuz just messin' around". Pfft.

And to fix issues in your community, that community has to wipe it out. Whitey can fix issues in black society, blacks have to determine when they have been tired of living in shitty conditions, by removing crime and not making their neighborhoods like shit. WHY?
When whites do move in and try to fix up the neighborhoods, blacks get pissed.

Did you say something? No, guess not. Offtopic rambling.

And the klan had a racial motive not religious in their terror.

Yuh huh sure Chuckles. "Jewish" is a race? "Catholic" is a race? "Drinker" is a race? "Adulterer" is a race? "Labor union" is a race? "Communist" is a race? Because ALL of these were Klan targets. You don't know jack shit about the Klan do ya? How 'bout the time they pulled a (white) woman out of her home and whipped her for "not going to church"? What an ignoramus -- the Klan was a self-appointed moral police force, dedicated fervently to White Anglo-Saxon Protestantism. What the hell were they burning in the fields? Stars of David?
People like Dan and LaDex are why Trump needs to be impeached, along with his high crimes and misdemeanors. When he is gone, they will fall apart.

Amendment XXV will work as well. Pence, though far right crazy, hates the Alt Right. He is a true American in that way.
Warner: Trump could harm Muslim integration
Al Franken
Never argue with an idiot,
they will just drag you down
to their level and beat you
with experience.

Mark Warner tells Jake Tapper that the Muslim community is better integrated into society here than in Europe, but that Trump's rhetoric could threaten that

So we shouldn't say the killers were muslims? we should just take all muslims into our country...oh wait that's what Europe has done, it didn't help. If these are "Good" muslims, then they know the score and need to help weed out the crazies or it taints them all.

The klan was wiped out by whites, not minorities
If you have a problem in your own circle, then the only ones that can fix it is you.....
Until people stop yelling racism and fix their own're gonna have high black crime rates and high rates of Muslim terrorism......

Funny how you want to say "the killers were Muslim" yet dance around saying "the Klan was Christian".

Bit of a double standard wouldn't you say? I mean, as long as you're going to try to pin religious motives on a terrorist group, how come one gets that status and the other doesn't?

Of course the Klan was "wiped out" by whites --- that's who had the power to do so, at least as far as they did.

Not that it was really "wiped out" -- hasn't existed officially for thee-quarters of a century but that sure hasn't stopped its subsequent wannabees from playing dress-up, so "wiped out" is relative.
Wiped out in terms of power, no one takes the klan seriously

"Seriously" doesn't even enter into it --- you held up a double standard, on the ass-umption that one group can be a representative of its populated religion, and the other cannot. Now you're trying to move the goalpost with, "aw them Klan boys they wuz just messin' around". Pfft.

And to fix issues in your community, that community has to wipe it out. Whitey can fix issues in black society, blacks have to determine when they have been tired of living in shitty conditions, by removing crime and not making their neighborhoods like shit. WHY?
When whites do move in and try to fix up the neighborhoods, blacks get pissed.

Did you say something? No, guess not. Offtopic rambling.

And the klan had a racial motive not religious in their terror.

Yuh huh sure Chuckles. "Jewish" is a race? "Catholic" is a race? "Drinker" is a race? "Adulterer" is a race? "Labor union" is a race? "Communist" is a race? Because ALL of these were Klan targets. You don't know jack shit about the Klan do ya? How 'bout the time they pulled a (white) woman out of her home and whipped her for "not going to church"? What an ignoramus -- the Klan was a self-appointed moral police force, dedicated fervently to White Anglo-Saxon Protestantism. What the hell were they burning in the fields? Stars of David?
Remember, ISIS' stated goal is to drive a wedge between moderate Muslims and the west. Their greatest ally in that is Trump.
Well the moderates need to start helping ratting these people out......the muslim have to clean their own house from the's not tough....they just don't have the balls to do it.
Something about being labeled an infidel and being beheaded might have something to do with that..
The Romanian "Nobles" were Jews.

That's why the Jews that originally settled in the Confederacy were from all Eastern European countries except Romania.... because Vlad got rid of them....
The Romanian "Nobles" were Jews.

That's why the Jews that originally settled in the Confederacy were from all Eastern European countries except Romania.... because Vlad got rid of them....
You are about four centuries later. Get your history right.
Remember, ISIS' stated goal is to drive a wedge between moderate Muslims and the west. Their greatest ally in that is Trump.

Either trump is too dumb to know that or is actually on the side of ISIL as well as Russia.

RWNJs here worship Pooting and trump, both for the same reasons - they both attack the US and the of course, blaming Muslims and anyone who isn't white for their problems.

Terrorists are celebrating and laughing at the RW sheeples who are fighting shoulder to shoulder with them.

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