Marlee Matlin Responds To Reports Donald Trump Mocked Her For Being Deaf

wondering how this affects the economy or national security at all?
Economy: People are not going to invest in a country with an idiot president. The dollar will drop too.

Security: Anti-American propaganda will be on the rise.

The Republican candidate allegedly repeatedly referred to her as “retarded.”

Actress Marlee Matlin, who is deaf, issued a statement Friday in response to The Daily Beast’s report that Donald Trump repeatedly referred to her as “retarded” during her time on “Celebrity Apprentice.”

“The term is abhorrent and should never be used,” Matlin said. “The fact that we are talking about this during a very important moment in history has upset me deeply.”

The Academy Award–winning actress, who appeared on Trump’s reality show in 2011, explained that Trump’s words reflected the “discrimination and misunderstanding” millions of people like her face every day. Though Trump has yet to respond to The Daily Beast’s report, he has a storied history of using the offensive slur.

But instead of stooping to Trump’s vulgar level in her statement, Matlin went out on a very Michelle Obama–like “When they go low, we go high” moment.

“So, what’s my response? It’s not about insults or taking each other down,” the actress said. “As a person who is Deaf, as a woman, as a mom, as a wife, as an actor. I have a voice. And I’m using that voice to make myself heard ... and vote.”

We have a feeling she’s #WithHer. Read Matlin’s full statement below:


Marlee Matlin Responds To Reports Donald Trump Mocked Her For Being Deaf

This is so sad on so many levels.
Bed wetter

The Republican candidate allegedly repeatedly referred to her as “retarded.”

Actress Marlee Matlin, who is deaf, issued a statement Friday in response to The Daily Beast’s report that Donald Trump repeatedly referred to her as “retarded” during her time on “Celebrity Apprentice.”

“The term is abhorrent and should never be used,” Matlin said. “The fact that we are talking about this during a very important moment in history has upset me deeply.”

The Academy Award–winning actress, who appeared on Trump’s reality show in 2011, explained that Trump’s words reflected the “discrimination and misunderstanding” millions of people like her face every day. Though Trump has yet to respond to The Daily Beast’s report, he has a storied history of using the offensive slur.

But instead of stooping to Trump’s vulgar level in her statement, Matlin went out on a very Michelle Obama–like “When they go low, we go high” moment.

“So, what’s my response? It’s not about insults or taking each other down,” the actress said. “As a person who is Deaf, as a woman, as a mom, as a wife, as an actor. I have a voice. And I’m using that voice to make myself heard ... and vote.”

We have a feeling she’s #WithHer. Read Matlin’s full statement below:


Marlee Matlin Responds To Reports Donald Trump Mocked Her For Being Deaf

This is so sad on so many levels.

BREAKING: This just in. Donald Trump refused to buy girl scout cookies from the neighbor girl.
He probably groped her too.
I notice LaKooKoo left a keyword out of the thread title...allegedly. That usually means there is no proof it happened

The Republican candidate allegedly repeatedly referred to her as “retarded.”

Actress Marlee Matlin, who is deaf, issued a statement Friday in response to The Daily Beast’s report that Donald Trump repeatedly referred to her as “retarded” during her time on “Celebrity Apprentice.”

“The term is abhorrent and should never be used,” Matlin said. “The fact that we are talking about this during a very important moment in history has upset me deeply.”

The Academy Award–winning actress, who appeared on Trump’s reality show in 2011, explained that Trump’s words reflected the “discrimination and misunderstanding” millions of people like her face every day. Though Trump has yet to respond to The Daily Beast’s report, he has a storied history of using the offensive slur.

But instead of stooping to Trump’s vulgar level in her statement, Matlin went out on a very Michelle Obama–like “When they go low, we go high” moment.

“So, what’s my response? It’s not about insults or taking each other down,” the actress said. “As a person who is Deaf, as a woman, as a mom, as a wife, as an actor. I have a voice. And I’m using that voice to make myself heard ... and vote.”

We have a feeling she’s #WithHer. Read Matlin’s full statement below:


Marlee Matlin Responds To Reports Donald Trump Mocked Her For Being Deaf

This is so sad on so many levels.

Hey Lahkota --- What if the TRUTH IS that Donald calls EVERYONE retarded at one time or another? That would blow your little anti-woman theme right out of the water -- wouldn't it? :biggrin:

Other possibility is -- that all deaf people are NOT sharp, quick and perfect. And if they do something stupid, maybe you treat them like ALL the people the Donald catches doing something OCCASIONALLY stupid. You don't CODDLE deaf people like fragile little porcelain dolls -- do YOU? That's a lefty perception. That anyone with a disability is fragile and vulnerable. Isn't it?

Whoa, did I hit a nerve?

Nope. No twitches. No pain. This is what discussion is about -- isn't it?
Or do you think bringing down the American political system with a constant barrage of ETonight tabloid stuff is your limit?

You don't think Donald uses the word retarded in an EQUAL non-sexual manner? Or that deaf folks don't screw up the same as "normal" people do?

I'm not saying it's GOOD that he's arrogant and abusive. But you gerbils have no proof that he doesn't abuse men and women equally.. Where are all the MEN that Trump has ridiculed and abused? Isn't it strange that all these allegations are from JUST WOMEN? You need to think for yourself and stop dancing like a freaking puppet with Dem Underground pulling your strings.

I think it's a mighty large indication of who's MANAGING this smear campaign if it continues to be only WOMEN whining about alleged abuse. See you leftists don't handicapped and women can stand up for themselves. That they are fragile and helpless. Which is your OWN bias and stereotyping. Isn't it?
Ummm, okay, but please show me where Trump grabbed a guy's balls, please; spent time publicly sizing up the bulge in a guy's pants and remarking on whether it was worthy. That would be equal, I guess.
You really don't think he was mocking Matlin's disability? “[Trump] would make fun of her voice. It actually sounded a lot like what he did [to] the New York Times guy,”
That's not just growling "You retard" when someone says something stunningly stupid. That's making fun of the fact that deaf people sound "retarded." Boy, this guy is something else.
As a Libertarian, why do you need to try so hard to defend Trump? He doesn't deserve it.
You don't think Donald uses the word retarded in an EQUAL non-sexual manner?
According to St Palin the word should never be used. At least not by Democrats since she has not condemned Trump's use of the word like she did Emanuel.
Did the democrats denounce Emanuels use of the word then? If not... Why do you care now?

Why? Did Rahm call Marlee Matlin "retarded"?
I'll take that as another... It's ok to call people "retarded" .... Because... democrat.

Thanks for clarification Ravi.
You don't think Donald uses the word retarded in an EQUAL non-sexual manner?
According to St Palin the word should never be used. At least not by Democrats since she has not condemned Trump's use of the word like she did Emanuel.
Did the democrats denounce Emanuels use of the word then? If not... Why do you care now?

Why? Did Rahm call Marlee Matlin "retarded"?
I'll take that as another... It's ok to call people "retarded" .... Because... democrat.

Thanks for clarification Ravi.

Deflection is not a noble trait...

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