Marriage Has Never Been Just Between A Man And A Woman


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2013

Going all the way back, gay marriage was accepted by civilizations.

Evidence exists that same-sex marriages were tolerated in parts of Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt. Artifacts from Egypt, for example, show that same-sex relationships not only existed, but the discovery of a pharaonic tomb for such a couple shows their union was recognized by the kingdom. Meanwhile, accounts of the Israelites' departure for Canaan include their condemnation of Egyptian acceptance of same-sex practice. In actuality, same-sex marital practices and rituals are less known in Egypt compared to Mesopotamia, where documents exist for a variety of marital practices, including male lovers of kings and polyandry. None of the recorded laws of Mesopotamia, including the Code of Hammurabi, contain restrictions against same-sex unions despite the fact that marriages are otherwise well regulated (Eskridge).

Classical antiquity in the Western world is frequently cited for examples of same-sex love and relationships, though separate concepts of homosexuality and heterosexuality did not exist in the same way as today. Plato’s Symposium, for example, describes instances of homosexual attraction and same-sex relationships in ancient Greece without condemnation. Some point to examples of same-sex interaction in Greek artwork as further evidence of its equal status within the society. Individual, higher status, however, was of critical importance to free expression of love.


As churches struggle with the issue of homosexuality, a long tradition of same sex marriage indicates that the Christian attitude toward same sex unions may not always have been as "straight" as is now suggested. A Kiev art museum contains a curious icon from St. Catherine's monastery on Mt. Sinai.

It shows two robed Christian saints. Between them is a traditional Roman pronubus (best man) overseeing what in a standard Roman icon would be the wedding of a husband and wife. In the icon, Christ is the pronubus. Only one thing is unusual. The husband and wife are in fact two men.

Long before that Jesus dude...

The first recorded homosexual couple in history is commonly regarded as Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum, an Egyptian male couple, who lived around the 2400 BC.

Homosexuality in China has been recorded since approximately 600 BCE.

In Ancient Rome the young male body remained a focus of male sexual attention. All the emperors with the exception of Claudius took male lovers.
I understand that in the world of perversion as a lifestyle it is important to try and normalize your own existence, but biology says otherwise.

It doesn't necessarily make you a bad person to be queer, just understand that you are mentally ill.
Well, I believe they should have the freedom to do as they wish. Just that male and female will always be the only way to pre-create the species at the end of the day.(At least if you don't want to risk extinction as soon as one of dozens of extinction level events occurs on our planet that is ;) )
And how many of those civilizations exist today?
Learn from history and you won't repeat it.
Don't forget, HIV is still more than 500 times more likely among homo males.
Well, I believe they should have the freedom to do as they wish. Just that male and female will always be the only way to pre-create the species at the end of the day.(At least if you don't want to risk extinction as soon as one of dozens of extinction level events occurs on our planet that is ;) )

Actually, the planet has undergone several "extinctions" but none involved procreation problems in nature.
I understand that in the world of perversion as a lifestyle it is important to try and normalize your own existence, but biology says otherwise.

It doesn't necessarily make you a bad person to be queer, just understand that you are mentally ill.

What biology is that?

99+% of all human sexual activity is for purposes other than reproduction, so homosexual sex can't be considered 'perverted' in the sense that it is non-reproductive.
its all Science Propaganda! damn those ancient progressive commies! i bet it was aids that wiped out their cities! AIDS!
Homosexuality was an accepted lifestyle in the 500 year long Roman Republic and the 500 year long Roman Empire which followed. They even had gay emperors, one or two who were even in gay marriages.

It took them damn near 1,000 years of working hard on their agenda, but those darn homos finally took down Rome. We must not let the same fate happen to the US! :(
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And how many of those civilizations exist today?
Learn from history and you won't repeat it.
Don't forget, HIV is still more than 500 times more likely among homo males.

Do you know how many millions of heteros were killed over a period of centuries by gonorrhea and syphilis, by any chance?

Didn't think so.
When you think about the sex drive of a man (just ask Vance McAllister about that), it should not be surprising that the combined sex drive of two men is going to be epic.

That should make for a very happy marriage!
And how many of those civilizations exist today?
Learn from history and you won't repeat it.
Don't forget, HIV is still more than 500 times more likely among homo males.

And yet HIV is lower in married couples than among single people!

Hmmm...maybe we should be encouraging them to get married.


N'est-ce pas?
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I find it curious

If you don't buy health insurance, you're a freeloader and the government forces you too or charges you a fine for not participating in the economy.

Don't participate in the most important economic activity known to man, and the government bestows benefits on you

What a Country!
Certainly gay marriage has been recognized at various times within various civilizations. It is one of the symptoms that the civilization is decaying and is terminal. That's why normalization of homosexuality is on the wrong side of history.

While homosexuality has been historically recognized as positive, that value has never been passed on to any conquering or successor civilization. It has to start at the very beginning with gays hunted down and slaughtered.

Because of the sheer complexity of social communities, homosexuality is not a cause of societal collapse. The regularity of cause and effect is likely that acceptance and normalization of same sex relationship is a symptom if a culture already very sick and dying. Healthy cultures do not normalize aberration and perversion.

Going all the way back, gay marriage was accepted by civilizations.

Evidence exists that same-sex marriages were tolerated in parts of Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt. Artifacts from Egypt, for example, show that same-sex relationships not only existed, but the discovery of a pharaonic tomb for such a couple shows their union was recognized by the kingdom. Meanwhile, accounts of the Israelites' departure for Canaan include their condemnation of Egyptian acceptance of same-sex practice. In actuality, same-sex marital practices and rituals are less known in Egypt compared to Mesopotamia, where documents exist for a variety of marital practices, including male lovers of kings and polyandry. None of the recorded laws of Mesopotamia, including the Code of Hammurabi, contain restrictions against same-sex unions despite the fact that marriages are otherwise well regulated (Eskridge).

Classical antiquity in the Western world is frequently cited for examples of same-sex love and relationships, though separate concepts of homosexuality and heterosexuality did not exist in the same way as today. Plato’s Symposium, for example, describes instances of homosexual attraction and same-sex relationships in ancient Greece without condemnation. Some point to examples of same-sex interaction in Greek artwork as further evidence of its equal status within the society. Individual, higher status, however, was of critical importance to free expression of love.


As churches struggle with the issue of homosexuality, a long tradition of same sex marriage indicates that the Christian attitude toward same sex unions may not always have been as "straight" as is now suggested. A Kiev art museum contains a curious icon from St. Catherine's monastery on Mt. Sinai.

It shows two robed Christian saints. Between them is a traditional Roman pronubus (best man) overseeing what in a standard Roman icon would be the wedding of a husband and wife. In the icon, Christ is the pronubus. Only one thing is unusual. The husband and wife are in fact two men.

Long before that Jesus dude...

The first recorded homosexual couple in history is commonly regarded as Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum, an Egyptian male couple, who lived around the 2400 BC.

Homosexuality in China has been recorded since approximately 600 BCE.

In Ancient Rome the young male body remained a focus of male sexual attention. All the emperors with the exception of Claudius took male lovers.

Same thing with goat fuckers...long tradition.
"'Going all the way back, gay marriage was accepted by civilizations."

And where are those civilizations now?
Homosexuality was an accepted lifestyle in the 500 year long Roman Republic and the 500 year long Roman Empire which followed. They even had gay emperors, one or two who were even in gay marriages.

It took them damn near 1,000 years of working hard on their agenda, but those darn homos finally took down Rome. We must not let the same fate happen to the US! :(

Yeah...they let the Christians take over....that did them in alright.

Going all the way back, gay marriage was accepted by civilizations.

Evidence exists that same-sex marriages were tolerated in parts of Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt. Artifacts from Egypt, for example, show that same-sex relationships not only existed, but the discovery of a pharaonic tomb for such a couple shows their union was recognized by the kingdom. Meanwhile, accounts of the Israelites' departure for Canaan include their condemnation of Egyptian acceptance of same-sex practice. In actuality, same-sex marital practices and rituals are less known in Egypt compared to Mesopotamia, where documents exist for a variety of marital practices, including male lovers of kings and polyandry. None of the recorded laws of Mesopotamia, including the Code of Hammurabi, contain restrictions against same-sex unions despite the fact that marriages are otherwise well regulated (Eskridge).

Classical antiquity in the Western world is frequently cited for examples of same-sex love and relationships, though separate concepts of homosexuality and heterosexuality did not exist in the same way as today. Plato’s Symposium, for example, describes instances of homosexual attraction and same-sex relationships in ancient Greece without condemnation. Some point to examples of same-sex interaction in Greek artwork as further evidence of its equal status within the society. Individual, higher status, however, was of critical importance to free expression of love.


As churches struggle with the issue of homosexuality, a long tradition of same sex marriage indicates that the Christian attitude toward same sex unions may not always have been as "straight" as is now suggested. A Kiev art museum contains a curious icon from St. Catherine's monastery on Mt. Sinai.

It shows two robed Christian saints. Between them is a traditional Roman pronubus (best man) overseeing what in a standard Roman icon would be the wedding of a husband and wife. In the icon, Christ is the pronubus. Only one thing is unusual. The husband and wife are in fact two men.

Long before that Jesus dude...

The first recorded homosexual couple in history is commonly regarded as Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum, an Egyptian male couple, who lived around the 2400 BC.

Homosexuality in China has been recorded since approximately 600 BCE.

In Ancient Rome the young male body remained a focus of male sexual attention. All the emperors with the exception of Claudius took male lovers.

Um, the first homosexual couple Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep? They were married to women and had children with those women, who were depicted in their burial scenes in the anti-chamber and main chamber. Both men appear with their respective wives and children, suggesting the men were brothers, rather than lovers.... but I suppose they could have had a relationship, but I would not believe everything you read or just because the two were pictured holding hands or nose to nose. There are also arguments that they were conjoined twins.

Too many theories out there to go with the statement they were the first gay couple.
Homosexuality was an accepted lifestyle in the 500 year long Roman Republic and the 500 year long Roman Empire which followed. They even had gay emperors, one or two who were even in gay marriages.

It took them damn near 1,000 years of working hard on their agenda, but those darn homos finally took down Rome. We must not let the same fate happen to the US! :(

Yeah...they let the Christians take over....that did them in alright.

actually saved them for a while, but as Jermiah Wright so eloquently put it, the chickens came home to roost, but not after the eastern half became the byzantine empire and the western half became western Europe, so it worked out with Christianity.

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