Marriage Matters: Consequences of Redefining Marriage

HaHaHaHaHaHa!!! I called it... you are so predictable Wytchey. Even in the face of indisputable fact, you close your eyes, cover your ears, and wish it weren't true (kind of like all of the wishing you do with gay marriage). :lmao:

The quotes are there along with the links to them. How are you not embarrassed when you get exposed like this Wytchey?

Puppy, none of the links you provided support your contention that Joe is a Communist. Turn off Shaun Hannity and pick up a book to learn what a Communist is.

So he says "fuck capitalism, lets tear the whole fucking thing down" and follows that up with "communism works and our system doesn't", but he's not a communist?!

Please explain to us what he is then Wytchey.

Wytchey is the only dumb dyke I know who actually argues with other people about what they are. JoeB. admits he's a communist, but because she spoke from a place of ignorance previously, Wytchey is now going to tell JoeB. what he is and what he is not. This is like me screaming that Wytchey here is not a lesbian :lmao:

I read the threads Puppy. Nothing in any of the threads you linked leads to the conclusion you made up in your head. Joe has never said he was a Communist nor do his comments lead rational people to that conclusion.
Turn off Shaun Hannity and pick up a book to learn what a Communist is.

:lmao: That would be Sean, sweetie... :lmao:

Then again, you never did bother to know what you were talking about before commenting, so why should this be any different?

I'm sorry. I simply don't care about him enough to bother looking it up. I'll just use "tic tac brain in a ginormous head"...
Turn off Shaun Hannity and pick up a book to learn what a Communist is.

:lmao: That would be Sean, sweetie... :lmao:

Then again, you never did bother to know what you were talking about before commenting, so why should this be any different?

I'm sorry. I simply don't care about him enough to bother looking it up. I'll just use "tic tac brain in a ginormous head"...

Doesn't that kind of prove that you know nothing about him, yet still you demonize him? I mean, if you don't even know how is name is spelled, it's safe to assume that you've never watched him once (since his name is on the screen pretty much the entire time) or read one of his books since his name is on that as well.

I've never seen anyone brainwashed quite as severely as you. Whatever the libtard news and websites tell you, you will regurgitate it without questioning anything. You are quite the good little nazi soldier.
:lmao: That would be Sean, sweetie... :lmao:

Then again, you never did bother to know what you were talking about before commenting, so why should this be any different?

I'm sorry. I simply don't care about him enough to bother looking it up. I'll just use "tic tac brain in a ginormous head"...

Doesn't that kind of prove that you know nothing about him, yet still you demonize him? I mean, if you don't even know how is name is spelled, it's safe to assume that you've never watched him once (since his name is on the screen pretty much the entire time) or read one of his books since his name is on that as well.

I've never seen anyone brainwashed quite as severely as you. Whatever the libtard news and websites tell you, you will regurgitate it without questioning anything. You are quite the good little nazi soldier.

I've caught his show while surfing. Like you he misuses Communist. What more do I need to know.

Don't all of his books say "written by Mark Levin"?

You sure do get off on tangents in your own thread, Puppy. Can't stay on topic? 12 states now legally marry their civilization ending yet?
No worries Joe. Unlike Puppy, I actually know what Communism means and I know you're not a Communist.


Wytchey, there is probably no one on this planet who knows less what communism "means" than you.

You actually believe that Communism means calling yourself the U.S.S.R. and flying a flag with a sickle & hammer. You have ZERO concept of communism... In fact, you've proven time and time again you have zero concept of just about anything.

You're like a Neanderthal: being dyke good, being straight bad

When has she ever said being straight is bad? Can you try JUST ONCE arguing with what people are saying?
So to recap (because you have to really dumb it down for the dyke - as proven by the fact that the indisputable quotes posted above are too much for her to digest):

JoeB. wants to "wreck the whole fucking capitalist/corporate system" doesn't "see a 'welfare state' as a bad thing", and believes that capitalism is "both evil and inefficient" and that communism "works and (capitalism) doesn't".[/B]

Yet, because she was proven wrong and is not mature enough to admit it, Seabytch here runs away from the issue and the best she can offer is "I know what communism is" (notice though that she didn't even attempt to define it?). :lmao:

Except I didn't say "communism" works. I said Single Payer Health Care works.

Which it does in the UK, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, Italy, etc.

In the context of health care, talking about "communism" is even a little silly.

Whether run by the government or a soulless insurance company, its' all a form of collectivism. You are either having your health care paid for by others if you are sick, or you are you are paying for others health care.

A "Captialist" system means you would only get treatment until you run out of money. No one would actually tolerate that for a minute.
So he says "fuck capitalism, lets tear the whole fucking thing down" and follows that up with "communism works and our system doesn't", but he's not a communist?!

Please explain to us what he is then Wytchey.

Wytchey is the only dumb dyke I know who actually argues with other people about what they are. JoeB. admits he's a communist, but because she spoke from a place of ignorance previously, Wytchey is now going to tell JoeB. what he is and what he is not. This is like me screaming that Wytchey here is not a lesbian :lmao:

Never admitted anything of the sort.

Communism and Fascism aren't on the table. We've kind of admitted those are failed economic systems.

The problem is, Corporatism/Capitalism has failed as well. Time for something else.

Why do you act like those are the only choices on the menu?

Fact is, when the Capitalists were shitting their pants over the notion of mass political movements in the 1930's to 1950's, they went along with much of what the progressives and unions wanted to do. 40 hour work weeks, generous vacation benefits, etc.

But as a wise Republican noted, "The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists. They're too damned greedy."

Mitt Romney was already rich. He didnt need to cancel Joe Soptic's health coverage. But it was a big pile of money for him to loot.

Twenty years ago, the Democrats never would have nominated someone as progressive as Obama. Even five years ago, I wouldn't have voted for him. But the bad behavior of wealthy has changed that.
"And frankly, if we have to wreck the whole fucking capitalist/corporate system to keep that from happening, I'm totally down with that." JoeB. admits being a communist #1

"Guy, the thing is, I don't see a 'welfare state' as a bad thing". JoeB. admits being a communist #2

"I just see no reason to support a system that is both evil and inefficien. You can scream about Communism until you are blue in the face, but their system works and ours doesn't". JoeB. admits being a communist #3

Definition of insanity...repeating the same thing over and over expecting different results.

The facts don't support your conclusion.
"And frankly, if we have to wreck the whole fucking capitalist/corporate system to keep that from happening, I'm totally down with that." JoeB. admits being a communist #1

"Guy, the thing is, I don't see a 'welfare state' as a bad thing". JoeB. admits being a communist #2

"I just see no reason to support a system that is both evil and inefficien. You can scream about Communism until you are blue in the face, but their system works and ours doesn't". JoeB. admits being a communist #3

Definition of insanity...repeating the same thing over and over expecting different results.

The facts don't support your conclusion.

:lmao: Keep pretending like that facts in black & white aren't there :lmao:

I love watching you desperately dig because you're too immature to admit you opened your mouth while being ignorant about the subject....
"And frankly, if we have to wreck the whole fucking capitalist/corporate system to keep that from happening, I'm totally down with that." JoeB. admits being a communist #1

"Guy, the thing is, I don't see a 'welfare state' as a bad thing". JoeB. admits being a communist #2

"I just see no reason to support a system that is both evil and inefficien. You can scream about Communism until you are blue in the face, but their system works and ours doesn't". JoeB. admits being a communist #3

Definition of insanity...repeating the same thing over and over expecting different results.

The facts don't support your conclusion.

It would be interesting to see him post those comments IN CONTEXT and then comment on them.

Of course the context was that I suggested societies should treat all their people humanely, and he blew a gasket, self-centered as he is.

I have to truly wonder if he cares about anyone but himself.

Oh, BTW, IL might become the 13th state to approve gay marriage. Stay tuned.
"And frankly, if we have to wreck the whole fucking capitalist/corporate system to keep that from happening, I'm totally down with that." JoeB. admits being a communist #1

"Guy, the thing is, I don't see a 'welfare state' as a bad thing". JoeB. admits being a communist #2

"I just see no reason to support a system that is both evil and inefficien. You can scream about Communism until you are blue in the face, but their system works and ours doesn't". JoeB. admits being a communist #3

Definition of insanity...repeating the same thing over and over expecting different results.

The facts don't support your conclusion.

It would be interesting to see him post those comments IN CONTEXT and then comment on them.

Impossible. That wouldn't support his narrative.

Oh, BTW, IL might become the 13th state to approve gay marriage. Stay tuned.

That would be great but they'll have to be 14. CA is going to be lucky number 13 when the SCOTUS rules ;)
Definition of insanity...repeating the same thing over and over expecting different results.

The facts don't support your conclusion.

It would be interesting to see him post those comments IN CONTEXT and then comment on them.

Impossible. That wouldn't support his narrative.

Oh, BTW, IL might become the 13th state to approve gay marriage. Stay tuned.

That would be great but they'll have to be 14. CA is going to be lucky number 13 when the SCOTUS rules ;)

Right, screw the will of the people (twice). Let 9 pompous assholes decide how the rest of us live.
It would be interesting to see him post those comments IN CONTEXT and then comment on them.

Impossible. That wouldn't support his narrative.

Oh, BTW, IL might become the 13th state to approve gay marriage. Stay tuned.

That would be great but they'll have to be 14. CA is going to be lucky number 13 when the SCOTUS rules ;)

Right, screw the will of the people (twice). Let 9 pompous assholes decide how the rest of us live.

No, 9 people whose job it is, will determine our constitutional rights were violated. That's how it works, Fishy.
Impossible. That wouldn't support his narrative.

That would be great but they'll have to be 14. CA is going to be lucky number 13 when the SCOTUS rules ;)

Right, screw the will of the people (twice). Let 9 pompous assholes decide how the rest of us live.

No, 9 people whose job it is, will determine our constitutional rights were violated. That's how it works, Fishy.

I have asked several times and you always dodge, so once more. please quote the language in the constitution that guarantees the "right" of gay marriage.

no generalizations allowed, I want to see something that includes the words "gay marriage"
Right, screw the will of the people (twice). Let 9 pompous assholes decide how the rest of us live.

No, 9 people whose job it is, will determine our constitutional rights were violated. That's how it works, Fishy.

I have asked several times and you always dodge, so once more. please quote the language in the constitution that guarantees the "right" of gay marriage.

no generalizations allowed, I want to see something that includes the words "gay marriage"

So when did you start believing it's okay to not have a free and equal nation? Do you want slavery put back into the Constitution also?
No, 9 people whose job it is, will determine our constitutional rights were violated. That's how it works, Fishy.

I have asked several times and you always dodge, so once more. please quote the language in the constitution that guarantees the "right" of gay marriage.

no generalizations allowed, I want to see something that includes the words "gay marriage"

So when did you start believing it's okay to not have a free and equal nation? Do you want slavery put back into the Constitution also?

quite a strech from gay marriage to slavery. But no, I do not want us to return to slavery. But if your goal is free and equal why do you object to polygamy? beastiality? incest? where do you draw the "free" line and why ?

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