Marriage Matters: Consequences of Redefining Marriage

Right, screw the will of the people (twice). Let 9 pompous assholes decide how the rest of us live.

No, 9 people whose job it is, will determine our constitutional rights were violated. That's how it works, Fishy.

I have asked several times and you always dodge, so once more. please quote the language in the constitution that guarantees the "right" of gay marriage.

no generalizations allowed, I want to see something that includes the words "gay marriage"

Rights need not be enumerated in the Constitution for them to be held by the people.

You are right though, the word "marriage" does not exist in the Constitution. So can we assume you think that state can violate the Due Process and Equal Protection clauses and should have been able to define Civil Marriage as only those of the same race?

It would be interesting to see him post those comments IN CONTEXT and then comment on them.

Impossible. That wouldn't support his narrative.

Oh, BTW, IL might become the 13th state to approve gay marriage. Stay tuned.

That would be great but they'll have to be 14. CA is going to be lucky number 13 when the SCOTUS rules ;)

Right, screw the will of the people (twice). Let 9 pompous assholes decide how the rest of us live.

I will stand with you 100% if the 9 pompous assholes decide that to enter into a Civil Marriage that it must be with someone of the same gender.

On the other hand, allowing Same-sex Civil Marriage does not change the ability of different-sex couples to Civilly Marry. They will still be the vast majority of Civil Marriages in this country.

Definition of insanity...repeating the same thing over and over expecting different results.

The facts don't support your conclusion.

It would be interesting to see him post those comments IN CONTEXT and then comment on them.

Impossible. That wouldn't support his narrative.

Oh, BTW, IL might become the 13th state to approve gay marriage. Stay tuned.

That would be great but they'll have to be 14. CA is going to be lucky number 13 when the SCOTUS rules ;)

I think we might get their first. The IL House has to make a decision before business closes on May 31.
Right, screw the will of the people (twice). Let 9 pompous assholes decide how the rest of us live.

No, 9 people whose job it is, will determine our constitutional rights were violated. That's how it works, Fishy.

I have asked several times and you always dodge, so once more. please quote the language in the constitution that guarantees the "right" of gay marriage.

no generalizations allowed, I want to see something that includes the words "gay marriage"

Same place it says that segregation and sexual discrimination are wrong, guy.

14th Amendment.
It would be interesting to see him post those comments IN CONTEXT and then comment on them.

Impossible. That wouldn't support his narrative.

Oh, BTW, IL might become the 13th state to approve gay marriage. Stay tuned.

That would be great but they'll have to be 14. CA is going to be lucky number 13 when the SCOTUS rules ;)

I think we might get their first. The IL House has to make a decision before business closes on May 31.

Dammit! I had really wanted CA to be the Bakers Dozen state.
Impossible. That wouldn't support his narrative.

That would be great but they'll have to be 14. CA is going to be lucky number 13 when the SCOTUS rules ;)

I think we might get their first. The IL House has to make a decision before business closes on May 31.

Dammit! I had really wanted CA to be the Bakers Dozen state.
Yeah, I was too.

Now I'm just hoping SCOTUS rules before SF Pride on June 30th and makes it a good one! :clap2:
Right, screw the will of the people (twice). Let 9 pompous assholes decide how the rest of us live.

No, 9 people whose job it is, will determine our constitutional rights were violated. That's how it works, Fishy.

I have asked several times and you always dodge, so once more. please quote the language in the constitution that guarantees the "right" of gay marriage.

no generalizations allowed, I want to see something that includes the words "gay marriage"

There is no such thing as ‘gay marriage,’ there is only marriage law as written by the states and administered by state courts.

The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment requires that the states allow all persons equal access to a given state’s law, including marriage law.

The language in the Constitution:

Amendment XIV

Section 1.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
If children did not need a mother and a father, then children who come from these dysfunctional arrangements would not be dysfunctional themselves.

According to Children-our, homes without fathers ultimately affect children in numerous tragic ways:

* 63 percent of youth suicides are from fatherless homes
* 90 percent of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes
* 85 percent of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes
* 80 percent of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes
* 71 percent of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes
* 75 percent of all adolescent patients in chemical-abuse centers come from fatherless homes
* 85 percent of all youths in prison come from fatherless homes

Single mothers have just been sooooo good for the country. Don't bat an eye about it.

72 Percent of African-American Children Born to Unwed Mothers

The high percentage of the fatherless homes are also the most uneducated populace. You can take out the variable "fatherless" and say the "least educated" and still be accurate. Possibly even the people with lowest IQ in our country.

The answer....educate our people and keep them in school. Stop the cycle of babies having babies.

Stop giving out ADC, food stamps and welfare. People have to be expected to get jobs.Right now, they think they can just grow up to 16 and have babies and wait for their checks. But if they are expected to get jobs to get a cash flow, perhaps having babies won't be their answer.
It would be interesting to see him post those comments IN CONTEXT and then comment on them.

Impossible. That wouldn't support his narrative.

Oh, BTW, IL might become the 13th state to approve gay marriage. Stay tuned.

That would be great but they'll have to be 14. CA is going to be lucky number 13 when the SCOTUS rules ;)

Right, screw the will of the people (twice). Let 9 pompous assholes decide how the rest of us live.

The ‘will of the people’ doesn’t trump the Constitution and its case law, it never has. One’s civil liberties are not determined by majority rule, and one does not forfeit his civil liberties as a consequence of his state of residence.

And the issue isn’t being decided by nine individuals alone, the issue was decided long ago by the Framers of the 5th and 14th Amendments, predicated on the doctrine of inalienable rights. Same-sex couples have always had the right to access marriage law, since before the advent of the Constitution and the founding of the Nation – that’s not at issue, at issue is the states refusing to acknowledge that right.
I am old fashioned and believe that marriage is between a man and a woman.

However, I am not going to judge someone if their preference of loving someone is that of the same sex, so they should have legal rights similar to that of married couples, so Civil Unions should be made legally available for them.
If children did not need a mother and a father, then children who come from these dysfunctional arrangements would not be dysfunctional themselves.

According to Children-our, homes without fathers ultimately affect children in numerous tragic ways:

* 63 percent of youth suicides are from fatherless homes
* 90 percent of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes
* 85 percent of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes
* 80 percent of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes
* 71 percent of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes
* 75 percent of all adolescent patients in chemical-abuse centers come from fatherless homes
* 85 percent of all youths in prison come from fatherless homes

Single mothers have just been sooooo good for the country. Don't bat an eye about it.

72 Percent of African-American Children Born to Unwed Mothers

The high percentage of the fatherless homes are also the most uneducated populace. You can take out the variable "fatherless" and say the "least educated" and still be accurate. Possibly even the people with lowest IQ in our country.

The answer....educate our people and keep them in school. Stop the cycle of babies having babies.

Stop giving out ADC, food stamps and welfare. People have to be expected to get jobs.Right now, they think they can just grow up to 16 and have babies and wait for their checks. But if they are expected to get jobs to get a cash flow, perhaps having babies won't be their answer.

You should consider doing some research before posting to avoid exhibiting your ignorance, as in this case.

For example, with regard to TANF, searching for work and participating in employment and training programs is a condition of eligibility for Cash, failure to job search or otherwise participate will result in the benefits being terminated.
If children did not need a mother and a father, then children who come from these dysfunctional arrangements would not be dysfunctional themselves.

According to Children-our, homes without fathers ultimately affect children in numerous tragic ways:

* 63 percent of youth suicides are from fatherless homes
* 90 percent of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes
* 85 percent of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes
* 80 percent of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes
* 71 percent of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes
* 75 percent of all adolescent patients in chemical-abuse centers come from fatherless homes
* 85 percent of all youths in prison come from fatherless homes

Single mothers have just been sooooo good for the country. Don't bat an eye about it.

72 Percent of African-American Children Born to Unwed Mothers

The high percentage of the fatherless homes are also the most uneducated populace. You can take out the variable "fatherless" and say the "least educated" and still be accurate. Possibly even the people with lowest IQ in our country.

The answer....educate our people and keep them in school. Stop the cycle of babies having babies.

Stop giving out ADC, food stamps and welfare. People have to be expected to get jobs.Right now, they think they can just grow up to 16 and have babies and wait for their checks. But if they are expected to get jobs to get a cash flow, perhaps having babies won't be their answer.
Not to mention that by fatherless it is indicating single parent homes. This really doesn't speak about children with 2 mothers or 2 fathers. Going by these stats then are you saying 2 fathers is better?
I am old fashioned and believe that marriage is between a man and a woman.

However, I am not going to judge someone if their preference of loving someone is that of the same sex, so they should have legal rights similar to that of married couples, so Civil Unions should be made legally available for them.

The problem is that we learned long ago that separate isn't equal. If that's the case then we should all have civil unions. Leave marriages to the churches.
I am old fashioned and believe that marriage is between a man and a woman.

However, I am not going to judge someone if their preference of loving someone is that of the same sex, so they should have legal rights similar to that of married couples, so Civil Unions should be made legally available for them.

I'm old fashioned, I think voting should be reserved for landowning white males.

I think we should have the exact same rights so if you don't want us to have civil marriage, take it out of the equation for everyone. Separate but equal isn't going to fly.
No, 9 people whose job it is, will determine our constitutional rights were violated. That's how it works, Fishy.

I have asked several times and you always dodge, so once more. please quote the language in the constitution that guarantees the "right" of gay marriage.

no generalizations allowed, I want to see something that includes the words "gay marriage"

There is no such thing as ‘gay marriage,’ there is only marriage law as written by the states and administered by state courts.

The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment requires that the states allow all persons equal access to a given state’s law, including marriage law.

The language in the Constitution:

Amendment XIV

Section 1.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

PROTECTION (ie your right to keep & bear arms, your right to free speech, your right to religion). There is no right to marriage and you do not lose any "protection" by being denied a marriage license.
I am old fashioned and believe that marriage is between a man and a woman.

However, I am not going to judge someone if their preference of loving someone is that of the same sex, so they should have legal rights similar to that of married couples, so Civil Unions should be made legally available for them.

I'm old fashioned, I think voting should be reserved for landowning white males.

I think we should have the exact same rights so if you don't want us to have civil marriage, take it out of the equation for everyone. Separate but equal isn't going to fly.

You have to remember Jackson - Seawytch here is a libtard. Which means she is furious if she can't bilk the U.S. government for all it is worth. If she can't get tax breaks for being gay, if she can't get free property and money left in wills for being gay, if she can't get her greedy little hands on another gay persons pension, then she is being "oppressed"...

If you cared about someone, you would just hold a ceremony and be happy in life. The fact that the gay libtard feels they need to demand that government climb into their gay bed with them and recognize their gayness is indisputable glaring evidence that it's all about fucking the system for every penny.
I am old fashioned and believe that marriage is between a man and a woman.

However, I am not going to judge someone if their preference of loving someone is that of the same sex, so they should have legal rights similar to that of married couples, so Civil Unions should be made legally available for them.

I'm old fashioned, I think voting should be reserved for landowning white males.

I think we should have the exact same rights so if you don't want us to have civil marriage, take it out of the equation for everyone. Separate but equal isn't going to fly.

You have to remember Jackson - Seawytch here is a libtard. Which means she is furious if she can't bilk the U.S. government for all it is worth. If she can't get tax breaks for being gay, if she can't get free property and money left in wills for being gay, if she can't get her greedy little hands on another gay persons pension, then she is being "oppressed"...

If you cared about someone, you would just hold a ceremony and be happy in life. The fact that the gay libtard feels they need to demand that government climb into their gay bed with them and recognize their gayness is indisputable glaring evidence that it's all about fucking the system for every penny.

Wrong, Puppy. I want my partner to get MY benefits. She should get my military pension and my SS when I die, just like your legal spouse gets. (Except maybe the military pension part. Do you get one of those?)

Is that what you did, Puppy, just hold a ceremony or did you demand the government climb into your bed?
I am old fashioned and believe that marriage is between a man and a woman.

However, I am not going to judge someone if their preference of loving someone is that of the same sex, so they should have legal rights similar to that of married couples, so Civil Unions should be made legally available for them.

I'm old fashioned, I think voting should be reserved for landowning white males.

I think we should have the exact same rights so if you don't want us to have civil marriage, take it out of the equation for everyone. Separate but equal isn't going to fly.

You have to remember Jackson - Seawytch here is a libtard. Which means she is furious if she can't bilk the U.S. government for all it is worth. If she can't get tax breaks for being gay, if she can't get free property and money left in wills for being gay, if she can't get her greedy little hands on another gay persons pension, then she is being "oppressed"...

If you cared about someone, you would just hold a ceremony and be happy in life. The fact that the gay libtard feels they need to demand that government climb into their gay bed with them and recognize their gayness is indisputable glaring evidence that it's all about fucking the system for every penny.

But the government should cater to your beliefs?
I'm old fashioned, I think voting should be reserved for landowning white males.

I think we should have the exact same rights so if you don't want us to have civil marriage, take it out of the equation for everyone. Separate but equal isn't going to fly.

You have to remember Jackson - Seawytch here is a libtard. Which means she is furious if she can't bilk the U.S. government for all it is worth. If she can't get tax breaks for being gay, if she can't get free property and money left in wills for being gay, if she can't get her greedy little hands on another gay persons pension, then she is being "oppressed"...

If you cared about someone, you would just hold a ceremony and be happy in life. The fact that the gay libtard feels they need to demand that government climb into their gay bed with them and recognize their gayness is indisputable glaring evidence that it's all about fucking the system for every penny.

But the government should cater to your beliefs?

They think they should have special rights. You've seen the way heterosexuals go around demanding the government recognize their relationships haven't you?

Oh, and the things they do in public...always holding hands and broad view of children!
I am old fashioned and believe that marriage is between a man and a woman.

However, I am not going to judge someone if their preference of loving someone is that of the same sex, so they should have legal rights similar to that of married couples, so Civil Unions should be made legally available for them.

I'm old fashioned, I think voting should be reserved for landowning white males.

I think we should have the exact same rights so if you don't want us to have civil marriage, take it out of the equation for everyone. Separate but equal isn't going to fly.

You have to remember Jackson - Seawytch here is a libtard. Which means she is furious if she can't bilk the U.S. government for all it is worth. If she can't get tax breaks for being gay, if she can't get free property and money left in wills for being gay, if she can't get her greedy little hands on another gay persons pension, then she is being "oppressed"...

If you cared about someone, you would just hold a ceremony and be happy in life. The fact that the gay libtard feels they need to demand that government climb into their gay bed with them and recognize their gayness is indisputable glaring evidence that it's all about fucking the system for every penny.

Seawytch served her country in the Coast Guard for long enough to get a pension.

What have you done?

It should also be pointed out that if gays get married, the marriage penalty would probably apply to them.

Now, there are legal solid reasons why gays want the legal recognition of marriage in terms of property and personal rights...

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