Marriage Matters: Consequences of Redefining Marriage

You're absolutely right Joe, kids really don't care. If they aren't taught to hate, it doesn't even register on their I give a shit meter.

First of all - it's funny how you have to change the subject to the peers (who I NEVER brought up), because I'm 100% correct about a mother and a father being in a home. I was strictly talking about the children of the household in question, not the peers.

Second - you're truly an idiot and clearly have never had children. I can give you endless first hand stories about how children naturally and instinctively called out something even trivial (such as clothes, actions, speech, etc.) that was different. And no, nobody was teaching these kindergarteners to "hate" a child who has various quirks. Children notice things different and they will immediately focus on it. And since they have no filter, they will immediately talk about it and draw attention to it. Keep telling yourself that you children's peers thought your children having two mom's was "cool". After all, we've already established that your selfish and it is all about YOU, so you might as well delude yourself if it helps you sleep better at night as well.

Please stop talking, you are making your party look bad.

No! He must keep talking. With every one of his posts, another reasonable person will be persuaded to support marriage equality. People like Rotty help the gay rights movement with their extremist views.
First of all - it's funny how you have to change the subject to the peers (who I NEVER brought up), because I'm 100% correct about a mother and a father being in a home. I was strictly talking about the children of the household in question, not the peers.

Second - you're truly an idiot and clearly have never had children. I can give you endless first hand stories about how children naturally and instinctively called out something even trivial (such as clothes, actions, speech, etc.) that was different. And no, nobody was teaching these kindergarteners to "hate" a child who has various quirks. Children notice things different and they will immediately focus on it. And since they have no filter, they will immediately talk about it and draw attention to it. Keep telling yourself that you children's peers thought your children having two mom's was "cool". After all, we've already established that your selfish and it is all about YOU, so you might as well delude yourself if it helps you sleep better at night as well.

Please stop talking, you are making your party look bad.

No! He must keep talking. With every one of his posts, another reasonable person will be persuaded to support marriage equality. People like Rotty help the gay rights movement with their extremist views.

No! He must keep talking. With every one of his posts, another reasonable person will be persuaded to support marriage equality. People like Rotty help the gay rights movement with their extremist views.

Oh right - as proven by..... Prop 8? :lol:
No! He must keep talking. With every one of his posts, another reasonable person will be persuaded to support marriage equality. People like Rotty help the gay rights movement with their extremist views.

Oh right - as proven by..... Prop 8? :lol:

Probably more like Maine who voted against Same-sex Civil Marriage in 2009 and then turned around and voted to approve it in 2012 along with Washington, Mayrland, and Minnesota which had positive results in the voting both during the last general election.

Prop 8 was in 2008, it's repeal would have more than likely passed if a repeal had been on the ballot like Maine did.

In 2008 polling was just over 50% and Prop 8 passed but just 2.5%, now polling shows that over 60% would approve it. Allowing for the same 3% slop (similar to 2008), that still leaves well over a majority that would vote for repeal.

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No! He must keep talking. With every one of his posts, another reasonable person will be persuaded to support marriage equality. People like Rotty help the gay rights movement with their extremist views.

Oh right - as proven by..... Prop 8? :lol:

You're dwelling in the past, old-timer. It's 2013, not 2008. Yours is an archaic and dying attitude that only helps the gay rights movement.

No! He must keep talking. With every one of his posts, another reasonable person will be persuaded to support marriage equality. People like Rotty help the gay rights movement with their extremist views.

Oh right - as proven by..... Prop 8? :lol:

Probably more like Maine who voted against Same-sex Civil Marriage in 2009 and then turned around and voted to approve it in 2012 along with Washington, Mayrland, and Minnesota which had positive results in the voting both during the last general election.

Prop 8 was in 2008, it's repeal would have more than likely passed if a repeal had been on the ballot like Maine did.

In 2008 polling was just over 50% and Prop 8 passed but just 2.5%, now polling shows that over 60% would approve it. Allowing for the same 3% slop (similar to 2008), that still leaves well over a majority that would vote for repeal.


Data Nerd Nate Silver has a projection of support.

No! He must keep talking. With every one of his posts, another reasonable person will be persuaded to support marriage equality. People like Rotty help the gay rights movement with their extremist views.

Oh right - as proven by..... Prop 8? :lol:

Probably more like Maine who voted against Same-sex Civil Marriage in 2009 and then turned around and voted to approve it in 2012 along with Washington, Mayrland, and Minnesota which had positive results in the voting both during the last general election.

Prop 8 was in 2008, it's repeal would have more than likely passed if a repeal had been on the ballot like Maine did.

In 2008 polling was just over 50% and Prop 8 passed but just 2.5%, now polling shows that over 60% would approve it. Allowing for the same 3% slop (similar to 2008), that still leaves well over a majority that would vote for repeal.

Opinion: California wants a do-over on same-sex marriage vote -


Good analysis.

Minnesota becomes the 12th state to approve...
That's what I was thinking. He is so much a caricature, it's Poe's law incarnate. Of course, there's a lot of that around crazy, you're sure it's gotta be fake. I mean, really, who sees Joseph McCarthy as a hero?

Except that JoeB. flat out admitted to being a communist in another thread and it is STILL up there for everybody to see....

Sorry, you can run to him for "comfort" on this ass-kicking you are taking, but he's a self-admitted communist who openly bashes captialism 24x7 (wonder if he'll deny that as well? :lol:).

And yet you didn't provide the link to this alleged admission so until I see it in writing, you're full of shit.

Because you don't have an honest or rational bone in your body, you will attempt to make all kinds of excuses and wild accusations about these indisputable quotes. But here they are - exactly what you asked for - and they are not "taken out of context" (one of your many excuses I feel coming on). The entire thread is there for anyone to read with their own eyes:

"And frankly, if we have to wreck the whole fucking capitalist/corporate system to keep that from happening, I'm totally down with that." JoeB. admits being a communist #1

"Guy, the thing is, I don't see a 'welfare state' as a bad thing". JoeB. admits being a communist #2

"I just see no reason to support a system that is both evil and inefficien. You can scream about Communism until you are blue in the face, but their system works and ours doesn't". JoeB. admits being a communist #3
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Except that JoeB. flat out admitted to being a communist in another thread and it is STILL up there for everybody to see....

Sorry, you can run to him for "comfort" on this ass-kicking you are taking, but he's a self-admitted communist who openly bashes captialism 24x7 (wonder if he'll deny that as well? :lol:).

And yet you didn't provide the link to this alleged admission so until I see it in writing, you're full of shit.

Because you don't have an honest or rational bone in your body, you will attempt to make all kinds of excuses and wild accusations about these indisputable quotes. But here they are - exactly what you asked for - and they are not "taken out of context" (one of your many excuses I feel coming on). The entire thread is there for anyone to read with their own eyes:

"And frankly, if we have to wreck the whole fucking capitalist/corporate system to keep that from happening, I'm totally down with that." JoeB. admits being a communist #1

"Guy, the thing is, I don't see a 'welfare state' as a bad thing". JoeB. admits being a communist #2

"I just see no reason to support a system that is both evil and inefficien. You can scream about Communism until you are blue in the face, but their system works and ours doesn't". JoeB. admits being a communist #3

None of those statements are an endorsement of Communism, guy.

The third statement was about Canadian single payer healthcare, which you scream is communism, but the Canadians would laugh at you.

But it's okay, man, I get it. You are probably about 25, and the only context you have on communism is horror stories you heard from older people.
And yet you didn't provide the link to this alleged admission so until I see it in writing, you're full of shit.

Because you don't have an honest or rational bone in your body, you will attempt to make all kinds of excuses and wild accusations about these indisputable quotes. But here they are - exactly what you asked for - and they are not "taken out of context" (one of your many excuses I feel coming on). The entire thread is there for anyone to read with their own eyes:

"And frankly, if we have to wreck the whole fucking capitalist/corporate system to keep that from happening, I'm totally down with that." JoeB. admits being a communist #1

"Guy, the thing is, I don't see a 'welfare state' as a bad thing". JoeB. admits being a communist #2

"I just see no reason to support a system that is both evil and inefficien. You can scream about Communism until you are blue in the face, but their system works and ours doesn't". JoeB. admits being a communist #3

None of those statements are an endorsement of Communism, guy.

The third statement was about Canadian single payer healthcare, which you scream is communism, but the Canadians would laugh at you.

But it's okay, man, I get it. You are probably about 25, and the only context you have on communism is horror stories you heard from older people.

No worries Joe. Unlike Puppy, I actually know what Communism means and I know you're not a Communist.

Give little puppy some credit though...he obviously worked at this a long time and then sent me a link to here this morning. He should get a T-Ball trophy don't you think?
The ironic thing is, if you click on the links, and actually READ the context, you can actually see what I was saying in these conversations.

Of course, this was the conversation where I spanked Poodle so bad he put me on ignore.
Because you don't have an honest or rational bone in your body, you will attempt to make all kinds of excuses and wild accusations about these indisputable quotes. But here they are - exactly what you asked for - and they are not "taken out of context" (one of your many excuses I feel coming on). The entire thread is there for anyone to read with their own eyes:

"And frankly, if we have to wreck the whole fucking capitalist/corporate system to keep that from happening, I'm totally down with that." JoeB. admits being a communist #1

"Guy, the thing is, I don't see a 'welfare state' as a bad thing". JoeB. admits being a communist #2

"I just see no reason to support a system that is both evil and inefficien. You can scream about Communism until you are blue in the face, but their system works and ours doesn't". JoeB. admits being a communist #3

None of those statements are an endorsement of Communism, guy.

The third statement was about Canadian single payer healthcare, which you scream is communism, but the Canadians would laugh at you.

But it's okay, man, I get it. You are probably about 25, and the only context you have on communism is horror stories you heard from older people.

No worries Joe. Unlike Puppy, I actually know what Communism means and I know you're not a Communist.

Give little puppy some credit though...he obviously worked at this a long time and then sent me a link to here this morning. He should get a T-Ball trophy don't you think?

HaHaHaHaHaHa!!! I called it... you are so predictable Wytchey. Even in the face of indisputable fact, you close your eyes, cover your ears, and wish it weren't true (kind of like all of the wishing you do with gay marriage). :lmao:

The quotes are there along with the links to them. How are you not embarrassed when you get exposed like this Wytchey?
No worries Joe. Unlike Puppy, I actually know what Communism means and I know you're not a Communist.


Wytchey, there is probably no one on this planet who knows less what communism "means" than you.

You actually believe that Communism means calling yourself the U.S.S.R. and flying a flag with a sickle & hammer. You have ZERO concept of communism... In fact, you've proven time and time again you have zero concept of just about anything.

You're like a Neanderthal: being dyke good, being straight bad
None of those statements are an endorsement of Communism, guy.

The third statement was about Canadian single payer healthcare, which you scream is communism, but the Canadians would laugh at you.

But it's okay, man, I get it. You are probably about 25, and the only context you have on communism is horror stories you heard from older people.

No worries Joe. Unlike Puppy, I actually know what Communism means and I know you're not a Communist.

Give little puppy some credit though...he obviously worked at this a long time and then sent me a link to here this morning. He should get a T-Ball trophy don't you think?

HaHaHaHaHaHa!!! I called it... you are so predictable Wytchey. Even in the face of indisputable fact, you close your eyes, cover your ears, and wish it weren't true (kind of like all of the wishing you do with gay marriage). :lmao:

The quotes are there along with the links to them. How are you not embarrassed when you get exposed like this Wytchey?

Puppy, none of the links you provided support your contention that Joe is a Communist. Turn off Shaun Hannity and pick up a book to learn what a Communist is.
So to recap (because you have to really dumb it down for the dyke - as proven by the fact that the indisputable quotes posted above are too much for her to digest):

JoeB. wants to "wreck the whole fucking capitalist/corporate system" doesn't "see a 'welfare state' as a bad thing", and believes that capitalism is "both evil and inefficient" and that communism "works and (capitalism) doesn't".

Yet, because she was proven wrong and is not mature enough to admit it, Seabytch here runs away from the issue and the best she can offer is "I know what communism is" (notice though that she didn't even attempt to define it?). :lmao:
No worries Joe. Unlike Puppy, I actually know what Communism means and I know you're not a Communist.

Give little puppy some credit though...he obviously worked at this a long time and then sent me a link to here this morning. He should get a T-Ball trophy don't you think?

HaHaHaHaHaHa!!! I called it... you are so predictable Wytchey. Even in the face of indisputable fact, you close your eyes, cover your ears, and wish it weren't true (kind of like all of the wishing you do with gay marriage). :lmao:

The quotes are there along with the links to them. How are you not embarrassed when you get exposed like this Wytchey?

Puppy, none of the links you provided support your contention that Joe is a Communist. Turn off Shaun Hannity and pick up a book to learn what a Communist is.

So he says "fuck capitalism, lets tear the whole fucking thing down" and follows that up with "communism works and our system doesn't", but he's not a communist?!

Please explain to us what he is then Wytchey.

Wytchey is the only dumb dyke I know who actually argues with other people about what they are. JoeB. admits he's a communist, but because she spoke from a place of ignorance previously, Wytchey is now going to tell JoeB. what he is and what he is not. This is like me screaming that Wytchey here is not a lesbian :lmao:
HaHaHaHaHaHa!!! I called it... you are so predictable Wytchey. Even in the face of indisputable fact, you close your eyes, cover your ears, and wish it weren't true (kind of like all of the wishing you do with gay marriage). :lmao:

The quotes are there along with the links to them. How are you not embarrassed when you get exposed like this Wytchey?

Puppy, none of the links you provided support your contention that Joe is a Communist. Turn off Shaun Hannity and pick up a book to learn what a Communist is.

So he says "fuck capitalism, lets tear the whole fucking thing down" and follows that up with "communism works and our system doesn't", but he's not a communist?!

Please explain to us what he is then Wytchey.

Wytchey is the only dumb dyke I know who actually argues with other people about what they are. JoeB. admits he's a communist, but because she spoke from a place of ignorance previously, Wytchey is now going to tell JoeB. what he is and what he is not. This is like me screaming that Wytchey here is not a lesbian :lmao:

Big font. That's convincing. :doubt:

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