Marriage Matters: Consequences of Redefining Marriage

Yeah, um, where exactly did I tell her how to live her life? We were talking about the children - which are not her life.

I don't care what people do what their own life, but it does piss me off when they ruin a child's life (and maybe she's not "ruining" their life, but she's certainly not doing them any justice).

How so?

How so? Are you truly that much of an idiot? Because it's a fact that not having both a mother and a father in the house has a negative impact on the child.

It does? It sure didnt on my friend. He loves Both his moms and he grew up to be successful and a great father. His kids also love their two grandmas very much.
Your hate is what is negative.
You should advocate for children to have a loving home, it doesn't matter is their parents are heterosexual or not.

A loving home with a mother and a father.

There have been plenty of single parent loving homes and yet the children will all tell you the negative effect not having the other parent had on them.

I am a single parent.
Sometimes the father is dip shit and shouldn't be in the father's life.
It's called the real world you should join it.
How so? Are you truly that much of an idiot? Because it's a fact that not having both a mother and a father in the house has a negative impact on the child.

Rotty, you lost this discussion a long time ago. You are repeating yourself over an over. Just accept that most people under fifty or so have gay friends and relatives and will never agree with you.
Is it any wonder we have seen such a severe degradation of our society with each passing decade? Any child who has to use the phrase "my other mommy" is never going to have a proper childhood.

Pretty damn selfish of you Seawytch. It's all about what you want and not what those poor children need (you know, that thing called a FATHER)

They have a perfectly normal childhood. The only difference between my kids and their friends is that my kid's parents are still married to each other.

You've already been provided the studies that show gender does not matter when raising children.

Pity kids of divorce, asshole, not mine.

Of course they do - especially when they have to look at their friends and say "no, I don't have a dad - but I do have the other mommy".


At which point, the other kid says, "Oh, that's cool. Can we have cookies?"

The amazing thing is, you really think kids get all hung up about this stuff... they really don't.

It takes time to teach hate, fortunately. Unfortunately, some of you are still insisting on doing it.
You should advocate for children to have a loving home, it doesn't matter is their parents are heterosexual or not.

A loving home with a mother and a father.

There have been plenty of single parent loving homes and yet the children will all tell you the negative effect not having the other parent had on them.

I am a single parent.
Sometimes the father is dip shit and shouldn't be in the father's life.
It's called the real world you should join it.

Poodle thinks he can put the real world on "ignore".
Yeah, um, where exactly did I tell her how to live her life? We were talking about the children - which are not her life.

I don't care what people do what their own life, but it does piss me off when they ruin a child's life (and maybe she's not "ruining" their life, but she's certainly not doing them any justice).

How so?

How so? Are you truly that much of an idiot? Because it's a fact that not having both a mother and a father in the house has a negative impact on the child.

Actually those aren't the facts. The fact is that children have the best outcomes in intact two parent households. The gender of the parents does not matter.

In their analysis, the researchers found no evidence of gender-based parenting abilities, with the "partial exception of lactation," noting that very little about the gender of the parent has significance for children's psychological adjustment and social success.

Do Children Need Both a Mother and a Father?
They have a perfectly normal childhood. The only difference between my kids and their friends is that my kid's parents are still married to each other.

You've already been provided the studies that show gender does not matter when raising children.

Pity kids of divorce, asshole, not mine.

Of course they do - especially when they have to look at their friends and say "no, I don't have a dad - but I do have the other mommy".


At which point, the other kid says, "Oh, that's cool. Can we have cookies?"

The amazing thing is, you really think kids get all hung up about this stuff... they really don't.

It takes time to teach hate, fortunately. Unfortunately, some of you are still insisting on doing it.

You're absolutely right Joe, kids really don't care. If they aren't taught to hate, it doesn't even register on their I give a shit meter.

How so? Are you truly that much of an idiot? Because it's a fact that not having both a mother and a father in the house has a negative impact on the child.

It does? It sure didnt on my friend. He loves Both his moms and he grew up to be successful and a great father. His kids also love their two grandmas very much.
Your hate is what is negative.

Oooohhh! Wow! You know ONE person who - in your opinion - grew up "ok". I guess that ONE instance does a fact make, uh libtard?

Guess what genius, there have been instances where men have been shot 4, 5, 6, even 7 or more times and survived. So, I guess in your libtard mind, it should be perfectly ok to take 7 gun shots to your body? Hey, why don't you go give it a try and then report back on how it went. Fuck'n tool.... :cuckoo:

The facts are there and they are indisputable. Children that do not grow up in a home with both a mother and a father are far more susceptible to a wide range of negative issues. Do some survive it ok? Of course. But that exceptions does not change the reality you buffoon. Stop thinking with your emtions you libtard and start using your BRAIN.
You should advocate for children to have a loving home, it doesn't matter is their parents are heterosexual or not.

A loving home with a mother and a father.

There have been plenty of single parent loving homes and yet the children will all tell you the negative effect not having the other parent had on them.

I am a single parent.
Sometimes the father is dip shit and shouldn't be in the father's life.
It's called the real world you should join it.

How so? Are you truly that much of an idiot? Because it's a fact that not having both a mother and a father in the house has a negative impact on the child.

It does? It sure didnt on my friend. He loves Both his moms and he grew up to be successful and a great father. His kids also love their two grandmas very much.
Your hate is what is negative.

Oooohhh! Wow! You know ONE person who - in your opinion - grew up "ok". I guess that ONE instance does a fact make, uh libtard?

Guess what genius, there have been instances where men have been shot 4, 5, 6, even 7 or more times and survived. So, I guess in your libtard mind, it should be perfectly ok to take 7 gun shots to your body? Hey, why don't you go give it a try and then report back on how it went. Fuck'n tool.... :cuckoo:

The facts are there and they are indisputable. Children that do not grow up in a home with both a mother and a father are far more susceptible to a wide range of negative issues. Do some survive it ok? Of course. But that exceptions does not change the reality you buffoon. Stop thinking with your emtions you libtard and start using your BRAIN.

Join the real world and get back to me.
Of course they do - especially when they have to look at their friends and say "no, I don't have a dad - but I do have the other mommy".


At which point, the other kid says, "Oh, that's cool. Can we have cookies?"

The amazing thing is, you really think kids get all hung up about this stuff... they really don't.

It takes time to teach hate, fortunately. Unfortunately, some of you are still insisting on doing it.

You're absolutely right Joe, kids really don't care. If they aren't taught to hate, it doesn't even register on their I give a shit meter.

First of all - it's funny how you have to change the subject to the peers (who I NEVER brought up), because I'm 100% correct about a mother and a father being in a home. I was strictly talking about the children of the household in question, not the peers.

Second - you're truly an idiot and clearly have never had children. I can give you endless first hand stories about how children naturally and instinctively called out something even trivial (such as clothes, actions, speech, etc.) that was different. And no, nobody was teaching these kindergarteners to "hate" a child who has various quirks. Children notice things different and they will immediately focus on it. And since they have no filter, they will immediately talk about it and draw attention to it. Keep telling yourself that you children's peers thought your children having two mom's was "cool". After all, we've already established that your selfish and it is all about YOU, so you might as well delude yourself if it helps you sleep better at night as well.
At which point, the other kid says, "Oh, that's cool. Can we have cookies?"

The amazing thing is, you really think kids get all hung up about this stuff... they really don't.

It takes time to teach hate, fortunately. Unfortunately, some of you are still insisting on doing it.

You're absolutely right Joe, kids really don't care. If they aren't taught to hate, it doesn't even register on their I give a shit meter.

First of all - it's funny how you have to change the subject to the peers (who I NEVER brought up), because I'm 100% correct about a mother and a father being in a home. I was strictly talking about the children of the household in question, not the peers.

Second - you're truly an idiot and clearly have never had children. I can give you endless first hand stories about how children naturally and instinctively called out something even trivial (such as clothes, actions, speech, etc.) that was different. And no, nobody was teaching these kindergarteners to "hate" a child who has various quirks. Children notice things different and they will immediately focus on it. And since they have no filter, they will immediately talk about it and draw attention to it. Keep telling yourself that you children's peers thought your children having two mom's was "cool". After all, we've already established that your selfish and it is all about YOU, so you might as well delude yourself if it helps you sleep better at night as well.

Please stop talking, you are making your party look bad.
It does? It sure didnt on my friend. He loves Both his moms and he grew up to be successful and a great father. His kids also love their two grandmas very much.
Your hate is what is negative.

Oooohhh! Wow! You know ONE person who - in your opinion - grew up "ok". I guess that ONE instance does a fact make, uh libtard?

Guess what genius, there have been instances where men have been shot 4, 5, 6, even 7 or more times and survived. So, I guess in your libtard mind, it should be perfectly ok to take 7 gun shots to your body? Hey, why don't you go give it a try and then report back on how it went. Fuck'n tool.... :cuckoo:

The facts are there and they are indisputable. Children that do not grow up in a home with both a mother and a father are far more susceptible to a wide range of negative issues. Do some survive it ok? Of course. But that exceptions does not change the reality you buffoon. Stop thinking with your emtions you libtard and start using your BRAIN.

Join the real world and get back to me.

That's the best response you have after I proved your "hey I know ONE person" is completely absurd? :lol:

Unlike you, I'm in the real world. I don't live off the government. I've been married to the same woman my entire adult life. And I have children who have both a mother and a father in the home.
You're absolutely right Joe, kids really don't care. If they aren't taught to hate, it doesn't even register on their I give a shit meter.

First of all - it's funny how you have to change the subject to the peers (who I NEVER brought up), because I'm 100% correct about a mother and a father being in a home. I was strictly talking about the children of the household in question, not the peers.

Second - you're truly an idiot and clearly have never had children. I can give you endless first hand stories about how children naturally and instinctively called out something even trivial (such as clothes, actions, speech, etc.) that was different. And no, nobody was teaching these kindergarteners to "hate" a child who has various quirks. Children notice things different and they will immediately focus on it. And since they have no filter, they will immediately talk about it and draw attention to it. Keep telling yourself that you children's peers thought your children having two mom's was "cool". After all, we've already established that your selfish and it is all about YOU, so you might as well delude yourself if it helps you sleep better at night as well.

Please stop talking, you are making your party look bad.

Of course you want me to stop talking, I've completely owned you with facts while all you could respond with is uninformed opinion.
Oooohhh! Wow! You know ONE person who - in your opinion - grew up "ok". I guess that ONE instance does a fact make, uh libtard?

Guess what genius, there have been instances where men have been shot 4, 5, 6, even 7 or more times and survived. So, I guess in your libtard mind, it should be perfectly ok to take 7 gun shots to your body? Hey, why don't you go give it a try and then report back on how it went. Fuck'n tool.... :cuckoo:

The facts are there and they are indisputable. Children that do not grow up in a home with both a mother and a father are far more susceptible to a wide range of negative issues. Do some survive it ok? Of course. But that exceptions does not change the reality you buffoon. Stop thinking with your emtions you libtard and start using your BRAIN.

Join the real world and get back to me.

That's the best response you have after I proved your "hey I know ONE person" is completely absurd? :lol:

Unlike you, I'm in the real world. I don't live off the government. I've been married to the same woman my entire adult life. And I have children who have both a mother and a father in the home.

I live off the government, huh? Why would you imply I live off the government?
First of all - it's funny how you have to change the subject to the peers (who I NEVER brought up), because I'm 100% correct about a mother and a father being in a home. I was strictly talking about the children of the household in question, not the peers.

Second - you're truly an idiot and clearly have never had children. I can give you endless first hand stories about how children naturally and instinctively called out something even trivial (such as clothes, actions, speech, etc.) that was different. And no, nobody was teaching these kindergarteners to "hate" a child who has various quirks. Children notice things different and they will immediately focus on it. And since they have no filter, they will immediately talk about it and draw attention to it. Keep telling yourself that you children's peers thought your children having two mom's was "cool". After all, we've already established that your selfish and it is all about YOU, so you might as well delude yourself if it helps you sleep better at night as well.

Please stop talking, you are making your party look bad.

Of course you want me to stop talking, I've completely owned you with facts while all you could respond with is uninformed opinion.

The only thing you have owned is ignorance and being close minded.
You have not done any research if you think it matters whether or not children's parents are same sex or not.
Most studies prove that children's well being has to do with economic and security issues, not the sexuality of their parents.

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