Marriage Matters: Consequences of Redefining Marriage

Yep - which is why we should all wait and see what the results are, rather than making outrageous predictions and acting like an immature buffoon.

Gambling is the wagering of money or something of material value (referred to as "the stakes") on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning additional money and/or material goods. (or simply bragging rights)

Right. And this is not a gambling website, is it now? :lol:

You do realize you're a caricature of the stereotypical libtard, don't you? Lets see:

  • Military bull-dyke lesbian (check)

  • Zero understanding of the U.S. Constitution (check)

  • Willing to trade freedoms for government table scraps (check)

  • Completely, totally, and utterly obssessed with gambling - even to the extraordinary extreme of insisting on betting on events other than sports (check)
I mean, seriously, what kind of gambling problem does one have to have to spend a week demanding over and over and over (to the point of being redundantly obnoxious) to wager on a pending Supreme Court ruling? I can only imagine how many times her "kids" have gone to school without a meal because mommy gambled away the groceries again. I shudder to think how many times her "kids" have been forced to sit in a dark car on a school night while mommy pissed away her paycheck at the inside the casino because she didn't want to "waste" any of her money on a babysitter.

Only been to a casino once in my life, played some nickle slots (won and gave my winnings to a newlywed couple) in Aruba and I lost $20 at the Vegas airport on a layover, that's it.

Don't need a babysitter because Mommy makes enough for the other Mommy to stay home full time. Oh, and I make it working, not gambling.

I've sufficiently showed you to be all bluster with no bite. I won't ask you to bet. I understand you are more uncertain than I am.
What's silly is that you're not focusing on the trend. Your opinion on same-sex marriage is becoming obsolete.

Sure, as indicated by....... Prop 8? :cuckoo:

You mean something that was passed 5 years ago? Things change quickly in America. Good thing too.

Oh yeah - things change real quick in America :lmao:

It only took us 100 years to end slavery. Then it only took us 100 more to treat blacks equally. :lmao:

Homosexuality has existed since the beginning of time, yet the 1990's was the first time any state would allow a gay couple to marry :lmao:
Mommy makes enough for the other Mommy

Is it any wonder we have seen such a severe degradation of our society with each passing decade? Any child who has to use the phrase "my other mommy" is never going to have a proper childhood.

Pretty damn selfish of you Seawytch. It's all about what you want and not what those poor children need (you know, that thing called a FATHER)
Mommy makes enough for the other Mommy

Is it any wonder we have seen such a severe degradation of our society with each passing decade? Any child who has to use the phrase "my other mommy" is never going to have a proper childhood.

Pretty damn selfish of you Seawytch. It's all about what you want and not what those poor children need (you know, that thing called a FATHER)

They have a perfectly normal childhood. The only difference between my kids and their friends is that my kid's parents are still married to each other.

You've already been provided the studies that show gender does not matter when raising children.

Pity kids of divorce, asshole, not mine.
Mommy makes enough for the other Mommy

Is it any wonder we have seen such a severe degradation of our society with each passing decade? Any child who has to use the phrase "my other mommy" is never going to have a proper childhood.

Pretty damn selfish of you Seawytch. It's all about what you want and not what those poor children need (you know, that thing called a FATHER)

My friend Jesse had a great childhood and had two moms. Now he is successful and a great father. You are an idiot.
Sure, as indicated by....... Prop 8? :cuckoo:

You mean something that was passed 5 years ago? Things change quickly in America. Good thing too.

Oh yeah - things change real quick in America :lmao:

It only took us 100 years to end slavery. Then it only took us 100 more to treat blacks equally. :lmao:

Homosexuality has existed since the beginning of time, yet the 1990's was the first time any state would allow a gay couple to marry :lmao:
What does that have to do with anything other than the fact that you're an idiot?
Mommy makes enough for the other Mommy

Is it any wonder we have seen such a severe degradation of our society with each passing decade? Any child who has to use the phrase "my other mommy" is never going to have a proper childhood.

Pretty damn selfish of you Seawytch. It's all about what you want and not what those poor children need (you know, that thing called a FATHER)

They have a perfectly normal childhood. The only difference between my kids and their friends is that my kid's parents are still married to each other.

You've already been provided the studies that show gender does not matter when raising children.

Pity kids of divorce, asshole, not mine.

Of course they do - especially when they have to look at their friends and say "no, I don't have a dad - but I do have the other mommy".

You're so selfish, it's absolutely sickening. It's all about you, and fuck the needs of the children, uh Wytchey?
Is it any wonder we have seen such a severe degradation of our society with each passing decade? Any child who has to use the phrase "my other mommy" is never going to have a proper childhood.

Pretty damn selfish of you Seawytch. It's all about what you want and not what those poor children need (you know, that thing called a FATHER)

They have a perfectly normal childhood. The only difference between my kids and their friends is that my kid's parents are still married to each other.

You've already been provided the studies that show gender does not matter when raising children.

Pity kids of divorce, asshole, not mine.

Of course they do - especially when they have to look at their friends and say "no, I don't have a dad - but I do have the other mommy".

You're so selfish, it's absolutely sickening. It's all about you, and fuck the needs of the children, uh Wytchey?

Shut up now because you look even more stupid. Please.
You mean something that was passed 5 years ago? Things change quickly in America. Good thing too.

Oh yeah - things change real quick in America :lmao:

It only took us 100 years to end slavery. Then it only took us 100 more to treat blacks equally. :lmao:

Homosexuality has existed since the beginning of time, yet the 1990's was the first time any state would allow a gay couple to marry :lmao:
What does that have to do with anything other than the fact that you're an idiot?

:lmao: You just go so thoroughly owned with facts, you couldn't come up with even a remotely reasonable response... :lmao:

What does it have to do with? You mean other than the fact that I just clearly illustrated the American people do not change their minds as quickly as you falsely claim? :cuckoo:

In fact, most people never change their mind. It takes subsequent generations who never agreed with their previous generation for change.
They have a perfectly normal childhood. The only difference between my kids and their friends is that my kid's parents are still married to each other.

You've already been provided the studies that show gender does not matter when raising children.

Pity kids of divorce, asshole, not mine.

Of course they do - especially when they have to look at their friends and say "no, I don't have a dad - but I do have the other mommy".

You're so selfish, it's absolutely sickening. It's all about you, and fuck the needs of the children, uh Wytchey?

Shut up now because you look even more stupid. Please.

That's the best response you have, and you're saying I look "stupid"?!? :lmao:

Sorry, but I presented actual fact (ie the lack of a dad, the presence of an additional mom) and all you added was a personal attack. You couldn't even add a single rational reason why you feel I am "stupid".
Of course they do - especially when they have to look at their friends and say "no, I don't have a dad - but I do have the other mommy".

You're so selfish, it's absolutely sickening. It's all about you, and fuck the needs of the children, uh Wytchey?

Shut up now because you look even more stupid. Please.

That's the best response you have, and you're saying I look "stupid"?!? :lmao:

Sorry, but I presented actual fact (ie the lack of a dad, the presence of an additional mom) and all you added was a personal attack. You couldn't even add a single rational reason why you feel I am "stupid".

No you don't.
And it's the only response you deserve.
Is it any wonder we have seen such a severe degradation of our society with each passing decade? Any child who has to use the phrase "my other mommy" is never going to have a proper childhood.

Pretty damn selfish of you Seawytch. It's all about what you want and not what those poor children need (you know, that thing called a FATHER)

They have a perfectly normal childhood. The only difference between my kids and their friends is that my kid's parents are still married to each other.

You've already been provided the studies that show gender does not matter when raising children.

Pity kids of divorce, asshole, not mine.

Of course they do - especially when they have to look at their friends and say "no, I don't have a dad - but I do have the other mommy".

You're so selfish, it's absolutely sickening. It's all about you, and fuck the needs of the children, uh Wytchey?

Puppy, worry about your own kids growing up in your world of hate. They're going to have a harder time adapting to the outside world than mine.

My kids have no problem saying they have two Mom's and no father because that is their family that they love and are proud of. They know they have two parents that wanted them, planned for them and love them. That's all children need.

Like I said, pity kids with parents that divorce. You're not divorced are you?
Is it any wonder we have seen such a severe degradation of our society with each passing decade? Any child who has to use the phrase "my other mommy" is never going to have a proper childhood.

Pretty damn selfish of you Seawytch. It's all about what you want and not what those poor children need (you know, that thing called a FATHER)

They have a perfectly normal childhood. The only difference between my kids and their friends is that my kid's parents are still married to each other.

You've already been provided the studies that show gender does not matter when raising children.

Pity kids of divorce, asshole, not mine.

Of course they do - especially when they have to look at their friends and say "no, I don't have a dad - but I do have the other mommy".

You're so selfish, it's absolutely sickening. It's all about you, and fuck the needs of the children, uh Wytchey?

What’s sickening is you and others on the totalitarian right dictating to others how they should live their lives.

What’s sickening is your stupidity, ignorance, and hate.
Puppy, worry about your own kids growing up in your world of hate. They're going to have a harder time adapting to the outside world than mine.

My kids have no problem saying they have two Mom's and no father because that is their family that they love and are proud of. They know they have two parents that wanted them, planned for them and love them. That's all children need.

Like I said, pity kids with parents that divorce. You're not divorced are you?

No, I'm not divorced. Never have been. Never will be.

And how exactly have I created a "world of hate" by advocating we do what is best for children instead of what selfish adults want?

Yeah - sure is sooooo "hateful" to advocate for children to have a loving home with a mother and a father.
What’s sickening is you and others on the totalitarian right dictating to others how they should live their lives.

What’s sickening is your stupidity, ignorance, and hate.

Yeah, um, where exactly did I tell her how to live her life? We were talking about the children - which are not her life.

I don't care what people do what their own life, but it does piss me off when they ruin a child's life (and maybe she's not "ruining" their life, but she's certainly not doing them any justice).
Puppy, worry about your own kids growing up in your world of hate. They're going to have a harder time adapting to the outside world than mine.

My kids have no problem saying they have two Mom's and no father because that is their family that they love and are proud of. They know they have two parents that wanted them, planned for them and love them. That's all children need.

Like I said, pity kids with parents that divorce. You're not divorced are you?

No, I'm not divorced. Never have been. Never will be.

And how exactly have I created a "world of hate" by advocating we do what is best for children instead of what selfish adults want?

Yeah - sure is sooooo "hateful" to advocate for children to have a loving home with a mother and a father.

You should advocate for children to have a loving home, it doesn't matter is their parents are heterosexual or not.
What’s sickening is you and others on the totalitarian right dictating to others how they should live their lives.

What’s sickening is your stupidity, ignorance, and hate.

Yeah, um, where exactly did I tell her how to live her life? We were talking about the children - which are not her life.

I don't care what people do what their own life, but it does piss me off when they ruin a child's life (and maybe she's not "ruining" their life, but she's certainly not doing them any justice).

How so?
What’s sickening is you and others on the totalitarian right dictating to others how they should live their lives.

What’s sickening is your stupidity, ignorance, and hate.

Yeah, um, where exactly did I tell her how to live her life? We were talking about the children - which are not her life.

I don't care what people do what their own life, but it does piss me off when they ruin a child's life (and maybe she's not "ruining" their life, but she's certainly not doing them any justice).

Because she isn't raising them the way you see fit?
You don't get decide what is wrong for other's children.
You should advocate for children to have a loving home, it doesn't matter is their parents are heterosexual or not.

A loving home with a mother and a father.

There have been plenty of single parent loving homes and yet the children will all tell you the negative effect not having the other parent had on them.
What’s sickening is you and others on the totalitarian right dictating to others how they should live their lives.

What’s sickening is your stupidity, ignorance, and hate.

Yeah, um, where exactly did I tell her how to live her life? We were talking about the children - which are not her life.

I don't care what people do what their own life, but it does piss me off when they ruin a child's life (and maybe she's not "ruining" their life, but she's certainly not doing them any justice).

How so?

How so? Are you truly that much of an idiot? Because it's a fact that not having both a mother and a father in the house has a negative impact on the child.

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