Marriage Matters: Consequences of Redefining Marriage

You already are treated equally you stupid twat. You can marry a man ANY time you want. What you want, as usual with you libtards, is special treatment, extra perks, and additional benefits.

And blacks could marry blacks and whites could marry whites. Tried and failed.

Face the facts, puppy, you've lost this one. Gays are married, are getting married and will continue to get married.

You're not even familiar with Prop 8. You keep celebrating what you wish will be instead of what has actually happened. The most liberal dumbocrat state in the union - California - shot down gay marriage you buffoon. :dance:

Our Constitutional rights are not subject to majority rule.

And there is no such thing as ‘gay marriage,’ there is only marriage law, the same, single law available to all citizens, regardless sexual orientation.
Prop H8 barely passed and only with millions of dollars of out of state money, lying commercials and entire congregations from churches getting handed signs and told to stand on street corners instead of church service.

Do you think Prop H8 would pass today?

And what's to stop "millions of dollars of out of state money" the next time? What's to stop "entire congregations" next time?

The people have spoken. Grow up and accept democracy...

There is no need for a "next time". SCOTUS will be taking care of Prop 8 in June.


(and if I didn't know any better, I would think that Puppy is trying to get his own thread relegated to the Flame what could possibly make him want to do that...other than being trounced with reason, logic, legal precedence and just plain common sense. :lol:)
I am done with this thread. the gay marriage supporters refuse to discuss the issue using facts, logic, history, and common sense. So I am done with it. I do not enjoy debating with imbeciles.

I have a new user name for seawytch--------its: hugh jim bissel---- say it fast.

Isn't this the third or fourth time you've said you're leaving this thread. Just can't quit me? Very Brokeback Mountain of you. Guess we know now why you wanted to know if I was butch or're into role playing. Not my thing, sorry, plus I'm happily married.

Run away now and fuel your fantasy's elsewhere.

in the words of that great comedian George Carlin-------fuck you !
I am done with this thread. the gay marriage supporters refuse to discuss the issue using facts, logic, history, and common sense. So I am done with it. I do not enjoy debating with imbeciles.

I have a new user name for seawytch--------its: hugh jim bissel---- say it fast.

Isn't this the third or fourth time you've said you're leaving this thread. Just can't quit me? Very Brokeback Mountain of you. Guess we know now why you wanted to know if I was butch or're into role playing. Not my thing, sorry, plus I'm happily married.

Run away now and fuel your fantasy's elsewhere.

in the words of that great comedian George Carlin-------fuck you !

Ah Fishy, back so soon? I wish you knew how to quit me too. Try harder. Try a 12 step.
You're not even familiar with Prop 8. You keep celebrating what you wish will be instead of what has actually happened. The most liberal dumbocrat state in the union - California - shot down gay marriage you buffoon. :dance:

Prop H8 barely passed and only with millions of dollars of out of state money, lying commercials and entire congregations from churches getting handed signs and told to stand on street corners instead of church service.

Do you think Prop H8 would pass today?

Pass today?!? It is passed today!!! :lmao:

Oh, that's right....I forgot your mental handicap when trying to talk to you. Poor Rottie.
I am done with this thread. the gay marriage supporters refuse to discuss the issue using facts, logic, history, and common sense. So I am done with it. I do not enjoy debating with imbeciles.

I have a new user name for seawytch--------its: hugh jim bissel---- say it fast.

Isn't this the third or fourth time you've said you're leaving this thread. Just can't quit me? Very Brokeback Mountain of you. Guess we know now why you wanted to know if I was butch or're into role playing. Not my thing, sorry, plus I'm happily married.

Run away now and fuel your fantasy's elsewhere.

in the words of that great comedian George Carlin-------fuck you !

An El Magnifico wannabe? Or maybe an El Magnifico sock? :eusa_eh:
Which leads us back to the Prop 8 challenge you are ignorant of. Rights already granted cannot be taken away by a majority vote. (tyranny of the majority and all) I thought you masturbated to the Constitution. How is this stuff new info to you?

Which goes to prove that marriage is not (and never was) a "right". You claim that "rights can't be taken away" while talking about Prop 8, which took away your ability to get married. :lmao:

You can't even see when you contradict yourself :cuckoo:

Yes, yes and yes. I'll bet the first two, the third...well, I'm willing to bet but it would have to be a separate bet because that's going to take much longer...the first two will happen in June.

Come on, puppy, if you're so sure of America's views on marriage equality, take the bet.

You don't seem to comprehend that I'm sure of what the laws are right now based on a very recent vote by ultra-liberal California. You're the one who wants to deal with pipe-dreams and wishes. I'm the one who wants to do with facts and reality only.

One month, signatures or avatars that my "prediction" about the first two are right on the money, honey.

No thanks - I prefer to deal with reality. You clearly prefer Disneyland fantasies (hey, God bless you).
(and if I didn't know any better, I would think that Puppy is trying to get his own thread relegated to the Flame what could possibly make him want to do that...other than being trounced with reason, logic, legal precedence and just plain common sense. :lol:)

Well, as usual, you don't know better... :lmao:

You have been thoroughly, completely, and totally owned in this thread. Let's recap, shall we?

You've yet to discuss FACTS on anything. In each post, you keep claiming that you know the future. You claim to know how the Supreme Court will rule. You claim that "my state" will allow gay marriage within 10 years (even though you don't have a fuck'n clue where I live). And you point to 1600's tribes to back up your views on gay marriage and abortion.

You didn't even know what Prop 8 was until I had to explain to you that it existed... :cuckoo:

I've dealt in facts and reality. You've dealt in "predictions" about the future (something you don't have a fucking clue about). And that is why you have had your ass completely handed to you in this thread.

Sorry sweetie, 1600's tribes do not hold up against Prop 8... :lol:
You have zero comprehension of how radically this nation (and this world for that matter) has changed in just the past 100 years. An abortion was unthinkable and a criminal act when our Constitution was written.
Abortion was frequently practiced in North America during the period from 1600 to 1900. Many tribal societies knew how to induce abortions. They used a variety of methods including the use of black root and cedar root as abortifacient agents. During the colonial period, the legality of abortion varied from colony to colony and reflected the attitude of the European country which controlled the specific colony. In the British colonies abortions were legal if they were performed prior to quickening. In the French colonies abortions were frequently performed despite the fact that they were considered to be illegal. In the Spanish and Portuguese colonies abortion was illegal. From 1776 until the mid-1800s abortion was viewed as socially unacceptable; however, abortions were not illegal in most states. During the 1860s a number of states passed anti-abortion laws. Most of these laws were ambiguous and difficult to enforce. After 1860 stronger anti-abortion laws were passed and these laws were more vigorously enforced. As a result, many women began to utilize illegal underground abortion services. Although abortion was legalized in 1970, many women are still forced to obtain illegal abortion or to perform self-abortions due to the economic constraints imposed by the Hyde Amendment and the unavailability of services in many areas. Throughout the colonial period and during the early years of the republic, the abortion situation for slave women was different than for other women. Slaves were subject to the rules of their owners, and the owners refused to allow their slaves to terminate pregnancies. The owners wanted their slaves to produce as many children as possible since these children belonged to the slave owners. This situation persisted until the end of the slavery era.

Abortion in Early America
You've yet to discuss FACTS on anything. In each post, you keep claiming that you know the future. You claim to know how the Supreme Court will rule. You claim that "my state" will allow gay marriage within 10 years (even though you don't have a fuck'n clue where I live). And you point to 1600's tribes to back up your views on gay marriage and abortion.

Just to review, you claimed that abortion was unthinkable and illegal at the time the Constitution was written in the 1780's.

You latch onto one mention of "tribes in the 1600's" and ignore the rest. Under British Common Law, the law applicable to the colonies at the time of the writing of the Constitution was that it was not illegal to have an abortion prior to quickening. Check the writting of Sir William Blackstone if you need confirmation. The first U.S. law against abortion was written in 1821 in Connecticut and that law applied only after quickening also. It wasn't until 1840 that the first total ban on abortion was implemented by Maine.

Constitution = 1780's
Connecticut = 1821
Maine = 1840

Depending on how you view defining it as a "criminal act". In 1821 it wasn't illegal to have a pre-quickening abortion or 1840 when the first total ban was implemented - either way abortions were available in the Colonies at the time the Constitution was written prior to about the late 3rd or early 4th month.

Which leads us back to the Prop 8 challenge you are ignorant of. Rights already granted cannot be taken away by a majority vote. (tyranny of the majority and all) I thought you masturbated to the Constitution. How is this stuff new info to you?

Which goes to prove that marriage is not (and never was) a "right". You claim that "rights can't be taken away" while talking about Prop 8, which took away your ability to get married. :lmao:

You can't even see when you contradict yourself :cuckoo:

You aren't just crazy, you're not very bright either. Do you really not understand that it is because rights were granted and then taken away that Prop 8 was successfully challenged and has gotten all the way to the SCOTUS? Perhaps if you did comprehend that, you would understand why I am so confident of what the end result will be.

Yes, yes and yes. I'll bet the first two, the third...well, I'm willing to bet but it would have to be a separate bet because that's going to take much longer...the first two will happen in June.

Come on, puppy, if you're so sure of America's views on marriage equality, take the bet.

You don't seem to comprehend that I'm sure of what the laws are right now based on a very recent vote by ultra-liberal California. You're the one who wants to deal with pipe-dreams and wishes. I'm the one who wants to do with facts and reality only.

:lol: In the past four years there has been a huge shift in public opinion on marriage the tune of 10+% in Gallup polls.



On gay marriage, change in public opinion has been big, and rapid

Wake up, Rip Van Winkle...times they are a changin'!

One month, signatures or avatars that my "prediction" about the first two are right on the money, honey.

No thanks - I prefer to deal with reality. You clearly prefer Disneyland fantasies (hey, God bless you).

Oh I see. You won't bet because I'm clearly not in control of my facilities and it wouldn't be fair? Is that your "reason" {cough} (excuse) for pussying out?
You've yet to discuss FACTS on anything. In each post, you keep claiming that you know the future. You claim to know how the Supreme Court will rule. You claim that "my state" will allow gay marriage within 10 years (even though you don't have a fuck'n clue where I live).
Yes, I have made estimations, based on evidence, as to the outcome of the Prop 8 and DOMA case. I've read the testimony, the briefings and the opinions of subject matters specialists. What have you read in regards to this case? Anything beyond the vote total over four years ago?

It won't matter what state you live in 10 years from now...that was my point. Boy you're thick.

And you point to 1600's tribes to back up your views on gay marriage and abortion.

I pointed to much more had you read beyond the first sentence of each provided fact, you would know that and would not be making such a fool of yourself.

You didn't even know what Prop 8 was until I had to explain to you that it existed...

Now you're just being intentionally ridiculous. I have worked full time at a Registrars office since the mid 2000s. I was taking calls that day from voters and pollworkers complaining about the protesters on either side of the debate. I got legally married in CA before Prop 8 was passed and am one of the 18,000 legally married gays and lesbians in CA.

You've "explained" nothing, Nancy.

I've dealt in facts and reality. You've dealt in "predictions" about the future (something you don't have a fucking clue about). And that is why you have had your ass completely handed to you in this thread.

You must be in some sort of bubble of your own devising that completely skews your view of reality. Maybe it's low self esteem, but if it helps you to think you've "handed me my ass", you just go on believing that, honey. Just look at yourself in the mirror and say:

Prop H8 barely passed and only with millions of dollars of out of state money, lying commercials and entire congregations from churches getting handed signs and told to stand on street corners instead of church service.

Do you think Prop H8 would pass today?

Pass today?!? It is passed today!!! :lmao:

Oh, that's right....I forgot your mental handicap when trying to talk to you. Poor Rottie.

So you're challenging whether a bill that has already passed "would pass" and I'm the one with the mental handicap? :lmao:
Oh I see. You won't bet because I'm clearly not in control of my facilities and it wouldn't be fair? Is that your "reason" {cough} (excuse) for pussying out?

Where did I say that? You need a lot of help.

I don't know how to say this any clearer - I deal in facts. Since the Supreme Court has not ruled yet, then there are no facts to deal in yet. There are only your pipe-dream fantasies.

By the way, how old are you really? 19? Seriously, I stopped challenging a person as a "pussy" to get what I wanted by the time I was about 9. I knew you were intellectually inferior based on your comical posts, but I had no idea you were intellectually this immature.

You will never be able to provoke me into doing something you want sweetie. The fact that you actually believed you could illustrates what a child I'm dealing with here...
Oh I see. You won't bet because I'm clearly not in control of my facilities and it wouldn't be fair? Is that your "reason" {cough} (excuse) for pussying out?

Where did I say that? You need a lot of help.

I don't know how to say this any clearer - I deal in facts. Since the Supreme Court has not ruled yet, then there are no facts to deal in yet. There are only your pipe-dream fantasies.

Do you understand the concept of a bet, of gambling at all?

The FACT is you won't bet despite claiming you're certain I live in a "fantasy land". Have you read any of the testimony before the SCOTUS? Any of the Supremes questions or statements? ANY facts of the Prop 8 challenge at all?

By the way, how old are you really? 19? Seriously, I stopped challenging a person as a "pussy" to get what I wanted by the time I was about 9. I knew you were intellectually inferior based on your comical posts, but I had no idea you were intellectually this immature.

You will never be able to provoke me into doing something you want sweetie. The fact that you actually believed you could illustrates what a child I'm dealing with here...

Sorry, that's how salty sailors talk. Would yellow bellied chickenshit be better for you? You won't bet because you know you'd matter how you bluster. :lol:
Pass today?!? It is passed today!!! :lmao:

Oh, that's right....I forgot your mental handicap when trying to talk to you. Poor Rottie.

So you're challenging whether a bill that has already passed "would pass" and I'm the one with the mental handicap? :lmao:

You are either being intentionally obtuse or you do have a comprehension problem of some sort. It was very clear to those of us that don't that Bod meant if Prop 8 were on the ballot today, it would not pass. Marriage Equality now enjoys 61% support in CA.
You're not even familiar with Prop 8. You keep celebrating what you wish will be instead of what has actually happened. The most liberal dumbocrat state in the union - California - shot down gay marriage you buffoon. :dance:

Of course I'm aware. I was one of the 18,000 that got legally married prior to Prop 8.

I also am familiar with the current legal challenge and the likely outcome. I have a feeling, however, that you are not. Here, let me help you old feller.

Prop 8 Timeline

Supreme Court has menu of options in gay marriage case

Come on Seawytch - say it with me now: Prop 8.

(you can do it - I know you can) :lol:
I don't know why you keep going on about Prop H8.

That Titanic is sinking fast and what a great day it will be when it's gone.
Pass today?!? It is passed today!!! :lmao:

Oh, that's right....I forgot your mental handicap when trying to talk to you. Poor Rottie.

So you're challenging whether a bill that has already passed "would pass" and I'm the one with the mental handicap? :lmao:

Seriously? People's opinions change you know. You haven't noticed the call for federal recognition of gay marriages trending over the last 5 years?

Washington, Colorado, Rhode Island, Delaware and soon Minnesota... all in less than a year.

You have a current events handicap. California will join the ranks after SCOTUS rules in June, gay-pride month coincidentally. Should make for the best gay pride parade San Francisco has ever seen.
And blacks could marry blacks and whites could marry whites. Tried and failed.

Face the facts, puppy, you've lost this one. Gays are married, are getting married and will continue to get married.

You're not even familiar with Prop 8. You keep celebrating what you wish will be instead of what has actually happened. The most liberal dumbocrat state in the union - California - shot down gay marriage you buffoon. :dance:

Our Constitutional rights are not subject to majority rule.

And there is no such thing as ‘gay marriage,’ there is only marriage law, the same, single law available to all citizens, regardless sexual orientation.

Except that marriage is not a Constitutional right you buffoon. There is no "right" to marriage. Why don't you try actually reading the Constitution before commenting on it?

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