Marriage Matters: Consequences of Redefining Marriage

I didn't marry for the benefits either, Puppy. Like you, I married my partner because I love her and we have a familiy together that deserves to say their parents are married just like everyone else.

Sorry sweetie - you slipped and the truth came out. You're on record - no backpedaling now....

"If you don't care that legal marriage comes with over 1,000 rights, benefits and privileges, why do it?" - Seawytch
I didn't marry for the benefits either, Puppy. Like you, I married my partner because I love her and we have a familiy together that deserves to say their parents are married just like everyone else.

Sorry sweetie - you slipped and the truth came out. You're on record - no backpedaling now....

"If you don't care that legal marriage comes with over 1,000 rights, benefits and privileges, why do it?" - Seawytch

its not about rights with wytchey, its all about the word "marriage". She, and a lot of gays, want to shove their lifestyle in our faces. They are an aberation of the human condition, that will never change.

We should have never redefined marriage.

Marriage is between one man and one woman of the same race and religion and a decision entered into when the father of the woman has offered to pay the man or the family of the man a sufficient sum of money! Anything else is redefinition of traditional marriage and will cause our society to decay!

We should have never redefined marriage.

Marriage is between one man and one woman of the same race and religion and a decision entered into when the father of the woman has offered to pay the man or the family of the man a sufficient sum of money! Anything else is redefinition of traditional marriage and will cause our society to decay!

:clap2: thats funny I am going to give you an up rep for that one.
Because I loved my then-girlfriend and wanted to make a life-long commitment to her. It was about our relationship and God. It had nothing to do with the fucking despicable government. It never did and it never will. Unlike you sweetie - I wasn't married by my government. I was married in a church by our pastor.

The fact that you just made that statement, not to mention the fact that you know how many "benefits" go along with it, verifies what I have been saying since your first response in this thread - you are in it to fuck the American people out of every penny you can. It was never about your commitment to your partner. Yours was strictly a business decision for perks and benefits.

Are you trying to say that you didn't get a marriage license at all and just got the church marriage? You didn't file with with Clerk at all? Is that what you're saying Rotty, that you didn't get a marriage license?

I didn't marry for the benefits either, Puppy. Like you, I married my partner because I love her and we have a familiy together that deserves to say their parents are married just like everyone else. That doesn't mean that I should be denied the rights, benefits and privileges associated with legal, civil marriage...things like not testifying against your spouse or the ability to visit them in the hospital if they are sick.

Just a few more weeks left in June, when the SCOTUS ruling will come down...

Of course we were required to get a marriage license - thanks to libtards just like you who demand that government be intimately involved in every aspect of your life.

No you weren't, you did that on your own. A church would still marry you in the church with or without the state issued license.
I didn't marry for the benefits either, Puppy. Like you, I married my partner because I love her and we have a familiy together that deserves to say their parents are married just like everyone else.

Sorry sweetie - you slipped and the truth came out. You're on record - no backpedaling now....

"If you don't care that legal marriage comes with over 1,000 rights, benefits and privileges, why do it?" - Seawytch

No I didn't. I was referring to legal, not religious marriage. One does NOT require the other.
I didn't marry for the benefits either, Puppy. Like you, I married my partner because I love her and we have a familiy together that deserves to say their parents are married just like everyone else.

Sorry sweetie - you slipped and the truth came out. You're on record - no backpedaling now....

"If you don't care that legal marriage comes with over 1,000 rights, benefits and privileges, why do it?" - Seawytch

its not about rights with wytchey, its all about the word "marriage". She, and a lot of gays, want to shove their lifestyle in our faces. They are an aberation of the human condition, that will never change.

Back again Fishy? This makes how many now since your last last post? Can't stay away?

I've already proven that it is YOU hung up on the word, not me. Call it anything you want, just make it the same.
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I am opposed to redefining marriage. Marriage is the union of two people of the same race!

The Bible says so, it has always been that way, it is not normal, and that's the end of the matter. Negroes have a shorter lifespan, are lazy, carry all kinds of diseases, and hump like rabbits.

If we allow negro men to marry our white women, the next thing you know mothers will be marrying their sons, dogs will be sleeping with cats, and the sun will asplode.
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This issue doesn’t concern marriage in a religious context, and it never has.

It concerns only applicable 14th Amendment jurisprudence, the right to equal protection of the laws, and the Constitution’s guarantee of substantive due process, where individuals are free to express and define themselves as they see fit, free from government interference, and to realize personal liberty independent of social convention concerning gender roles.
Because I loved my then-girlfriend and wanted to make a life-long commitment to her. It was about our relationship and God. It had nothing to do with the fucking despicable government. It never did and it never will. Unlike you sweetie - I wasn't married by my government. I was married in a church by our pastor.

The fact that you just made that statement, not to mention the fact that you know how many "benefits" go along with it, verifies what I have been saying since your first response in this thread - you are in it to fuck the American people out of every penny you can. It was never about your commitment to your partner. Yours was strictly a business decision for perks and benefits.

Are you trying to say that you didn't get a marriage license at all and just got the church marriage? You didn't file with with Clerk at all? Is that what you're saying Rotty, that you didn't get a marriage license?

I didn't marry for the benefits either, Puppy. Like you, I married my partner because I love her and we have a familiy together that deserves to say their parents are married just like everyone else. That doesn't mean that I should be denied the rights, benefits and privileges associated with legal, civil marriage...things like not testifying against your spouse or the ability to visit them in the hospital if they are sick.

Just a few more weeks left in June, when the SCOTUS ruling will come down...

Of course we were required to get a marriage license - thanks to libtards just like you who demand that government be intimately involved in every aspect of your life.

No not really, you were never required to get a license. You could have lived together will no legal entanglements. If you are religious, you can get a Religious Marriage without government sanction. You could have drawn up Powers of Attorney, Living Trusts, Property Partnership Contracts, and if you had children you could have adopted them to be recognized legally as their father.

You could be "married" without being "Civilly Married" in the eyes of the government.

No not really, you were never required to get a license. You could have lived together will no legal entanglements. If you are religious, you can get a Religious Marriage without government sanction. You could have drawn up Powers of Attorney, Living Trusts, Property Partnership Contracts, and if you had children you could have adopted them to be recognized legally as their father.

You could be "married" without being "Civilly Married" in the eyes of the government.

Perhaps you should actually find out which state I live in before making such wild and ignorant comments?

We were required to get a marriage license (and I was pissed about it).

Why is it that libtards insist in speaking from a place of pure ignorance? I'm just curious. Can anyone tell me?
No not really, you were never required to get a license. You could have lived together will no legal entanglements. If you are religious, you can get a Religious Marriage without government sanction. You could have drawn up Powers of Attorney, Living Trusts, Property Partnership Contracts, and if you had children you could have adopted them to be recognized legally as their father.

You could be "married" without being "Civilly Married" in the eyes of the government.

Perhaps you should actually find out which state I live in before making such wild and ignorant comments?

We were required to get a marriage license (and I was pissed about it).

Why is it that libtards insist in speaking from a place of pure ignorance? I'm just curious. Can anyone tell me?

Link to the law that requires a license for a religious ceremony.
No not really, you were never required to get a license. You could have lived together will no legal entanglements. If you are religious, you can get a Religious Marriage without government sanction. You could have drawn up Powers of Attorney, Living Trusts, Property Partnership Contracts, and if you had children you could have adopted them to be recognized legally as their father.

You could be "married" without being "Civilly Married" in the eyes of the government.

Perhaps you should actually find out which state I live in before making such wild and ignorant comments?

We were required to get a marriage license (and I was pissed about it).

Why is it that libtards insist in speaking from a place of pure ignorance? I'm just curious. Can anyone tell me?

Link to the law that requires a license for a religious ceremony.

Ah, no thanks sweetie. I have no desire to be the next James Moore because libtards have lost on the battlefield of policy and ideas.

The fact is, our church and pastor are not permitted to perform a marriage ceremony without the couple having first obtained a marriage license. It is a requirement (and just another example of government intruding on the church).

I would tell you to do your own homework, be we all know that is not the liberal way. The liberal way is to live off of the work of others.
Perhaps you should actually find out which state I live in before making such wild and ignorant comments?

We were required to get a marriage license (and I was pissed about it).

Why is it that libtards insist in speaking from a place of pure ignorance? I'm just curious. Can anyone tell me?

Link to the law that requires a license for a religious ceremony.

Ah, no thanks sweetie. I have no desire to be the next James Moore because libtards have lost on the battlefield of policy and ideas.

The fact is, our church and pastor are not permitted to perform a marriage ceremony without the couple having first obtained a marriage license. It is a requirement (and just another example of government intruding on the church).

I would tell you to do your own homework, be we all know that is not the liberal way. The liberal way is to live off of the work of others.

So you can't cite the law that requires a church to have seen a license before solemnizing your vows, got it. You could have gone to another state too couldn't you, Puppy?

Us gays have been getting married only in churches for decades. I attended my first gay wedding at a Southern Baptist church in license needed.

Do you use that little old piece of paper you were "forced" to get? Do you get your wife's health care paid for with pre-tax dollars? (I can't) Do you file joint taxes? Are you secure in the knowledge she could visit you in the hospital?
You could have gone to another state too couldn't you, Puppy?

Honestly, I have no idea. I suppose so? But then again, I was stunned (and quite pissed) when I learned I needed a license from the state for me to marry my wife.

Us gays have been getting married only in churches for decades. I attended my first gay wedding at a Southern Baptist church in license needed.

Obviously in a state that doesn't require it. I happen to be in a different situation with my state.

Do you use that little old piece of paper you were "forced" to get? Do you get your wife's health care paid for with pre-tax dollars? (I can't)

No - and had no idea that was even possible.

Do you file joint taxes?

No - our accountant informed us we take it on the chin a little lighter when we file separately. Sad, isn't it?

Are you secure in the knowledge she could visit you in the hospital?

Yes. But then again, all of my friends can visit me in the hospital. So I can't imagine why that would be a concern for you and your significant other.

On a side note - you appear to be well informed on all of the various benefits of marriage. Kudos. It's not often you encounter a liberal who is actually informed in a debate.

However, doesn't this just prove what I have said from the very beginning? I don't know a damn thing about what (benefits/perks/options) my marriage affords me because I don't care.

For the gay community - it's almost (there are always exceptions) exclusively about the tangible benefits marriage affords them. And that's fine. But the problem is - just like everything else - the liberals refuse to have an honest discussion/debate.
I am opposed to redefining marriage. Marriage is the union of two people of the same race!

The Bible says so, it has always been that way, it is not normal, and that's the end of the matter. Negroes have a shorter lifespan, are lazy, carry all kinds of diseases, and hump like rabbits.

If we allow negro men to marry our white women, the next thing you know mothers will be marrying their sons, dogs will be sleeping with cats, and the sun will asplode.

Did you also know that some couples are doing the match-making themselves? Imagine how absurd that is! Women and men deciding for themselves who they will marry! That some silly fairy tale shit! Down here in the real world of traditional marriage, our fathers decide who we will marry.
You could have gone to another state too couldn't you, Puppy?

Honestly, I have no idea. I suppose so? But then again, I was stunned (and quite pissed) when I learned I needed a license from the state for me to marry my wife.

Us gays have been getting married only in churches for decades. I attended my first gay wedding at a Southern Baptist church in license needed.

Obviously in a state that doesn't require it. I happen to be in a different situation with my state.

No - and had no idea that was even possible.

Do you file joint taxes?

No - our accountant informed us we take it on the chin a little lighter when we file separately. Sad, isn't it?

Are you secure in the knowledge she could visit you in the hospital?

Yes. But then again, all of my friends can visit me in the hospital.

I'm guessing you've been fortunate enough to not have to spend any time in an ICU or a mental institution. Or perhaps you don't like your wife and you're comfortable with your wife only getting the same visiting hours as friends would in an ICU? Here in the real rest of the world, many ICU's have limited visiting hours for non-spouses or non-immediate family. I know that doesn't matter to you though, its not your problem so who cares?
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