Married or Single?

Both of my siblings are married and my mother keeps asking me when I am going to settle down.
Women generally aren't happy playing house.
She loves her career and has no intention of being a stay at home wife. I also love my career and we both have financial freedom. We plan on taking a trip to Italy in the near future.
been married since 1983 several bumps along the way but marriage is a commitment and takes work so for those of you unable to commit and unable to work at relationships, I can see your point why get into something you are unable to do.
After years of being single, I'll have to admit that I do need a wife. Someone to help me in all the traditional ways a wife can help. Doesn't have to be my own wife. I would prefer to have somebody elses wife.
Keep dreaming. :)
when I was a Marine I went to the Gysgt course and saw several of the participants obviously cheating on their wives. I made no friends loudly condemning the actions.
I see that you have been exhibiting quite a bit of curiosity about the fairer sex lately. Well now, my boy, let me throw out a handful of truisms, tidbits of wisdom, and aphorisms on the topic to ensure that you have all the angles.

1. No matter how pretty and top-shelf bangworthy a particular sweet little fuck puppet may be, there is some guy someplace who is tired of putting up with her shit.

2. Run some hot water over your hands for 5 minutes to warm them up, then coat your preferred hand in grape jelly. You’ve got yourself a date!!

3. There’s a very thin line between “wife” and “defendant”.

4. There is no reason to marry if you are not planning on having children. Remember, love centers on your dick. Marriage is a business relationship. Don’t let your dick make business decisions. Don’t sell your soul for wet sloppy holes. Nothing good will come of it for you.

5. Get a pre-nuptial agreement, whether you have assets or not. In fact, it may be more important to get this agreement BEFORE acquiring assets. Remind her that taking your shit for marriage is just another form of whoring. In fact, put this thought into the written agreement itself.

6. You should obedience train your woman. If you do not lead her, then most likely she will lead YOU! And that is just bad form.

7. If she has her own home, great! Don’t let her get rid of it. First, it is good to spend time apart. It gets her wet for you. Second, it keeps a little bit of doubt in the back of her brain concerning the future. This is good, as it gives you an edge.

8. Any time there is a dispute, you must turn it around on her and make it HER FAULT, even if you are clearly to blame. For example, when you are caught cheating on her, you take the narrative that “Well, sweetheart, the bar skank turned me on because she reminded me of you … when you were thin and sexy.” Again, this gives you an advantage.

9. Forbid her from having male friends, even with the gays.

10. Forbid her from having a microwave oven. Make her cook the old fashioned way.

I hope this helps, dude!
I have a steady girlfriend but have resisted a lifetime commitment like marriage. How many here are happily married?

Been married for 36 years.

..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... They were the happiest 4 years of my life.

I see that you have been exhibiting quite a bit of curiosity about the fairer sex lately. Well now, my boy, let me throw out a handful of truisms, tidbits of wisdom, and aphorisms on the topic to ensure that you have all the angles.

1. No matter how pretty and top-shelf bangworthy a particular sweet little fuck puppet may be, there is some guy someplace who is tired of putting up with her shit.

2. Run some hot water over your hands for 5 minutes to warm them up, then coat your preferred hand in grape jelly. You’ve got yourself a date!!

3. There’s a very thin line between “wife” and “defendant”.

4. There is no reason to marry if you are not planning on having children. Remember, love centers on your dick. Marriage is a business relationship. Don’t let your dick make business decisions. Don’t sell your soul for wet sloppy holes. Nothing good will come of it for you.

5. Get a pre-nuptial agreement, whether you have assets or not. In fact, it may be more important to get this agreement BEFORE acquiring assets. Remind her that taking your shit for marriage is just another form of whoring. In fact, put this thought into the written agreement itself.

6. You should obedience train your woman. If you do not lead her, then most likely she will lead YOU! And that is just bad form.

7. If she has her own home, great! Don’t let her get rid of it. First, it is good to spend time apart. It gets her wet for you. Second, it keeps a little bit of doubt in the back of her brain concerning the future. This is good, as it gives you an edge.

8. Any time there is a dispute, you must turn it around on her and make it HER FAULT, even if you are clearly to blame. For example, when you are caught cheating on her, you take the narrative that “Well, sweetheart, the bar skank turned me on because she reminded me of you … when you were thin and sexy.” Again, this gives you an advantage.

9. Forbid her from having male friends, even with the gays.

10. Forbid her from having a microwave oven. Make her cook the old fashioned way.

I hope this helps, dude!
You sound like a guy that doesn't trust any woman. :)

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