Martial Law...Would you support Trump taking such measure?

Because it violates the concept of "Checks and Balances" between branches of government instituted by the Founding Fathers.

An obstructive Congress, or chamber thereof, working against a sitting President, does not pass the sniff-test for Martial Law.

Now, if you wish to declare Martial Law along the entire Southern Border, extending for a mile or two beyond, that's fine.

But if you wish to declare Martial Law nationwide, outside any such State of Emergency zone, then, I oppose such measures.

And, as icing on the cake, nobody trusts a Robber Baron autocrat like Trump to honor the Constitution except when forced to.
Last edited:
Who threatened riots, miss bleached-bloundie with a bibble? Just because you love some sex pig and I don't

bloundie--what is that?

bibble--what is that?

I love it when you all draw cartoon characters about me, it's ever entertaining. Keep goin
Don't you know, you bleached blondie type with bibbles that you can screw any man you please? Why do you think that the rest of us should be involved in your sordid lifestyles? Spread your legs for anyone you want, according to your "bible."

Can anyone help me envision the passages in the Bible where it says it's okay to "spread your legs for anyone you want" and endorses sordid lifestyles?

Are you drunk or crazy Hysteria? Or both?

Also me a bleached blonde.

You're too old to be this dumb.

Apparently that's what you believe is OK since you excuse that in Trump. while claiming to be so godly

Oh no sweetheart, I have never said that is okay in Trump. In fact I have said many times in this forum that he would be a terrible husband or son-in-law. But see, I didn't vote for him for husband or son in law. That's where Leftists like you are so confused. You see politicians as IDOLS and not in the positions they really are. He is president, not idol. As president he's doing a good job. Not perfect, but good. That's for starters.

For enders, you tried to call me out on immigration yesterday and I told you in no uncertain terms that my behavior is in fact in line with Christianity. Does this make me "godly", that is for Christ to judge. Not me, and not you. My personal behavior to poor immigrants does not mean that I have to endorse open borders for our nation. Too bad, so sad for you.

No, your belief is not in line with Christianity. And you can drop that no one can judge you every time you get shown how un Christ like your position is. I cannot sentence you to hell, that's the judgement. But I can disagree with what you believe and can point out where it's ungodly. There are no such thing as open or closed borders in the bible. Jesus does not say to deny your fellow human opportunity because they did not ask permission to enter.

And you had better take a real hard long look at the bible Pharisee, because whites did not ask permission, apply for asylum or fill out immigration papers to come here. This government does not have the right to deny entry to descendants of nations that were already here when whites were allowed to enter freely.

You need to gain a better understanding of spiritual law because let what you believe continue and you will learn in high definition what a judgment from god on a nation really is.
bloundie--what is that?

bibble--what is that?

I love it when you all draw cartoon characters about me, it's ever entertaining. Keep goin
Don't you know, you bleached blondie type with bibbles that you can screw any man you please? Why do you think that the rest of us should be involved in your sordid lifestyles? Spread your legs for anyone you want, according to your "bible."

Can anyone help me envision the passages in the Bible where it says it's okay to "spread your legs for anyone you want" and endorses sordid lifestyles?

Are you drunk or crazy Hysteria? Or both?

Also me a bleached blonde.

You're too old to be this dumb.

Apparently that's what you believe is OK since you excuse that in Trump. while claiming to be so godly

Oh no sweetheart, I have never said that is okay in Trump. In fact I have said many times in this forum that he would be a terrible husband or son-in-law. But see, I didn't vote for him for husband or son in law. That's where Leftists like you are so confused. You see politicians as IDOLS and not in the positions they really are. He is president, not idol. As president he's doing a good job. Not perfect, but good. That's for starters.

For enders, you tried to call me out on immigration yesterday and I told you in no uncertain terms that my behavior is in fact in line with Christianity. Does this make me "godly", that is for Christ to judge. Not me, and not you. My personal behavior to poor immigrants does not mean that I have to endorse open borders for our nation. Too bad, so sad for you.

No, your belief is not in line with Christianity. And you can drop that no one can judge you every time you get shown how un Christ like your position is. I cannot sentence you to hell, that's the judgement. But I can disagree with what you believe and can point out where it's ungodly. There are no such thing as open or closed borders in the bible. Jesus does not say to deny your fellow human opportunity because they did not ask permission to enter.

And you had better take a real hard long look at the bible Pharisee, because whites did not ask permission, apply for asylum or fill out immigration papers to come here. This government does not have the right to deny entry to descendants of nations that were already here when whites were allowed to enter freely.

You need to gain a better understanding of spiritual law because let what you believe continue and you will learn in high definition what a judgment from god on a nation really is.

Hold on. Are you saying there are no national borders in the Bible, or that somehow Sovereign God does not recognize national borders???

Oh back that up
Well let’s see. I was one of the voices early on blasting Boston for their behavior during the Boston Bombing search. So no. I can’t see me supporting Martial Law. No matter the reason.
bloundie--what is that?

bibble--what is that?

I love it when you all draw cartoon characters about me, it's ever entertaining. Keep goin
Don't you know, you bleached blondie type with bibbles that you can screw any man you please? Why do you think that the rest of us should be involved in your sordid lifestyles? Spread your legs for anyone you want, according to your "bible."

Can anyone help me envision the passages in the Bible where it says it's okay to "spread your legs for anyone you want" and endorses sordid lifestyles?

Are you drunk or crazy Hysteria? Or both?

Also me a bleached blonde.

You're too old to be this dumb.

Apparently that's what you believe is OK since you excuse that in Trump. while claiming to be so godly

Oh no sweetheart, I have never said that is okay in Trump. In fact I have said many times in this forum that he would be a terrible husband or son-in-law. But see, I didn't vote for him for husband or son in law. That's where Leftists like you are so confused. You see politicians as IDOLS and not in the positions they really are. He is president, not idol. As president he's doing a good job. Not perfect, but good. That's for starters.

For enders, you tried to call me out on immigration yesterday and I told you in no uncertain terms that my behavior is in fact in line with Christianity. Does this make me "godly", that is for Christ to judge. Not me, and not you. My personal behavior to poor immigrants does not mean that I have to endorse open borders for our nation. Too bad, so sad for you.

No, your belief is not in line with Christianity. And you can drop that no one can judge you every time you get shown how un Christ like your position is. I cannot sentence you to hell, that's the judgement. But I can disagree with what you believe and can point out where it's ungodly. There are no such thing as open or closed borders in the bible. Jesus does not say to deny your fellow human opportunity because they did not ask permission to enter.

And you had better take a real hard long look at the bible Pharisee, because whites did not ask permission, apply for asylum or fill out immigration papers to come here. This government does not have the right to deny entry to descendants of nations that were already here when whites were allowed to enter freely.

You need to gain a better understanding of spiritual law because let what you believe continue and you will learn in high definition what a judgment from god on a nation really is.

As for my "ungodly" position: I have already said I participate in a program that feeds illegal immigrants right here in my community for free. So, I am feeding my poor neighbors. Now, do I endorse letting people into our borders as illegal immigrants? No. Because they are taking our services and our tax money illegally.

There is nothing in that, NOTHING, that is unbiblical. In fact that is right in line with Christianity. I am feeding the poor, my neighbors, and not withholding from them because of what they have done. On the other hand, I DO think our nation should have border laws that should be upheld.

Most Americans, btw, agree with me, Christian or no. You realize you are vastly on the losing end of this. You realize that most BLACK Americans agree with me, I hope.
...No, your belief is not in line with Christianity. And you can drop that no one can judge you every time you get shown how un Christ like your position is. I cannot sentence you to hell, that's the judgement. But I can disagree with what you believe and can point out where it's ungodly. There are no such thing as open or closed borders in the bible. Jesus does not say to deny your fellow human opportunity because they did not ask permission to enter.

And you had better take a real hard long look at the bible Pharisee, because whites did not ask permission, apply for asylum or fill out immigration papers to come here. This government does not have the right to deny entry to descendants of nations that were already here when whites were allowed to enter freely.

You need to gain a better understanding of spiritual law because let what you believe continue and you will learn in high definition what a judgment from god on a nation really is.
There is more that is accurate than inaccurate, concerning your portrayal of Christian teachings, in relation to Immigration.

Trouble is, Jesus of Nazareth and his Apostles...

  • were citizens of a country under extended military occupation and they had no responsibility for governance
  • lived in a world that was nearly empty in comparison with population levels today
  • were not being swamped by Egyptians and Canaanites and Moabites and Samaritans looking for work and benefits in Judea
  • did not see their carpentry and fishing trades suffer depressed wages due to an oversupply of labor thanks to Illegal Aliens

...and on and on and on.

It's quite true that, if such a benevolent God exists, I will have much to answer for, with respect to my hard-line stance on Illegal Aliens.

I am prepared to hear that judgment when the time comes.

Meanwhile, I have to live here on Earth, and I have to protect my little piece of it - from the Rio Grande to the Canadian border.

To protect it, I will shoulder the burden of God's judgment if-and-when the Good Lord decides to take me to task over it.

We are all at His mercy with respect to any sort of Judgment Day anyway.

Until then...

I refuse to be schooled by Liberals who trot-out Christian doctrine when it suits them, and ignore it re: abortion and other sick practices.
Last edited:
It is far past time for martial law, We all have guns and know how to use them, I'm just waiting till someone starts the ball rolling, I've already picked my side.
Don't you know, you bleached blondie type with bibbles that you can screw any man you please? Why do you think that the rest of us should be involved in your sordid lifestyles? Spread your legs for anyone you want, according to your "bible."

Can anyone help me envision the passages in the Bible where it says it's okay to "spread your legs for anyone you want" and endorses sordid lifestyles?

Are you drunk or crazy Hysteria? Or both?

Also me a bleached blonde.

You're too old to be this dumb.

Apparently that's what you believe is OK since you excuse that in Trump. while claiming to be so godly

Oh no sweetheart, I have never said that is okay in Trump. In fact I have said many times in this forum that he would be a terrible husband or son-in-law. But see, I didn't vote for him for husband or son in law. That's where Leftists like you are so confused. You see politicians as IDOLS and not in the positions they really are. He is president, not idol. As president he's doing a good job. Not perfect, but good. That's for starters.

For enders, you tried to call me out on immigration yesterday and I told you in no uncertain terms that my behavior is in fact in line with Christianity. Does this make me "godly", that is for Christ to judge. Not me, and not you. My personal behavior to poor immigrants does not mean that I have to endorse open borders for our nation. Too bad, so sad for you.

No, your belief is not in line with Christianity. And you can drop that no one can judge you every time you get shown how un Christ like your position is. I cannot sentence you to hell, that's the judgement. But I can disagree with what you believe and can point out where it's ungodly. There are no such thing as open or closed borders in the bible. Jesus does not say to deny your fellow human opportunity because they did not ask permission to enter.

And you had better take a real hard long look at the bible Pharisee, because whites did not ask permission, apply for asylum or fill out immigration papers to come here. This government does not have the right to deny entry to descendants of nations that were already here when whites were allowed to enter freely.

You need to gain a better understanding of spiritual law because let what you believe continue and you will learn in high definition what a judgment from god on a nation really is.

As for my "ungodly" position: I have already said I participate in a program that feeds illegal immigrants right here in my community for free. So, I am feeding my poor neighbors. Now, do I endorse letting people into our borders as illegal immigrants? No. Because they are taking our services and our tax money illegally.

There is nothing in that, NOTHING, that is unbiblical. In fact that is right in line with Christianity. I am feeding the poor, my neighbors, and not withholding from them because of what they have done. On the other hand, I DO think our nation should have border laws that should be upheld.

Most Americans, btw, agree with me, Christian or no. You realize you are vastly on the losing end of this. You realize that most BLACK Americans agree with me, I hope.

Most Americans don't agree with you. First off there are no open borders. Secondly whites were allowed to come here and stay by the nations already here. The belief that you can impose standards for others entering when this is the case is ungodly itself. So as you keep watching the increases in the number of natural disasters hitting this country, you keep on thinking that what you believe is godly.
...No, your belief is not in line with Christianity. And you can drop that no one can judge you every time you get shown how un Christ like your position is. I cannot sentence you to hell, that's the judgement. But I can disagree with what you believe and can point out where it's ungodly. There are no such thing as open or closed borders in the bible. Jesus does not say to deny your fellow human opportunity because they did not ask permission to enter.

And you had better take a real hard long look at the bible Pharisee, because whites did not ask permission, apply for asylum or fill out immigration papers to come here. This government does not have the right to deny entry to descendants of nations that were already here when whites were allowed to enter freely.

You need to gain a better understanding of spiritual law because let what you believe continue and you will learn in high definition what a judgment from god on a nation really is.
There is more that is accurate than inaccurate, concerning your portrayal of Christian teachings, in relation to Immigration.

Trouble is, Jesus of Nazareth and his Apostles...

  • were citizens of a country under extended military occupation and they had no responsibility for governance
  • lived in a world that was nearly empty in comparison with population levels today
  • were not being swamped by Egyptians and Canaanites and Moabites and Samaritans looking for work and benefits in Judea
  • did not see their carpentry and fishing trades suffer depressed wages due to an oversupply of labor thanks to Illegal Aliens

...and on and on and on.

It's quite true that, if such a benevolent God exists, I will have much to answer for, with respect to my hard-line stance on Illegal Aliens.

I am prepared to hear that judgment when the time comes.

Meanwhile, I have to live here on Earth, and I have to protect my little piece of it - from the Rio Grande to the Canadian border.

I'll shoulder that burden if-and-when the Good Lord decides to take me to task over it.

Until then...

I refuse to be schooled by Liberals who trot-out Christian doctrine when it suits then, and ignore it re: abortion and other sick practices.

What you refuse to be means nothing to me since I personally am not for abortion, and what conservatives believe is so far from godly that it borders on satanic.
Can anyone help me envision the passages in the Bible where it says it's okay to "spread your legs for anyone you want" and endorses sordid lifestyles?

Are you drunk or crazy Hysteria? Or both?

Also me a bleached blonde.

You're too old to be this dumb.

Apparently that's what you believe is OK since you excuse that in Trump. while claiming to be so godly

Oh no sweetheart, I have never said that is okay in Trump. In fact I have said many times in this forum that he would be a terrible husband or son-in-law. But see, I didn't vote for him for husband or son in law. That's where Leftists like you are so confused. You see politicians as IDOLS and not in the positions they really are. He is president, not idol. As president he's doing a good job. Not perfect, but good. That's for starters.

For enders, you tried to call me out on immigration yesterday and I told you in no uncertain terms that my behavior is in fact in line with Christianity. Does this make me "godly", that is for Christ to judge. Not me, and not you. My personal behavior to poor immigrants does not mean that I have to endorse open borders for our nation. Too bad, so sad for you.

No, your belief is not in line with Christianity. And you can drop that no one can judge you every time you get shown how un Christ like your position is. I cannot sentence you to hell, that's the judgement. But I can disagree with what you believe and can point out where it's ungodly. There are no such thing as open or closed borders in the bible. Jesus does not say to deny your fellow human opportunity because they did not ask permission to enter.

And you had better take a real hard long look at the bible Pharisee, because whites did not ask permission, apply for asylum or fill out immigration papers to come here. This government does not have the right to deny entry to descendants of nations that were already here when whites were allowed to enter freely.

You need to gain a better understanding of spiritual law because let what you believe continue and you will learn in high definition what a judgment from god on a nation really is.

As for my "ungodly" position: I have already said I participate in a program that feeds illegal immigrants right here in my community for free. So, I am feeding my poor neighbors. Now, do I endorse letting people into our borders as illegal immigrants? No. Because they are taking our services and our tax money illegally.

There is nothing in that, NOTHING, that is unbiblical. In fact that is right in line with Christianity. I am feeding the poor, my neighbors, and not withholding from them because of what they have done. On the other hand, I DO think our nation should have border laws that should be upheld.

Most Americans, btw, agree with me, Christian or no. You realize you are vastly on the losing end of this. You realize that most BLACK Americans agree with me, I hope.

Most Americans don't agree with you. First off there are no open borders. Secondly whites were allowed to come here and stay by the nations already here. The belief that you can impose standards for others entering when this is the case is ungodly itself. So as you keep watching the increases in the number of natural disasters hitting this country, you keep on thinking that what you believe is godly.

Harvard Poll--HARVARD. 8/10 Americans want secure borders. Only 2 out of 10 want open borders. You can read that and weep. And if you REALLY think God is judging us for borders and not rampant sin everywhere go ahead. But remember what the Bible said the most serious sins are.

Harvard-Harris Poll: What The Latest Immigration Polls Do (And Don't) Say
...No, your belief is not in line with Christianity. And you can drop that no one can judge you every time you get shown how un Christ like your position is. I cannot sentence you to hell, that's the judgement. But I can disagree with what you believe and can point out where it's ungodly. There are no such thing as open or closed borders in the bible. Jesus does not say to deny your fellow human opportunity because they did not ask permission to enter.

And you had better take a real hard long look at the bible Pharisee, because whites did not ask permission, apply for asylum or fill out immigration papers to come here. This government does not have the right to deny entry to descendants of nations that were already here when whites were allowed to enter freely.

You need to gain a better understanding of spiritual law because let what you believe continue and you will learn in high definition what a judgment from god on a nation really is.
There is more that is accurate than inaccurate, concerning your portrayal of Christian teachings, in relation to Immigration.

Trouble is, Jesus of Nazareth and his Apostles...

  • were citizens of a country under extended military occupation and they had no responsibility for governance
  • lived in a world that was nearly empty in comparison with population levels today
  • were not being swamped by Egyptians and Canaanites and Moabites and Samaritans looking for work and benefits in Judea
  • did not see their carpentry and fishing trades suffer depressed wages due to an oversupply of labor thanks to Illegal Aliens

...and on and on and on.

It's quite true that, if such a benevolent God exists, I will have much to answer for, with respect to my hard-line stance on Illegal Aliens.

I am prepared to hear that judgment when the time comes.

Meanwhile, I have to live here on Earth, and I have to protect my little piece of it - from the Rio Grande to the Canadian border.

I'll shoulder that burden if-and-when the Good Lord decides to take me to task over it.

Until then...

I refuse to be schooled by Liberals who trot-out Christian doctrine when it suits then, and ignore it re: abortion and other sick practices.

What you refuse to be means nothing to me since I personally am not for abortion, and what conservatives believe is so far from godly that it borders on satanic.

Let me guess. You are "personally" not for abortion but you support and vote for candidates who are. So, in all ways but lip service, you are for abortion.
Don't you know, you bleached blondie type with bibbles that you can screw any man you please? Why do you think that the rest of us should be involved in your sordid lifestyles? Spread your legs for anyone you want, according to your "bible."

Can anyone help me envision the passages in the Bible where it says it's okay to "spread your legs for anyone you want" and endorses sordid lifestyles?

Are you drunk or crazy Hysteria? Or both?

Also me a bleached blonde.

You're too old to be this dumb.

Apparently that's what you believe is OK since you excuse that in Trump. while claiming to be so godly

Oh no sweetheart, I have never said that is okay in Trump. In fact I have said many times in this forum that he would be a terrible husband or son-in-law. But see, I didn't vote for him for husband or son in law. That's where Leftists like you are so confused. You see politicians as IDOLS and not in the positions they really are. He is president, not idol. As president he's doing a good job. Not perfect, but good. That's for starters.

For enders, you tried to call me out on immigration yesterday and I told you in no uncertain terms that my behavior is in fact in line with Christianity. Does this make me "godly", that is for Christ to judge. Not me, and not you. My personal behavior to poor immigrants does not mean that I have to endorse open borders for our nation. Too bad, so sad for you.

No, your belief is not in line with Christianity. And you can drop that no one can judge you every time you get shown how un Christ like your position is. I cannot sentence you to hell, that's the judgement. But I can disagree with what you believe and can point out where it's ungodly. There are no such thing as open or closed borders in the bible. Jesus does not say to deny your fellow human opportunity because they did not ask permission to enter.

And you had better take a real hard long look at the bible Pharisee, because whites did not ask permission, apply for asylum or fill out immigration papers to come here. This government does not have the right to deny entry to descendants of nations that were already here when whites were allowed to enter freely.

You need to gain a better understanding of spiritual law because let what you believe continue and you will learn in high definition what a judgment from god on a nation really is.

Hold on. Are you saying there are no national borders in the Bible, or that somehow Sovereign God does not recognize national borders???

Oh back that up

I am saying that the bible allowed free movement of people. You need to get out of that right wing church you go to.
Apparently that's what you believe is OK since you excuse that in Trump. while claiming to be so godly

Oh no sweetheart, I have never said that is okay in Trump. In fact I have said many times in this forum that he would be a terrible husband or son-in-law. But see, I didn't vote for him for husband or son in law. That's where Leftists like you are so confused. You see politicians as IDOLS and not in the positions they really are. He is president, not idol. As president he's doing a good job. Not perfect, but good. That's for starters.

For enders, you tried to call me out on immigration yesterday and I told you in no uncertain terms that my behavior is in fact in line with Christianity. Does this make me "godly", that is for Christ to judge. Not me, and not you. My personal behavior to poor immigrants does not mean that I have to endorse open borders for our nation. Too bad, so sad for you.

No, your belief is not in line with Christianity. And you can drop that no one can judge you every time you get shown how un Christ like your position is. I cannot sentence you to hell, that's the judgement. But I can disagree with what you believe and can point out where it's ungodly. There are no such thing as open or closed borders in the bible. Jesus does not say to deny your fellow human opportunity because they did not ask permission to enter.

And you had better take a real hard long look at the bible Pharisee, because whites did not ask permission, apply for asylum or fill out immigration papers to come here. This government does not have the right to deny entry to descendants of nations that were already here when whites were allowed to enter freely.

You need to gain a better understanding of spiritual law because let what you believe continue and you will learn in high definition what a judgment from god on a nation really is.

As for my "ungodly" position: I have already said I participate in a program that feeds illegal immigrants right here in my community for free. So, I am feeding my poor neighbors. Now, do I endorse letting people into our borders as illegal immigrants? No. Because they are taking our services and our tax money illegally.

There is nothing in that, NOTHING, that is unbiblical. In fact that is right in line with Christianity. I am feeding the poor, my neighbors, and not withholding from them because of what they have done. On the other hand, I DO think our nation should have border laws that should be upheld.

Most Americans, btw, agree with me, Christian or no. You realize you are vastly on the losing end of this. You realize that most BLACK Americans agree with me, I hope.

Most Americans don't agree with you. First off there are no open borders. Secondly whites were allowed to come here and stay by the nations already here. The belief that you can impose standards for others entering when this is the case is ungodly itself. So as you keep watching the increases in the number of natural disasters hitting this country, you keep on thinking that what you believe is godly.

Harvard Poll--HARVARD. 8/10 Americans want secure borders. Only 2 out of 10 want open borders. You can read that and weep. And if you REALLY think God is judging us for borders and not rampant sin everywhere go ahead. But remember what the Bible said the most serious sins are.

Harvard-Harris Poll: What The Latest Immigration Polls Do (And Don't) Say

There are no open borders. Understand?
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.

Sure, but you lead the charge and I will follow shortly...
Can anyone help me envision the passages in the Bible where it says it's okay to "spread your legs for anyone you want" and endorses sordid lifestyles?

Are you drunk or crazy Hysteria? Or both?

Also me a bleached blonde.

You're too old to be this dumb.

Apparently that's what you believe is OK since you excuse that in Trump. while claiming to be so godly

Oh no sweetheart, I have never said that is okay in Trump. In fact I have said many times in this forum that he would be a terrible husband or son-in-law. But see, I didn't vote for him for husband or son in law. That's where Leftists like you are so confused. You see politicians as IDOLS and not in the positions they really are. He is president, not idol. As president he's doing a good job. Not perfect, but good. That's for starters.

For enders, you tried to call me out on immigration yesterday and I told you in no uncertain terms that my behavior is in fact in line with Christianity. Does this make me "godly", that is for Christ to judge. Not me, and not you. My personal behavior to poor immigrants does not mean that I have to endorse open borders for our nation. Too bad, so sad for you.

No, your belief is not in line with Christianity. And you can drop that no one can judge you every time you get shown how un Christ like your position is. I cannot sentence you to hell, that's the judgement. But I can disagree with what you believe and can point out where it's ungodly. There are no such thing as open or closed borders in the bible. Jesus does not say to deny your fellow human opportunity because they did not ask permission to enter.

And you had better take a real hard long look at the bible Pharisee, because whites did not ask permission, apply for asylum or fill out immigration papers to come here. This government does not have the right to deny entry to descendants of nations that were already here when whites were allowed to enter freely.

You need to gain a better understanding of spiritual law because let what you believe continue and you will learn in high definition what a judgment from god on a nation really is.

Hold on. Are you saying there are no national borders in the Bible, or that somehow Sovereign God does not recognize national borders???

Oh back that up

I am saying that the bible allowed free movement of people. You need to get out of that right wing church you go to.

I don't go to a "right wing" church. Unlike your church, MY CHURCH IS NOT POLITICAL.

And the Bible is about nations almost right from the start. Borders. Peoples. Nations. And a defense of all of the above.
Oh no sweetheart, I have never said that is okay in Trump. In fact I have said many times in this forum that he would be a terrible husband or son-in-law. But see, I didn't vote for him for husband or son in law. That's where Leftists like you are so confused. You see politicians as IDOLS and not in the positions they really are. He is president, not idol. As president he's doing a good job. Not perfect, but good. That's for starters.

For enders, you tried to call me out on immigration yesterday and I told you in no uncertain terms that my behavior is in fact in line with Christianity. Does this make me "godly", that is for Christ to judge. Not me, and not you. My personal behavior to poor immigrants does not mean that I have to endorse open borders for our nation. Too bad, so sad for you.

No, your belief is not in line with Christianity. And you can drop that no one can judge you every time you get shown how un Christ like your position is. I cannot sentence you to hell, that's the judgement. But I can disagree with what you believe and can point out where it's ungodly. There are no such thing as open or closed borders in the bible. Jesus does not say to deny your fellow human opportunity because they did not ask permission to enter.

And you had better take a real hard long look at the bible Pharisee, because whites did not ask permission, apply for asylum or fill out immigration papers to come here. This government does not have the right to deny entry to descendants of nations that were already here when whites were allowed to enter freely.

You need to gain a better understanding of spiritual law because let what you believe continue and you will learn in high definition what a judgment from god on a nation really is.

As for my "ungodly" position: I have already said I participate in a program that feeds illegal immigrants right here in my community for free. So, I am feeding my poor neighbors. Now, do I endorse letting people into our borders as illegal immigrants? No. Because they are taking our services and our tax money illegally.

There is nothing in that, NOTHING, that is unbiblical. In fact that is right in line with Christianity. I am feeding the poor, my neighbors, and not withholding from them because of what they have done. On the other hand, I DO think our nation should have border laws that should be upheld.

Most Americans, btw, agree with me, Christian or no. You realize you are vastly on the losing end of this. You realize that most BLACK Americans agree with me, I hope.

Most Americans don't agree with you. First off there are no open borders. Secondly whites were allowed to come here and stay by the nations already here. The belief that you can impose standards for others entering when this is the case is ungodly itself. So as you keep watching the increases in the number of natural disasters hitting this country, you keep on thinking that what you believe is godly.

Harvard Poll--HARVARD. 8/10 Americans want secure borders. Only 2 out of 10 want open borders. You can read that and weep. And if you REALLY think God is judging us for borders and not rampant sin everywhere go ahead. But remember what the Bible said the most serious sins are.

Harvard-Harris Poll: What The Latest Immigration Polls Do (And Don't) Say

There are no open borders. Understand?

There might not be open border but the Cartel with your blessing have plenty of holes to sneak in through...
Oh no sweetheart, I have never said that is okay in Trump. In fact I have said many times in this forum that he would be a terrible husband or son-in-law. But see, I didn't vote for him for husband or son in law. That's where Leftists like you are so confused. You see politicians as IDOLS and not in the positions they really are. He is president, not idol. As president he's doing a good job. Not perfect, but good. That's for starters.

For enders, you tried to call me out on immigration yesterday and I told you in no uncertain terms that my behavior is in fact in line with Christianity. Does this make me "godly", that is for Christ to judge. Not me, and not you. My personal behavior to poor immigrants does not mean that I have to endorse open borders for our nation. Too bad, so sad for you.

No, your belief is not in line with Christianity. And you can drop that no one can judge you every time you get shown how un Christ like your position is. I cannot sentence you to hell, that's the judgement. But I can disagree with what you believe and can point out where it's ungodly. There are no such thing as open or closed borders in the bible. Jesus does not say to deny your fellow human opportunity because they did not ask permission to enter.

And you had better take a real hard long look at the bible Pharisee, because whites did not ask permission, apply for asylum or fill out immigration papers to come here. This government does not have the right to deny entry to descendants of nations that were already here when whites were allowed to enter freely.

You need to gain a better understanding of spiritual law because let what you believe continue and you will learn in high definition what a judgment from god on a nation really is.

As for my "ungodly" position: I have already said I participate in a program that feeds illegal immigrants right here in my community for free. So, I am feeding my poor neighbors. Now, do I endorse letting people into our borders as illegal immigrants? No. Because they are taking our services and our tax money illegally.

There is nothing in that, NOTHING, that is unbiblical. In fact that is right in line with Christianity. I am feeding the poor, my neighbors, and not withholding from them because of what they have done. On the other hand, I DO think our nation should have border laws that should be upheld.

Most Americans, btw, agree with me, Christian or no. You realize you are vastly on the losing end of this. You realize that most BLACK Americans agree with me, I hope.

Most Americans don't agree with you. First off there are no open borders. Secondly whites were allowed to come here and stay by the nations already here. The belief that you can impose standards for others entering when this is the case is ungodly itself. So as you keep watching the increases in the number of natural disasters hitting this country, you keep on thinking that what you believe is godly.

Harvard Poll--HARVARD. 8/10 Americans want secure borders. Only 2 out of 10 want open borders. You can read that and weep. And if you REALLY think God is judging us for borders and not rampant sin everywhere go ahead. But remember what the Bible said the most serious sins are.

Harvard-Harris Poll: What The Latest Immigration Polls Do (And Don't) Say

There are no open borders. Understand?

Oh, but that's what you are advocating, and make no mistake. And that I do not advocate for them means that "I'm not being Christian".

Let me be clear: this is why Trump is on his way to a second term :)
...No, your belief is not in line with Christianity. And you can drop that no one can judge you every time you get shown how un Christ like your position is. I cannot sentence you to hell, that's the judgement. But I can disagree with what you believe and can point out where it's ungodly. There are no such thing as open or closed borders in the bible. Jesus does not say to deny your fellow human opportunity because they did not ask permission to enter.

And you had better take a real hard long look at the bible Pharisee, because whites did not ask permission, apply for asylum or fill out immigration papers to come here. This government does not have the right to deny entry to descendants of nations that were already here when whites were allowed to enter freely.

You need to gain a better understanding of spiritual law because let what you believe continue and you will learn in high definition what a judgment from god on a nation really is.
There is more that is accurate than inaccurate, concerning your portrayal of Christian teachings, in relation to Immigration.

Trouble is, Jesus of Nazareth and his Apostles...

  • were citizens of a country under extended military occupation and they had no responsibility for governance
  • lived in a world that was nearly empty in comparison with population levels today
  • were not being swamped by Egyptians and Canaanites and Moabites and Samaritans looking for work and benefits in Judea
  • did not see their carpentry and fishing trades suffer depressed wages due to an oversupply of labor thanks to Illegal Aliens

...and on and on and on.

It's quite true that, if such a benevolent God exists, I will have much to answer for, with respect to my hard-line stance on Illegal Aliens.

I am prepared to hear that judgment when the time comes.

Meanwhile, I have to live here on Earth, and I have to protect my little piece of it - from the Rio Grande to the Canadian border.

I'll shoulder that burden if-and-when the Good Lord decides to take me to task over it.

Until then...

I refuse to be schooled by Liberals who trot-out Christian doctrine when it suits then, and ignore it re: abortion and other sick practices.

What you refuse to be means nothing to me since I personally am not for abortion, and what conservatives believe is so far from godly that it borders on satanic.

Let me guess. You are "personally" not for abortion but you support and vote for candidates who are. So, in all ways but lip service, you are for abortion.

Not exactly. Unlike you, I don't vote straight party line. And I do think that a person has the right to choose. Abortion was a choice I never made or supported. Therefore I consistently used protection during my active sexual years. You conservatives believe you know everything about so called liberals. You know nothing and you guessed wrong.

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