Marvelous Mike Huckabee and his neighbors in the Florida Panhandle are suing after being told by authorities they cannot be out on their private beach

I know what you mean. People don’t realize that in most places where rich people own all the beachfront property there is NO ACCESS to the water and even that sliver of “public beach.” I don’t have a boat, and I’m too damn old to walk from a distant parking spot only to find “no trespassing” signs blocking my path to the water. That’s why we need good local governments that assure public facilities, beach parks, etc.

I’ve lived fifteen minutes from the ocean these past six years, on the developed South East Coast of FL. My parents lived here for thirty years. I don’t mind retirees and “snowbirds” from the North or Canada coming down. They help the economy and bring a lot of good people. When they’re gone for the summer — it’s nice and peaceful again! In some areas near me rich people have bought up everything, including the local politicians, and they monopolize all the best beaches for miles, building mansions that stand unoccupied more than half the year. That pisses me off, but that’s America for you. I suppose a lot of public money goes to maintaining those essentially private beaches too — but here I’m just assuming.

Luckily where I live we have one good strip where access is assured and parking not too bad, but of course that beach is closed down now for Covid-19. :(

Pray tell, how is someone an idiot for suing a municipality that is claiming one can't use their own goddamn property?

Because no beach is anyone's private property? Yep probably :icon_rolleyes:

You have no idea what you're talking about.

Well genius, maybe you can find me an exception - eh? Hell, the homeowners on Mittens Romney's beach in La Jolla, CA sued to keep the public out and a federal judge ultimately ruled that mean high and low tides are open to the public UNLESS to access that beach, it is necessary to cross private property. Beaches on a private lake may or may not be an exception. Some military installations on the coast may also be an exception. Wealthy homeowners sometimes hire security guards to scare people of what they believe to be THEIR beach, but some have fought back and won. No one has gone to jail - EVER from my research. So conclusion is, that I DO know what the fuck I'm talking about.

I have heard about certain cases involving the public trust doctrine. There have seemingly been cases where lakefront property owners are trying to change the law in the U.S. to have their property expanded. My understanding is as of now property owners own the land down to the high water mark (in most states. Some states seem to have different definitions of this while still asserting public use). The beach or seashore between high and low water marks belongs in public trust.​
So basically the public has the right to access the beach between high and low water marks. For example, according to Wikipedia Massachusetts and Maine allow the public to access the seashore between the low and high tide lines for "fishing, fowling and navigation."​
If this applies to all the shoreline in the U.S., given that the laws haven't been changed in states, why are there still "private beaches"? Are properties labeled as "private beaches" not accessible to the public? Or should the question be: Is there such a thing as "private beach"?​

All waterfront here belongs to the people but is under control of the govt. NO private waterways or access. I have three rivers but can NOT restrict locals access to them for 20 feet on either side.
I can whip their asses if they get out of line but I know everyone that hangs out once in a while and grant them jeep/horse access. to MY rivers...LOL
Four Seasons hates it that poor local riff raff can go on THEIR beach whenever they feel like it and mingle with "important people".CATCHER: Nobody is allowed any beach congregation on ANY beach right now....Including the "important ones" who have a yatchet offshore. I guess Boner and Algore will be upset.

So you wouldnt be pissed if they told you you couldnt sit behind your cardboard box?
I’m at work, dipshit. Some of us don’t get the luxury of staying home.

It can't be much of a job if TDS afflicted shitheads like you are allowed to post your hate on an Internet discussion forum at the job.

Telling people how to live their lives, eh? Spoken just like some regressive lefty. How about you mind your own fucking business?

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