Mary is not the mother of God

Did you forget about Christ's words to the Apostles, possibly in the Book of John (can't remember exactly where) -- anyhow I quote from memory Christ's beautiful words .....
Huh? You just admitted it is found in the Book of John but then you say it's Jesus' words. Did Jesus write it? No.
Christ was conceived by the Spirit, not a penis.
A woman can only conceive by the penis or artificial insemination which is a contribution of a penis in any cases. That's all there is. Non-penal conception is a physical impossibility.

Mary was a Jew.
Yes. So was Jesus and apparently God himself.

She trusted in God not Mohammad

Please stay on topic of this thread.
I never left it. I am talking about God, Maria, and Jesus but I cannot ignore Christian criticism of another prophet while Christianity's own prophet was involved in an equally disdainful act. And that is the subject of this thread:
Whether or not God had sexual relations with that woman ..... his own daughter. I have more faith in the Christ family than you and I do not believe that Mary would have cheated on her husband (Joseph) with her own father. That, my dear lady, is the topic of this thread.

If you want to talk about Mohammad
I don't.
Christ was conceived by the Spirit, not a penis

I'm not a doctor, but I'm almost certain that isn't the way conception works.
It was a miracle of God, fncceo. It wasn't your usual conception. It's like looking at a stained glass window from outdoors. The images don't make any sense outside the church. Inside the church, it is clear what the stained glass images are. Miracles of God are not well-understood outside of the Body of Christ (aka the church), but they are understood perfectly by those who believe. Spiritual matters are not of man's reasoning, but of the spirit of the man who has believed in the Lord. Hope that helps you discern at least one of the differences between the spiritual life of a person and his physical life. One is governed by the spirit, the other by the laws on this earth as we know it by touching, seeing, and feeling it.

When you fell in love, could you see it? Some people fall in love for life. They know the love is there, but they can't see it either.

Some people love God. They may not show it very often, but they're likely quite happy to be doing God's will, which brings them into a realm of God's unconditional love for his creation, man. It's all good for believers.
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This seems to freak you out, how come?

:lol: Exists something what you say, what's not bullshit as well in the form of your words and the content of your thoughts?

And sure is Jesus a gay man. Hetero, but gay. Do you think you are gay too?

No but you and Jesus are.

So to be gay is not in your interest. I guess you are a Trumpoid (= someone, who tries to bring his own country to the deepest possible level of culture and civilisation and to a maximum level of neverending nonsense). Everything what you say is only a weapon for you.

Oh by the way - Mother Mary is the mother of god. Be thankful, when mother Mary will find for god an excuse for your perverted senseless behavior. And be fearful if you don't give her any chance to find an excuse for your stupidities and your misanthropy.

Mary was raped by god. And their son was gay.

I got a new delivery of cheap exchange brains, Nazi. Interested? Perhaps then you will be able to find a good answer to this what Jesus - the son of a Jewish mother and true god from true god - will ask you one day.

Where did you get them? The crematorium? The gas chamber?
If Mary were the mother of God then Jesus was born out of an incestual encounter between his mother and his grandfather. That would make God not only guilty of incest with his daughter (à la Josef Fritzl) but also a pedophile. Shame on Christians! And to think they criticize Mohamad for marrying a 6-year-old girl. Hosanna in the lowest!
Christ was conceived by the Spirit, not a penis. Mary was a Jew. She trusted in God, not Mohammad, who wasn't born for another thousand years. Please stay on topic of this thread. If you want to talk about Mohammad, feel free to start your own separate thread. Thank you.
Christ was conceived by the Spirit, not a penis. Mary was a Jew. She trusted in God, not Mohammad, who wasn't born for another thousand years. Please stay on topic of this thread. If you want to talk about Mohammad, feel free to start your own separate thread. Thank you.

are you serious, the Almighty has had only one child for eternity -

"I and my Father are one."

“Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani”
Sure, that's how the dog whistle passes the censors

I don't believe dogs have religion. If they do, it is based on bones and chew toys.
I don't believe dogs have religion. If they do, it is based on bones and chew toys.

there you have it - they are not "we" for you, they just perish while you ride the dollar into the sunset ...

too bad for you -


they have somewhere to go too, the same place the Everlasting where care and triumph is received. no coins allowed.

Mary is not the mother of God.

The Roman Catholics seem to know more bible verses than your video. The prophets of the Bible, of which Isaiah was one prophesied:

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” King James Version (KJV) Isaiah 9:6
I don't go to the Catholic Church, my family's church is mine too. But I have worked for years on charities with others from the communities I've lived in, and I don't know better people than these wonderful Catholic women who are devoted to the service of Jesus Christ the Lord, and it pleases them to use the Isaiah prophecy as who Jesus is.

It bothered my mother too, the business of intercession, in her mind that was worshipping someone else than the Lord. However, having understood what Jesus went through on the Cross, his mother was there, full of pain, knowing her son was one with God, and she stayed till the end in unimaginable sorrow. First Mary was summoned by the angel of the Lord and told she would conceive a child that would be God's only son. She couldn't believe that such a simple girl as herself would be the savior's mother, but she not only went along with it, she and her husband Joseph made certain Christ was well-learned in the scriptures and were pleased to know he made a big hit with his love and knowledge of the Word.

I lived in a community that had interfaith meetings with ladies from all the churches in town. Some of their monsignors would allow them to come to our meetings, some would host the meetings, and others would not allow the women in their parish to worship en masse with us.

Some people take offense at that, but I never did. I loved the good deeds they did for the poor, and brought food for the Sisters of the Poor to deliver to the unfortunate. Our church didn't have a hunger closet nor people to host food for the poor. I loved their loyalty and duty and fervor to make life for the poor good by the things they did.

I think you're being a little hard on the Roman Catholics. Their first Pope was the Apostle, Saint Peter, who Jesus called "the rock on which I will build my church." Now, just look at all the Christian churches in the world. Many of them started because of Peter but broke away over indulgences. Generations later, we all still have more commonalities and similar beliefs, summarized in the Apostles' Creed, which are said in Catholic as well as Protestant Churches every week, a prayer the Lord deemed as perfect.

Let it go if you can. God looks on the heart, not on what the Church's roof looks like.

So you quote the KJV. Nabre 2011 edition corrects its mistake:
ISA 7:14
* the young woman, pregnant and about to bear a son, shall name him Emmanuel.

* [7:14] Isaiah’s sign seeks to reassure Ahaz that he need not fear the invading armies of Syria and Israel in the light of God’s promise to David (2 Sm 7:1216). The oracle follows a traditional announcement formula by which the birth and sometimes naming of a child is promised to particular individuals (Gn 16:11; Jgs 13:3). The young woman: Hebrew ‘almah designates a young woman of marriageable age without specific reference to virginity. The Septuagint translated the Hebrew term as parthenos, which normally does mean virgin, and this translation underlies Mt 1:23. Emmanuel: the name means “with us is God.” Since for the Christian the incarnation is the ultimate expression of God’s willingness to “be with us,” it is understandable that this text was interpreted to refer to the birth of Christ.
When beliefs are allowed to go unquestioned you get nasty social ills like Religious States
It is wrong to question the personal religious beliefs of others, just as it is wrong to force your beliefs onto others without question.
You're half right.

Because questioning beliefs, even to the point of asking people to question their own beliefs, is still not the same as forcing beliefs.

If living in a land of free speech is your goal, part of the price is seeing your beliefs questioned outside your home.
Suck it up, Buttercup - if your beliefs are worth believing, the questions will make you stronger - either way, the truth shall set you free.

:smoke: True story!​
if the judge says so ...


and you are a member of their political party - and if ...

"In God We Trust"

Sounds so nice and unifying right up to the point where you ask a room full of average idiots who still believe in such a Being to actually try and define their "God". :meow:

:beer: Good Times!!​
Christ was conceived by the Spirit, not a penis

I'm not a doctor, but I'm almost certain that isn't the way conception works.

Absolutely!! But that's what makes it a "miracle". Without a miracle or two, it is im-fucking-possible to effectively market a religion.

If the bad news is that being "religious" requires swallowing a certain amount of bullshit, the good news is that effective marketing can actually make it quite tasty.....

Ass-u-me-ing one can bring himself to just believe. :thup:
“Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani”

Marīya miniziri sitifets’imi!
“Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani”

ok, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” - I can google mine ...

Marīya miniziri sitifets’imi!

no google for yours ...
You asked a question and I answered it. "Because Maria was unfaithful".
No, she wasn't. Joseph also received a visit from the Holy Spirit. Not only did he chill, he understood his role in Jesus' upbringing ws to be sure he had a good scriptural understanding that he and his bride so generously provided the Lord as he was growing up.

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