Maryland will sue Trump administration over state tax-deduction cap

Its time blue states start paying their fair share of Federal taxes. Using high state taxes to avoid paying Federal taxes is a scam.

Interstate migration from Manfattan started ticking up prior to the bill reaching final form in Sept/Oct of last year because without their big ticket donors the Ds have nothing to finance their party.and their well paid GOTV they got nothing.
Cons are so triggered whenever someone tells the orange turd to fuck off. The GOP needs to come out with official Tissue for Snowflakes for whenever conservatives start having one of their crying sit-ins.
so the feds can tell states how large a state deduction can be?? what are the advantages/disadvantages for the feds??
thanks all replies

This is not a state deduction. It is a federal deduction. It simply says that people can deduct up to $10K of their state and local taxes (SALT) from their federal tax obligation. The federal government isn't telling state governments anything. If states like Maryland don't like the new cap on the SALT deduction, then they should reduce their income taxes and property taxes so that no one but the very rich have to pay more than $10K in SALT.

Capping the SALT deduction at $10K was a brilliant move that puts pressure on high-tax states to stop taxing the hide off their citizens. Furthermore, why should people in low-tax states subsidize the state taxes of people in high-tax states? $10K is a very reasonable cap. Even in a high-tax state, you have to be in the top 10% of income earners to be affected by the new SALT cap.

Wrong, The taxes in the worst 5 blue states, CA,IL,MA,NJ & NY, are paid by even burger flippers. A shotgun shack can easily exceed 10 K SALT in any of those five states. That is why those states are having a mini meltdown right now.
The new cap “disrupts the longstanding balance of taxing power between the states and the federal government,” Mr. Frosh said Thursday.

The states still have the power to raise or lower their own tax rates. Idiots.

Libtards engage in that kind of bullshit thinking, where they make up new "rights" to oppress others. See, the feds having allowed having allowed unlimited deduction of local taxes on federal returns creates a state right to have state taxes deducted on federal returns. And, when it's convenient for the libtard agenda, libtards believe in states rights. Where are the state's rights to not administer obamacare, or to make their own marriage laws, etc.

Logic only a fag or Jew could appreciate.
Democrats have been advocating for tax increases for years, now they are upset? It seems impossible to please these people.
The high tax states were being subsidized by the low tax states through state tax deduction. It was unfair.
With what? A tax break.
After Blue wall default wages will even out nationwide. Afterall isn't that the goal of the Ds?
Most blue States are donor States.

Simply playing shellgames with Statism is just politics, not business or Commerce.
Yeah. They donated their brains.
The high tax states were being subsidized by the low tax states through state tax deduction. It was unfair.
With what? A tax break.
After Blue wall default wages will even out nationwide. Afterall isn't that the goal of the Ds?
Most blue States are donor States.

Simply playing shellgames with Statism is just politics, not business or Commerce.
Yeah. They donated their brains.
2017’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States
The high tax states were being subsidized by the low tax states through state tax deduction. It was unfair.
With what? A tax break.
After Blue wall default wages will even out nationwide. Afterall isn't that the goal of the Ds?
Most blue States are donor States.

Simply playing shellgames with Statism is just politics, not business or Commerce.
Yeah. They donated their brains.
2017’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States
Hey, dipshitsky. Do a little research on those red states on the list. They all have major cities that are mostly Democrat. Like Birmingham, for instance. That's where most of that money goes. Looking at the state level is deceptive. Try looking at cities instead. The ten poorest and most violent cities are all run by democrats. That's a fact.
With what? A tax break.
After Blue wall default wages will even out nationwide. Afterall isn't that the goal of the Ds?
Most blue States are donor States.

Simply playing shellgames with Statism is just politics, not business or Commerce.
Yeah. They donated their brains.
2017’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States
Hey, dipshitsky. Do a little research on those red states on the list. They all have major cities that are mostly Democrat. Like Birmingham, for instance. That's where most of that money goes. Looking at the state level is deceptive. Try looking at cities instead. The ten poorest and most violent cities are all run by democrats. That's a fact.
right wingers couldn't handle it.
Hey, dipshitsky. Do a little research on those red states on the list. They all have major cities that are mostly Democrat. Like Birmingham, for instance. That's where most of that money goes. Looking at the state level is deceptive. Try looking at cities instead. The ten poorest and most violent cities are all run by democrats. That's a fact.

Alabama has four times as many blacks as California (by percent). Blacks overwhelmingly live on government checks.

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