Maskers gone wild

Are people following the mitigation regulations?

They are around here. People are almost universally wearing masks in Walmart, and bars,taverns and cocktail lounges are shuttered.
Nice. Keep up the good work!

It isn't helping, deaths and infections are up- disproving the efficacy of the restrictions.
I don’t think that disproves anything. We know this virus spreads through human contact so if people aren’t distancing, washing and properly masking then it is going to spread. The fact that it’s spiking just tells that people aren’t acting safely. You can have all the laws and restrictions you want but if people don’t follow then it’s not going to be effective
Here, drink some more koolaid.
I would no be surprised if many people continue wearing masks in public for years to come.

They probably will. I never did start wearing one. No one says anything down here.
Mask are how Democrats cause covid outbreaks. People wear the mask then touch infected surfaces, then touch their mask. Then breath in virus all day along with other germs.
Haha, yeah man great thinking. Amazing how doctors haven’t figured that out yet. You should go on tour and spread your findings to the world!!
You're an idiot. Doctors do know. They said as much when this all began. Nobody is using mask correctly. i hope you reuse your mask everyday and touch it all the time.

Yep. Masks are great in the OR because they prevent sweat, hair, bacteria from dropping into an open field which could be deadly. Viruses....nope.
Really? So tell me, how do doctors and nurses treat Covid patients without getting infected?
Docs/nurses are required to “suit up”in full coverage,wearing more than one mask layer. There are multiple clips available of ER docs and nurses suiting up before their 12 hour shift. I do not envy them and appreciate their dedication. Many hospitals are using ultraviolet light machines to adequately clean masks after use. Last I checked, however, these machines were relatively small and could only clean a few at a time taking several hours-unless that’s changed. Comparing medical professional usage versus public use of masks is like comparing apples to oranges. The types of masks that are mostly worn out in public are single layer and they come in all colors, all patterns, and can be most decorative looking even. Single layer cotton masks, properly fitted or otherwise, is a sense of false security from what various reputable sites have put out about how SARS CoV-2 particle is smaller than the tiny holes in these flimsy masks.
I would no be surprised if many people continue wearing masks in public for years to come.

They probably will. I never did start wearing one. No one says anything down here.
Mask are how Democrats cause covid outbreaks. People wear the mask then touch infected surfaces, then touch their mask. Then breath in virus all day along with other germs.
Haha, yeah man great thinking. Amazing how doctors haven’t figured that out yet. You should go on tour and spread your findings to the world!!
You're an idiot. Doctors do know. They said as much when this all began. Nobody is using mask correctly. i hope you reuse your mask everyday and touch it all the time.

Yep. Masks are great in the OR because they prevent sweat, hair, bacteria from dropping into an open field which could be deadly. Viruses....nope.
Really? So tell me, how do doctors and nurses treat Covid patients without getting infected?
Docs/nurses are required to “suit up”in full coverage,wearing more than one mask layer. There are multiple clips available of ER docs and nurses suiting up before their 12 hour shift. I do not envy them and appreciate their dedication. Many hospitals are using ultraviolet light machines to adequately clean masks after use. Last I checked, however, these machines were relatively small and could only clean a few at a time taking several hours-unless that’s changed. Comparing medical professional usage versus public use of masks is like comparing apples to oranges. The types of masks that are mostly worn out in public are single layer and they come in all colors, all patterns, and can be most decorative looking even. Single layer cotton masks, properly fitted or otherwise, is a sense of false security from what various reputable sites have put out about how SARS CoV-2 particle is smaller than the tiny holes in these flimsy masks.
Thank you, common knowledge, but these morons will either intentionally ignore your FACTS, or say that your source is suspect. I am not here to educate them. Let them suffocate in their own ignorance.
Looks like over 55-60 percent are refusing these poisonous cocktail shots. Good news.
Count me among them.
This makes me happy. Let's not waste life saving vaccine on the likes of you retards
HaHaHa, and you can thank Trump for it! He's going to save your miserable, useless life and you can thank him for it.
But're giving Trump credit for a vaccine you claim is not safe.

Do you actually ever listen to yourselves?
Are people following the mitigation regulations?

They are around here. People are almost universally wearing masks in Walmart, and bars,taverns and cocktail lounges are shuttered.
Nice. Keep up the good work!

It isn't helping, deaths and infections are up- disproving the efficacy of the restrictions.
I don’t think that disproves anything. We know this virus spreads through human contact so if people aren’t distancing, washing and properly masking then it is going to spread. The fact that it’s spiking just tells that people aren’t acting safely. You can have all the laws and restrictions you want but if people don’t follow then it’s not going to be effective

Those who wrote the "laws" and restrictions in regards to masks, etc. knew that there wasn't going to be 100% compliance. There is never 100% compliance. So it was pointless to write such a restriction, unless Doc Fauci had a way to enforce it.
Looks like over 55-60 percent are refusing these poisonous cocktail shots. Good news.
Count me among them.
This makes me happy. Let's not waste life saving vaccine on the likes of you retards
HaHaHa, and you can thank Trump for it! He's going to save your miserable, useless life and you can thank him for it.
But're giving Trump credit for a vaccine you claim is not safe.

Do you actually ever listen to yourselves?
Correct, because I don't blindly follow any moron that says "Follow the Science." I am a free man who follows his own mind. It has served me well these 7 decades. It is apparent that you will not be so fortunate.
Those who wrote the "laws" and restrictions in regards to masks, etc. knew that there wasn't going to be 100% compliance. There is never 100% compliance. So it was pointless to write such a restriction, unless Doc Fauci had a way to enforce it.
Near universal is not 100% compliance dumfuk.

And it ain't just's social distancing as well...which ain't indoor dining or drinking or gyms or salons
Those who wrote the "laws" and restrictions in regards to masks, etc. knew that there wasn't going to be 100% compliance. There is never 100% compliance. So it was pointless to write such a restriction, unless Doc Fauci had a way to enforce it.
Near universal is not 100% compliance dumfuk.

And it ain't just's social distancing as well...which ain't indoor dining or drinking or gyms or salons

Around here, a majority of people (in a majority Trump county) are definitely in compliance. In liberal counties, I'd expect a lot more.

Certainly more compliance than I expected, I'd term it "near -universal".
Those who wrote the "laws" and restrictions in regards to masks, etc. knew that there wasn't going to be 100% compliance. There is never 100% compliance. So it was pointless to write such a restriction, unless Doc Fauci had a way to enforce it.
Near universal is not 100% compliance dumfuk.

And it ain't just's social distancing as well...which ain't indoor dining or drinking or gyms or salons
Or going to Dunkin' Donuts. Stay in your basement and quit trying to run everyone else's lives.
Around here, a majority of people (in a majority Trump county) are definitely in compliance. In liberal counties, I'd expect a lot more.
Where the fuck is "around here" and tell me they were masking consistently and not indoor dining right along...ghead
Around here, a majority of people (in a majority Trump county) are definitely in compliance. In liberal counties, I'd expect a lot more.
Where the fuck is "around here" and tell me they were masking consistently and not indoor dining right along...ghead
Calm down, dude. You're going to die of a coronary if you get triggered that easy. FL is not locked down and they are dining out and partying with no more spiking than is going on in CA, NY, or WA. Try some critical thinking and please, get your feelings in check, not good for your health. tsk tsk.
Around here, a majority of people (in a majority Trump county) are definitely in compliance. In liberal counties, I'd expect a lot more.
Where the fuck is "around here" and tell me they were masking consistently and not indoor dining right along...ghead

I'm here in the Tremendous County of Mercer, PA. Certainly more conservative than neighboring Mahoning County, much less the ultraliberal supercities of Cleveland and Pittsburgh. And we have fewer cases than either, that's the point.
What if, even after most of the vaccines have been administered, the Western world sets aside its former snobbery against Asia’s widespread mask usage, and adopts the practice in its public health strategy for mitigating the adverse effects of air pollution, which causes the premature deaths of about 4.2 million people in smog-choked cities every year? Opinion: When the pandemic is over we should continue wearing masks - The Globe and Mail
A/ our cities arent smog choked. B/ masks havent stopped any spread of covid. Leave us alone and work on some real problems like the budget and Govt bloat

Agree, but don't be coming after my old Chevy's now, that's like going after some guns.
What if, even after most of the vaccines have been administered, the Western world sets aside its former snobbery against Asia’s widespread mask usage, and adopts the practice in its public health strategy for mitigating the adverse effects of air pollution, which causes the premature deaths of about 4.2 million people in smog-choked cities every year? Opinion: When the pandemic is over we should continue wearing masks - The Globe and Mail
A/ our cities arent smog choked. B/ masks havent stopped any spread of covid. Leave us alone and work on some real problems like the budget and Govt bloat

Agree, but don't be coming after my old Chevy's now, that's like going after some guns.
GM is in bed with the Chinese too.
Looks like over 55-60 percent are refusing these poisonous cocktail shots. Good news.
Count me among them.
This makes me happy. Let's not waste life saving vaccine on the likes of you retards
HaHaHa, and you can thank Trump for it! He's going to save your miserable, useless life and you can thank him for it.
But're giving Trump credit for a vaccine you claim is not safe.

Do you actually ever listen to yourselves?
Correct, because I don't blindly follow any moron that says "Follow the Science." I am a free man who follows his own mind. It has served me well these 7 decades. It is apparent that you will not be so fortunate.
The forced feeding of “for your own well being” is vomit totalitarian
Those who wrote the "laws" and restrictions in regards to masks, etc. knew that there wasn't going to be 100% compliance. There is never 100% compliance. So it was pointless to write such a restriction, unless Doc Fauci had a way to enforce it.
Near universal is not 100% compliance dumfuk.

And it ain't just's social distancing as well...which ain't indoor dining or drinking or gyms or salons
Or going to Dunkin' Donuts. Stay in your basement and quit trying to run everyone else's lives.
Can’t effectively run their own life so going to take over mine

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