Maskers gone wild

I would no be surprised if many people continue wearing masks in public for years to come.

They probably will. I never did start wearing one. No one says anything down here.
Mask are how Democrats cause covid outbreaks. People wear the mask then touch infected surfaces, then touch their mask. Then breath in virus all day along with other germs.
Haha, yeah man great thinking. Amazing how doctors haven’t figured that out yet. You should go on tour and spread your findings to the world!!
You're an idiot. Doctors do know. They said as much when this all began. Nobody is using mask correctly. i hope you reuse your mask everyday and touch it all the time.
you hope I misuse my mask and get infected because I disagree with you?? Wow, that’s some evil shit. Something wrong with you. And why are you quoting what doctors said at the beginning of this thing when they didn’t know what was what? Why not listen to what they are saying now which is overwhelmingly advocating for masking and social distancing
Even Fauci said in the beginning, that mask don't work.
In the beginning? Before he got new intel about the virus and modified his recommendations?. So why do you think what he said in the beginning is relevant?
New intellllya cases skyrocketing under masking........makes ya go hhhmmmmm
Like asymptomatic spread. Have you been paying any attention?
ya mean there is no asymptomic spread,,,,,,new intel......
Ok you obviously haven’t been paying attention. You spout all this crap from a place of total ignorance. Bless ur heart
you really dont keep up do ya.....ya just get your talking points and cling to em......
You’re the one confused about asymptomatic spread and quoting Fauci from last March. Haha and you think im the one not keeping up. You’re a funny guy
No dumbass ....been several articles posted on this board recently about it,,,,try to keep up
Such as?! This would be the time to reference one and provide a counter point. That’s how debates work
I rest my case. You dont keep up and are too lazy to bother. your talking points are old, your "science" is nothing more than alchemy. If your science was based in reality masker states should be crushing non-masker states.......except that aint happening.......
You rest your case without presenting evidence?! Typical Trumptard. Ok good. Case dismissed. Thank you for playing, you also suck at this game.
Post-lockdown SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid screening in nearly ten million residents of Wuhan, China | Nature Communications
there ya go dumbass done by your chinese masters
The must mask maniacs swear masks keep the Covid trapped but somehow miraculously your CO2 exhaust escapes
As always libbies, can’t have it both ways
Masks are effective in one way only. It keeps the wearer from touching around their nose and mouth
Otherwise. My non existent responsibility to wear it to help assure Your feelings of your personal health protection is moot.
See mask loons are insecure enough that the only way they can achieve courage of their convictions is to force You into compliance. Liberals are always sucking upon the fact based conservative for all forms of their sustenance
It isn't helping, deaths and infections are up- disproving the efficacy of the restrictions.
If mask wearing were near universal and people weren't eating INSIDE at retardants and drinking inside at bars and going to gyms and'd have a point...but that's not the case and you know it.

You're full of shit
I would no be surprised if many people continue wearing masks in public for years to come.

They probably will. I never did start wearing one. No one says anything down here.
Mask are how Democrats cause covid outbreaks. People wear the mask then touch infected surfaces, then touch their mask. Then breath in virus all day along with other germs.
Haha, yeah man great thinking. Amazing how doctors haven’t figured that out yet. You should go on tour and spread your findings to the world!!
You're an idiot. Doctors do know. They said as much when this all began. Nobody is using mask correctly. i hope you reuse your mask everyday and touch it all the time.
you hope I misuse my mask and get infected because I disagree with you?? Wow, that’s some evil shit. Something wrong with you. And why are you quoting what doctors said at the beginning of this thing when they didn’t know what was what? Why not listen to what they are saying now which is overwhelmingly advocating for masking and social distancing
Even Fauci said in the beginning, that mask don't work.
In the beginning? Before he got new intel about the virus and modified his recommendations?. So why do you think what he said in the beginning is relevant?
New intellllya cases skyrocketing under masking........makes ya go hhhmmmmm
Like asymptomatic spread. Have you been paying any attention?
ya mean there is no asymptomic spread,,,,,,new intel......
Ok you obviously haven’t been paying attention. You spout all this crap from a place of total ignorance. Bless ur heart
you really dont keep up do ya.....ya just get your talking points and cling to em......
You’re the one confused about asymptomatic spread and quoting Fauci from last March. Haha and you think im the one not keeping up. You’re a funny guy
So you're admitting, Fauci is a liar?
I would no be surprised if many people continue wearing masks in public for years to come.

They probably will. I never did start wearing one. No one says anything down here.
Mask are how Democrats cause covid outbreaks. People wear the mask then touch infected surfaces, then touch their mask. Then breath in virus all day along with other germs.
Haha, yeah man great thinking. Amazing how doctors haven’t figured that out yet. You should go on tour and spread your findings to the world!!
You're an idiot. Doctors do know. They said as much when this all began. Nobody is using mask correctly. i hope you reuse your mask everyday and touch it all the time.
you hope I misuse my mask and get infected because I disagree with you?? Wow, that’s some evil shit. Something wrong with you. And why are you quoting what doctors said at the beginning of this thing when they didn’t know what was what? Why not listen to what they are saying now which is overwhelmingly advocating for masking and social distancing
Even Fauci said in the beginning, that mask don't work.
In the beginning? Before he got new intel about the virus and modified his recommendations?. So why do you think what he said in the beginning is relevant?
New intellllya cases skyrocketing under masking........makes ya go hhhmmmmm
Like asymptomatic spread. Have you been paying any attention?
ya mean there is no asymptomic spread,,,,,,new intel......
Ok you obviously haven’t been paying attention. You spout all this crap from a place of total ignorance. Bless ur heart
HaHaHa, credentials please. You're just another internet troll that has a false sense of importance and intelligence.
Credentials for what? To accurately quote and recount facts about what doctors have said? Try keeping up man, you’re trying to hard
Theories are not FACTS. Again study "scientific method" moron.
No shit, when did I say theories were facts? If you have a point to make then make it. Enough beating around the Bush. What science do you think I’m ignoring?
Everything you've quoted as "science" has been theory moron. You said "Fauci got new intel" Scientific FACT does not change. Go back to school and pay attention this time. Fauci also has contradicted every theory he has presented--the same with the CDC and the WHO.
It’s a Novel virus smart guy. All the facts were not known in March and were and still are being discovered, treatments and medications are also evolving. Are you slow? Do you really not understand these things?
So now you're saying Trump isn't to blame for not acting fast enough?
It isn't helping, deaths and infections are up- disproving the efficacy of the restrictions.
If mask wearing were near universal and people weren't eating INSIDE at retardants and drinking inside at bars and going to gyms and'd have a point...but that's not the case and you know it.

You're full of shit
Stay in your basement and out of my life and you don't have anything to worry about. I am going to laugh when you test positive after all the sky is falling BS. Hopefully, you'll be one of the 1.8%.
It isn't helping, deaths and infections are up- disproving the efficacy of the restrictions.
If mask wearing were near universal and people weren't eating INSIDE at retardants and drinking inside at bars and going to gyms and'd have a point...but that's not the case and you know it.

You're full of shit
Stay in your basement and out of my life and you don't have anything to worry about. I am going to laugh when you test positive after all the sky is falling BS. Hopefully, you'll be one of the 1.8%.
They CANNOT be quelled by merely staying in their own basement. Their sole validation and satisfaction is forcing You to be frightened and imprisioned also .
Are people following the mitigation regulations?

They are around here. People are almost universally wearing masks in Walmart, and bars,taverns and cocktail lounges are shuttered.
Nice. Keep up the good work!

It isn't helping, deaths and infections are up- disproving the efficacy of the restrictions.
I don’t think that disproves anything. We know this virus spreads through human contact so if people aren’t distancing, washing and properly masking then it is going to spread. The fact that it’s spiking just tells that people aren’t acting safely. You can have all the laws and restrictions you want but if people don’t follow then it’s not going to be effective
Does math ignorance along with craven cowardice and a desire to force both on all people come in quickly like a virus or are they developed over many years of responsibility abdication?

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