Masks DO NOT WORK says CNN reporting on a NEW YORK TIMES article about a bunch of medical studies. None of them work. It was all politics.

On a related note, social distance was mandated for all events or the event was canceled….. unless of course it was a George Floyd protest. Then, there was no concern from the media or please from Fauci for people to stay home. Again, inconsistent application of science.
Exactly where did I even mention Trump, ya commie freak. The folks that conducted the studies without a political agenda are smarter than saint fauci and the CDC. These permeant bureaucrats seem to be forgetting their mission in favor of pleasing the commies that are about control, not prudent policies. BTW, you might want to see a professional about your extreme case of TDS, you seem to be seeing him everywhere.

Bullshit. You’re no authority. Medical research facilities are and you have never produced a post where either these facilities or the cdc or Fauci has lied. Never. You and you’re deniers are have baked frauds with no agenda but to lie.
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On a related note, social distance was mandated for all events or the event was canceled….. unless of course it was a George Floyd protest. Then, there was no concern from the media or please from Fauci for people to stay home. Again, inconsistent application of science.
Your authority is the media now and you confuse law enforcement with social interaction not involving first responders. Next you’ll complain when a fireman pulls a burn victim from a fire.
They have a conflict of interest, do you seriously think they will imperil their govt research funding by going against the commie party line? If ya do, I got a bridge to sell ya.

They are funded to use science to produce better understanding. Your sources are funded to produce lies.
You think all the medical facilities in Europe and Asia are funded by Our government ?
Your authority is the media now and you confuse law enforcement with social interaction not involving first responders. Next you’ll complain when a fireman pulls a burn victim from a fire.
What are you talking about? Go back to June - Aug of 2020 and see the mass protests during the height of the pandemic and show US where and how the media and government expressed pandemic concerns about people showing up in masses to protest.
What are you talking about? Go back to June - Aug of 2020 and see the mass protests during the height of the pandemic and show US where and how the media and government expressed pandemic concerns about people showing up in masses to protest.
The govt supplied free vaccines to everyone…..
Bullshit. You’re no authority. Medical research facilities are and you have never produced a post where either these facilities or the cdc or Fauci has lied. Never. You and you’re deniers are have baked frauds with no agenda but to lie.
The govt supplied free vaccines to everyone…..
And what does that have to do with social distancing? The government shut down outdoor gatherings of far fewer people vs. the thousands we saw at the height of the pandemic. The media begged and pleaded for us to “stay home / stay safe” for everything but the protests. FULL-OF-SHIT.
And what does that have to do with social distancing? The government shut down outdoor gatherings of far fewer people vs. the thousands we saw at the height of the pandemic. The media begged and pleaded for us to “stay home / stay safe” for everything but the protests. FULL-OF-SHIT.
The same blatant hypocrisy was on display during the travel ban.

And the same fucktards demanding the masks got busted repeatedly violating their own rules.
The govt supplied free vaccines to everyone…..
it wasn't a vaccine. It was a shot, but not a vaccine. sorry. BTW, the shot was to manipulate the spike protein, why would one need a variant of that? Ever stop and actually think?
Bullshit. You’re no authority. Medical research facilities are and you have never produced a post where either these facilities or the cdc or Fauci has lied. Never. You and you’re deniers are have baked frauds with no agenda but to lie.
you didn't answer where he invoked trump? why not? it seems all of your responses are mere deflection of nonsense. wow.

psst, they're called studies and I presented multiple ones. Where are yours?
All made up shit.
All you have to do is go on line at the leading medical research facilities to get the truth about vaccines.
You Effin idiots think places like John’s Hopkins and the Mayo Clinic make shit up. You’re idiots.
American research can afford to be wrong. Other nations would pass us. We aren’t conservatives who make up shit.
why don't you post their studies then? You seem unhinged, back against the wall huh?
Check it out. The antivaxxers have gone in full-blown meltdown mode.

I suppose it's because I showed the OP was a big ol' lie, and they had no response other than more shrieking about TheConpiracy. Once more, as happens every single time, the antivaxxers were shown to be making it all up. They were wrong, we we right, again, so out came the antivaxxer tantrums.

No matter. Poppa Darwin tends to take care of antivaxxer morons. There are consequence to denying reality. At this stage, antivaxxers are only interesting as examples of how cult brainwashing leads to self-destructive bahavior.

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