Masks DO NOT WORK says CNN reporting on a NEW YORK TIMES article about a bunch of medical studies. None of them work. It was all politics.

Check it out. The antivaxxers have gone in full-blown meltdown mode.

I suppose it's because I showed the OP was a big ol' lie, and they had no response other than more shrieking about TheConpiracy. Once more, as happens every single time, the antivaxxers were shown to be making it all up. They were wrong, we we right, again, so out came the antivaxxer tantrums.

No matter. Poppa Darwin tends to take care of antivaxxer morons. There are consequence to denying reality. At this stage, antivaxxers are only interesting as examples of how cult brainwashing leads to self-destructive bahavior.
WTF are you saying exactly? What have you proven? I know that the vax doesn't work!!! if you don't believe that merely post a link that shows it works. It's been debunked kitty litter.
Bullshit. You’re no authority. Medical research facilities are and you have never produced a post where either these facilities or the cdc or Fauci has lied. Never. You and you’re deniers are have baked frauds with no agenda but to lie.
you think you are an authority? hahaahahahahahahahaha dude, get the fk over yourself already
Check it out. The antivaxxers have gone in full-blown meltdown mode.

I suppose it's because I showed the OP was a big ol' lie, and they had no response other than more shrieking about TheConpiracy. Once more, as happens every single time, the antivaxxers were shown to be making it all up. They were wrong, we we right, again, so out came the antivaxxer tantrums.

No matter. Poppa Darwin tends to take care of antivaxxer morons. There are consequence to denying reality. At this stage, antivaxxers are only interesting as examples of how cult brainwashing leads to self-destructive bahavior.
Check it out. The antivaxxers have gone in full-blown meltdown mode.

I suppose it's because I showed the OP was a big ol' lie, and they had no response other than more shrieking about TheConpiracy. Once more, as happens every single time, the antivaxxers were shown to be making it all up. They were wrong, we we right, again, so out came the antivaxxer tantrums.

No matter. Poppa Darwin tends to take care of antivaxxer morons. There are consequence to denying reality. At this stage, antivaxxers are only interesting as examples of how cult brainwashing leads to self-destructive bahavior.
The jab doesn’t work, Simp.
The jab doesn’t work, Simp.
Heu Nostra, imagine this, they keep creating new concoctions of the shot, yet we were told the shot worked with spike protein. How is it spike protein can change? WTF are these idiots injecting?
Heu Nostra, imagine this, they keep creating new concoctions of the shot, yet we were told the shot worked with spike protein. How is it spike protein can change? WTF are these idiots injecting?
And just a few weeks ago Tater called for a new vaccine THAT WORKS.

And immediately tells folks to get the old shot.
Bullshit. You’re no authority. Medical research facilities are and you have never produced a post where either these facilities or the cdc or Fauci has lied. Never. You and you’re deniers are have baked frauds with no agenda but to lie.

fauci said if you're vaccinated you couldn't get or transmit covid, LIE! In fact phd jill has been vaccinated and boosted multiple times and has it AGAIN. Children need to be masked, LIE! Not one healthy child under 18 had died from covid. Masks would protect the population from transmission, saint fauci admitted in the video in the OP that wasn't true. So take your propaganda and shove it commie.

They are funded to use science to produce better understanding. Your sources are funded to produce lies.
You think all the medical facilities in Europe and Asia are funded by Our government ?

Many are, including the one in Wuhan that let the virus get out.

On a related note, social distance was mandated for all events or the event was canceled….. unless of course it was a George Floyd protest. Then, there was no concern from the media or please from Fauci for people to stay home. Again, inconsistent application of science.
On a final note, nothing they did was scientific nor did any of it make a fking bit of difference other than bullying americans and the rest of society like the good evil pricks and pricknesses the elites are!!!! And stupid people still follow and comply to these hypocrites.

you can lead a horse to water, but can't make em drink still fits.
And just a few weeks ago Tater called for a new vaccine THAT WORKS.

And immediately tells folks to get the old shot.
and all the bad shit they're finding out that the sheeple ignore is still fascinating to me. all cells contain spike protein!!!!!! just everyone should know the spike protein jab affects all your body cells!!!! what a fking bunch of Jim Jones followers we have. The stupid will always ingest the Kool aide of a cult leader.
Many are, including the one in Wuhan that let the virus get out.
So your story is…..everyone in the world was funded to make up shit and give false results so we could kill people with a vaccine…that’s your story.

Who funded them, Biden or Trump admin ?
and all the bad shit they're finding out that the sheeple ignore is still fascinating to me. all cells contain spike protein!!!!!! just everyone should know the spike protein jab affects all your body cells!!!! what a fking bunch of Jim Jones followers we have. The stupid will always ingest the Kool aide of a cult leader.
You’re sounding stooopid again….Trump was never indicted.
On a final note, nothing they did was scientific nor did any of it make a fking bit of difference other than bullying americans and the rest of society like the good evil pricks and pricknesses the elites are!!!! And stupid people still follow and comply to these hypocrites.
So, the cdc never use science ? They don’t do testing or conduct trials, nor Does John Hopkins, Mayo Clinic etc.
and all the bad shit they're finding out that the sheeple ignore is still fascinating to me. all cells contain spike protein!!!!!! just everyone should know the spike protein jab affects all your body cells!!!! what a fking bunch of Jim Jones followers we have. The stupid will always ingest the Kool aide of a cult leader.
So you’re equating Harvard Med and Mayo Clinic with Jim Jones and they are developing poisons. to kill people and calling them vaccines.
So, the cdc never use science ? They don’t do testing or conduct trials, nor Does John Hopkins, Mayo Clinic etc.

So you’re equating Harvard Med and Mayo Clinic with Jim Jones and they are developing poisons. to kill people and calling them vaccines.
Masks don’t work, Dagumby. Says so right on he box.

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