Masks Reduce COVID Infections by 53%

authors pooled 72 studies
I'm sure they did, and cherrypicked 1910-1030 to do so

a mask is only one part of that doctrine

ergo, they are literally advocating for what is an incomplete protocol every HC provider from the dean of a medical university, to a first responder is trained and required to learn & do

this is why masks have been, and will continue to be an epic fail

It blows my mind that this is even a thing.

A post or two ago I mentioned a meta-analysis about masks and forgot to include a hyperlink to the study. I know many of you are looking for it, so here it is. In short, the authors pooled 72 studies to assess how different public health mitigation measures (like masks, socially distancing, handwashing, etc.) impacted COVID19 infection. They found that some public health measures don’t really work. But, mask wearing reduced COVID19 infection by 53%. (For the record, this isn’t the only publication that shows masks work. For example, here are three studies that show they work well in schools.)​
Mask effectiveness is certainly dependent on the type of mask, though. This is why a layered approach (vaccine, mask, ventilation, testing) is crucial, especially in light of Omicron. The Wall Street Journal published a great graphic earlier this week comparing the protection of different types of masks:​

Actually, your chart is a good reason not to require masks.

Even the N95 masks will allow transmission- just at a much slower rate.

Mask requirements- according to the data provided- will just extend the pandemic rather than allow it to burn out quicker.
Actually, your chart is a good reason not to require masks.

Even the N95 masks will allow transmission- just at a much slower rate.

Mask requirements- according to the data provided- will just extend the pandemic rather than allow it to burn out quicker.


This is why you wear masks. It prevents the infected from spreading the virus.

You don't wear a mask to protect yourself.
It blows my mind that this is even a thing.

A post or two ago I mentioned a meta-analysis about masks and forgot to include a hyperlink to the study. I know many of you are looking for it, so here it is. In short, the authors pooled 72 studies to assess how different public health mitigation measures (like masks, socially distancing, handwashing, etc.) impacted COVID19 infection. They found that some public health measures don’t really work. But, mask wearing reduced COVID19 infection by 53%. (For the record, this isn’t the only publication that shows masks work. For example, here are three studies that show they work well in schools.)​
Mask effectiveness is certainly dependent on the type of mask, though. This is why a layered approach (vaccine, mask, ventilation, testing) is crucial, especially in light of Omicron. The Wall Street Journal published a great graphic earlier this week comparing the protection of different types of masks:​

What about your eyes?
Actually, your chart is a good reason not to require masks.

Even the N95 masks will allow transmission- just at a much slower rate.

Mask requirements- according to the data provided- will just extend the pandemic rather than allow it to burn out quicker.
Masks are great at stopping COVID if you're outside.
It blows my mind that this is even a thing.

A post or two ago I mentioned a meta-analysis about masks and forgot to include a hyperlink to the study. I know many of you are looking for it, so here it is. In short, the authors pooled 72 studies to assess how different public health mitigation measures (like masks, socially distancing, handwashing, etc.) impacted COVID19 infection. They found that some public health measures don’t really work. But, mask wearing reduced COVID19 infection by 53%. (For the record, this isn’t the only publication that shows masks work. For example, here are three studies that show they work well in schools.)​
Mask effectiveness is certainly dependent on the type of mask, though. This is why a layered approach (vaccine, mask, ventilation, testing) is crucial, especially in light of Omicron. The Wall Street Journal published a great graphic earlier this week comparing the protection of different types of masks:​

There are thousands of examples of fully masked and unmasked contracting flu, coronaviruses. I haven't worn one but I don't care if someone does or doesn't. It's their choice.

This is why you wear masks. It prevents the infected from spreading the virus.

You don't wear a mask to protect yourself.

But masks don't really stop it at all, they just slow the spread at best. Everyone will still deal with the virus, it just slow-walks the pandemic and drags it out. A mask will reduce the amount of viruses that people spread- not eliminate it.
Sounds about right.

Of course, in TrumpWorld, if it's not 100% effective always, it's never effective, at all, ever. And it's fake news. And a conspiracy. And Hitler.
A 350,000 person study in Bangladesh reported 11%.

When it comes to mask and vaccine percentages, it's a case of picking one study from the many to supports one's agenda, then run with it. From the very start, masks offer 'some' benefit and trying to quantify the 'some' part is to pick the study that you want.
There are thousands of examples of fully masked and unmasked contracting flu, coronaviruses. I haven't worn one but I don't care if someone does or doesn't. It's their choice.

The flu was virtually eradicated last year because ppl wore masks. The flu is barely a blip on the radar in countries where mask wearing during flu season is customary. We on the other hand who don't wear masks in america during flu season and suffer hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations and tens of thousands of deaths. So tell me again how masks don't work against flu or covid.
It blows my mind that this is even a thing.

A post or two ago I mentioned a meta-analysis about masks and forgot to include a hyperlink to the study. I know many of you are looking for it, so here it is. In short, the authors pooled 72 studies to assess how different public health mitigation measures (like masks, socially distancing, handwashing, etc.) impacted COVID19 infection. They found that some public health measures don’t really work. But, mask wearing reduced COVID19 infection by 53%. (For the record, this isn’t the only publication that shows masks work. For example, here are three studies that show they work well in schools.)​
Mask effectiveness is certainly dependent on the type of mask, though. This is why a layered approach (vaccine, mask, ventilation, testing) is crucial, especially in light of Omicron. The Wall Street Journal published a great graphic earlier this week comparing the protection of different types of masks:​

This is an excellent graph.
The flu was virtually eradicated last year because ppl wore masks. The flu is barely a blip on the radar in countries where mask wearing during flu season is customary. We on the other hand who don't wear masks in america during flu season and suffer hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations and tens of thousands of deaths. So tell me again how masks don't work against flu or covid.

You're trying to say that the mask stopped the flu but not covid. That's laughable. Yes, tens of millions were wearing or not wearing and still became infected. Basically, a wash. Your body didn't come attached with a mask because the immune system in healthy people is completely capable of destroying a virus, bacteria, protozoa, etc. However, if you're obese, eat a lot of junk food, have underlying conditions, high blood pressure, etc, your immune system is compromised so I understand why someone would want to wear one. It may/may not work but there's a chance.
Mask mandates are worthless, because it doesn't matter what kind of mask you have on you are in compliance cloth, surgical and we all know they don't work.

Until there is a proven type of mask that every one must wear its worthless. This is not about your heath its about compliance.
Foolish thread.
Of course masks are going to SLOW DOWN infection rates.
But that is a BAD THING.

The whole point of an epidemic is that the more quickly it ends, the lower the death total.
And the quickest way to end any epidemic is through herd immunity by recovery.
So the faster an infection spreads, you get the lowest death total.

When you slow down the infection rate, you just give the epidemic more time to spread wider and deeper, ensuring the % needed for herd immunity become 100% instead of the much smaller % you could have ended it with early on.

Anyone who suggest "flattening the curve" is just an idiot, lying to people.
The ONLY time you want to "flatten the curve" is if you go full quarantine with an extremely deadly epidemic.
And that is not to stretch it out over a longer time period, but to use contact tracing to end it as immediately as possible.
The flu was virtually eradicated last year because ppl wore masks. The flu is barely a blip on the radar in countries where mask wearing during flu season is customary. We on the other hand who don't wear masks in america during flu season and suffer hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations and tens of thousands of deaths. So tell me again how masks don't work against flu or covid.

If the flu had been eradicated last year, there would be no flu to expand this year.
Obviously what happened instead is the testing was bad, and they were falsely labeling flu as covid.


CDC Finally Admits PCR Tests Unable To Differentiate Between Flu And COVID, Withdraws Its Use​

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently published an announcement on its website saying that the agency will no longer honor the emergency use authorization of the PCR test for COVID testing beginning January 1, 2022. They are now encouraging the use of another COVID test.

According to the CDC, it will withdraw its request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay which was first introduced in February 2020 to detect COVID. To prepare for this change, the agency has ordered clinical laboratories and testing sites that have used the PCR assay to select and begin their transition to another FDA-approved COVID test.
If the flu had been eradicated last year, there would be no flu to expand this year.
Obviously what happened instead is the testing was bad, and they were falsely labeling flu as covid.


CDC Finally Admits PCR Tests Unable To Differentiate Between Flu And COVID, Withdraws Its Use​

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently published an announcement on its website saying that the agency will no longer honor the emergency use authorization of the PCR test for COVID testing beginning January 1, 2022. They are now encouraging the use of another COVID test.

According to the CDC, it will withdraw its request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay which was first introduced in February 2020 to detect COVID. To prepare for this change, the agency has ordered clinical laboratories and testing sites that have used the PCR assay to select and begin their transition to another FDA-approved COVID test.

Unfortunately, most just regurgitate what they hear from the msm and run with it without even noting how absurd or insane the statement is. You're exactly right, the pcr was unable to differentiate but people still run with the propaganda that a mask eradicated flu but not covid. Its next level asinine.

We breathe in millions of microorganism ie viruses, bacteria, particles every day. Our immune system remembers these microorganisms and is able to continually fight them off. Wearing a mask can compromise the immune system over time.
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This is somewhat off topic...but I think many have lost sight of the realities of Covid19.

Everyone is going to get Covid eventually. If we are VERY lucky Omicron will give way to an even less dangerous variation...but probably only by degrees.

Omicron is FAR less deadly than Alpha was... and less dangerous than Delta was.

What's left to determine is Omicron's likelihood of producing chronic Covid symptoms...aka long-covid.

We'll know the answer to that soon.

If the answer is Omicron does not cause chronic Covid... and if it is analogous to influenza in hospitalisation and death is likely time to put the fear of contacting Covid19 behind us.
You're trying to say that the mask stopped the flu but not covid. That's laughable. Yes, tens of millions were wearing or not wearing and still became infected. Basically, a wash. Your body didn't come attached with a mask because the immune system in healthy people is completely capable of destroying a virus, bacteria, protozoa, etc. However, if you're obese, eat a lot of junk food, have underlying conditions, high blood pressure, etc, your immune system is compromised so I understand why someone would want to wear one. It may/may not work but there's a chance.

It stopped covid a great deal depending on the mask you were wearing. Covid is not the flu, it's more contagious and every step up on that ladder requires a better mask. Not enough ppl were wearing surgical masks or better and not everyone was wearing one at all. If no one was wearing a mask at all then we would have had many more times more cases, hospitalizations and death. Nearly everyone was required to wear a mask in packed asian cities and countries. Did you see them being overrun with covid like we were? No. Proper masking works.

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