Mass shooting: At Least 11 Shot At Gilroy Garlic Festival

Well I’m on the so called “left”, so I’m gonna push back when the generalizations get used in conversations. What’s the point?
The point is that the comment was 100% accurate. The left overwhelmingly believes that voter ID is an obstacle that cannot be overcome.

You are not the litmus test for the left. Just because you feel a certain way doesn’t mean the rest on the left feels the same way.
I just don't understand the fight against the “Left”... what’s the point of that? Talk to people and engage with them about their thoughts and ideas. Otherwise I see it as a strawman
Nope. But had that 6-year old boy not lived in an unconstitutional shit-hole like California, the people with him would have had a gun on them and prevented the shooting.

But hey, like all leftists, you prefer ideology over reality. And that’s why people die.
Yeah, nobody knows what's really going on, and upon hearing shots everybody brandishes a gun, and the "good guys with a gun" but without much by way of training are killing each other off, not to mention scores of kids and other bystanders because they couldn't hit a garage door from 20 feet away while hearing shots fired in anger.

You are a first rate know-nothing idiot - the NRA propaganda microwaved your brain into a peanut-sized lump of grease.
Oh snowflake....there are thousands and thousands and thousands of instances over the last century of law abiding citizens preventing crimes with their own firearm.

You’re a typical leftist...all raw emotion and devoid of all facts. So you just scream the fairytale emotional scenarios that run through your limited intellect.
Luckily, in this country, American is not an 'ethnicity' matter how hard some try to make it so.
So person from Italy is Italian, and a person from England is English, but a person from America is not American in your mind? Holy shit.... :laugh: misinterpret, I think. A person--a citizen from America is an American..but American is NOT an ethnicity. It is a nationality. Is a black person from Italy Italian?
An person of Indian descent whose family has lived in England for he English? In Europe..many people in those countries would answer your question with a resounding NO! In America the answer is always YES!

There are, of course, a few in this country who would like it if it were otherwise...but it is not.
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Nope. But had that 6-year old boy not lived in an unconstitutional shit-hole like California, the people with him would have had a gun on them and prevented the shooting.

But hey, like all leftists, you prefer ideology over reality. And that’s why people die.
Yeah, nobody knows what's really going on, and upon hearing shots everybody brandishes a gun, and the "good guys with a gun" but without much by way of training are killing each other off, not to mention scores of kids and other bystanders because they couldn't hit a garage door from 20 feet away while hearing shots fired in anger.

You are a first rate know-nothing idiot - the NRA propaganda microwaved your brain into a peanut-sized lump of grease.
Oh snowflake....there are thousands and thousands and thousands of instances over the last century of law abiding citizens preventing crimes with their own firearm.

You’re a typical leftist...all raw emotion and devoid of all facts. So you just scream the fairytale emotional scenarios that run through your limited intellect.
There are also thousands of incidents of people being shot with their own it evens out just a bit.
As for armed citizens stopping a mass has happened..about 3-5% of the time. Worth having everyone carry? I dunno...I carry..especially when at events..would i engage a of those decisions that I'd have to make in the never really knows what they're going to do is such cases..overblown, testosterone fueled rhetoric fails people..when they're in the mix.

Fact Check: More Armed Citizens Equals Less Mass Shootings?

Let's Talk About The Mass Shootings That Were Stopped By "A Good Guy With A Gun"
It is is also true that some are more likely than others to fall into the abyss. The ultimate permission to create hell on earth is victim-hood..for a person who perceives of themselves as a victim uses that as a permission giver. I sure that right until that bullet ended this shooter's life..he felt the victim.

Yes, when one gives themselves permission to create unfounded mayhem they simply have no moral code.
Lol science isn’t your thing is it haha

Learn to pronounce

noun: baby; plural noun: babies
a very young child, especially one newly or recently born.
Yes at 10 weeks they have a heart beat... science is a beautiful thing
22 weeks is the earliest that a fetus could live outside the womb. Science is a beautiful thing indeed. When you phonies start protesting our never ending wars and our guns for all policy I may take you seriously but I`ll still support a woman`s right to choose.
No you don’t you are killing woman and men lol
IT HAS A HEAR BEAT AND NERVES AT 10 weeks.. it can feel pain when you are cutting it apart

You will lose in the end.. I’m
Shocked we let it happen this long
Don't have an abortion've never had one, have you?
We won’t do t worry no one will haha
Tell me, tard - which of the following is an "assault rifle"?

View attachment 271777

View attachment 271778
So, we can't talk abouyt assault type weapons without more of this bullshit.

Answer the question - which one is the assault rifle?

What are the models?

The top is likely the Ruger Mini that you assfucks use as an example of a semi automatic. Don't know what the other one is - maybe the same gun accessorized to look like a scary weapon.

We don't need these guns. We need to limit magazine size.

So why do you people want these guns? Because you can shoot straight? Because they look scary & you think it makes you a tough guy? Because it is so much fun to get all beered up & shoot bottles?
You don’t,, what’s your address? Lol do you have a welcome sign on your door?
Oh look....a personal threat....
You def can’t read ha
You and lying filth like you are asked repeatedly how more gun laws will stop this, and like the no-good lying scum you are, you never provide an answer. Why is that my six-legged parasite?

This has been answered multiple times.

Banning assault type rifles would at the least reduce the carnage.

The truth is most of you deplorables are chicken shits.

If you did not have access to such a powerful weapon, would you even consider one of these killings?

We should alsi ban tactical gear.
A rifle can assault someone!??? What do you have video evidence??

a Baseball bat is a bat typically used in Baseball.

Am assault rifle of a rifle typically used in military assaults.

An Asaault type rifle is a rifle that resembles an assault rifle.

A Maga hat is a hat worn by dumbasses.

Tell me, tard - which of the following is an "assault rifle"?

View attachment 271777

View attachment 271778
Both are effective in slaughtering first graders
Is that how you think? Wow sick
There are also thousands of incidents of people being shot with their own it evens out just a bit.
You are absolutely correct. But that doesn’t “even” it out. A person who shoots themselves is an accident (and often times the result of supreme stupidity / irresponsibility). It’s not one-billionth as tragic as people being slaughtered simply because left-wing representatives unconstitutionally prevented their constituents from defending themselves.
A rifle can assault someone!??? What do you have video evidence??

a Baseball bat is a bat typically used in Baseball.

Am assault rifle of a rifle typically used in military assaults.

An Asaault type rifle is a rifle that resembles an assault rifle.

A Maga hat is a hat worn by dumbasses.
Just admit you have no answer for anything and that you do not want to punish crime.

So because I think these guns need to be banned I am against law enforcement?

Why are you against tools?? They saved 94 thousand lives last year... are you crazy??

So assault type rifles in the hands on non-law enforcement personnel saved 94,0000 lives? I doubt that.
Guns saved over 94 thousand lives last year.. it’s a fact .. suck it up
Tell me, tard - which of the following is an "assault rifle"?

View attachment 271777

View attachment 271778
So, we can't talk abouyt assault type weapons without more of this bullshit.

Answer the question - which one is the assault rifle?

What are the models?

The top is likely the Ruger Mini that you assfucks use as an example of a semi automatic. Don't know what the other one is - maybe the same gun accessorized to look like a scary weapon.

We don't need these guns. We need to limit magazine size.

So why do you people want these guns? Because you can shoot straight? Because they look scary & you think it makes you a tough guy? Because it is so much fun to get all beered up & shoot bottles?
You don’t,, what’s your address? Lol do you have a welcome sign on your door?

You planning on attacking me?
I would never!
Tell me, tard - which of the following is an "assault rifle"?

View attachment 271777

View attachment 271778
Both are effective in slaughtering first graders

Progressive government power, like what you want, has murdered over 100,000,000 people in the last 100 years.

YOUR political ideology is the most violent, vile, and murderous philosophy ever created. Our Founding Fathers wrote the 2nd Amendment so that we would be able to keep murderous swine, like you, from committing your crimes.
Our Founders were the Progressives of their times, for the most part. The Tories were the conservatives. As for why the 2nd was written...most folks agree it was a valid attempt to empower the people..and save the Govt. the expense of funding a standing army. As most of us know..the 2nd really is a militia amendment. I agree with the right to bear I agree with the right of Govt. to regulate said possession for the public weal. As it so happen, the Supreme Court agrees.

It's all moot, for the most part..but do go on about what a group of White men 250 years ago intended for our times.

Progressive--Regressive---all the same tired shyte used to manipulate the masses. FYI..masses..that's you I'm talking about. Along with all the knee-jerk hacks on both sides...who are used with such success to maintain the stranglehold that our masters have on our lives.

No, they were the liberals. LIBERTY from government. Do some research before you make a fool of yourself again.

Progressive polices are STATIST. The opposite of liberal.
***yawn*** You are so glib with your terms..and so butt ignorant with your lack of insight and your knowledge of history. Freedom from govt. you say? Yet their very first acts were to form a govt.--never-mind that most of them would have been happy staying with England until eternity--had England been smart enough to give them seats in Parliament and an American Peerage. One of the oddities of the American Revolution is that unlike so many was a revolt of the Merchants and Landowners--the nascent middle class of the times. The masses were used, abused, and fooled. As soon the the war was over..the ruling elite created things like the Electoral College and the granting of Representative govt. based on slave populations to dilute the power of the masses and concentrate power just where they wanted it.

I note with amusement your inability to actually address what I had to say..and find some nit-picky bs about terms.

Your calling me a fool is a compliment..for if we agreed..I'd have to seriously check my conclusions.

Yes, a government of, by, and FOR the people. Not some dictatorship. The only person demonstrating a severe lack of historical knowledge is you, dude.
Well I’m on the so called “left”, so I’m gonna push back when the generalizations get used in conversations. What’s the point?
The point is that the comment was 100% accurate. The left overwhelmingly believes that voter ID is an obstacle that cannot be overcome.

You are not the litmus test for the left. Just because you feel a certain way doesn’t mean the rest on the left feels the same way.
I just don't understand the fight against the “Left”... what’s the point of that? Talk to people and engage with them about their thoughts and ideas. Otherwise I see it as a strawman
It's a futile effort that's for sure because they simply don't have any thoughts or ideas.
There are also thousands of incidents of people being shot with their own it evens out just a bit.
You are absolutely correct. But that doesn’t “even” it out. A person who shoots themselves is an accident (and often times the result of supreme stupidity / irresponsibility). It’s not one-billionth as tragic as people being slaughtered simply because left-wing representatives unconstitutionally prevented their constituents from defending themselves.
Assuming that that was the reason. I would place the blame on the shooter..where it belongs. The first to act in a violent situation always has the advantage. Even if every person is armed...the shooter will still kill several..this guy..was shot in minutes..still he hit 11.

Blaming the left is absurd...I live in a Constitutional carry state....we can carry concealed without a permit. Does everyone carry/ No.Do the majority Most of us have a gun the the house....maybe in the backpack. But in a mass shooting scenario....I doubt that the outcome would be anything but tragic.
At best, an armed citizenry would limit the damage..and lead to a quick resolution. But the danger of friendly there. My point? The political polemic has little to do with the real-life horror of a mass shooting..and that armed or no--people are going to die.

All deaths are someone.
Both are effective in slaughtering first graders

Progressive government power, like what you want, has murdered over 100,000,000 people in the last 100 years.

YOUR political ideology is the most violent, vile, and murderous philosophy ever created. Our Founding Fathers wrote the 2nd Amendment so that we would be able to keep murderous swine, like you, from committing your crimes.
Our Founders were the Progressives of their times, for the most part. The Tories were the conservatives. As for why the 2nd was written...most folks agree it was a valid attempt to empower the people..and save the Govt. the expense of funding a standing army. As most of us know..the 2nd really is a militia amendment. I agree with the right to bear I agree with the right of Govt. to regulate said possession for the public weal. As it so happen, the Supreme Court agrees.

It's all moot, for the most part..but do go on about what a group of White men 250 years ago intended for our times.

Progressive--Regressive---all the same tired shyte used to manipulate the masses. FYI..masses..that's you I'm talking about. Along with all the knee-jerk hacks on both sides...who are used with such success to maintain the stranglehold that our masters have on our lives.

No, they were the liberals. LIBERTY from government. Do some research before you make a fool of yourself again.

Progressive polices are STATIST. The opposite of liberal.
***yawn*** You are so glib with your terms..and so butt ignorant with your lack of insight and your knowledge of history. Freedom from govt. you say? Yet their very first acts were to form a govt.--never-mind that most of them would have been happy staying with England until eternity--had England been smart enough to give them seats in Parliament and an American Peerage. One of the oddities of the American Revolution is that unlike so many was a revolt of the Merchants and Landowners--the nascent middle class of the times. The masses were used, abused, and fooled. As soon the the war was over..the ruling elite created things like the Electoral College and the granting of Representative govt. based on slave populations to dilute the power of the masses and concentrate power just where they wanted it.

I note with amusement your inability to actually address what I had to say..and find some nit-picky bs about terms.

Your calling me a fool is a compliment..for if we agreed..I'd have to seriously check my conclusions.

Yes, a government of, by, and FOR the people. Not some dictatorship. The only person demonstrating a severe lack of historical knowledge is you, dude.
Uh huh...not that you have the gonads to actually point my alleged lack of knowledge...LOL! I do appreciate the irony of your quoting Abe Lincoln--although it is a bit of a stretch to consider him a 'founding father'. My amusement comes from the fact that many of your ilk often refer to Lincoln as the first American dictator. Suspension of Civil rights like habeas corpus and such.
You are seriously out of your league..when it come to history...I've read your posts for can state this with some degree of certainty.

But hey..surprise a cogent rebuttal of my posts..point out all my factual errors....astound us with your ability. Or at least get your copy and paste on!
Progressive government power, like what you want, has murdered over 100,000,000 people in the last 100 years.

YOUR political ideology is the most violent, vile, and murderous philosophy ever created. Our Founding Fathers wrote the 2nd Amendment so that we would be able to keep murderous swine, like you, from committing your crimes.
Our Founders were the Progressives of their times, for the most part. The Tories were the conservatives. As for why the 2nd was written...most folks agree it was a valid attempt to empower the people..and save the Govt. the expense of funding a standing army. As most of us know..the 2nd really is a militia amendment. I agree with the right to bear I agree with the right of Govt. to regulate said possession for the public weal. As it so happen, the Supreme Court agrees.

It's all moot, for the most part..but do go on about what a group of White men 250 years ago intended for our times.

Progressive--Regressive---all the same tired shyte used to manipulate the masses. FYI..masses..that's you I'm talking about. Along with all the knee-jerk hacks on both sides...who are used with such success to maintain the stranglehold that our masters have on our lives.

No, they were the liberals. LIBERTY from government. Do some research before you make a fool of yourself again.

Progressive polices are STATIST. The opposite of liberal.
***yawn*** You are so glib with your terms..and so butt ignorant with your lack of insight and your knowledge of history. Freedom from govt. you say? Yet their very first acts were to form a govt.--never-mind that most of them would have been happy staying with England until eternity--had England been smart enough to give them seats in Parliament and an American Peerage. One of the oddities of the American Revolution is that unlike so many was a revolt of the Merchants and Landowners--the nascent middle class of the times. The masses were used, abused, and fooled. As soon the the war was over..the ruling elite created things like the Electoral College and the granting of Representative govt. based on slave populations to dilute the power of the masses and concentrate power just where they wanted it.

I note with amusement your inability to actually address what I had to say..and find some nit-picky bs about terms.

Your calling me a fool is a compliment..for if we agreed..I'd have to seriously check my conclusions.

Yes, a government of, by, and FOR the people. Not some dictatorship. The only person demonstrating a severe lack of historical knowledge is you, dude.
Uh huh...not that you have the gonads to actually point my alleged lack of knowledge...LOL! I do appreciate the irony of your quoting Abe Lincoln--although it is a bit of a stretch to consider him a 'founding father'. My amusement comes from the fact that many of your ilk often refer to Lincoln as the first American dictator. Suspension of Civil rights like habeas corpus and such.
You are seriously out of your league..when it come to history...I've read your posts for can state this with some degree of certainty.

But hey..surprise a cogent rebuttal of my posts..point out all my factual errors....astound us with your ability. Or at least get your copy and paste on!

Where do you think i quoted abe lincoln? This oughta be good....

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