Mass shooting: At Least 11 Shot At Gilroy Garlic Festival

Try again, junior...

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
Are you stupid? I gave you the exact quote--that you stole from Abe..and you quote the Preamble of the constitution as a rebuttal? OMG...dropped on your head as an infant? The only commonality between the Preamble and your quote is the word 'people'!

Thank you for the best laugh I've had in weeks!

I think we have established your knowledge and abilities in cannot substitute rhetoric for matter how you squirm...I own you!

I disagree. westwall is a wise man.
Well..he's definitely not at his best you can see.

Oh? How so? Everything i base my political ideology on is rooted in the COTUS, and by inference Cicero, Locke, and Montesquieu.
Uh huh....running from the steaming pile of your quote, are you? OK..far enough..if you can't just admit the gaff and move on..I'll not mention it again.

Actually, junior. It is you who can't admit that you are the one in the wrong. Lincoln borrowed from the founders. I borrowed from the founders. There is no harm in admitting you were wrong. The fact that you can't shows you to be either intellectually dishonest, or unethical in the extreme.
Nope. But had that 6-year old boy not lived in an unconstitutional shit-hole like California, the people with him would have had a gun on them and prevented the shooting.

But hey, like all leftists, you prefer ideology over reality. And that’s why people die.
Yeah, nobody knows what's really going on, and upon hearing shots everybody brandishes a gun, and the "good guys with a gun" but without much by way of training are killing each other off, not to mention scores of kids and other bystanders because they couldn't hit a garage door from 20 feet away while hearing shots fired in anger.

You are a first rate know-nothing idiot - the NRA propaganda microwaved your brain into a peanut-sized lump of grease.
Oh snowflake....there are thousands and thousands and thousands of instances over the last century of law abiding citizens preventing crimes with their own firearm.

You’re a typical leftist...all raw emotion and devoid of all facts. So you just scream the fairytale emotional scenarios that run through your limited intellect.
There are also thousands of incidents of people being shot with their own it evens out just a bit.
As for armed citizens stopping a mass has happened..about 3-5% of the time. Worth having everyone carry? I dunno...I carry..especially when at events..would i engage a of those decisions that I'd have to make in the never really knows what they're going to do is such cases..overblown, testosterone fueled rhetoric fails people..when they're in the mix.

Fact Check: More Armed Citizens Equals Less Mass Shootings?

Let's Talk About The Mass Shootings That Were Stopped By "A Good Guy With A Gun"
Fake news, liar.

"Fact Check" That crap is for the intellectually lazy. I can debunk that bullshit all day, every day. Thank God for a real American education.
***chuckles*** OK I've also had a real American Education..I know that any such compendium can be picked apart. i also know that there is enough truth there to be useful---and that those that decry 'fake news'---are just bit intellectually lazy themselves.
Yeah, nobody knows what's really going on, and upon hearing shots everybody brandishes a gun, and the "good guys with a gun" but without much by way of training are killing each other off, not to mention scores of kids and other bystanders because they couldn't hit a garage door from 20 feet away while hearing shots fired in anger.

You are a first rate know-nothing idiot - the NRA propaganda microwaved your brain into a peanut-sized lump of grease.
Oh snowflake....there are thousands and thousands and thousands of instances over the last century of law abiding citizens preventing crimes with their own firearm.

You’re a typical leftist...all raw emotion and devoid of all facts. So you just scream the fairytale emotional scenarios that run through your limited intellect.
There are also thousands of incidents of people being shot with their own it evens out just a bit.
As for armed citizens stopping a mass has happened..about 3-5% of the time. Worth having everyone carry? I dunno...I carry..especially when at events..would i engage a of those decisions that I'd have to make in the never really knows what they're going to do is such cases..overblown, testosterone fueled rhetoric fails people..when they're in the mix.

Fact Check: More Armed Citizens Equals Less Mass Shootings?

Let's Talk About The Mass Shootings That Were Stopped By "A Good Guy With A Gun"
Fake news, liar.
Why hullo Mike...very cogent rebuttal you posted...I'm crushed..just...crushed! Oh wait...nope..not crushed at all...because you proved nothing..all you did was let out another written fart...PooF!

Stinkin' up the joint..what did you eat..some InfoWars stew..or some Gateway Pundit fondue?
Typical diarrhea from you liars.

Need some of this for their lips.
Are you stupid? I gave you the exact quote--that you stole from Abe..and you quote the Preamble of the constitution as a rebuttal? OMG...dropped on your head as an infant? The only commonality between the Preamble and your quote is the word 'people'!

Thank you for the best laugh I've had in weeks!

I think we have established your knowledge and abilities in cannot substitute rhetoric for matter how you squirm...I own you!

I disagree. westwall is a wise man.
Well..he's definitely not at his best you can see.

Oh? How so? Everything i base my political ideology on is rooted in the COTUS, and by inference Cicero, Locke, and Montesquieu.
Uh huh....running from the steaming pile of your quote, are you? OK..far enough..if you can't just admit the gaff and move on..I'll not mention it again.

Actually, junior. It is you who can't admit that you are the one in the wrong. Lincoln borrowed from the founders. I borrowed from the founders. There is no harm in admitting you were wrong. The fact that you can't shows you to be either intellectually dishonest, or unethical in the extreme.
There you go..trying to substitute rhetoric for knowledge. I think we are done..let the readers decide,'ve already made up my mind.
BTW...your last post...I direct it to you word for word. Lincoln borrowed nothing..the Gettysburg Address is one of the top 5 speeches ever..and you didn't even know you were quoting it...and the Constitution defense you are lame.

Do enjoy the rest of your evening...nice night oh so red Idaho.

Find yourself something to save face..and move on.
I disagree. westwall is a wise man.
Well..he's definitely not at his best you can see.

Oh? How so? Everything i base my political ideology on is rooted in the COTUS, and by inference Cicero, Locke, and Montesquieu.
Uh huh....running from the steaming pile of your quote, are you? OK..far enough..if you can't just admit the gaff and move on..I'll not mention it again.

Actually, junior. It is you who can't admit that you are the one in the wrong. Lincoln borrowed from the founders. I borrowed from the founders. There is no harm in admitting you were wrong. The fact that you can't shows you to be either intellectually dishonest, or unethical in the extreme.
There you go..trying to substitute rhetoric for knowledge. I think we are done..let the readers decide,'ve already made up my mind.

Yeppers, flee little one, flee. That seems to be the best you can do.
Guys, I'm really concerned....did the gun get out okay and has somebody made sure it can shot again?????
Same day in Brooklyn 11 were shot by one. Why no press on that? Does not fit the White Supremecy angle you want to publish?
Same day in Brooklyn 11 were shot by one. Why no press on that? Does not fit the White Supremecy angle you want to publish?

Come on just ONE gun did that? 11 people in ONE day! That has to be that best showing for a gun this year!

I'm thinking that it has to be more than one gun...
It seems he bought the gun legally in Nevada and in Nevada background checks are required for all gun sales unelss you have CCW permit.

He could just as easily get a full auto AK in CA if he had the money.

Apparently it's a blessing he got an SKS and TAPCO mags and one jammed, allowing the LEOS to put him down.
Same thing with the baseball leftist whacko shooter.
Back in the day I had an asian online friend in CA that could get full-auto AKs all day long for $750.

ATF got him. Our relationship was more online-centric. He was a cool dude, but he got hemmed up in that ATF stuff. The Asian underground had mucho access to that. They never did no mass shootings, though. True story. As much access as Asian underground gangs have had to full-auto weapons for like 30 years, they never did no crazy mass shootings.
Their goal is not to stop murder, and violence where criminals use guns. If so, they'd focus on the thousands of inner city Black on Black murders. Their goal is to disarm the law abiding purely for control purposes.
There are also thousands of incidents of people being shot with their own it evens out just a bit.
You are absolutely correct. But that doesn’t “even” it out. A person who shoots themselves is an accident (and often times the result of supreme stupidity / irresponsibility). It’s not one-billionth as tragic as people being slaughtered simply because left-wing representatives unconstitutionally prevented their constituents from defending themselves.
Assuming that that was the reason. I would place the blame on the shooter..where it belongs. The first to act in a violent situation always has the advantage. Even if every person is armed...the shooter will still kill several..this guy..was shot in minutes..still he hit 11.

Blaming the left is absurd...I live in a Constitutional carry state....we can carry concealed without a permit. Does everyone carry/ No.Do the majority Most of us have a gun the the house....maybe in the backpack. But in a mass shooting scenario....I doubt that the outcome would be anything but tragic.
At best, an armed citizenry would limit the damage..and lead to a quick resolution. But the danger of friendly there. My point? The political polemic has little to do with the real-life horror of a mass shooting..and that armed or no--people are going to die.

All deaths are someone.

Perhaps if the Democrat party would stop demonizing guns (inanimate objects) more people would be comfortable owning, learning to shoot and would carry. We constantly hear how we should wait for law enforcement but, even where cops can get to the perp right away (as with the Garlic Festival) still people had to die and be injured. My contention is that if guns were acceptable for people to open-carry, this little punk would have been put down quickly and efficiently.
Well well. Another mass shooting with a military style semi automatic. I wonder what the common element is, in these mass shootings with military style semi automatics. It's a mystery all right.
militia man.jpg
Well well. Another mass shooting with a military style semi automatic. I wonder what the common element is, in these mass shootings with military style semi automatics. It's a mystery all right.View attachment 271903

It's not Asians with full-auto AKs fer sure. They've had that for 30 years +

No bullshit. Zero Asian full-auto mass shootings to this day.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the 18 to 21 year old white supremacists in California who, because of a new CA law, must drive to Nevada to buy their semi-automatic rifles.
Guys, I'm really concerned....did the gun get out okay and has somebody made sure it can shot again?????

Don't you worry - the gun is going to be just fine.

No matter how many people needlessly die, we mustn't let anything happen to these guns.
I have three guesses:

2.) Islamic Terrorism
3.) Gang Related (MS-13 or Domestic)

All three are directly attributable to The Leftists Dems in this country who have gone off the hook.

Let me remind everyone that this fair was a GUN FREE ZONE!
The kid wears a MAGA hat

rightwinger The Original Tree

More like, the shooter cites inciteful literature
(associated with Satanic Bible rejection of Christianity and societal institutions)
that both Left and Right will paint to associate with the opposing side.

So the Christian Right will say this means the shooter was demonic
and an extreme secularist against Christianity.

And the Liberal Left will say this means the shooter was some
racist/supremacist associated with the far right antigovernment crowd.
Concealed carry will work; open carry is just two fucktards waiting for a collision. It's stupid to advertise you're carrying, just an ego trip for morons.

That really depends on the circles you are traveling with. In some communities, Open Carry is needed to dissuade criminals from approaching you in the first place.

Nah, it just tells criminals 'Hey, there's an extra weapon! Shoot that idiot first!!" It's not like you get to whip it out and wave it around every time somebody walks within 3 feet of you in a store or somewhere in public. It's just bad tactics, period. Concealed carry is far more effective; most criminals are either stupid or crazy, so 'deterrence' isn't much of an issue in most cases, while uncertainty is.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the 18 to 21 year old white supremacists in California who, because of a new CA law, must drive to Nevada to buy their semi-automatic rifles.

So much for gun control laws eh? Apparently the park's gun-free zone did absolutely 0 to stop this human excrement. If the park-goers were armed and guns were ubiquitous and open-carry, this little fuck would have been taken down sooner than a few minutes. Don't get me wrong, the cops did a great job but, they are only capable of doing so much in a crowd. If everyone was allowed to carry arms this guy would have been snuffed sooner IMO. In fact, the little piss-pants coward probably would have been too afraid to do what he did.

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