Mass shooting: At Least 11 Shot At Gilroy Garlic Festival

Luckily, in this country, American is not an 'ethnicity' matter how hard some try to make it so.
So person from Italy is Italian, and a person from England is English, but a person from America is not American in your mind? Holy shit.... :laugh: misinterpret, I think. A person--a citizen from America is an American..but American is NOT an ethnicity. It is a nationality. Is a black person from Italy Italian?
An person of Indian descent whose family has lived in England for he English? In Europe..many people in those countries would answer your question with a resounding NO! In America the answer is always YES!

There are, of course, a few in this country who would like it if it were otherwise...but it is not.

With generations of interbreeding, more and more Americans are considering their ethnicity American.
a Baseball bat is a bat typically used in Baseball.

Am assault rifle of a rifle typically used in military assaults.

An Asaault type rifle is a rifle that resembles an assault rifle.

A Maga hat is a hat worn by dumbasses.

Tell me, tard - which of the following is an "assault rifle"?

View attachment 271777

View attachment 271778
Both are effective in slaughtering first graders

Progressive government power, like what you want, has murdered over 100,000,000 people in the last 100 years.

YOUR political ideology is the most violent, vile, and murderous philosophy ever created. Our Founding Fathers wrote the 2nd Amendment so that we would be able to keep murderous swine, like you, from committing your crimes.

So lets arm crazy people & allow them to roan the streets.

No, we identify the crazy people, give them their due process, then place them where they can't hurt people.

It seems like in this country we only identify the crazy people after they've already shot up a bunch of people. Does that seem effective?
Luckily, in this country, American is not an 'ethnicity' matter how hard some try to make it so.
So person from Italy is Italian, and a person from England is English, but a person from America is not American in your mind? Holy shit.... :laugh: misinterpret, I think. A person--a citizen from America is an American..but American is NOT an ethnicity. It is a nationality. Is a black person from Italy Italian?
An person of Indian descent whose family has lived in England for he English? In Europe..many people in those countries would answer your question with a resounding NO! In America the answer is always YES!

There are, of course, a few in this country who would like it if it were otherwise...but it is not.

With generations of interbreeding, more and more Americans are considering their ethnicity American.

Apparently that boy in CA did not.
Tell me, tard - which of the following is an "assault rifle"?

View attachment 271777

View attachment 271778
Both are effective in slaughtering first graders

Progressive government power, like what you want, has murdered over 100,000,000 people in the last 100 years.

YOUR political ideology is the most violent, vile, and murderous philosophy ever created. Our Founding Fathers wrote the 2nd Amendment so that we would be able to keep murderous swine, like you, from committing your crimes.

So lets arm crazy people & allow them to roan the streets.

No, we identify the crazy people, give them their due process, then place them where they can't hurt people.

It seems like in this country we only identify the crazy people after they've already shot up a bunch of people. Does that seem effective?

in the absence of a crystal ball------try to develop a urine test for psychosis
Tell me, tard - which of the following is an "assault rifle"?

View attachment 271777

View attachment 271778
Both are effective in slaughtering first graders

Progressive government power, like what you want, has murdered over 100,000,000 people in the last 100 years.

YOUR political ideology is the most violent, vile, and murderous philosophy ever created. Our Founding Fathers wrote the 2nd Amendment so that we would be able to keep murderous swine, like you, from committing your crimes.

So lets arm crazy people & allow them to roan the streets.

No, we identify the crazy people, give them their due process, then place them where they can't hurt people.

It seems like in this country we only identify the crazy people after they've already shot up a bunch of people. Does that seem effective?

We are doing a good job of identifying the people afflicted with TDS, a serious mental illness. We need to watch them carefully because those people are very dangerous.
There are also thousands of incidents of people being shot with their own it evens out just a bit.
You are absolutely correct. But that doesn’t “even” it out. A person who shoots themselves is an accident (and often times the result of supreme stupidity / irresponsibility). It’s not one-billionth as tragic as people being slaughtered simply because left-wing representatives unconstitutionally prevented their constituents from defending themselves.
Assuming that that was the reason. I would place the blame on the shooter..where it belongs. The first to act in a violent situation always has the advantage. Even if every person is armed...the shooter will still kill several..this guy..was shot in minutes..still he hit 11.

Blaming the left is absurd...I live in a Constitutional carry state....we can carry concealed without a permit. Does everyone carry/ No.Do the majority Most of us have a gun the the house....maybe in the backpack. But in a mass shooting scenario....I doubt that the outcome would be anything but tragic.
At best, an armed citizenry would limit the damage..and lead to a quick resolution. But the danger of friendly there. My point? The political polemic has little to do with the real-life horror of a mass shooting..and that armed or no--people are going to die.

All deaths are someone.

Perhaps if the Democrat party would stop demonizing guns (inanimate objects) more people would be comfortable owning, learning to shoot and would carry. We constantly hear how we should wait for law enforcement but, even where cops can get to the perp right away (as with the Garlic Festival) still people had to die and be injured. My contention is that if guns were acceptable for people to open-carry, this little punk would have been put down quickly and efficiently.
Are they as easy to spray fire into a crowd of garlic festival goers? AR 15 is a copy of a weapon developed for WAR. It is designed to kill as quickly and easily as possible.

You don't know what you are talking about.
The AR doesn't fire any faster than any other semi-automatic.
The AR is less powerful than most other semi-automatics.
Of course it allows for more rapid shooting. It is easy to handle. It is a mass shooters dream, which is why it is the preferred rifle. But did he use an AR? Did I read here that he bought an AK47 out of state? What did he use?
The Ar 15 just happens to be one of the most popular rifle frames in the country

There are over 8 million of them in the hands of civilians and 99.9999% of those civilian will never shoot anyone

And no it does not shoot faster than any other semiautomatic rifle
A less powerful weapon would men fewer casualties.

An AR 15 is one of the lowest powered rifles on the market.

Every rifle I own is more powerful than an AR 15
Are they as easy to spray fire into a crowd of garlic festival goers? AR 15 is a copy of a weapon developed for WAR. It is designed to kill as quickly and easily as possible.

All my rifles but 1 are semiautomatic. I'm more of a hand gun person myself. I don't have as much use for rifles as some do so I only have a few but all of them are in a much larger caliber than an Ar 15.

But why don;t you answer my earlier question to you

What other of your guaranteed rights are you willing to give up to stop criminals from committing crimes?
You are looking at this all wrong. As I read it, and many others do as well, the Second Amendment is for keeping the citizenry ready to call up in case of attack. They did not have a standing army and the Founding Fathers did not want one. Even before the Revolutionary War, the local militias were called up to train on a regular basis. All adult males except the very oldest were required to participate and they needed to bring their own weapon.

We now have the largest standing army in the world. The Second Amendment no longer applies. Since it keeps standing in the way of getting rid of the majority of guns in this country, I say ditch it.

The US military is barred from acting on US soil.

And the second was not conceived for the possibility of an attack by a foreign power. It was conceived so the citizenry could not be subjugated by a corrupt , tyrannical government.

So what other rights are you willing to give up to stop criminals from committing crimes>\?

How about your 4th or 5t amendment rights? I mean if you're innocent you shouldn't care if the police search your home whenever they want or if they arrest and innterrogste you for hours on end right?
It was conceived so the citizenry could not be subjugated by a corrupt , tyrannical government.
Maybe they had both reasons on their minds. Considering what they had just been through with the King of England, can you blame them? That is no longer a valid argument either, though, since we would have a snowball's chance in hell of fighting the US military with our personal collections of AR's, AK's and SKS's should a despotic government try to overthrow our democracy.
a Baseball bat is a bat typically used in Baseball.

Am assault rifle of a rifle typically used in military assaults.

An Asaault type rifle is a rifle that resembles an assault rifle.

A Maga hat is a hat worn by dumbasses.
Just admit you have no answer for anything and that you do not want to punish crime.

So because I think these guns need to be banned I am against law enforcement?

Why are you against tools?? They saved 94 thousand lives last year... are you crazy??

So assault type rifles in the hands on non-law enforcement personnel saved 94,0000 lives? I doubt that.

Firearms in general save 2 million lives a year in America, minimum. Criminals aren't interested in a fair fight and will most often split when looking down a barrel of a firearm
NRA fantasy

How many lives did you save this year?
My thoughts and prayers go out to the 18 to 21 year old white supremacists in California who, because of a new CA law, must drive to Nevada to buy their semi-automatic rifles.

So much for gun control laws eh? Apparently the park's gun-free zone did absolutely 0 to stop this human excrement. If the park-goers were armed and guns were ubiquitous and open-carry, this little fuck would have been taken down sooner than a few minutes. Don't get me wrong, the cops did a great job but, they are only capable of doing so much in a crowd. If everyone was allowed to carry arms this guy would have been snuffed sooner IMO. In fact, the little piss-pants coward probably would have been too afraid to do what he did.
The shooter was taken out within ONE MINUTE by police officers who were at the festival to provide security.

I prefer that method. I doubt Cletus could get the gun out of his holster in time. And guaranteed Sally Jane could not dig it out of her purse that fast. And many people thought the gunshots were fireworks. So they wouldn't be going for their guns until way too late.

You pretend that all the festival goers would be on high alert, guns at the ready. But that's what they paid the cops to do and it worked out as best as can be expected.
Tell me, tard - which of the following is an "assault rifle"?

View attachment 271777

View attachment 271778
Both are effective in slaughtering first graders

Progressive government power, like what you want, has murdered over 100,000,000 people in the last 100 years.

YOUR political ideology is the most violent, vile, and murderous philosophy ever created. Our Founding Fathers wrote the 2nd Amendment so that we would be able to keep murderous swine, like you, from committing your crimes.

So lets arm crazy people & allow them to roan the streets.

No, we identify the crazy people, give them their due process, then place them where they can't hurt people.

It seems like in this country we only identify the crazy people after they've already shot up a bunch of people. Does that seem effective?

And you plan to identify them beforehand????
It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. And true.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the 18 to 21 year old white supremacists in California who, because of a new CA law, must drive to Nevada to buy their semi-automatic rifles.

So much for gun control laws eh? Apparently the park's gun-free zone did absolutely 0 to stop this human excrement. If the park-goers were armed and guns were ubiquitous and open-carry, this little fuck would have been taken down sooner than a few minutes. Don't get me wrong, the cops did a great job but, they are only capable of doing so much in a crowd. If everyone was allowed to carry arms this guy would have been snuffed sooner IMO. In fact, the little piss-pants coward probably would have been too afraid to do what he did.
The shooter was taken out within ONE MINUTE by police officers who were at the festival to provide security.

I prefer that method. I doubt Cletus could get the gun out of holster in time. And guaranteed Sally Jane could not dig it out of her purse that fast.

You pretend that all the festival goers would be on high alert, guns at the ready. But that's what they paid the cops to do and it worked out as best as can be expected.

So what you suggesting? Have a police presence throughout the whole community big enough for the police to respond within 60 seconds?

Most people aren't at a festival, they are in a barroom, a tavern, a cocktail lounge or other location. Are you willing to pay for enough cops to keep an eye on all of those locations 24/7?
My thoughts and prayers go out to the 18 to 21 year old white supremacists in California who, because of a new CA law, must drive to Nevada to buy their semi-automatic rifles.

So much for gun control laws eh? Apparently the park's gun-free zone did absolutely 0 to stop this human excrement. If the park-goers were armed and guns were ubiquitous and open-carry, this little fuck would have been taken down sooner than a few minutes. Don't get me wrong, the cops did a great job but, they are only capable of doing so much in a crowd. If everyone was allowed to carry arms this guy would have been snuffed sooner IMO. In fact, the little piss-pants coward probably would have been too afraid to do what he did.

You have no idea how often a gun free zone prevents gun violence.

In this case, it forced the shooter to sneak into the area making it more likely to be caught & arrested. Otherwise, they could just walk in & nothing could be done until people died.
If he wasn't carrying a rifle he could have just walked in with 4 or 5 handguns concealed on his person and done even more damage
He cut through the fence to avoid the metal detector.
Just admit you have no answer for anything and that you do not want to punish crime.

So because I think these guns need to be banned I am against law enforcement?

Why are you against tools?? They saved 94 thousand lives last year... are you crazy??

So assault type rifles in the hands on non-law enforcement personnel saved 94,0000 lives? I doubt that.

Firearms in general save 2 million lives a year in America, minimum. Criminals aren't interested in a fair fight and will most often split when looking down a barrel of a firearm
NRA fantasy

How many lives did you save this year?
Because we vote democrat,, 2 million
My thoughts and prayers go out to the 18 to 21 year old white supremacists in California who, because of a new CA law, must drive to Nevada to buy their semi-automatic rifles.

So much for gun control laws eh? Apparently the park's gun-free zone did absolutely 0 to stop this human excrement. If the park-goers were armed and guns were ubiquitous and open-carry, this little fuck would have been taken down sooner than a few minutes. Don't get me wrong, the cops did a great job but, they are only capable of doing so much in a crowd. If everyone was allowed to carry arms this guy would have been snuffed sooner IMO. In fact, the little piss-pants coward probably would have been too afraid to do what he did.

You have no idea how often a gun free zone prevents gun violence.

In this case, it forced the shooter to sneak into the area making it more likely to be caught & arrested. Otherwise, they could just walk in & nothing could be done until people died.
If he wasn't carrying a rifle he could have just walked in with 4 or 5 handguns concealed on his person and done even more damage
He cut through the fence to avoid the metal detector.

If the organizers of the event had electrified the fence. the perp would have never been able to breach the perimeter.

Sounds like they have some responsibility here too.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the 18 to 21 year old white supremacists in California who, because of a new CA law, must drive to Nevada to buy their semi-automatic rifles.

So much for gun control laws eh? Apparently the park's gun-free zone did absolutely 0 to stop this human excrement. If the park-goers were armed and guns were ubiquitous and open-carry, this little fuck would have been taken down sooner than a few minutes. Don't get me wrong, the cops did a great job but, they are only capable of doing so much in a crowd. If everyone was allowed to carry arms this guy would have been snuffed sooner IMO. In fact, the little piss-pants coward probably would have been too afraid to do what he did.
The shooter was taken out within ONE MINUTE by police officers who were at the festival to provide security.

I prefer that method. I doubt Cletus could get the gun out of holster in time. And guaranteed Sally Jane could not dig it out of her purse that fast.

You pretend that all the festival goers would be on high alert, guns at the ready. But that's what they paid the cops to do and it worked out as best as can be expected.

So what you suggesting? Have a police presence throughout the whole community big enough for the police to respond within 60 seconds?

Most people aren't at a festival, they are in a barroom, a tavern, a cocktail lounge or other location. Are you willing to pay for enough cops to keep an eye on all of those locations 24/7?

Me? I'm suggesting a ban on guns similar to Australia. But gun nutters are a fearful bunch, and there are a lot of you in this country. I don't hold out any hope that my suggestion will ever be followed.

Barring that, I prefer the Gilroy festival method. The festival organizers arrange and pay for security. Professional security. Not armchair cowboy security.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the 18 to 21 year old white supremacists in California who, because of a new CA law, must drive to Nevada to buy their semi-automatic rifles.

So much for gun control laws eh? Apparently the park's gun-free zone did absolutely 0 to stop this human excrement. If the park-goers were armed and guns were ubiquitous and open-carry, this little fuck would have been taken down sooner than a few minutes. Don't get me wrong, the cops did a great job but, they are only capable of doing so much in a crowd. If everyone was allowed to carry arms this guy would have been snuffed sooner IMO. In fact, the little piss-pants coward probably would have been too afraid to do what he did.

You have no idea how often a gun free zone prevents gun violence.

In this case, it forced the shooter to sneak into the area making it more likely to be caught & arrested. Otherwise, they could just walk in & nothing could be done until people died.
If he wasn't carrying a rifle he could have just walked in with 4 or 5 handguns concealed on his person and done even more damage
He cut through the fence to avoid the metal detector.

If the organizers of the event had electrified the fence. the perp would have never been able to breach the perimeter.

Sounds like they have some responsibility here too.
You go with that line of thinking. Maybe you can help those folks drum up a lawsuit.

I'm happy with the professional security who took out the shooter in less than one minute.
So much for gun control laws eh? Apparently the park's gun-free zone did absolutely 0 to stop this human excrement. If the park-goers were armed and guns were ubiquitous and open-carry, this little fuck would have been taken down sooner than a few minutes. Don't get me wrong, the cops did a great job but, they are only capable of doing so much in a crowd. If everyone was allowed to carry arms this guy would have been snuffed sooner IMO. In fact, the little piss-pants coward probably would have been too afraid to do what he did.

You have no idea how often a gun free zone prevents gun violence.

In this case, it forced the shooter to sneak into the area making it more likely to be caught & arrested. Otherwise, they could just walk in & nothing could be done until people died.
If he wasn't carrying a rifle he could have just walked in with 4 or 5 handguns concealed on his person and done even more damage
He cut through the fence to avoid the metal detector.

If the organizers of the event had electrified the fence. the perp would have never been able to breach the perimeter.

Sounds like they have some responsibility here too.
You go with that line of thinking. Maybe you can help those folks drum up a lawsuit.

I'm happy with the professional security who took out the shooter in less than one minute.

Only a tiny fraction of shooting victims are whacked at festivals. I'm trying to address the big problem
You have no idea how often a gun free zone prevents gun violence.

In this case, it forced the shooter to sneak into the area making it more likely to be caught & arrested. Otherwise, they coul just walk in & nothing could be done until people died.
If he wasn't carrying a rifle he could have just walked in with 4 or 5 handguns concealed on his person and done even more damage
He cut through the fence to avoid the metal detector.

If the organizers of the event had electrified the fence. the perp would have never been able to breach the perimeter.

Sounds like they have some responsibility here too.
You go with that line of thinking. Maybe you can help those folks drum up a lawsuit.

I'm happy with the professional security who took out the shooter in less than one minute.

Only a tiny fraction of shooting victims are whacked at festivals. I'm trying to address the big problem
You should start with crap like this -

Brought to you by the North Carolina deplorables at "Cherokee" Guns.


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