Mass shooting: At Least 11 Shot At Gilroy Garlic Festival

Now those Libtard Loony Tunes in Commie California are advocating exporting their filthy anti Constitutional anti right to keep and bear arms oppressive laws to other states.

Then they wonder why we ridicule them so much.

Guess you haven't noticed but the left quickly jumps on the blame train
Another mass killing by a white supremacist. You must be disappointed. You were hoping for a Hispanic or better yet an illegal Hispanic
White supremacist /Antifa what different does it make?

Your right there, both groups seem to be on the payroll of CNN
you caught me in mid post
leftist have no problem defending Antifa you will not find right wingers defending White supremacist
Where the fuck have you been?

Antifa is a right wing excuse you use to counter your buddies the White Supremacists. And yes you do support them. If not, show me where any of you have posted against them because wed have plenty posting on USMB.
No person who claims to be right-wing defends White Supremacists but you leftist do go out of your way defending Antifa
Anyone surprised that this idiot was a white supremacist?

What we know about California festival shooter Santino William Legan

Legan posted two photos on Instagram not long before the attack.

One photo depicted Smokey the Bear in front of a "fire danger" sign, with a caption that said to read the 19th century book "Might is Right," a work that claims race determines behavior and is popular among white nationalists and far-right extremist groups.

Legan's since-deleted Instagram account says he is Italian and Iranian. Minutes before the shooting, he had posted a photo from the festival saying, "Ayyy garlic festival time" and "come get wasted on overpriced (stuff)."
A white supremacist who self-identified as an Italian-Iranian who referenced a book on Modern Satanism who was antisemitic who believed in Social Darwinism. So if you and your fellow leftist are trying to attach this Californa indoctrinated fruitcake to the right I would rethink it if I were you.
Guess you haven't noticed but the left quickly jumps on the blame train
Another mass killing by a white supremacist. You must be disappointed. You were hoping for a Hispanic or better yet an illegal Hispanic
White supremacist /Antifa what different does it make?

Your right there, both groups seem to be on the payroll of CNN
you caught me in mid post
leftist have no problem defending Antifa you will not find right wingers defending White supremacist
Why would anybody from the right defend white supremasists? There’s good people on that side right? ;-)
No one was defending white supremacist
The president was talking about people who were defending their confederate heritage. Hell I know at least one leftist on another board who is proud of his Confederate heritage and has defended against any monuments removal
Nope. But had that 6-year old boy not lived in an unconstitutional shit-hole like California, the people with him would have had a gun on them and prevented the shooting.

But hey, like all leftists, you prefer ideology over reality. And that’s why people die.

Yeah, nobody knows what's really going on, and upon hearing shots everybody brandishes a gun, and the "good guys with a gun" but without much by way of training are killing each other off, not to mention scores of kids and other bystanders because they couldn't hit a garage door from 20 feet away while hearing shots fired in anger.

You are a first rate know-nothing idiot - the NRA propaganda microwaved your brain into a peanut-sized lump of grease.
Grasping for straws is the game did you say? You may very well hear shots but you would never pull your pistol unless you had a line of sight danger.
Guess you haven't noticed but the left quickly jumps on the blame train
Another mass killing by a white supremacist. You must be disappointed. You were hoping for a Hispanic or better yet an illegal Hispanic
White supremacist /Antifa what different does it make?

Your right there, both groups seem to be on the payroll of CNN
you caught me in mid post
leftist have no problem defending Antifa you will not find right wingers defending White supremacist
Why would anybody from the right defend white supremasists? There’s good people on that side right? ;-)
You know he means on both sides of the issue itself.

But that doesn't help you build your image of him.
So because I think these guns need to be banned I am against law enforcement?

Tell us how banning them will have any effect on anything when there are countless other guns that can be used and the banned guns can be obtained illegally?

Then you have to ban all those other guns too

That is the goal after all

Don't look now. Your paranoia is gaining on you.


Why is there a call to ban " assault weapons"? Because they are used to kill people

So ban the AR 15 and when another gun is used to kill a few people at a garlic festival what do you do?

You say we have to ban that gun too

etc etc etc

We have an agent hiding under your bed. As soon as you fall asleep...………….
But you don't deny anything I said

What will be the reaction after the Ar15 is banned and some other person kills a dozen people with a different firearm?
An AR 15 is one of the lowest powered rifles on the market.

Every rifle I own is more powerful than an AR 15
Are they as easy to spray fire into a crowd of garlic festival goers? AR 15 is a copy of a weapon developed for WAR. It is designed to kill as quickly and easily as possible.

You don't know what you are talking about.
The AR doesn't fire any faster than any other semi-automatic.
The AR is less powerful than most other semi-automatics.
Of course it allows for more rapid shooting. It is easy to handle. It is a mass shooters dream, which is why it is the preferred rifle. But did he use an AR? Did I read here that he bought an AK47 out of state? What did he use?
The Ar 15 just happens to be one of the most popular rifle frames in the country

There are over 8 million of them in the hands of civilians and 99.9999% of those civilians will never shoot anyone

And no it does not shoot faster than any other semiautomatic rifle

100% of the mass killers used to be perfectly innocent.
100% of all rapists used to be innocent so what's your point?

That everyone is just a criminal in waiting?

SHould we convict you of crimes you haven't committed since after all it's just a matter of time before you do commit a crime?
An AR 15 is one of the lowest powered rifles on the market.

Every rifle I own is more powerful than an AR 15
Are they as easy to spray fire into a crowd of garlic festival goers? AR 15 is a copy of a weapon developed for WAR. It is designed to kill as quickly and easily as possible.

You don't know what you are talking about.
The AR doesn't fire any faster than any other semi-automatic.
The AR is less powerful than most other semi-automatics.
Of course it allows for more rapid shooting. It is easy to handle. It is a mass shooters dream, which is why it is the preferred rifle. But did he use an AR? Did I read here that he bought an AK47 out of state? What did he use?
The Ar 15 just happens to be one of the most popular rifle frames in the country

There are over 8 million of them in the hands of civilians and 99.9999% of those civilian will never shoot anyone

And no it does not shoot faster than any other semiautomatic rifle

Why is there a call to ban " assault weapons"? Because they are used to kill people

So ban the AR 15 and when another gun is used to kill a few people at a garlic festival what do you do?

You say we have to ban that gun too

etc etc etc

A less powerful weapon would men fewer casualties.

An AR 15 is one of the lowest powered rifles on the market.

Every rifle I own is more powerful than an AR 15
Are they as easy to spray fire into a crowd of garlic festival goers? AR 15 is a copy of a weapon developed for WAR. It is designed to kill as quickly and easily as possible.

All my rifles but 1 are semiautomatic. I'm more of a hand gun person myself. I don't have as much use for rifles as some do so I only have a few but all of them are in a much larger caliber than an Ar 15.

But why don;t you answer my earlier question to you

What other of your guaranteed rights are you willing to give up to stop criminals from committing crimes?
You are looking at this all wrong. As I read it, and many others do as well, the Second Amendment is for keeping the citizenry ready to call up in case of attack. They did not have a standing army and the Founding Fathers did not want one. Even before the Revolutionary War, the local militias were called up to train on a regular basis. All adult males except the very oldest were required to participate and they needed to bring their own weapon.

We now have the largest standing army in the world. The Second Amendment no longer applies. Since it keeps standing in the way of getting rid of the majority of guns in this country, I say ditch it.

The US military is barred from acting on US soil.

And the second was not conceived for the possibility of an attack by a foreign power. It was conceived so the citizenry could not be subjugated by a corrupt , tyrannical government.

So what other rights are you willing to give up to stop criminals from committing crimes>\?

How about your 4th or 5t amendment rights? I mean if you're innocent you shouldn't care if the police search your home whenever they want or if they arrest and innterrogste you for hours on end right?
Nope. But had that 6-year old boy not lived in an unconstitutional shit-hole like California, the people with him would have had a gun on them and prevented the shooting.

But hey, like all leftists, you prefer ideology over reality. And that’s why people die.

Yeah, nobody knows what's really going on, and upon hearing shots everybody brandishes a gun, and the "good guys with a gun" but without much by way of training are killing each other off, not to mention scores of kids and other bystanders because they couldn't hit a garage door from 20 feet away while hearing shots fired in anger.

You are a first rate know-nothing idiot - the NRA propaganda microwaved your brain into a peanut-sized lump of grease.
Grasping for straws is the game did you say? You may very well hear shots but you would never pull your pistol unless you had a line of sight danger.
Yea, that is a stupid statement. You know darn well guns would be pulled.
Another mass killing by a white supremacist. You must be disappointed. You were hoping for a Hispanic or better yet an illegal Hispanic
White supremacist /Antifa what different does it make?

Your right there, both groups seem to be on the payroll of CNN
you caught me in mid post
leftist have no problem defending Antifa you will not find right wingers defending White supremacist
Why would anybody from the right defend white supremasists? There’s good people on that side right? ;-)
No one was defending white supremacist
The president was talking about people who were defending their confederate heritage. Hell I know at least one leftist on another board who is proud of his Confederate heritage and has defended against any monuments removal
That's why he had to be brow beat to issue a statement against those torch bearers.
Good thing we have a Bill of Rights to protect us from government oppression. However, somebody forgot to tell the assholes in California.
How so? Because they have gun laws?

That would be oppressive gun laws against the Bill of Rights.

Too bad the Supremes are too chickenshit to apply the same strict scrutiny to the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms the same as they apply to other Constitutional rights. Kinds of makes the BORs a joke, doesn't it?

What good does it have a Constitutional right that says that "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" when commie states like California can infringe the shit out of the right?
Well let me ask... do you think that a person should have the right to walk into a store, buy a machine gun as easy as buying a coke, then go watch a high school football game with it sitting on his lap? Is that something that you’d find acceptable in the society you live in?
What is your qualitative experience on the use of deadly force? What gives you the ability to have an opinion on what an individual needs to prevail in a fight for their life?
Are you asking if I’ve ever been in a situation where I’ve had to fight for my life? The answer is no. My experience simply comes from living my life. And I’m not telling anybody what they need or don’t need to prevail in a fight. My hope would be that we learn skills to avoid and diffuse fights so that they don’t happen.

How come you didn’t answer my question? Not very nice manners to answers questions with questions.
Why do you people always appeal to the ridiculous?

I'm surprised you didn't use a nuclear missile in your example
Another mass killing by a white supremacist. You must be disappointed. You were hoping for a Hispanic or better yet an illegal Hispanic
White supremacist /Antifa what different does it make?

Your right there, both groups seem to be on the payroll of CNN
you caught me in mid post
leftist have no problem defending Antifa you will not find right wingers defending White supremacist
Where the fuck have you been?

Antifa is a right wing excuse you use to counter your buddies the White Supremacists. And yes you do support them. If not, show me where any of you have posted against them because wed have plenty posting on USMB.
No person who claims to be right-wing defends White Supremacists but you leftist do go out of your way defending Antifa
Who defends the violence on Antifa? Quit using Antifa as an excuse for your support of racism & bigotry.
Same day in Brooklyn 11 were shot by one. Why no press on that? Does not fit the White Supremecy angle you want to publish?
One is crime & gang violence. This is some whacko that you decided to give access to an assault type weapons who killed for the fun of it.

What's next? People die everyday in car accidents & cancer so why should we care about this?
My thoughts and prayers go out to the 18 to 21 year old white supremacists in California who, because of a new CA law, must drive to Nevada to buy their semi-automatic rifles.

So much for gun control laws eh? Apparently the park's gun-free zone did absolutely 0 to stop this human excrement. If the park-goers were armed and guns were ubiquitous and open-carry, this little fuck would have been taken down sooner than a few minutes. Don't get me wrong, the cops did a great job but, they are only capable of doing so much in a crowd. If everyone was allowed to carry arms this guy would have been snuffed sooner IMO. In fact, the little piss-pants coward probably would have been too afraid to do what he did.

You have no idea how often a gun free zone prevents gun violence.

In this case, it forced the shooter to sneak into the area making it more likely to be caught & arrested. Otherwise, they could just walk in & nothing could be done until people died.
Same day in Brooklyn 11 were shot by one. Why no press on that? Does not fit the White Supremecy angle you want to publish?
One is crime & gang violence. This is some whacko that you decided to give access to an assault type weapons who killed for the fun of it.

What's next? People die everyday in car accidents & cancer so why should we care about this?

the area in which the shoot-up took place in Brooklyn ------is such that-----a shoot up
is NOT NEWS. It did make news in Brooklyn-----one child dead
My thoughts and prayers go out to the 18 to 21 year old white supremacists in California who, because of a new CA law, must drive to Nevada to buy their semi-automatic rifles.

So much for gun control laws eh? Apparently the park's gun-free zone did absolutely 0 to stop this human excrement. If the park-goers were armed and guns were ubiquitous and open-carry, this little fuck would have been taken down sooner than a few minutes. Don't get me wrong, the cops did a great job but, they are only capable of doing so much in a crowd. If everyone was allowed to carry arms this guy would have been snuffed sooner IMO. In fact, the little piss-pants coward probably would have been too afraid to do what he did.

You have no idea how often a gun free zone prevents gun violence.

In this case, it forced the shooter to sneak into the area making it more likely to be caught & arrested. Otherwise, they could just walk in & nothing could be done until people died.
If he wasn't carrying a rifle he could have just walked in with 4 or 5 handguns concealed on his person and done even more damage
Who defends the violence on Antifa? Quit using Antifa as an excuse for your support of racism & bigotry.

I can't remember even a single speech by the media or a Democrat politician, a single syllable even, against the radical leftists.

Not a word against Antifa, the Weather Underground, BLM or the Occupoopers.

This happened during Obama's reign as America's autocrat right in the neighborhood of Manhattan New York, the home of Donald J. Trump, and not a word from Obama denouncing it? The liberal who perpetrating this Crime of Desecration has never even been identified and punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Occupy Wall Street: Shocking photos show protester defecating on POLICE CAR | Daily Mail Online
An extreme gun control state, a gun free zone event....where they even had armed guards and metal detectors at all the gates....

The attacker cut his way through a fence to avoid the metal detectors....

He killed until someone used a gun to stop him, this time a police officer..

Another mass public shooting at another gun-free zone: the Gilroy Garlic Festival attack - Crime Prevention Research Center

Three people were killed and 15 injured.

The attacker cut through a back fence to avoid security checkpoints with metal detectors. This area was a gun-free zone.

But as a general point, even if this wasn’t an area where people were already banned from having guns, do you wonder why there isn’t someone to stop some of the mass public shootings in places such as California? In 2018, the County with a little over 1.5 million adults had issued just 113 concealed handgun permits — that is just 0.007% of adults. To put it differently, that is only 1 permit issued for every 14,300 people. General citizens in Santa Clara County are banned from being able to carry concealed handguns. There is no nearby county that has even one percent of the population with permits, and for California as a whole, only 0.39% of adults have a permit. Last year, outside the restrictive states of California and New York, about 8.63% of the adult population has a permit.

What very few permits are granted in the county are going to be granted in in San Jose and the wealthiest areas of the county, not in Gilroy.

Here is a list of cases we found where concealed handgun permit holders have stopped what otherwise would have been a mass public shooting.

Again, police are important, but they have a very difficult job in stopping these types of attacks. Attackers will either wait until there are no officers nearby or if there is an officer nearby, they will kill him first. There were police near, but even a minute or two is a very long time.
So, instead of trying to stop a shooter from taking a weapon into the festival, they would all be alive if we just let all guns into the festival.

I get it.
White supremacist /Antifa what different does it make?

Your right there, both groups seem to be on the payroll of CNN
you caught me in mid post
leftist have no problem defending Antifa you will not find right wingers defending White supremacist
Where the fuck have you been?

Antifa is a right wing excuse you use to counter your buddies the White Supremacists. And yes you do support them. If not, show me where any of you have posted against them because wed have plenty posting on USMB.
No person who claims to be right-wing defends White Supremacists but you leftist do go out of your way defending Antifa
Who defends the violence on Antifa? Quit using Antifa as an excuse for your support of racism & bigotry.
Don't pretend that you leftist don't defend or outright ignore Antifas actions.

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