Mass shooting: At Least 11 Shot At Gilroy Garlic Festival

Why do you want to make law abiding people out to be the bad guys here?
Because the latest shooter was law abiding until he wasn't. How come you can't grasp that?

Here we go again with the everyone is just a criminal waiting to commit a crime. How many times do you have to be told that we don't hold innocent people responsible for the crimes other people commit?

Tell me what crimes can I convict you of that you haven't committed yet?
------------------------------------- I'm thinking that sooner or later the USA will be moving from the 'innocent till proven guilty standard' to the standard of 'guilty till proven innocent standard ' .
That ship has the media..and on this forum. In fact, other than the courts, guilty until proven innocent is the standard the police use, as well. To most, Suspect means Guilty.
------------------------------------------ what I find interesting is the acceptance of the change that seems to be in progress . This acceptance seems to be acceptance mostly by younger people as I guess ages and going by some of the threads and comments that I see on this board EEF.
An irrelevant number.
Around half of US homicides are committed with handguns. An interesting point that only the other half of US homicides are relevant.
great. so before we go changing things, how about some research instead of emo-grandstanding.

how many laws do we have?
why are they not working?
what laws would you suggest that would have stopped any known mass shooting in the last decade?

here is where the anti-gunners get all emo and scream YOU HATE KIDS or shit. up your game if you want to fix this. we got more than enough useless bitching out there.
You do understand that "population size" and "per capita" are quite different metrics, no?
Yes. He's rejecting both from what I could comprehend of his point. Denying everything but exceptionalism.

the US is unique in its tolerance and even its approval, of violent solutions.
I'm sorry for your lack of comprehension. To put is simply..I was rejecting Swiss laws as a solution to American I feel that our large population and diverse culture argue against it. 8m is not 300+m. Yes, the American culture is unique among developed used the term 'exceptional'... in its tolerance of gun violence as the 'go to' solution.I don't believe that this is going to change any time soon.
I also reject a per capita rubric as a valid basis of comparison between the two cultures...for many of the same reasons listed above.

To conclude..just because the Swiss have a large per capita rate of gun ownership with a low rate of per capita gun violence does not mean that the same is possible here.
That's because you are a one trick pony and a robot with no desire to educate yourself. And the truck attack below is only one of many.

Nice attack: What we know about the Bastille Day killings
Dozens of people were killed, including children, when a lorry ploughed into a large crowd watching a fireworks display in Nice to mark the Bastille Day holiday.

Attack in Nice: What we know
And how long ago was that? We have regular mass shootings. You clowns have a small handful of rare examples. A few barriers will stop that from happening again.

Three years ago. And that one truck killed more than all of the mass shootings we have had since Las Vegas. NEXT!
Trucks have a purpose. An assault type rifle doesn't.
good thing a purpose is not necessary for a right.

You don't have a right to own an AR-15. The USSC said so.
Do the words in common use mean anything to you?
This is why we cannot allow the dems into power.
With all that is being exposed, we see this is exactly what the Obama cabal had planned.

The leftists laugh at us when we state the number one reason for the 2nd amendment is so the people can take back their power from a corrupt government.
They just don't see how close it is.
Well, that and they think you're a raving loony thinking an AR15 is going to take back power from a militarised government.
-------------------------------------- YEP , see the goatherders all over the middle east keeping things tied up for 17 - 18 years . As they use various obsolete and modern firearms . Just an observation CNM .
Why do you want to make law abiding people out to be the bad guys here?
Because the latest shooter was law abiding until he wasn't. How come you can't grasp that?

Here we go again with the everyone is just a criminal waiting to commit a crime. How many times do you have to be told that we don't hold innocent people responsible for the crimes other people commit?

Tell me what crimes can I convict you of that you haven't committed yet?
------------------------------------- I'm thinking that sooner or later the USA will be moving from the 'innocent till proven guilty standard' to the standard of 'guilty till proven innocent standard ' .
That ship has the media..and on this forum. In fact, other than the courts, guilty until proven innocent is the standard the police use, as well. To most, Suspect means Guilty.
------------------------------------------ what I find interesting is the acceptance of the change that seems to be in progress . This acceptance seems to be acceptance mostly by younger people as I guess ages and going by some of the threads and comments that I see on this board EEF.
Oh i dunno about is the geezers who are quickest to take an matter which political side..and run with it. They demonize at the drop of a hat..and are willing to drop the hat themselves if required. How many are willing to grant Hillary 'innocent until proven guilty in a court of law'? How many are willing to grant Trump 'innocent until proven guilty in a court of law'?
Do you think women who purchase handguns, take classes to safely use and carry a handgun, are ignorant of the classes you cited?
I think it makes them feel foolishly safe.

So what if it does. You and your ilk are always feeling foolishly oppressed, or disrespected, or eye raped, or countless other idiotic things.
You are mistaking me for one of your snowflake MAGA females. I'm safe here on the border. I don't need a gun to make me feel less afraid because I am not afraid.

Do you think women who purchase handguns, take classes to safely use and carry a handgun, are ignorant of the classes you cited?
I think it makes them feel foolishly safe.

So what if it does. You and your ilk are always feeling foolishly oppressed, or disrespected, or eye raped, or countless other idiotic things.
You are mistaking me for one of your snowflake MAGA females. I'm safe here on the border. I don't need a gun to make me feel less afraid because I am not afraid.

Nobody is insisting you need a gun.
You are free to make you own choice, respect others to make their choice.
I don't have to respect it. I think it shows unreasonable fear. However, I do not insist you live by my rules nor do I have the power to make you live by them. If I did, things would be sure different in this country.

I have no power to change the law. I am one small vote. I am not a threat to you.
You are a threat because you and your leftist buddies have the same thought process. You are part of the problem
great. so before we go changing things, how about some research instead of emo-grandstanding.
Did you know around half of US homicides were committed with handguns? I found that out by researching it.
how many laws do we have?
why are they not working?
what laws would you suggest that would have stopped any known mass shooting in the last decade?
The way you frame the question is par for the course. If an action won't stop shootings it's to be ridiculed. The idea that actions can reduce shootings is dismissed as nonsensical. When the experience of other countries is put forward the exceptional USA excuse is trotted out immediately. Fair enough, it's not my country, I just giggle at the loons.

The way to reduce the US firearm homicide and mass shooting rates is to severely limit the numbers of handguns and military style semi automatic rifles in circulation.

I understand you don't want to do that, rather you happily accept the current consequences. No worries.
Oh, as to a specific question you posed, a law that prevented the sale of an assault style weapon in Nevada may well have reduced the number of casualties in the latest mass shooting
Oh, as to a specific question you posed, a law that prevented the sale of an assault style weapon in Nevada may well have reduced the number of casualties in the latest mass shooting

Current law prevented Mr. Legan from transporting this firearm across state lines. But he did it anyhow.

Establishing a law is different that seeing to it that everyone obeys it.

Theoretically, if your theory was true, Simple Prohibition would eliminate alcoholism and DUI's. Not true at all
Because the latest shooter was law abiding until he wasn't. How come you can't grasp that?

Here we go again with the everyone is just a criminal waiting to commit a crime. How many times do you have to be told that we don't hold innocent people responsible for the crimes other people commit?

Tell me what crimes can I convict you of that you haven't committed yet?
------------------------------------- I'm thinking that sooner or later the USA will be moving from the 'innocent till proven guilty standard' to the standard of 'guilty till proven innocent standard ' .
That ship has the media..and on this forum. In fact, other than the courts, guilty until proven innocent is the standard the police use, as well. To most, Suspect means Guilty.
------------------------------------------ what I find interesting is the acceptance of the change that seems to be in progress . This acceptance seems to be acceptance mostly by younger people as I guess ages and going by some of the threads and comments that I see on this board EEF.
Oh i dunno about is the geezers who are quickest to take an matter which political side..and run with it. They demonize at the drop of a hat..and are willing to drop the hat themselves if required. How many are willing to grant Hillary 'innocent until proven guilty in a court of law'? How many are willing to grant Trump 'innocent until proven guilty in a court of law'?
-------------------------------- 'hilary' is innocent as far as I am aware and no amount of 'lock her up' impresses me' . DEMONIZE though is no problem in my opinion because it carries no weight EEF .
Here we go again with the everyone is just a criminal waiting to commit a crime. How many times do you have to be told that we don't hold innocent people responsible for the crimes other people commit?
Are you saying he was a criminal before he committed a crime? That seems to be the gist of your remarks. Otherwise he was a law abiding gun owner until he wasn't.

No you said he wasn't a criminal before he was

No Shit Sherlock

But we cannot deny people any of their rights because they MIGHT commit a crime. We do not hols innocent people responsible for the crimes of others

For all I know you are just another criminal in waiting so what rights are you willing to give up?
This is why we cannot allow the dems into power.
With all that is being exposed, we see this is exactly what the Obama cabal had planned.

The leftists laugh at us when we state the number one reason for the 2nd amendment is so the people can take back their power from a corrupt government.
They just don't see how close it is.
Well, that and they think you're a raving loony thinking an AR15 is going to take back power from a militarised government.

not one but how about 10 million?
You are mistaking me for one of your snowflake MAGA females. I'm safe here on the border. I don't need a gun to make me feel less afraid because I am not afraid.

The border patrol carries weapons and they are 'on the border' I suspect you are insulated. Your not an illegal alien are you?
I live 7 miles north of the border. There are no houses ON the actual border. I didn't see any border patrol yesterday.

I don't know if I would call my area insulated. It is an incredibly busy place. Our safety is handled by our local cops, not the Feds.

In any case none of them can cross the border and help me in Tijuana. I've never felt in danger in Tijuana because I know how to keep myself safe.

Many people here don't limit ourselves to one side of the border. I live in one country and take advantage of the best parts of the other country located down the street.

I was born in deep red (in so many different ways) Oklahoma.
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An irrelevant number.
Around half of US homicides are committed with handguns. An interesting point that only the other half of US homicides are relevant.

SO what?

You have no proof that those murders would not have been committed if a gun was not available.

70% of all murders take place in poor urban areas and are committed by people who cannot legally possess firearms

less than 1% of all murders are committed in mass shootings

a fraction of a percent of all murders are committed with an AR 15

the problem isn't law abiding people with guns
Current law prevented Mr. Legan from transporting this firearm across state lines. But he did it anyhow.
Yet if there was a law preventing sales of military style semi automatic rifles in Nevada the vendor could be punished, reducing the likelihood of further such sales.
But we cannot deny people any of their rights because they MIGHT commit a crime.
True, you can make it so handguns and military style semi automatic rifles are not a right. Just like other weapons which citizens have no right to. After all, RPGs are commonly carried by the military and would be damned useful to a militia.
But we cannot deny people any of their rights because they MIGHT commit a crime.
True, you can make it so handguns and military style semi automatic rifles are not a right. Just like other weapons which citizens have no right to. After all, RPGs are commonly carried by the military and would be damned useful to a militia.

Any other wishes you want to share?

Everyone knows how to change the Constitution and if there was any chance in hell of repealing the Second Amendment it would have already been tried.

The Second will never be repealed in our lifetime. But in the meantime we should enforce the laws we already have because when they are enforced they work.

There is absolutely no reason to deny law abiding people the right to own firearms

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