Mass shooting: At Least 11 Shot At Gilroy Garlic Festival

the way you refuse to answer it is why we're not getting anything done.
I gave you a specific law in response to your specific question. Like gun nuts everywhere you've ignored it because you don't like it as it will interfere with your paranoia.
Oh, here's one.


You're as full of shit as I expected.
I have the right not to be shot for no reason.
According to the gun nuts, your reason free shooting is an acceptable price to pay for easy access to handguns and military style semi automatic rifles.
Its you lefties that show paranoia as you work and try to remove Americas RIGHTS . Its youse guys that are skeered of Americans having firearms and weapons CNM .
But we cannot deny people any of their rights because they MIGHT commit a crime.
True, you can make it so handguns and military style semi automatic rifles are not a right. Just like other weapons which citizens have no right to. After all, RPGs are commonly carried by the military and would be damned useful to a militia.

Any other wishes you want to share?

Everyone knows how to change the Constitution and if there was any chance in hell of repealing the Second Amendment it would have already been tried.

The Second will never be repealed in our lifetime. But in the meantime we should enforce the laws we already have because when they are enforced they work.

There is absolutely no reason to deny law abiding people the right to own firearms
I think the problem is that people think the ight to own firearms means any firearm of any style.

If you had a single shot .22 rifle, you would bear arms.

I think the problem is that people think the ight to own firearms means any firearm of any style.

pretty much

If you had a single shot .22 rifle, you would bear arms.


and if you rode a 125cc motorbike instead of a Harley, you'd still be considered a biker.
I think that its obvious that there are deaths because of Swimming Pools where people , little kids especially drown in swimming pools . I think that its mentioned in this thread the numbers of deaths caused by people drowning in swimming pools and its a lot of dead people . Checkout the dangers and death by drowning caused by widdle kids falling headfirst into partially filled 5 gallon buckets CNM .
But we cannot deny people any of their rights because they MIGHT commit a crime.
True, you can make it so handguns and military style semi automatic rifles are not a right. Just like other weapons which citizens have no right to. After all, RPGs are commonly carried by the military and would be damned useful to a militia.

Any other wishes you want to share?

Everyone knows how to change the Constitution and if there was any chance in hell of repealing the Second Amendment it would have already been tried.

The Second will never be repealed in our lifetime. But in the meantime we should enforce the laws we already have because when they are enforced they work.

There is absolutely no reason to deny law abiding people the right to own firearms
I think the problem is that people think the ight to own firearms means any firearm of any style.

If you had a single shot .22 rifle, you would bear arms.

And a single shot .22 is useless as tits on a bull when it comes to self defense
Now those Libtard Loony Tunes in Commie California are advocating exporting their filthy anti Constitutional anti right to keep and bear arms oppressive laws to other states.

Then they wonder why we ridicule them so much.

why is the right wing so useless?

We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.
I'm sorry for your lack of comprehension. To put is simply..I was rejecting Swiss laws as a solution to American I feel that our large population and diverse culture argue against it. 8m is not 300+m. Yes, the American culture is unique among developed used the term 'exceptional'... in its tolerance of gun violence as the 'go to' solution.I don't believe that this is going to change any time soon.
I also reject a per capita rubric as a valid basis of comparison between the two cultures...for many of the same reasons listed above.

To conclude..just because the Swiss have a large per capita rate of gun ownership with a low rate of per capita gun violence does not mean that the same is possible here.

CNM's comprehension is okay, the occasional lapse notwithstanding. Happens to all of us.

This - "8m is not 300+m" - just doesn't make sense, unless you are willing to say that a duly enacted law cannot be enforced once the population grows beyond a certain number. This is obviously nonsensical in face of the fact that laws, even unpopular laws such as the tax code, are routinely being enforced. It isn't easy, and folks find ways to counter act and violate that law, but it is in force. The same would happen with strict, Swiss-style gun regulations, just as it happens with the tax code, and against a "culture" that in essence maintains, "tax is theft", or at the least, "taxes are too high".

Gun regulations are fare more a case of political will (or rather the lack thereof), and even that appears to be changing, and rapidly, as urbanization and modernization see to it that tolerance for guns and gun violence is dwindling, and Democrats are more and more willing to pick up the cause. The question, "Are scores of dead kids really a price worth paying for lax gun laws and hundreds of millions of guns in private hands?", is going to demand an answer with increased urgency, and the trend is toward answering in the negative. It's just a matter of time, fighting spirit, and, devastatingly enough, a case of the costs of the current non-regulation piling up.

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