Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

FBI crime stats....and other studies....look them up....they have been posted all over the place on the boards....
I am claiming that arming victims is a large part of the solution....especially for those individuals who stop a violent attack using a gun....
from PEW...

Looking back 50 years, the U.S. gun homicide rate began rising in the 1960s, surged in the 1970s, and hit peaks in 1980 and the early 1990s. (The number of homicides peaked in the early 1990s.) The plunge in homicides after that meant that firearm homicide rates in the late 2000s were equal to those not seen since the early 1960s.1 The sharp decline in the U.S. gun homicide rate, combined with a slower decrease in the gun suicide
rate, means that gun suicides now account for six-in-ten firearms deaths, the highest share since at least 1981.


One thing to note......the states started passing carry laws in the again, it may not be the complete,cause, but it is part of the solution........and gun crime and gun accidents did not escalate with more gun ownership and more carrying of guns by law abiding civilians...
My God! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Talk about derailing a thread!

This is about the shooting in France!
This is YET another attack of islam on western freedoms. I think we in the west need to redefine "islam" as just a thousand year old HATE group rife with extremist/cultist that needs to be treated like the evil twin of the Neo Nazis or the KKK. A religion? Of peace even? No! Enough is enough, treat "islam" like the trash it is. It isn't t even a religion, just a brainwashing cult like the BORG. Absorb or destroy...Enough! We all need to do something to stop this menace. I fear for the human race will be destroyed because of muslim narcissistic idiots that can't just accept the human race a has moved beyond their creepy god allah.
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French Police Identify Gunmen in Magazine Massacre

Hassen Chalghoumi, imam of the Drancy mosque in Paris's Seine-Saint-Denis northern suburb, said, "I am extremely angry. These are criminals, barbarians. They have sold their soul to hell. This is not freedom. This is not Islam and I hope the French will come out united at the end of this."

Chalghoumi, who also went to the site of the attack, said of the gunmen: “We must be firm with them, because they want terror, they want racism, they want to pit people against each other.”
Was Chalghoumi speaking about the attackers or the magazine employees? Welcome to signing a peace agreement and not signing a peace agreement.
My God! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Talk about derailing a thread!

This is about the shooting in France!

Well, it was a shooting that involved all the issues I have mentioned.....quiet clearly.....and I heard on the radio rumblings from anti gunner politicians about assault rifles again........
French Police Identify Gunmen in Magazine Massacre

Hassen Chalghoumi, imam of the Drancy mosque in Paris's Seine-Saint-Denis northern suburb, said, "I am extremely angry. These are criminals, barbarians. They have sold their soul to hell. This is not freedom. This is not Islam and I hope the French will come out united at the end of this."

Chalghoumi, who also went to the site of the attack, said of the gunmen: “We must be firm with them, because they want terror, they want racism, they want to pit people against each other.”
Was Chalghoumi speaking about the attackers or the magazine employees? Welcome to signing a peace agreement and not signing a peace agreement.


Do you acid reflux?
My God! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Talk about derailing a thread!

This is about the shooting in France!

Well, it was a shooting that involved all the issues I have mentioned.....quiet clearly.....and I heard on the radio rumblings from anti gunner politicians about assault rifles again........

I understand.

Perhaps you want to open a new thread and go specific on that :)
I would rather not live in a society where we need to arm ourselves to the teeth because we can't trust those around us. What happened today is the fault of successive pro multicultural governments in France allowing Islamic immigration to happen in mass and letting this radicalism fester in said immigrant communities. Europe, not just France, needs to stem the tide and stop this immigration. If they didn't allow immigration in the first place, this wouldn't have happened.
French Police Identify Gunmen in Magazine Massacre

Hassen Chalghoumi, imam of the Drancy mosque in Paris's Seine-Saint-Denis northern suburb, said, "I am extremely angry. These are criminals, barbarians. They have sold their soul to hell. This is not freedom. This is not Islam and I hope the French will come out united at the end of this."

Chalghoumi, who also went to the site of the attack, said of the gunmen: “We must be firm with them, because they want terror, they want racism, they want to pit people against each other.”
Was Chalghoumi speaking about the attackers or the magazine employees? Welcome to signing a peace agreement and not signing a peace agreement.


Do you acid reflux?
Will you flatly answer the question or dance around it and act like it is not a question?
When 9/11 happened, instead of chasing our tails in Afghanistan or invading Iraq, should America just have gone for the jugular and invaded Saudi Arabia and taken Mecca and Medina...and occupied these so called muslim holy lands indefinitely excluding Muslims instead? Until they turned over the terrorist and the people that funded them, wouldn't that have been a little more to direct and to the point? We can we still do that, theoretically.
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When 9/11 happened, instead of chasing our tails in Afghanistan or invading Iraq, should America just have gone for the jugular and invaded Saudi Arabia and taken Mecca and Medina...and occupied these so called muslim holy lands indefinitely excluding Muslims instead? Until they turned over the terrorist and the people that funded them, wouldn't that have been a little more to direct and to the point?
When 9/11 happened, instead of chasing our tails in Afghanistan or invading Iraq, should America just have gone for the jugular and invaded Saudi Arabia and taken Mecca and Medina...and occupied these so called muslim holy lands indefinitely excluding Muslims instead? Until they turned over the terrorist and the people that funded them, wouldn't that have been a little more to direct and to the point?
Any other way to cure cancer?

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