Massive cheering crowd of supporters and union workers greets President Trump at NYC construction site

The pandemic should have been a slam dunk for a Trump reelection.
All Trump had to do was unite America in the face of a deadly threat.
FDR did it after Pearl Harbor
Bush did it after 9-11

Trump divided the country and pitted state against state.
Instead of saying we will fight this together, Trump was only concerned with saying…..It is not my fault
Democrats love them their ILLEGALS, REDISTRIBUTIONISTS, WELFARE COLLECTORS, and ABORTION (killing babies) ADVOCATES. That's their voting base, along with the elites (1%ers). Trump has the bulk of everyone else. Middle class people who show up for work and play by the rules and are sick and tired of the corruption.

I work, pay mortgage, daycare and taxes.

Why do you insist I’m fucked in the head like you, worship a proven fraud, pathological liar, one termer who was twice impeached for office abuse and is criminally indicted on 90+ counts?
Do you ever not talk about this? :cuckoo:
I was thinking the same thing about Trump supporters.

Her we are in a thread about how much adoration Trump gets in New York and a Trump supporter has to bring up the pandemic.

What is up with that?
That describes both Trump and Biden.
Nope. Trump still works sixteen hours a day and is sharp as a tac. Four More Years Pause *Joe is a dementia riddled invalid. Imagine how much more worse he’ll be in sixth months.
I work, pay mortgage, daycare and taxes.

Why do you insist I’m fucked in the head like you, worship a proven fraud, pathological liar, who was twice impeached for office abuse and is criminally indicted on 90+ criminal counts?
I don't worship anyone besides GOD. Trump 2024 is merely the better option.
No Trump didn't. He ignored Fauci's advice on the EUA. Subsequently Trump supporters say the Trump vaccine is killing people.

The pandemic should have been a slam dunk for a Trump reelection.

I can't believe he blew it.

Donald Trump is incapable of running anything. I used to wonder how he kept going bankrupt, but watching him in the White House it became abundantly clear.

Trump famously doesn't prepare for meetings and negotiations and it shows. He is the WORST negotiator I've ever seen. Walking out of the first budget meeting with Nancy Pelosi and shutting down the government for more than a month got him NOTHING. Walking out of a negotiation is your LAST move, not your first.

Our Conservative government here had a 20% approval rating when the pandemic hit, and they truly early that degree of animus from the voters. Ford managed not to fuck the covid response - mostly because he left Trudeau do it all, and simply did as he was told and followed the pandemic playbook, and he was re-elected in a "landslide".

By last September, Ford's approval rating was back down to 28%, but even our dumb as a stump Conservative leader managed not to fuck it up.
Yea, but accounting.

Trump should go to prison for 100 years for accounting.

Biden? Tara Reade claims Biden sexually assaulted her.

Do you believe her? If so, why?

Maybe she should have sued, as E Jean Carroll did?
I almost spit out my coffee laughing hard on this one....

Don’t tell the rubes their candidate for 2024 is basically retarded.
I agree that democrats and their senile, incontinent, incompetent, teleprompter reader are retarded.
Want proof? How about that the moon is made of gas and the island of Guam can capsize?
Everything "Always wrong" Biden touches turns to shit, that's a given.

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