Massive coral bleaching, hot oceans. GOP- "must protect pollution"

It's called a scientific theory, which is as close to FACT as scientists will get on climate, which propagandists seize upon to fool the chumps. The only scientists who disagree are paid by Big Oil, the Kochs, or Fox etc. duh.

Dude, you don't even have a basic grasp of what a theory is. Get the hell out of here you imbecile. No one who claims to hold a Masters degree could be as stupid as you just demonstrated yourself to be.
Sure, one track mind oil man/ engineer Pub dupe, fighting gov't intrusion all the way. What I said about narrow education, arrogance, and brainwashing is in no way changed For example my surgeon father was known as the most well read doctor in WNY, and one of the few Dems, and had to keep quiet about his support for universal health care to avoid scorn as a commie lol.. Met very few who were more well rounded politically or philosophically than a typical HS grad, but ARROGANT.
The oceans are warming, perfect for algae and all kinds of species destruction. Keep those blinders on. BTW, the urchin THEORY has not technically been proven scientifically either. I will allow you make more sense on this scientific question than on any other issue I've seen.
Sure, one track mind oil man/ engineer Pub dupe, fighting gov't intrusion all the way. What I said about narrow education, arrogance, and brainwashing is in no way changed For example my surgeon father was known as the most well read doctor in WNY, and one of the few Dems, and had to keep quiet about his support for universal health care to avoid scorn as a commie lol.. Met very few who were more well rounded politically or philosophically than a typical HS grad, but ARROGANT.
The oceans are warming, perfect for algae and all kinds of species destruction. Keep those blinders on. BTW, the urchin THEORY has not technically been proven scientifically either. I will allow you make more sense on this scientific question than on any other issue I've seen.

I worked for BP for two years because the brass at Dames & Moore wanted their employees to see how it was done in the oil fields and how it could be made better. You should look up Dames & Moore, clearly you have no clue of what you speak. No surprise there. The oceans may be far the warming only shows up in computer programs, it has not been observed in the real world. If you truly had a Masters you would understand the difference.
I did already.
Try reading the links I gave about the 3000 buoys now giving good info on temps.
"Made better"?

The "temp increase" that you claim exists, is beyond the capability of the buoys to measure. Do you understand what that means?
They have 3000 buoys taking exact temperatures daily, then AVERAGE the temps to ten digits, each buoy doesn't do that. Stick to "envronmental" geology and fighting gov't mandates.
They have 3000 buoys taking exact temperatures daily, then AVERAGE the temps to ten digits, each buoy doesn't do that. Stick to "envronmental" geology and fighting gov't mandates.

And the instruments don't have the ability to measure that closely. Thus, it is all computer generated fiction. Plug in whichever algorithm you wish and you get the number you desire. What is factual is there is now more ice in the Arctic than there was in the 1960's and '70's. Something that you claim can't possibly be occurring.

Polar bear habitat more Arctic sea ice in Canada this week than in early 1970s polarbearscience
99% of Pub facts are bs propaganda. In this case, Westwall's incomplete understanding of the sea urchin die off of 1983 led to an interesting, true factor, but his saying it proved GW had nothing to do with it, or his belief that the oceans aren't warming are wrong.
I don't know what a Pub is, around here they serve beer in taverns. Your dismissal is typical of the left, truth by authority. Oceans warm and oceans cool, just like the rest of the planet. Can you prove that man made ocean warming is killing the coral? Yes or no? Go read a book isn't an answer.

That's correct, you have no proof whatsoever
99% of Pub facts are bs propaganda. In this case, Westwall's incomplete understanding of the sea urchin die off of 1983 led to an interesting, true factor, but his saying it proved GW had nothing to do with it, or his belief that the oceans aren't warming are wrong.
I don't know what a Pub is, around here they serve beer in taverns. Your dismissal is typical of the left, truth by authority. Oceans warm and oceans cool, just like the rest of the planet. Can you prove that man made ocean warming is killing the coral? Yes or no? Go read a book isn't an answer.

That's correct, you have no proof whatsoever
What about other areas, at other times of the year, greedy billionaire financed propaganda cherry picker? And new ice is nothing like old ice that's been around for thousands of years...

You haven't answered the question.
Keys coral is 50%+ gone, Caribbean 80 +, Oz etc scary. Don't worry, Rush Beck Kochs aren't. Thank god for Dems.

No. I am concerned. I also want something done that will ACTUALLY HELP the situation. You idiots don't. You want to control the human population but you couldn't give a real shit about the environment.
Cutting dirty emissions and investing in alternative energy alternative (up 35% the last 5 years) helps, and BULLSHYTTE. Not blocking int'l treaties and getting India and China on board also helps. Change.

You haven't answered the question.
Keys coral is 50%+ gone, Caribbean 80 +, Oz etc scary. Don't worry, Rush Beck Kochs aren't. Thank god for Dems.

No. I am concerned. I also want something done that will ACTUALLY HELP the situation. You idiots don't. You want to control the human population but you couldn't give a real shit about the environment.
Cutting dirty emissions and investing in alternative energy alternative (up 35% the last 5 years) helps, and BULLSHYTTE. Not blocking int'l treaties and getting India and China on board also helps. Change.

Cutting dirty emissions has no bearing on corals. It helps in other areas but has no effect on them. Alternative energy systems cause MORE environmental harm than they cure at this point in time. You seem to think that calling something "renewable" somehow negates it's toxic footprint. Here's a heads up, solar modules and their manufacture cause more toxic waste than you would ever imagine....

"According to figures released by the California Department of Toxic Substances Control DTSC, solar manufacturers in the state produced over 46 million pounds of hazardous waste between 2007 and 2011. 1.4 million pounds of that waste, which included polluted water and heavy metals such as cadmium, was shipped out of state -- meaning that calculations of solar's climate benefit must account for fuel used to ship that hazardous waste."

Solar Power s Toxic Footprint Photovoltaic PV Rewire KCET

Solar Industry Grapples With Hazardous Wastes
Cuba s Unspoiled Coral Reefs The Nature Conservancy

The Cuba example puts a big crimp in the global warming scenario. Pollution IS a big problem in the keys but it is getting better and marine life in the toratugas is in pretty good shape. The keys are working hard on the sewage problem but it is very costly. Opening up Cuba is not going to help the pollution problem.

Yep. But all of their CO2 control does nothing to actually prevent pollution, or clean it up. It is merely a tax, that gets passed on to consumers, that enriches the wealthy, and takes money away from sources that actually COULD prevent pollution.

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