Massive coral bleaching, hot oceans. GOP- "must protect pollution"

Global Warming and Coral Reefs - National Wildlife Federation

Threats from Global Warming

Higher sea temperatures from global warming have already caused major coral bleaching events. Bleaching occurs when corals respond to the stress of warmer temperatures by expelling the colorful algae that live within them. Some coral are able to recover, but too often the coral dies, and the entire ecosystem for which it forms the base, virtually disappears.

Longer-lasting and more extensive bleaching events are already on the rise, with further increases expected in the decades ahead as ocean temperatures continue to rise. Warmer waters are also expected to increase the incidence of other coral diseases such as black band disease, white band disease, white plague, and white pox, all of which can lead to mass mortality of coral, and subsequently the entire ecosystem it supports.

Ocean acidification--which occurs when oceans absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere--is also a threat to coral. As the oceans become more acidic, the corals' ability to form skeletons through calcification is inhibited, causing their growth to slow. A doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide will reduce calcification in some corals by as much as 50 percent.

Sea level rise caused by melting sea ice and thermal expansion of the oceans could also cause problems for some reefs by making them too deep to receive adequate sunlight, another factor important for survival.

More evidence.
Early Warning Signs of Global Warming Coral Reef Bleaching Union of Concerned Scientists

Coral reefs are one of the most productive ecosystems on Earth, providing many critical services to fisheries, shoreline protection, tourism, and to medicine. They are also believed to be among the most sensitive ecosystems to long-term climate change (Nurse et al., 1998). Elevated sea surface temperatures can cause coral to lose their symbiotic algae, which are essential for the nutrition and color of corals. When the algae die, corals appear white and are referred to as "bleached." Water temperatures of as little as one degree Celsius above normal summer maxima, lasting for at least two to three days, can be used as a predictor of coral bleaching events (Goreau and Hayes, 1994). Studies indicate that most coral are likely to recover from bleaching if the temperature anomalies persist for less than a month, but the stress from sustained high temperatures can cause physiological damage that may be irreversible (Wilkinson et al., 1999).

In 1998 coral reefs around the world experienced the most extensive and severe bleaching in recorded history (ISRS, 1998; Wilkinson et al., 1999). Coral bleaching was reported in 60 countries and island nations at sites in the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Mediterranean and Caribbean. Indian Ocean corals were particularly severely impacted, with greater than 70 percent mortality reported in the Maldives, Andamans, Lakshadweep Islands, and in Seychelles Marine Park System. Unlike most previous bleaching events in which severe impacts were limited to less than 15 m water depth the 1998 bleaching affected corals at up to 50 m water depth. This mass bleaching followed similar but less severe events in 1987 and 1990. Prior to the early to mid 1980s, bleaching tended to be rare and localized, and corals generally recovered.

And we can go on like this all night. Woods Hole, and the other institutions that study the ocean all confirming that global warming is a major factor in the die off of the coral reefs.
And Caribbean coral is basically ALL dead. Great job, pollution lovers.

You do get hysterical don't you! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: You might want to check your facts before you start screaming again.
80% GONE IN 2005, ACCELERATING, BLACKOUT NEWS fOXBOT. dammit. see Florida tourism link DUH. You people are the worst students, so ignorant and proud of it.
The GOP has fought anything that might slow the emissions of GHGs by industry for nearly the whole of my lifetime. With it's constant braying about downsizing or eliminating the EPA, the GOP has effectively branded itself the party of pollution.

This country is the cleanest it's ever been since the Industrial Revolution. If you people didn't have a bogeyman to chase you'd have nothing to do with your lives.
The GOP has fought anything that might slow the emissions of GHGs by industry for nearly the whole of my lifetime. With it's constant braying about downsizing or eliminating the EPA, the GOP has effectively branded itself the party of pollution.

This country is the cleanest it's ever been since the Industrial Revolution. If you people didn't have a bogeyman to chase you'd have nothing to do with your lives.
Freshwater and air maybe, because of us people, and we're finding it's not clean enough for people or the climate. Now CO2 is wrecking the world's climate duh. And we have to LEAD to get cooperation.
NOAA s Coral Reef Conservation Program Climate Change

Climate change impacts have been identified as one of the greatest global threats to coral reef ecosystems. As temperature rise, mass bleaching, and infectious diseaseoutbreaks are likely to become more frequent. Additionally, carbon dioxide (CO2) absorbed into the ocean from the atmosphere has already begun to reduce calcification rates in reef-building and reef-associated organisms by altering sea water chemistry through decreases in pH (ocean acidification). In the long term, failure to address carbon emissions and the resultant impacts of rising temperatures and ocean acidification could make many other coral ecosystem management efforts futile.
Climate change and ocean acidification have been identified by many groups as the most important threat to coral reefs on a global basis. In 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) noted that the evidence is now "unequivocal" that the earth's atmosphere and oceans are warming. They concluded that these changes are primarily due to anthropogenic greenhouse gases (i.e.those derived from human activities), especially the accelerating increase in emissions of CO2.

Of course, the real scientists say ol' Walleyes is full of shit.

No, your paid shills say that. Real biologists, who are actually trying to restore the coral know, and speak the facts. They're not trying to propagate some huge international fraud like you assholes are. They just want to save the coral, so they report what the actual facts are so people can fix it.
The GOP has fought anything that might slow the emissions of GHGs by industry for nearly the whole of my lifetime. With it's constant braying about downsizing or eliminating the EPA, the GOP has effectively branded itself the party of pollution.

This country is the cleanest it's ever been since the Industrial Revolution. If you people didn't have a bogeyman to chase you'd have nothing to do with your lives.
Freshwater and air maybe, because of us people, and we're finding it's not clean enough for people or the climate. Now CO2 is wrecking the world's climate duh. And we have to LEAD to get cooperation.

CO2 has no demonstrable effect on global temperatures or climate. DUH!
Early Warning Signs of Global Warming Coral Reef Bleaching Union of Concerned Scientists

Coral reefs are one of the most productive ecosystems on Earth, providing many critical services to fisheries, shoreline protection, tourism, and to medicine. They are also believed to be among the most sensitive ecosystems to long-term climate change (Nurse et al., 1998). Elevated sea surface temperatures can cause coral to lose their symbiotic algae, which are essential for the nutrition and color of corals. When the algae die, corals appear white and are referred to as "bleached." Water temperatures of as little as one degree Celsius above normal summer maxima, lasting for at least two to three days, can be used as a predictor of coral bleaching events (Goreau and Hayes, 1994). Studies indicate that most coral are likely to recover from bleaching if the temperature anomalies persist for less than a month, but the stress from sustained high temperatures can cause physiological damage that may be irreversible (Wilkinson et al., 1999).

In 1998 coral reefs around the world experienced the most extensive and severe bleaching in recorded history (ISRS, 1998; Wilkinson et al., 1999). Coral bleaching was reported in 60 countries and island nations at sites in the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Mediterranean and Caribbean. Indian Ocean corals were particularly severely impacted, with greater than 70 percent mortality reported in the Maldives, Andamans, Lakshadweep Islands, and in Seychelles Marine Park System. Unlike most previous bleaching events in which severe impacts were limited to less than 15 m water depth the 1998 bleaching affected corals at up to 50 m water depth. This mass bleaching followed similar but less severe events in 1987 and 1990. Prior to the early to mid 1980s, bleaching tended to be rare and localized, and corals generally recovered.

And we can go on like this all night. Woods Hole, and the other institutions that study the ocean all confirming that global warming is a major factor in the die off of the coral reefs.

Notice how there are no coral biologists in there? Notice how it's all paid shills from the UofCS? You know, those assholes that can't live without government funding?
And Caribbean coral is basically ALL dead. Great job, pollution lovers.

You do get hysterical don't you! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: You might want to check your facts before you start screaming again.
80% GONE IN 2005, ACCELERATING, BLACKOUT NEWS fOXBOT. dammit. see Florida tourism link DUH. You people are the worst students, so ignorant and proud of it.

Wow, a link that YOU provided, didn't bother to read, and you're pissed that they actually report factual information instead of your hysterical bullshit. Talk about a fucking troll dude, you're it.
And Caribbean coral is basically ALL dead. Great job, pollution lovers.

You do get hysterical don't you! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: You might want to check your facts before you start screaming again.
80% GONE IN 2005, ACCELERATING, BLACKOUT NEWS fOXBOT. dammit. see Florida tourism link DUH. You people are the worst students, so ignorant and proud of it.

Wow, a link that YOU provided, didn't bother to read, and you're pissed that they actually report factual information instead of your hysterical bullshit. Talk about a fucking troll dude, you're it.
Wrong, wrong, and wrong. 40% of Keys coral was dead in 2005, 80% of Caribbean, and it's getting worse. Keep those Foxbot etc blinders on...
And Caribbean coral is basically ALL dead. Great job, pollution lovers.

You do get hysterical don't you! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: You might want to check your facts before you start screaming again.
80% GONE IN 2005, ACCELERATING, BLACKOUT NEWS fOXBOT. dammit. see Florida tourism link DUH. You people are the worst students, so ignorant and proud of it.

Wow, a link that YOU provided, didn't bother to read, and you're pissed that they actually report factual information instead of your hysterical bullshit. Talk about a fucking troll dude, you're it.
Wrong, wrong, and wrong. 40% of Keys coral was dead in 2005, 80% of Caribbean, and it's getting worse. Keep those Foxbot etc blinders on...

Wrong, wrong, wrong. The sea urchins that kill off the algae that bleach the coral, suffered a massive (97%-99%) die off in 1983! Once they were gone the corals began their decline. Those are cold, hard facts that destroy your globull warming horse shit. Warming oceans (which seemingly really aren't warming anyway) are not the cause of coral bleaching no matter how much you hysterically bleat about it. Now go away, sheep.
Again that's just one reason- guess that's a brainwashed talking point that fits all for the dupes, like two science profs at an obscure East Anglia college (know it well) fudging their failed experiment means GW is a hoax, according to bought off charlatans Rush etc...and ignorant dupes like you...
Again that's just one reason- guess that's a brainwashed talking point that fits all for the dupes, like two science profs at an obscure East Anglia college (know it well) fudging their failed experiment means GW is a hoax, according to bought off charlatans Rush etc...and ignorant dupes like you...

One word "COULD" in the OP told me the whole premise was Bull Shit conjecture and lies.. Now that I have read the thread and real science has been presented you like old crock and blunder boy hold on to your BS as truth.. You accept liberal/socialist lies as truth and like a good little parrot you repeat it over and over. Polly want a cracker?
Again that's just one reason- guess that's a brainwashed talking point that fits all for the dupes, like two science profs at an obscure East Anglia college (know it well) fudging their failed experiment means GW is a hoax, according to bought off charlatans Rush etc...and ignorant dupes like you...

One word "COULD" in the OP told me the whole premise was Bull Shit conjecture and lies.. Now that I have read the thread and real science has been presented you like old crock and blunder boy hold on to your BS as truth.. You accept liberal/socialist lies as truth and like a good little parrot you repeat it over and over. Polly want a cracker?

This idiot is just like Saigon. He posted a thread claiming that a town that was being gobbled up by the ocean was due to global warming. I showed the real facts though that a major river had been dammed, thus ending the silt train that replenished a barrier island that stretched for over 100 kilometers in front of the island. Then. to add to the misery they cut a 4 meter trench in the barrier to help drain the waters when they did get flooding in the town.

Now, that 4 meter wide gap has grown to 1.5 kilometers and there is no longer a protective barrier so yes the town floods all the time now. Definitely a amn made problem, but has NOTHING to do with globull warming. That's the way it is whenever you look at their claims. There is ALWAYS some other cause for whatever they are presenting as evidence of globull warming. Just like here.
Yup, Keys and Caribbean and the rest of the world's coral is fine. SHYTTEHEADS. lol Keep the hater dupe blinders on.
Yup, Keys and Caribbean and the rest of the world's coral is fine. SHYTTEHEADS. lol Keep the hater dupe blinders on.

And here we go with the typical sniveling, whining post that states a position that none of us have taken. You're a pathetic little troll. Grow up and get an education, and then come back and talk to us. This forum is for adults, not whining, snot nosed children.
NOAAgate: how ‘ocean acidification’ could turn out to be the biggest con since Michael Mann’s Hockey Stick
Sabine replied that it was inappropriate for Wallace to impugn the “motives or quality of our science” and warned that if he continued in this manner “you will not last long in your career.” Having provided Wallace with a few links – all of which turned out to be useless – he concluded his email by saying “I hope you will refrain from contacting me again.”

This response, again, calls to mind the behaviour of Michael Mann in response to queries from Steve McIntyre about where to find the raw data for his Hockey Stick. Mann was similarly obfuscatory, rude and dismissive.

Undeterred, Wallace eventually got hold of the instrumental records which Feely and Sabine had chosen to exclude from their graph of doom and plotted a time series chart of his own, covering the period from 1910 to the present.

His results were surprising. What they suggest is that global acidification is a figment of Feely’s and Sabine’s imagination: there has been NO reduction in oceanic pH levels in the last century. NOAAgate how ocean acidification could turn out to be the biggest con since Michael Mann s Hockey Stick - Breitbart
Yup, Keys and Caribbean and the rest of the world's coral is fine. SHYTTEHEADS. lol Keep the hater dupe blinders on.

And here we go with the typical sniveling, whining post that states a position that none of us have taken. You're a pathetic little troll. Grow up and get an education, and then come back and talk to us. This forum is for adults, not whining, snot nosed children.
Retired private school/ university teacher/ businessman, Masters in History (France, World), fluent in 3 languages. You?
Again that's just one reason- guess that's a brainwashed talking point that fits all for the dupes, like two science profs at an obscure East Anglia college (know it well) fudging their failed experiment means GW is a hoax, according to bought off charlatans Rush etc...and ignorant dupes like you...

One word "COULD" in the OP told me the whole premise was Bull Shit conjecture and lies.. Now that I have read the thread and real science has been presented you like old crock and blunder boy hold on to your BS as truth.. You accept liberal/socialist lies as truth and like a good little parrot you repeat it over and over. Polly want a cracker?

This idiot is just like Saigon. He posted a thread claiming that a town that was being gobbled up by the ocean was due to global warming. I showed the real facts though that a major river had been dammed, thus ending the silt train that replenished a barrier island that stretched for over 100 kilometers in front of the island. Then. to add to the misery they cut a 4 meter trench in the barrier to help drain the waters when they did get flooding in the town.

Now, that 4 meter wide gap has grown to 1.5 kilometers and there is no longer a protective barrier so yes the town floods all the time now. Definitely a amn made problem, but has NOTHING to do with globull warming. That's the way it is whenever you look at their claims. There is ALWAYS some other cause for whatever they are presenting as evidence of globull warming. Just like here.
Hot oceans have nothing to do with coral destruction? Read something.

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