Massive railroad strike is a go this Friday.

You have no clue. The workers are not benefiting from RR profits. No profit sharing - no matching 401k. NO overtime. Only the stockholders. I agree with you that a business is created to make a profit. But when profit gets in the way of public safety and economic growth, it's time somebody stepped in. Since the government or the companies themselves won't do it, the workers must do it. That starts this Friday.
FYI - greed exists on both sides of the political spectrum. Whether it's corporate greed for profit, or government greed for power - greed needs to be put in check.
Who does? You think major companies share their profits with workers?
Transportation workers can only work a maximum number of hours. I’ve had times were I worked over a hundred hours a week. And railroad workers get an excellent retirement package.

Life is filled with choices.
  • The employees can strike.
  • The employees can continue to negotiate.
  • The employees can say forget it, I’ll deal with working here.
  • The employees can find another job.
It’s all on the employees to decide what happens.
All class 1 railroads are curtailing shipping this week in preparation for a strike, but more to persuade the public that this is the fault of the workers, when in fact it's the railroads that are stalling the negotiations.
Warren Buffett is a son of a bitch.
Who does? You think major companies share their profits with workers?
Transportation workers can only work a maximum number of hours. I’ve had times were I worked over a hundred hours a week. And railroad workers get an excellent retirement package.

Life is filled with choices.
  • The employees can strike.
  • The employees can continue to negotiate.
  • The employees can say forget it, I’ll deal with working here.
  • The employees can find another job.
It’s all on the employees to decide what happens.
As it should be. Things for employers are going to get tougher we can only hope.
I'm truly surprised that there hasn't been a general trucker's strike over Xiden fuel costs. Peerhaps ther'll be coordination and both rails and roads will shut down. THEN watch Xidenflation take off as the shortages and bare shelves bite!

Better, though that it happen in late October.
You’re a total moron if you think gas prices mean anything to drivers. They don’t pay for it.

You’re also an American hating fool who wants the US to suffer for political points. Disgusting.

The labor shortage from Trump’s Covid death wave is causing long working hours and the rail employees need a break. That’s what they are fighting for. Let’s get some workers into the country. Time for immigration.
You’re a total moron if you think gas prices mean anything to drivers. They don’t pay for it.

You’re also an American hating fool who wants the US to suffer for political points. Disgusting.

The labor shortage from Trump’s Covid death wave is causing long working hours and the rail employees need a break. That’s what they are fighting for. Let’s get some workers into the country. Time for immigration.
I knew I should have moved out of America in 2020 since only America had the ChiCom flu!
Yeah. Railroad workers are the only ones coming home exhausted after work.

They're taking a stand.
They're not pussy's.
We need more FORGOTTEN working people to take a justified stand!
It's not like they're paid shills working at the NY Times.
Railroad workers differ. They are essential!
They're taking a stand.
They're not pussy's.
We need more FORGOTTEN working people to take a justified stand!
It's not like they're paid shills working at the NY Times.
Railroad workers differ. They are essential!
Imagine if every essential and non essential worker said "pay up" or we walk. That'd be something.

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