MASSIVE SHOOTING in MAINE RIGHT NOW and shooter on the lose

And then Democrats led the effort to pass a Civil Rights bill and a Democrat President signed it....they were all woke.

No, the democrats did not lead any effort to pass a Civil Rights bill, and only jumped on board at the end because Lyndon Johnson told them if they didn't finally get on board, at the very end of the movement, they would never win national elections again......they fought against all of them including the anti-lynching lying asshat.
I have answered your question repeatedly if you would read my answers. You are not an honest debater.

With people like you one has to be specific as you give sideways answers and then later go "that is not what I said"

Thus I asked a simple yes or no question, which you lack the balls to answer.

That is all anyone needs to know
No, the democrats did not lead any effort to pass a Civil Rights bill, and only jumped on board at the end because Lyndon Johnson told them if they didn't finally get on board, at the very end of the movement, they would never win national elections again......they fought against all of them including the anti-lynching lying asshat.
That is simply not true. More Dems pushed for and voted for the Civil Rights Act.
No, the democrats did not lead any effort to pass a Civil Rights bill, and only jumped on board at the end because Lyndon Johnson told them if they didn't finally get on board, at the very end of the movement, they would never win national elections again......they fought against all of them including the anti-lynching lying asshat.
She's young and may not remember who did what when. I think she's like those college kids who are being turned into anti-semites because some Democrat professor has a bee up his butt for not paying his bills and then doesn't get a loan because he doesn't pay his bills....prejudice against Jews got 6 million killed and 4 million relocated to anywhere else but Europe for its cooperators who turned over Jews to the Nazis for being sent to camps, only the Nazis didn't necessarily tell of their genocidal tendencies and the number of these dire consequences against innocent men, women, and children. The Nazis had thousands of Arabs at their disposal to carry out their dire result for the Jews and attempts at unifying Nazi neighbors in other European countries.

What I don't understand is why American university people are being sicked onto the Hebrews of this nation who've provided proficient libraries, state of the art galleries, and money in small, middle, and large towns for everything from filling up pothills to providing malls to make the town grow out of the amenities a mall provides to every person in town. They also fund the schools to which the professors benefit with super salaries they wouldn't get if a family of Hebrews hadn't been so generous. I just can't figure out the chaos the Democrats believe they can provide the people with Hillary's belief that communism cures all when it actually starts with killing off all their political adversaries. Being evil to the Jews sucks, imho. I just don't get it. :dunno:

What I truly don't get is that the girls running this little folly are going to be the next Nazis if they aren't pulled back from their radical hatred they're stirring up in the universities along with their male counterparts and braggarts about their agnosticism/same as atheism.
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She's young and may not remember who did what when. I think she's like those college kids who are being turned into anti-semites because some professor has a bee up his butt for not paying his bills and then doesn't get a loan because he doesn't pay his bills....prejudice against Jews got 6 million killed and 4 million relocated to anywhere else but Europe for its cooperators who turned over Jews to the Nazis for being sent to camps, only the Nazis didn't necessarily tell of their genocidal tendencies and the number of these dire consequences against innocent men, women, and children.

What I don't understand is why American university people are being sicked onto the Hebrews of this nation who've provided proficient libraries, state of the art galleries, and money in small, middle, and large towns for everything from filling up pothills to providing malls to make the town grow out of the amenities a mall provides to every person in town. They also fund the schools to which the professors benefit with super salaries they wouldn't get if a family of Hebrews hadn't been so generous. I just can't figure out the chaos the Democrats believe they can provide the people with Hillary's belief that communism cures all when it actually starts with killing off all their political adversaries. Being evil to the Jews sucks, imho. I just don't get it. :dunno:
Another one who doesn't know that more Dems voted for the Civil Rights Act than Republicans.
He voluntarily checked himself in, he was not committed, it is a very big difference.

He did say he was having these thoughts, and then he said he was better.

Is it your position that he should have keep kept locked up for life because of his words?

Was he reported to authorities for the words he spoke? Did the authorities confiscate his weapons upon hearing what he threatened to do? Was he added to a registry stating that he was not allowed to purchase firearms because of what he stated he wanted to do? Words have consequences, he loses rights when he makes threats to murder people in a therapy session. Whatever counselor he was seeing should have had a mandatory report requirement that set those things in motion. And it should take an extensive amount of time and sign off by multiple doctors before any of the restrictions were lifted.
So, just to be clear, you think we should have locked this guy up for the rest of his life based on his words?



Not locked up, hardly for the 'rest of his life'. those were your words. :rolleyes:

Steps should have been taken to confiscate whatever firearms he owned legally, and any removed from his residence he didn't own legally as well. If found he had illegal firearms, that could have been a conduit to charge him and hold him for at least a while. He should have immediately been put on a registry that would keep him from legally purchasing more.
LOL. I don't even know if you understand what you write. So, we are going to let these people check in whenever they like and check out whenever they like by taking their word?
That's how these institutions have always worked. I know you won't, but if you read the link then you see the myth about mental patients and violence.

Was he reported to authorities for the words he spoke? Did the authorities confiscate his weapons upon hearing what he threatened to do? Was he added to a registry stating that he was not allowed to purchase firearms because of what he stated he wanted to do? Words have consequences, he loses rights when he makes threats to murder people in a therapy session. Whatever counselor he was seeing should have had a mandatory report requirement that set those things in motion. And it should take an extensive amount of time and sign off by multiple doctors before any of the restrictions were lifted.
Look at my post above with the link.

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