MASSIVE SHOOTING in MAINE RIGHT NOW and shooter on the lose

He voluntarily checked himself in, he was not committed, it is a very big difference.

He did say he was having these thoughts, and then he said he was better.

Is it your position that he should have keep kept locked up for life because of his words?
LOL. I don't even know if you understand what you write. So, we are going to let these people check in whenever they like and check out whenever they like by taking their word? I have repeatedly said that most mass shooters have already done things that they could be kept locked up for, not just words. Funny how you guys say we should listen to Trump's words and punish him for just his words, but you're willing to let murderers go. People shouldn't be let out of institutions or jail unless we can reasonably expect them to not be a threat to society anymore.
What was the mental state of the perpetrator? What history, if any, did the perpetrator have from a psychological evaluation in the military? What events led up to incident?
You are full of racist hate against Whites and it makes you look like an asshole.

Violent crime is a major problem in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes with a large demographics of Blacks and Browns. Every weekend in the Black parts of Chicago there is the equivalent of the mass shooting we saw in Maine last night. Sometimes you can see the same numbers of killed and wounded in just one Saturday night if the Negroes are drunk enough.

Even in my county that has low crime it is mostly from the Black and Brown community.

Minority crime is going to get a lot worse in this country now that idiot Potatohead allowed millions of Illegals to flood into this country.
This is a lie.
LOL. I don't even know if you understand what you write. So, we are going to let these people check in whenever they like and check out whenever they like by taking their word?

That is the way it works. What would you have us do, lock them up for the rest of their lives?

I have repeatedly said that most mass shooters have already done things that they could be kept locked up for, not just words.

What actions did this guy do that he should have been locked up for?

Funny how you guys say we should listen to Trump's words and punish him for just his words, but you're willing to let murderers go.

Nobody has said we should punish Trump for what he says, and nobody is saying we should let murderers go.

Your strawmen are a failure.
That is the way it works. What would you have us do, lock them up for the rest of their lives?

What actions did this guy do that he should have been locked up for?

Nobody has said we should punish Trump for what he says, and nobody is saying we should let murderers go.

Your strawmen are a failure.
As usual, you want to defend mass murderers and make sure we can add more to the list.
The only white supremacists I know are black guys like you that refuse to go back to Africa because you believe White Christian nations are superior. You wouldn’t be caught dead in an all black nation, because it scares you.
"black guys like you that refuse to go back to Africa"..........................And there it is, folks.
weird that you cannot answer a simple question and instead build another strawman.

It is almost as if you are not capable of independent thought.
I have answered your questions numerous times if you actually read what I wrote. You're too stuck on your agenda to actually read what other people write. Try clearing the wax out of your ears or clean your glasses off so you can read properly. Your questions have already been answered.
Were the bowling alley and bar "gun free zones"? Link please.
Ofc they were, you doublewide moron!

Why did this guy break the rules when everyone else was following them?
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