MASSIVE SHOOTING in MAINE RIGHT NOW and shooter on the lose

You are ya fking liar


I don’t want them too but when you’re stuck with the likes of Blumenthal, Chris Murphy and Rosa Deloro and surrounded by libtards it’s kinda what you get.

Do you have any idea what it’s like every time one of these stupid shootings happens? You have to watch Blumenthal and Murphy go on and on ad nauseam about how the gun is to blame. Never the person. Never the people who didn’t follow proper protocol,never all the people who knew the guy was whacko and didn’t do anything, just the gun. That’s how AR15’s got banned. I swear they believe the gun sprouts legs and starts a killing spree all by itself. SMH

That said common sense gun laws are helpful if followed correctly, like people who are mentally delusional shouldn’t have guns. But as a friend once told me common sense ain’t too common. We live in a country of drooling morons so it’s only going to get worse I’m afraid.

Move! Leave CT to the liberals.
Well that’s another problem with our mental healthcare system, they are too scared of lawsuits. They don’t want to label people as one thing or another for fear of lawsuits. I don’t doubt they were afraid of committing him even if they knew he was nuttier than a fruitcake. How could they not know? The Army National Guard had him check himself in. If they could figure it out surly the professionals could. He was hearing voices telling him to shoot people. That’s a clear danger. So now the lawsuit they were afraid of is going to come because of their inaction. Problem is so many mental health illnesses have the same symptoms. It’s not cut and dry like diagnosing cancer. Even voices can be caused by different illnesses. There has to be some protection if mental health professionals diagnose incorrectly so they aren’t afraid to make the call.

And this is why Red Flag laws are dumb...they won't even enforce taking a known, dangerous individual, into custody.....
Nope....he appointed anti-gun Judges to the federal bench and anti-gun Justices to the Supreme court....he didn't want to lose control of congress to anti-gun votes.....he needed control of congress to protect he played the long game.

the long game? you mean having a (R) CONtrolled CONgress for 6 of his 8 years being prez, & funny how there was a (R) CONtrolled CONgress for the 1st 2 years of donny's one & only term; when it could have all been dead & buried, but never seemed to have pulled that off because people actually like having obamacare?
Why did he do nothing with regard to gun control in the 2 years the Dems controlled Congress?

because he's not a anti gun nut despite the NRA making y'all so very afraid that he would be grabbin 'em all - just to keep the money coming in cause of fear?
because he's not a anti gun nut....
Obama supported...
Banning semi-automatic weapons
Banning 'assault weapons'
Banning standard capacity magazines
Universal background checks
Limiting gun purchases to 1/month
Opposed the incorporation of the 2nd Amendment against the states
OK for states localities to ban guns
Opposed concealed carry except for retired LEOs

So much for your response.

I ask again:
Why did he do nothing with regard to gun control in the 2 years the Dems controlled Congress?

Well that’s another problem with our mental healthcare system, they are too scared of lawsuits. They don’t want to label people as one thing or another for fear of lawsuits. I don’t doubt they were afraid of committing him even if they knew he was nuttier than a fruitcake. How could they not know? The Army National Guard had him check himself in. If they could figure it out surly the professionals could. He was hearing voices telling him to shoot people. That’s a clear danger. So now the lawsuit they were afraid of is going to come because of their inaction. Problem is so many mental health illnesses have the same symptoms. It’s not cut and dry like diagnosing cancer. Even voices can be caused by different illnesses. There has to be some protection if mental health professionals diagnose incorrectly so they aren’t afraid to make the call.

The shooter was involuntarily committed….which means

1) the yellow flag law should have been used by the police

2) involuntary commitment means he should have been reported to NICS so he couldn’t buy guns…

A bombshell report by the Boston Globe offers confirmation that the man who shot and killed 18 people and wounded 13 others in Lewiston, Maine last week was involuntarily committed to an Army hospital earlier this summer, raising questions about why he had not been reported to the NICS system as a prohibited person.

the long game? you mean having a (R) CONtrolled CONgress for 6 of his 8 years being prez, & funny how there was a (R) CONtrolled CONgress for the 1st 2 years of donny's one & only term; when it could have all been dead & buried, but never seemed to have pulled that off because people actually like having obamacare?

No one likes Obamacare……and the judges were the point……
I will never understand the weapon fetishism of the people in the USA. You are really sick. You stop to think when you hear the word "gun". Such a machine spits little pieces of metal through the air. That's dangerous, good guys. The more it spits the faster it spits the more dangerous is such a machine. If you will not stop this way then one day one man alone with only one gun will kill 1000 people within only a few minutes or seconds. Are you all totally blind?
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I will never understand the weapon fetishism of the people in the USA. You are really sick. You stop to think when you hear the word "gun". Such a machine spits little pieces of metal through the air. That's dangerous, good guys. The more it spits the faster it spits the more dangerous is such a machine. If you will not stop this way then one day one man alone with only one gun will kill 1000 people within only a few minutes or seconds. Are you all totally blind?

We will never understand how it is that Europe, that saw their governments murder 15-20 million men, women and children....learned nothing from that slaughter.....and still refuse to arm themselves so that mass murder would never happen again......

15-20 million people murdered in just 6 years and you learned nothing......

Gun murder in the U.S. over our entire 247 year history? Around 2,470,000.....

How many hundreds of years will it take the U.S. to catch up to the murder number of Europe?
We will never understand how it is that Europe, that saw their governments murder 15-20 million men, women and children....learned nothing from that slaughter.....and still refuse to arm themselves so that mass murder would never happen again......

I will not try to give you now a lesson about what really had happenend in history and what the USA made wrong, 24/7-idiot.

15-20 million people murdered in just 6 years and you learned nothing......

What a luck that the IQ-scale has no negative value - otherwise you would not be able to survive because you would continously fall over your own feet.

Gun murder in the U.S. over our entire 247 year history? Around 2,470,000.....

211 cases of murder in Germany in 2022. 0.3 delicts per 100,000 inhabitants. The USA had in 2022 6.8 such delicts. 6.8 divided by 0.3 means you have a 2250% higher value in case of this very destructive crime.
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I will not try to give you now a lesson about what really had happenend in history and what the USA made wrong, 24/7-idiot.

What a luck that the IQ-scale has no negative value - otherwise you would not be able to survive because you would continously fall over your own feet.

211 cases of murder in Germany in 2022. 0.3 delicts per 100,000 inhabitants. The USA had in 2022 6.8 such delicts. 6.8 divided by 0.3 means you have a 2250% higher value in case of this very destructive crime.
You forgot about the Nazi extermination of the Jew and gays
You forgot about the Nazi extermination of the Jew and gays

No. About 6 million Jews had been victims of the Holocaust - and I also never forgot that "holocaust" is the wrong word for the holocaust and that also gypsies had been victims of this holocaust.

And indeed also 5,000-15,000 homosexuals had been arrested and hundreds - perhaps also thousands - of them died. Nevertheless it is said some Nazis had been homosexuals on their own. And also 1,900 witnesses of Jehova had been murdered (specially on reason of "subversion of national defense"). Also many "asocials" had been in arrest and/or had been murdered; "asocials" include unemployed and homeless, recipients of social benefits, prostitutes, beggars, alcoholics and drug addicts. No need to say that nevertheless also many Nazis had been alcoholics and/or drug addicts. Not to forget: While in world war 1 only 200 German soldiers had been executed on reason of insubordination and desertion in world war 2 a húndred times more = 20,000 German soldiers had been executed.

Now tell me how many people the allies had murdered. Not to forget. American soldiers for example raped French women when you liberated them while German soldiers not did do so when they had conquered France nor any other country. So tell me please also how many women the allies raped in world war 2. It is said that only in Berlin more than 100,000 women did do suicide because of the continuous rapes of the allies in Berlin in and after world war 2.
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No. About 6 million Jews had been victims of the Holocaust - and I also never forgot that "holocaust" is the wrong word for the holocaust and that also gypsies had been victims of this holocaust.

And indeed also 5,000-15,000 homosexuals had been arrested and hundreds - perhaps also thousands - of them died. Nevertheless it is said some Nazis had been homosexuals on their own. And also 1,900 witnesses of Jehova had been murdered (specially on reason of "subversion of national defense"). Also many "asocials" had been in arrest and/or had been murdered; "asocials" include unemployed and homeless, recipients of social benefits, prostitutes, beggars, alcoholics and drug addicts. No need to say that nevertheless also many Nazis had been alcoholics and/or drug addicts. Not to forget: While in world war 1 only 200 German soldiers had been executed on reason of insubordination and desertion in world war 2 a húndred times more = 20,000 German soldiers had been executed.

Now tell me how many people the allies had murdered. Not to forget. American soldiers for example raped French women when you liberated them while German soldiers not did do so when they had conquered France nor any other country. So tell me please also how many women the allies raped in world war 2. It is said that only in Berlin more than 100,000 women did do suicide because of the continuous rapes of the allies in Berlin in and after world war 2.
And that's what happens when you have a unarmed public

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