MASSIVE SHOOTING in MAINE RIGHT NOW and shooter on the lose

If I had a gun now then you would be dead now. Why should someone like I - who lost about 50% of the own family members in the Holocaust - deny what? ... Oh by the way: If I had a gun now my monitor still would work. But who for heavens sake gives you any right to attack me in the name of my own murdered family members?
I'm sure what you said is also in the USA a crime. So ask an US-American judge. What you said has nothing to do with free speech. It's a clear break of the eighth commandment what you did do.

I doubt this. The eighth commandement is in one or another form in all countries of the western world a crime. It's an essential law or paradigma of laws. The Nazis broke it continuously.

You're nuttier than squirrel shit.
What you said was threatening to shoot me.

Sure. But how, undear rectangle-of-light-with-scribbles-on-it? And what costs me a new monitor? And are you worth such a senseless holocaust - ah sorry: burnt offering. ... (Holocaust is really a totally stupid word for this what in German is called "Endlösung der Judenfrage" (=final solution to the Jewish question) and in Hebrew is called "shoa" (shoah u-meshoah = waste and destruction).

Looks like you deleted after. Imagine that.

Imagine what? That you are dead? ... No idea whether you are really alive .... Nevertheless I guess it's better not to try to imagine what will happen after your death with you. I hate horror films. What about to change your film? What about a happy end?
And such people like you have the right to bear war weapons in public? And for such people like you die others in real wars? Poor USA.

Yeah. All of the time. Sick in the head people, like you, are the reason why.
Don't worry - I reported it.

:lol: - that's what stupid US-Americans think about "freedom of speech" who are weapon fetishists. Do you like to say one of this stupid moderators here did really delete what I said?

Btw: I personally never tried in this forum here to censor anything what anyone said.

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