Massive Twister Hitting OKC

Welcome to My ignore list. Cannot let any tragedy go to waste, can you?

Welcome to REALITY.

These people have more than the heartache of losing lives. Somehow, they have to rebuild. If you have never seen it or experienced, you just can't' know how bad it is.

Some of our congress vote against helping these people. THAT makes it political. If you want to blame someone, blame those who turn their back on AMERICANS who need help.

Fuck you!

I'll second that!
i'm new here, but i wanted to say - how did we stray so much into politics and "sides" that it takes front seat to our sympathy, well wishes, hope and prayers for survivors, general brotherhood for those poor people suffering before the death count is even in. I get the divide of views, and fall smack in the middle of one of them. But, really? There's a time and place and now is the time to pray for them, hope the death toll is not what it looks like it will be, think of those poor people, those kids and their parents that are have had their lives turned upside down and lost what we can't imagine while safe on our computers blaming politics. Be thankful it wasn't one of you or yours. Priorities - this isn't the time for the political priority.

Well, that was a shitty way to introduce myself.

I can't imagine what those parents, sisters, brothers, families are facing.

I am wonderng why school was open today? Did not tornados hit yesterday in the area? And why doesn't the schools have basements?

Lots of people trying to get in there. Some to looky loo..some to offer help..some who actually came home from work to discover their house is gone..or their kid was in one of the schools, or the spouse was home with the baby, or to check on their pets....all are being turned away. Got news for them....nothing and nobody would stop me from going HOME..whether it is there or not. I would find another way in.
They need to check drivers licenses and if they live there, they can go in.
What if someone was coming home from work in OKcity and live in Moore and their kids were in school? They ae not allowed in???

Good points. The storms have been horrid on the Midwest and south this last week with the tornado alert going off all the time. The schools should have storm shelters. I guess we'll find out the whatifs/howcomes details in the next few days.
CaféAuLait;7262206 said:
When we lived in Kansas it was nerve wracking, the month we left saw a record of 127 tornados in one month alone. It was nothing to see storm watching speeding down the highway, we once saw the TIV. I really hated it there because of all the storms.
If these schools are rebuilt, they need to be built with underground shelters if they didn't already have them, just like the ones in England and Germany during the bombings over there or what ever it takes is what I say. The children and the surrounding communities would be dependent on such shelters I think always. All public buildings such as schools should have these types of shelters in tornado prone areas or in hurricane prone areas.
I am wonderng why school was open today? Did not tornados hit yesterday in the area? And why doesn't the schools have basements?

Lots of people trying to get in there. Some to looky loo..some to offer help..some who actually came home from work to discover their house is gone..or their kid was in one of the schools, or the spouse was home with the baby, or to check on their pets....all are being turned away. Got news for them....nothing and nobody would stop me from going HOME..whether it is there or not. I would find another way in.
They need to check drivers licenses and if they live there, they can go in.
What if someone was coming home from work in OKcity and live in Moore and their kids were in school? They ae not allowed in???

Good points. The storms have been horrid on the Midwest and south this last week with the tornado alert going off all the time. The schools should have storm shelters. I guess we'll find out the whatifs/howcomes details in the next few days.

I've lived in tornado country most of my life. I can't say I've ever known schools closing because of thunderstorm/tornado weather.
I am wonderng why school was open today? Did not tornados hit yesterday in the area? And why doesn't the schools have basements?

Lots of people trying to get in there. Some to looky loo..some to offer help..some who actually came home from work to discover their house is gone..or their kid was in one of the schools, or the spouse was home with the baby, or to check on their pets....all are being turned away. Got news for them....nothing and nobody would stop me from going HOME..whether it is there or not. I would find another way in.
They need to check drivers licenses and if they live there, they can go in.
What if someone was coming home from work in OKcity and live in Moore and their kids were in school? They ae not allowed in???

Good points. The storms have been horrid on the Midwest and south this last week with the tornado alert going off all the time. The schools should have storm shelters. I guess we'll find out the whatifs/howcomes details in the next few days.

I've lived in tornado country most of my life. I can't say I've ever known schools closing because of thunderstorm/tornado weather.

Me too. They "train" for it. This was one bad a$$ monster.
Good points. The storms have been horrid on the Midwest and south this last week with the tornado alert going off all the time. The schools should have storm shelters. I guess we'll find out the whatifs/howcomes details in the next few days.

I've lived in tornado country most of my life. I can't say I've ever known schools closing because of thunderstorm/tornado weather.

Me too. They "train" for it. This was one bad a$$ monster.

Our farm was hit twice by them. Once at night, took a shed, killed a couple head of cattle. I was only 4, so I really don't remember it. The second was when I was 8, hit during the day, took a barn and some random damage. Us kids were at school. Had they called off school and we were home that day ????


Hopefully this will be a wakeup call for OK.

You're something shot right out of a pigs ass.
KFOR another survivor found

Good news!! We did the hurricanes of 04 and I'm a parent. They are digging thru that mess trying to find kids while the parents wait. Who could imagine that waiting? Every one they pull out is another family spared from devistation. Keep them coming!!
Listening on CNN. It looks as if the tornado is taking a direct hit on Oklahoma City and is about one mile wide. They say there is tons of debris in the air. The storm is massive.

My thoughts are with everyone in that area. I heard about this on the news last night, scary stuff.
Stay safe, everyone. I'm thinking of y'all. :(
CaféAuLait;7262405 said:
In Kansas none of the schools there had underground shelters, that I dealt with. Bathrooms were the shelters
Isn't Norman the town that had no working sirens in 1999 when they were hit with a huge tornado?

Why wouldn't they have reinforced at least the schools with some sort of shelter.

I'd have to think twice before I put a kid in a school that was so poorly built.

Impossible to build a school able to withstand an EF-4/EF-5 tornado. The only alternative is to build an underground tornado shelter. Doubt most school systems could afford to build that.

If it's a new build, it shouldn't be very expensive. To try adding one to an existing school would be extremely expensive.
am I right when I have heard that even brick homes are no match for an F4 and higher? I am just curious if most homes along the path were toppled regardless of structure. Being a Floridian, pretty much most new homes here are built with cement/cylinder blocks.

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