Massive Twister Hitting OKC

Keep us posted on where we can donate to help.

If I thought it would do any good, I'd take the first plane to Oklahoma to help dig those kids out.


Mr. Smith recommended the Red Cross and Salvation Army. That's generous of you, Mr. Sallow. I'll be looking out for the Governor's office for that kind of answer for a general fund, and get back to you when they organize something. I think the people of Oklahoma are currently so shocked plus, they have two more days of hellish weather ahead according to what they're saying.

I ran clothing, food, and blankets to our local churches.

It's a great way to start to get out relief on a local level.

I will be sure to make a donation to the Red Cross..who I have done work for..for the people of Oklahoma.
I think you're a man who knows what to do in a crisis, Mr. Sallow. Thanks for being an inspiration in that way. :thup:
Welcome to REALITY.

These people have more than the heartache of losing lives. Somehow, they have to rebuild. If you have never seen it or experienced, you just can't' know how bad it is.

Some of our congress vote against helping these people. THAT makes it political. If you want to blame someone, blame those who turn their back on AMERICANS who need help.

Amazing isn't it?

Why don't these fucks do the right thing in the first place?

Both of you need to shut the fuck up and stop politicizing this! There are now reports coming in that 24 more children (3rd graders) at Plaza Towers Elementary School are now dead. The death toll is rising, and all you two can do is discuss politics!? How dare you?

You sicken me.


It became political when CERTAIN congress people voted to shit on Joplin. Get off your PHONY high horse and face the fact that these poor people desperately need help the REPUBLICANS refuse to give them.

THAT is what makes it political and if you don't like that, write your pub congress person and tell them we don't take food out of the mouths of our elderly and our children in order to help disaster areas.
Plaza Towers Elementary School has children still trapped, and they're still trying to locate kids according to a bystander, who is crying intermittently. Many of the parents are looking intently for their child. It's grim what is thought happened to some third graders, their fates not known for sure.

Two more days of this threatening weather in the area, according to commentator Shep Smith. :(

Keep us posted on where we can donate to help.

If I thought it would do any good, I'd take the first plane to Oklahoma to help dig those kids out.

They have removed 7 bodies according to Mr. Smith now. One mother was called to come to the hospital and take her injured daughter home, that she will be okay. The 7 were dead from drowning.
Amazing isn't it?

Why don't these fucks do the right thing in the first place?

Both of you need to shut the fuck up and stop politicizing this! There are now reports coming in that 24 more children (4th graders) at Plaza Towers Elementary School are believed to be dead. The death toll may rise, and all you two can do is discuss politics!?

You sicken me.

No, sicken me.

Superstorm Sandy Deaths, Damage And Magnitude: What We Know One Month Later

That's what happened to us.

I spent my weekends shuttling goods to help people who were displaced by the storm.

We needed help from the Federal government. THATS THE WAY ITS SUPPOSED TO FUNCTION. YOU HAVE A NEED AND THEY HELP. That's part of the reason for taxation.


Our tragedy was NO LESS SEVERE and our NEED was JUST AS GREAT.

So REMEMBER HOW YOU FOLKS ACTED toward NEW YORK, NEW JERSEY and the surrounding areas.

OUR SENATORS will surely vote yes to help.

They have too.

They are human.

I was angry, still angry that our Government used you folks for political points, and have to date done nothing to assist you.

You politicize your own plights. You are the most thick headed person I have ever come across. You didn't lose a child today. You didn't lose your life, you ingrate. You might not be a Christian, and I don't frankly care if you are, but you should really learn to count your blessings.

Plaza Towers Elementary School has children still trapped, and they're still trying to locate kids according to a bystander, who is crying intermittently. Many of the parents are looking intently for their child. It's grim what is thought happened to some third graders, their fates not known for sure.

Two more days of this threatening weather in the area, according to commentator Shep Smith. :(

Keep us posted on where we can donate to help.

If I thought it would do any good, I'd take the first plane to Oklahoma to help dig those kids out.

They have removed 7 bodies according to Mr. Smith now. One mother was called to come to the hospital and take her injured daughter home, that she will be okay. The 7 were dead from drowning.

Just terrible.

I was amazed to see the rescue workers diligently trying to dig out people in the middle of debris and what must be very dangerous conditions.

Those folks are true heroes.
I grew up in OKC, (southside) The tornado danger is yearly there and it is a dangerous place to live. Let's hope for the best for these folks. I still can't get messages answered by kinfolk and friends there.

I love where our lake house is but I have to say this just scares the crap out of me. Someone said something about the school being bad and nothing 'above ground' would survive, but what they don't understand is that its not easy to build an underground shelter. Its not like you can just dig a hole and put in some bottled water.

We have our safe room. It cost a bundle and when you really think about it, its pretty hard to arrange that you'll be in the room (with everything you need AND the pets) at the same time the twister hits.

Then there's global climate change causing the storms to be worse.

I wouldn't leave this house but I will never forget when we've been hit. Two hundred year old oak trees snapped like twigs next to hummingbird feeders and hanging plants that weren't touched.

Its a nightmare.
Keep us posted on where we can donate to help.

If I thought it would do any good, I'd take the first plane to Oklahoma to help dig those kids out.


Mr. Smith recommended the Red Cross and Salvation Army. That's generous of you, Mr. Sallow. I'll be looking out for the Governor's office for that kind of answer for a general fund, and get back to you when they organize something. I think the people of Oklahoma are currently so shocked plus, they have two more days of hellish weather ahead according to what they're saying.

I ran clothing, food, and blankets to our local churches.

It's a great way to start to get out relief on a local level.

I will be sure to make a donation to the Red Cross..who I have done work for..for the people of Oklahoma.
Good choice, Mr. Sallow.. When I went to the State of Oklahoma website, the Red Cross is already connecting parents with children, contacting as many as they can. All communication is so screwed there right now. I understand the Red Cross is truly reaching out, hurrying to connect people with their children. I'm afraid from what I've seen on the television screen, some of those parents may be dead. 60 square miles were plowed by this storm cell series. They're expected to be active through two more days. :(
Luddy - I'm glad you're safe. Stay that you and all our local USMB folks.

I just read that 2 dozen school kids are believed killed. How awful.
Amazing isn't it?

Why don't these fucks do the right thing in the first place?

Both of you need to shut the fuck up and stop politicizing this! There are now reports coming in that 24 more children (3rd graders) at Plaza Towers Elementary School are now dead. The death toll is rising, and all you two can do is discuss politics!? How dare you?

You sicken me.


It became political when CERTAIN congress people voted to shit on Joplin. Get off your PHONY high horse and face the fact that these poor people desperately need help the REPUBLICANS refuse to give them.

THAT is what makes it political and if you don't like that, write your pub congress person and tell them we don't take food out of the mouths of our elderly and our children in order to help disaster areas.

Do you really think the parents care about politics? Or those who lost loved ones in this disaster? If you want to blame someone for the lack of assistance, look no further than the man YOU VOTED FOR. I mean if you want to play that game, Bush was just the same for practically ignoring the citizens of New Orleans. Obama now has Moore and those in New Jersey on his hands.

How utterly pathetic you try to politicize these things, even before the bodies are cold.


Here's mine. (Disclaimer: If those of you reading this are not of the Christian faith, or are an atheist please refrain from trolling this, or perhaps join me if you wish.)

Dear Lord, accept these pure souls into your bosom, for their future is far brighter with you than any future they have here on this Earth. Thank you, Dear Lord, for sparing me and many others from this kind of demise. I ask now that you be with their Parents today, as they will no doubt be suffering greatly. I ask you now, to unite us all in prayer for the citizens of Moore, Oklahoma. I pray that somehow, through your miraculous providence, that you can help these people recover and grow closer to you.

Please be with us, as we mourn this loss of life. Please I pray, let us walk in your grace, mercy and favor forever.

I ask these things in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Here's mine. (Disclaimer: If those of you reading this are not of the Christian faith, or are an atheist please refrain from trolling this, or perhaps join me if you wish.)

Dear Lord, accept these pure souls into your bosom, for their future is far brighter with you than any future they have here on this Earth. Thank you, Dear Lord, for sparing me and many others from this kind of demise. I ask now that you be with their Parents today, as they will no doubt be suffering greatly. I ask you now, to unite us all in prayer for the citizens of Moore, Oklahoma. I pray that somehow, through your miraculous providence, that you can help these people recover and grow closer to you.

Please be with us, as we mourn this loss of life. Please I pray, let us walk in your grace, mercy and favor forever.

I ask these things in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Keep us posted on where we can donate to help.

If I thought it would do any good, I'd take the first plane to Oklahoma to help dig those kids out.

They have removed 7 bodies according to Mr. Smith now. One mother was called to come to the hospital and take her injured daughter home, that she will be okay. The 7 were dead from drowning.

Just terrible.

I was amazed to see the rescue workers diligently trying to dig out people in the middle of debris and what must be very dangerous conditions.

Those folks are true heroes.
One eye witness where they were digging out children said he'd never seen anything so chaotic. Now we know why. They were frenetically trying to free children, even though the one huge group was obviously in water and under huge pieces of construction stuff. :( Plaza Elementary School was the site where children drowned.

Yes, these folks that were described as acting crazy trying to toss plywood aside as fast as they could knew the severity of the situation this storm cell brought.

Volunteers and National Guards(??) are doing a house by house search.

37 people are confirmed dead, and the number is expected to rise. If anyone watched the news, they would have seen the red earth that was 2 miles wide. I'm worried.

There are still several active tornado warnings in Oklahoma as I write this. The night is not yet over.

The 6000 member strong Oklahoma Southern Baptist Disaster Relief team is already in the field with a full mobilization underway. We have feeding units, chainsaw crews, damage assessors, chaplains and child care teams activating right now. All of us will be on the go by tomorrow morning.

This is an all-volunteer force which charges nobody anything for our services, which are available to everyone, no questions asked and no pre-conditions. We operate solely on donations and every single, solitary penny donated goes to disaster relief. Nothing is taken out for salaries, fund raising or anything else.

If you'd like to help, here's the website where donations can be made and additional information found.

Thank you in advance.

Oklahoma Disaster Relief | BGCO
Just saw the devastation.

Made a donation to the Red Cross.
Thanks, Mr. Sallow. I followed your example.

For those who don't know how to contact the Red Cross, you may go here:

American Red Cross Central and Western Oklahoma Region - Volunteering, Donations, Training

On the upside, 65 children from one of the schools are being treated and released from the emergency hospitals that didn't get leveled in the area. These children will be okay.

Added to Sig
Just saw the devastation.

Made a donation to the Red Cross.
Thanks, Mr. Sallow. I followed your example.

For those who don't know how to contact the Red Cross, you may go here:

American Red Cross Central and Western Oklahoma Region - Volunteering, Donations, Training

On the upside, 65 children from one of the schools are being treated and released from the emergency hospitals that didn't get leveled in the area. These children will be okay.

Added to Sig
Thank you, hortysir. :thup:

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