Matching Two Charts

Thank you. It is unfortunate that some of these posters are so determined NOT to hold blacks responsible in any way for their own outcomes that they deny the established fact that children born outside of marriage fare far worse than children born within marriage - and that the 72% out-of-wedlock rate among blacks is directly correlated to their (relatively) high poverty rate, and in turn the high crime rate associated with that.

By refusing to acknowledge the primary cause of poverty among blacks today, and blaming it on racism from generations ago, these posters are excusing, and even condoning, the very behavior and choices that have 25% of blacks below the poverty line. Even worse, when they screech “white supremacist!!” at people who point out that blacks themselves can move out of poverty with the correct choices, they are enabling the POOR choices that keep them mired in it.

Here: 60% of children born outside marriage grow up in poverty.


It is just soooooo much easier to pretend to believe in systemic racism, oppression, white privilege/supremacy.
Quote Of The Week
“Why is our culture suddenly producing so many young men who want to murder innocent people? Could things like fatherlessness, the breakdown of families, isolation from civil society, or the glorification of violence be contributing factors?" —Senator Mike Lee
Both you and Chicy confirm that you are racists when you tar all people of a skin colour with the same brush.
I've made that point dozens of times but still you people continue to fall right into your own trap.

Now the time has come for me to move on, because if the point hasn't been made yet, it likely never will be. You two can decide.
And you are racist against all whites for your constant over the board attacks on ALL whites,
In 2017, Demos published a study titled, “The Asset Value of Whiteness: Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap.” On page 10 this statement is written: "The median white single parent has 2.2 times more wealth than the median black two-parent household and 1.9 times more wealth than the median Latino two-parent household."

"In 1965, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s report, The Negro Family: The Case for National Action, attributed racial inequality as well as poverty and crime in the black community to family structure, particularly the prevalence of families headed by single mothers. Not only did research at the time cast doubt on this causality, but evidence over the last the 50 years demonstrates that rates of child poverty, educational attainment, and crime do not track rates of single parenthood. Thus,

even though the share of children living with a single mother rose for all racial and ethnic groups through the mid-1990s and has remained high since then, school completion and youth arrests for violent crimes have declined significantly, while poverty rates have fluctuated according to economic conditions. Family structure does not drive racial inequity, and racial inequity persists regardless of family structure."

-Amy Traub, Laura Sullivan, Tatjana Meschede and Thomas Shapiro, DEMOS, “The Asset Value of Whiteness: Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap.”

In low-wage paying occupations, Black men are paid 87 cents for every dollar a white man makes and black women 63 cents. In high-paying occupations, black men earn 97 cents for every dollar a white man makes, and black women 64 cents. A black married couple will earn less than a white couple even when all other factors are the same. Throughout a 40 year work career, a black married couple in low-paying occupations will lose well over 1 million dollars of income compared to white married couples in the same jobs. A black married couple in a high-paying profession will earn approximately 2 million dollars less than a white couple at the same level during the same 40 year period. This renders the unwed mother, fatherless home opinion meritless relative to income and poverty because a black couple can get married, daddy lives at home, and the family still makes less than whites. This is not about lack of education. Nor is it about the field of study.

"Even after completing undergraduate and graduate degrees, black and Hispanic workers earned less than non-Hispanic white workers with the same, or often less, education."
- Roy Eduardo Kokoyachuk, ThinkNow Research

Kokoyachuck found that blacks and Hispanics with college degrees were paid less than whites and Asians with comparable education. His study showed that blacks and Hispanics who graduated in S.T.E.M majors earned less than whites and Asians with degrees in those same majors. "Even when Blacks and Hispanics go the extra mile and earn professional degrees, their incomes still don’t break six figures. Whites and Asians, however, double their incomes by earning professional degrees, allowing them to make well over $100,000 a year."

So STHU with that racist bullshit.
Sadly, you don't sound like an educated person, IM2. You sound like a person who refuses to take
any responsibility for your own actions. You are the worst of the worst to represent the Black Man.
The only thing you can do right is to promote racism. Well done :clap2:
Sadly, you don't sound like an educated person, IM2. You sound like a person who refuses to take
any responsibility for your own actions. You are the worst of the worst to represent the Black Man.
The only thing you can do right is to promote racism. Well done :clap2:

I have described that one as a Judas Goat....leading his community to slaughter.

"You.....and those like you.....are simply the Judas Goats for the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship....the Democrats."

"A Judas goat is a trained goat used at a slaughterhouse and in general animal herding. The Judas goat is trained to associate with sheep or cattle, leading them to a specific destination. In stockyards, a Judas goat will lead sheep to slaughter, while its own life is spared. Judas goats are also used to lead other animals to specific pens and on to trucks.

"Yes follow the judas goat to your death's fools!"

Sadly, you don't sound like an educated person, IM2. You sound like a person who refuses to take
any responsibility for your own actions. You are the worst of the worst to represent the Black Man.
The only thing you can do right is to promote racism. Well done :clap2:

Lol! Here we have a white dude who makes excuses for all white wrongdoing, and he's telling me about responsibility. And look at this idiocy, I am promoting racism for pointing out continuing white racism. You think you're making sense but you're not. Now tell me what I am not taking responsibility for. Is it because I don't repeat the lie you tell yourself about how the things that have happened to blacks is our fault alone? The facts don't show that.
Really? So all your claims that because a white guy attacked the black race over something is not racism, so what have you got?
One guy is attacking whites for what they are actually doing and whites here assume things about blacks that are not true. That's the difference. The assumption being attacked is a belief in inherent traits in black by the whites doing it. That is not racism.
Quote Of The Week
“Why is our culture suddenly producing so many young men who want to murder innocent people? Could things like fatherlessness, the breakdown of families, isolation from civil society, or the glorification of violence be contributing factors?" —Senator Mike Lee
Those are all factors that contribute to America's moral breakdown.
Blaming all people of any particular skin colour is racism and it's not helpful.

I would suggest that America's continuous wars of aggression is the most harmful factor, and especially as those wars encourage a 'culture' of gun violence.

Wars sell violent video games and those games sell military type weapons and camo costumes and assorted military paraphernalia.

Hence, the moral breakdown with nearly 225 mass shootings by the beginning of June! With the domestic political fight to come, it's sure to reach 500 by year's end.

Why is our culture suddenly producing so many young men who want to murder innocent people?
Those are all factors that contribute to America's moral breakdown.
Blaming all people of any particular skin colour is racism and it's not helpful.

I would suggest that America's continuous wars of aggression is the most harmful factor, and especially as those wars encourage a 'culture' of gun violence.

Wars sell violent video games and those games sell military type weapons and camo costumes and assorted military paraphernalia.

Hence, the moral breakdown with nearly 225 mass shootings by the beginning of June! With the domestic political fight to come, it's sure to reach 500 by year's end.

Phew….Is there a cat in the area….oh, that’s you.
Lol! Here we have a white dude who makes excuses for all white wrongdoing, and he's telling me about responsibility. And look at this idiocy, I am promoting racism for pointing out continuing white racism. You think you're making sense but you're not. Now tell me what I am not taking responsibility for. Is it because I don't repeat the lie you tell yourself about how the things that have happened to blacks is our fault alone? The facts don't show that.
Sadly, you're too stupid to even see how you come across. I'm telling you about YOUR flaw, hater.
You're a race baiter, not a person who wants to have an actual dialogue on the subject.
Ever wonder why you get zero respect? Not everyone that is white is a white supremacist.
You're too stupid to understand that. Embrace your flaws, and learn from them.
Those are all factors that contribute to America's moral breakdown.
Blaming all people of any particular skin colour is racism and it's not helpful.

I would suggest that America's continuous wars of aggression is the most harmful factor, and especially as those wars encourage a 'culture' of gun violence.

Wars sell violent video games and those games sell military type weapons and camo costumes and assorted military paraphernalia.

Hence, the moral breakdown with nearly 225 mass shootings by the beginning of June! With the domestic political fight to come, it's sure to reach 500 by year's end.
The documented facts blame those responsible. In the 1950's people like you blamed comic books for violence. The moral breakdown started in 1776 and it is because one group has decided they are better than everybody else and can then impose their opinions of others through law and policy while not holding themselves to the same standards.
Sadly, you're too stupid to even see how you come across. I'm telling you about YOUR flaw, hater.
You're a race baiter, not a person who wants to have an actual dialogue on the subject.
Ever wonder why you get zero respect? Not everyone that is white is a white supremacist.
You're too stupid to understand that. Embrace your flaws, and learn from them.

I get plenty of respect. But I did not come here to get respected by racists.

I do quite fine with people who are not racist or who don't suffer from white fragility. I have stated numerous times that not all whites are racists and only whites who have problems with race cannot understand that. Seems like to people such as you only blacks who point out how there are whites who continue practicing racism are race baiters. Facts are not race bait. And you ignore whites who do race bait and you contribute to the baiting. I am not going to discuss race with you in ways that make you feel comfortable or tell you what you want to hear. So stop conflating the term white racist or white racism to mean white people or all white people. That's YOUR flaw, embrace it and learn.
The documented facts blame those responsible. In the 1950's people like you blamed comic books for violence. The moral breakdown started in 1776 and it is because one group has decided they are better than everybody else and can then impose their opinions of others through law and policy while not holding themselves to the same standards.
Are you suggesting that blacks consider themselves better than everybody else? I can't just assume that's your intent. You could be referring to whites?

The situation created in America with the refusal to consider blacks as equals has created the problem that nobody is denying.

That has created racism to pandemic proportions and the hate generated has made it impossible to find any solutions to the problem.
America is still only intent on punitive measures such as police brutality, police murdering blacks, and loading the US prison system to world record setting levels.

The situation has become so egregiously bad now that it can't be corrected.

From a Canadian POV, I don't place blame on any particular skin colour. Southern whites mostly created the problem but many black people have become a part of the problem.
Being black and having lived in black communities, instead of being white or and asian wishing to be white, I can say that I know that unwed births are not the problem for blacks. Now don't try posting bullshit from sellouts thinking that means something.

So let us present your model black family according to white and Asian right wingers in this forum.

We have a man, woman and child. All married. But blacks are twice as likely to be unemployed than whites. So, you have an unemployed man sitting at home with his wife and child. They're in poverty, but at least the child was not born out of wedlock.

In 1959 poverty for blacks was 55.1 percent. For whites, it was 18.1. Black poverty was 3.04 times that of whites. This was five years before the Civil Rights Act and during legalized segregation. In 1966, poverty for Blacks was 41.8 percent. For whites, it was 11.3 percent. Black poverty was 3.69 times that of whites. This was two years after the Civil Rights Act, and the country was trying to figure out how to get to equality. In 1974, poverty for Blacks was 30.3 percent. For Whites, 8.6 percent. Black poverty was 3.52 times that of whites ten years after the Civil Rights Act was passed. In 1984, poverty for Blacks was 33.8 percent. For Whites, 11.5 percent. Black poverty was still 2.94 times that of whites 20 years after the Civil Rights Act. One would think that if a real concerted effort had been made relative to hiring and equal pay, this would not be the case.

In 2004, the poverty rate for Blacks was 24.7 percent. For Whites, 10.8 percent. Black poverty was 2.28 times that of whites 40 years after the Civil Rights Act. In 40 years, black poverty was still twice that of whites. The difference between blacks and whites had decreased by less than 1 point. Either programs and policies designed to lower poverty in the black community did not work, or the necessary emphasis was not placed on trying to do what it takes to reduce poverty in the black community so that it was at least comparable to that of whites.

In 2014, the Black poverty rate was 26.2 percent. For Whites, 12.7 percent. Fifty years after the Civil Rights Act was passed and members of the American right determined that racism was a thing of the past, black poverty was still two times that of whites., In 2020 we heard all the bragging from President number 45 and his followers about all the great things he did for black people. When he left office, poverty for Blacks was 19.3 percent. For Whites, it was 8.2 percent. Despite the claims of President number 45, Black poverty was two times that of whites. Since 1959 no matter how low or high poverty has been, blacks have continued living at double the white and overall American poverty rate. Increased high school and college graduation rates have not changed this discrepancy.

In 1959 the poverty rate for all American families was 20.8 percent. For white families, it was 16.5 percent. For black families, 54.9 percent. During the time people declare that black families were “intact,” black family poverty was 3.33 times that of white ones. In 1966, the American poverty rate was 13.1 percent. For white families, the poverty rate was 9.7 percent, and for black families, 40.9 percent. In 1966, black family poverty was 4.2 times that of white families. In 1974 the poverty rate for all American families was 9.9 percent. Poverty for Black families was 29.3 percent. For Whites 7.3 percent. Black family poverty was four times that of whites ten years after Civil Rights was passed. In 1984, the poverty rate for all American families was 13.1 percent. For Black families, it was 33.3 percent, Whites 10.1 percent. Black family poverty was 3.29 times that of whites 20 years after Civil Rights was signed into law.

In 2004 the poverty rate for all American families was 11 percent. For white families, it was 9 percent. Black families, 23.8 percent. We are now 40 years past Johnson's signing of the Civil Rights Act. These numbers are well within our lifetimes. In 2004 black family poverty was 2.64 times that of a white family. In 2014, the American poverty rate was 12.7 percent. For white families, the poverty rate was 10.7 percent, and for black families, 24.6 percent. 50 years had passed since the Civil Rights Act, and black families still had at least double the white family poverty rate. In 2014 black family poverty was 2.3 times that of white families. In 2020 the poverty rate for all American families was 9.5 percent. Poverty for black families was 17.4 percent, white families 8.2 percent. Despite increases in educational attainment and breakthroughs at every level of American society, in 2020, black family poverty remained two times that of white families. No matter how it is measured, poverty for whites is lower than the national average, and black poverty is consistently double the national average.

The median income for black households compared to non-Hispanic whites for the last 50 years show a history of earnings inequality. The numbers used were from the U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplements (CPS ASEC), Table H-5 Race and Hispanic Origin of Householder--Households by Median and Mean Income: 1967 to 2020. Again, this will reflect that the unwed mother and fatherless home are not the sole cause of economic hardship. It is caused by a problem most want to deny.

In 1972, the American household median income was $9,697 per year. The median income for non-Hispanic white households was $10,318 per year; for Black households, it was $5,938. Black household median income was 58 percent of white households. In 1974, the American household median income was $11,197 per year. The median income for non-Hispanic white households was $11,810 per year; for black households, $6,964. Black household median income was 59 percent of what whites made.

Twenty years after the Civil Rights Act was passed (1984), the American household median income was $22,415 per year. The median income for non-Hispanic white households was $24,138 per year; for Blacks, $13,471. Black household median income was 55.8 percent of non-Hispanic white households. In 2004, the annual American household median income was $44,334. The median yearly income for non-Hispanic white households was $48,910; for blacks it was $30,095. Black household median income was 61.5 percent of non-Hispanic whites.

In 2014, the annual American median income was $53,657 per year. The median yearly income for non-Hispanic White households was $60.256; for Black households, $35,398. Black household income was 58.7 percent of what Whites made. In 2020, the American household median income was $67,521 per year. The median income for non-Hispanic White households was $74.912; for Blacks households, $45,870. Black household median income was 61 percent of white households in 2020.

At no time from 1959 through 2020 have whites and blacks come close to having equal income. It has not mattered whether America was practicing segregation. It has not mattered that blacks have become better educated. It has not mattered if black households were traditional two parent, two cars, a dog, two children having, good church-going members of American society. We have had two terms of a black president, and still, the median income for blacks has been less than whites. Sixty-eight years ago, Brown v. Topeka ended segregation in schools. Fifty-eight years ago, Civil Rights for everyone became law. This situation is not about the failure of “black culture,” unwed births or so-called liberal handout policies. The root cause of the problems blacks face today is continuing white racism.
Are you suggesting that blacks consider themselves better than everybody else? I can't just assume that's your intent. You could be referring to whites?

The situation created in America with the refusal to consider blacks as equals has created the problem that nobody is denying.

That has created racism to pandemic proportions and the hate generated has made it impossible to find any solutions to the problem.
America is still only intent on punitive measures such as police brutality, police murdering blacks, and loading the US prison system to world record setting levels.

The situation has become so egregiously bad now that it can't be corrected.

From a Canadian POV, I don't place blame on any particular skin colour. Southern whites mostly created the problem but many black people have become a part of the problem.
Blacks have not imposed their belief of superiority on others through law and policy Donald. I am talking specifically about white elites. Because they play the working class whites by race baiting them and we end up seeing forums full of people expressing opinions like we see here.
Are you suggesting that blacks consider themselves better than everybody else? I can't just assume that's your intent. You could be referring to whites?

The situation created in America with the refusal to consider blacks as equals has created the problem that nobody is denying.

That has created racism to pandemic proportions and the hate generated has made it impossible to find any solutions to the problem.
America is still only intent on punitive measures such as police brutality, police murdering blacks, and loading the US prison system to world record setting levels.

The situation has become so egregiously bad now that it can't be corrected.

From a Canadian POV, I don't place blame on any particular skin colour. Southern whites mostly created the problem but many black people have become a part of the problem.
And you by living in Canada have not lived day to day as a black person in America. However, I appreciate your trying to be impartial. Your last line is incorrect. The problem was not just created by southerners and blacks have not become part of the problem. This is what the white elites tell working class whites and it is not true.
One guy is attacking whites for what they are actually doing and whites here assume things about blacks that are not true. That's the difference. The assumption being attacked is a belief in inherent traits in black by the whites doing it. That is not racism.
So when you attack an entire race with opinion that is ok but when we attack an entire race with FACTS supported by links that is racism.
And there's your problem Meister. You think you get to tell me how to communicate and I'm just supposed bow down and do it. Whites here without your problem have no issue with me and understand fully what I am saying. Your best bet is to go fishing instead of trying to debate me. Because you can manipulate the fish.

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