Matching Two Charts

So when you attack an entire race with opinion that is ok but when we attack an entire race with FACTS supported by links that is racism.
I don't attack an entire race and I use facts.
LOL you wouldnt know a fact if it bit you in the face. And yes you ALWAYS are going on about the white RACE you do it in every post.
I go on about whites who practice racism. That is not the entire white race.

Unless you're telling me that racism is inherent in all white people.
And there's your problem Meister. You think you get to tell me how to communicate and I'm just supposed bow down and do it. Whites here without your problem have no issue with me and understand fully what I am saying. Your best bet is to go fishing instead of trying to debate me. Because you can manipulate the fish.
You couldn't fight your way out of a wet paper bag in a debate.
You broadbrush ALL REPUBLICAN WHITES AS RACIST. Did I get that right, Slick?
You're a black racist, and I stand by my post where I said you are the worst of the worst to represent the Black Man.
Let's go fishing, I'll teach you how to fish.
I go on about whites who practice racism. That is not the entire white race.

Unless you're telling me that racism is inherent in all white people.
You call anyone who doesn't slavishly agree with you a racist. Even black people. You see everything through the prism of race. You are a hammer, so everything looks like a nail to you. That's why no one but your fellow racists agree with you and no one except Paul and Mariam "respect" you. Birds of a feather so to speak.
You call anyone who doesn't slavishly agree with you a racist. Even black people. You see everything through the prism of race. You are a hammer, so everything looks like a nail to you. That's why no one but your fellow racists agree with you and no one except Paul and Mariam "respect" you. Birds of a feather so to speak.
No, I call people posting racism racists. The blacks who repeat what racists believe are called sellouts. What is your basis of disagreement with documented fact? That you are white and you say so? I didn't start posting in the race and racism thread to get respect from a bunch of mother fucking racists. I'm here to bust your ass and I've been sucessful.

You see junior, when you debate you present your premise then you support it. My premise is the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. I've presented evidence supporting that. And you have not presented evidence to the contrary. Furthermore, your opposition to documented evidence proves even more what kind of stumbling block white racism continues to be. And when I began doing this, I knew what was coming.

I have beat you racists at every turn. I proved I had you guys figured out when I made a thread whereby I claimed to renounce my beliefs and adopt the beliefs you guys have about blacks. When I did that, suddenly I was provided most favorite negro status. So it's apparent what you are and this is most definitely not about everything being a nail. This is about a black man you cannot defeat in debate. And you can't defeat, Paul, Newsvine, A, MarcAtl, Katsteve, superbadbrotha, CurriedGoats, Biff P, or any other black person here who comes at you with the truth of America and not the white version of a national Pleasantville.
You couldn't fight your way out of a wet paper bag in a debate.
You broadbrush ALL REPUBLICAN WHITES AS RACIST. Did I get that right, Slick?
You're a black racist, and I stand by my post where I said you are the worst of the worst to represent the Black Man.
Let's go fishing, I'll teach you how to fish.
I've beat your ass. Right wing whites are racists. Republicans are not all white people. So again, I am no racist and your opinion of me is irrelevant. Whites like you don't decide what's good for black people. Learn that and govern yourself accordingly.

I learned how to fish when I was a kid.
I've beat your ass. Right wing whites are racists. Republicans are not all white people. So again, I am no racist and your opinion of me is irrelevant. Whites like you don't decide what's good for black people. Learn that and govern yourself accordingly.

I learned how to fish when I was a kid.
You're a fool, and that's a term I don't like to use.
Your hatred and racist comments do not get you anywhere in a debate.
I hope you learned how to fish better than you learned how to represent the Black Man.
Lol! Here we have a white dude who makes excuses for all white wrongdoing, and he's telling me about responsibility. And look at this idiocy, I am promoting racism for pointing out continuing white racism. You think you're making sense but you're not. Now tell me what I am not taking responsibility for. Is it because I don't repeat the lie you tell yourself about how the things that have happened to blacks is our fault alone? The facts don't show that.
Very few whites condone white wrongdoing. You blame black wrongdoing on whites. You don’t point out racism, you call people racists who disagree with you. You have never been able to show where I exhibit racism, yet you call me racist.

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