Matt Damon Puts His Kids In Private School, Despite His Advocacy For Public Schools

"So the Right waged a war against public education and teachers, and they eventually starved it to death."

This is truly one of your most stupid of posts.

The only explanation for this opus is that you simply tossed the Scrabble tiles, and copied each word as it appeared.

There you go again PC. You can't formulate an answer even though you consider yourself brilliant, so you just insult. Londoner is correct. You were maybe in grade school when reagan took over so maybe you don't know the greatness of America before reagan.

What makes you think I can't be brilliant, and insult you?
Watch this:

Now...before I send you back to the last seat in the dumb row, take out a pencil and paper....oh- you forgot one again?

OK....I'll lend you one. was Carter who created the Department of Education to gain Liberal votes.....'education' was turned over to Liberal educrats.....that presaged the end of learning....e.g., production of students like you.

Second...Start taking notes:

Education is about learning and requires effort and working day after day, and some people are better learners than others because some people are smarter than others. Best not let progressives hear that; progressives will insist that all are equal, and thinking otherwise is biased!

Their mantra is that education must be comforting, nurturing, and never discouraging.

a. Red pens for marking are harsh, while purple is soothing.
“In a show of educational Kumbaya-ism not seen since English became Language Arts and self-esteem replaced “go to the principal’s office” as the Mantra of Discipline, teachers are dumping their red pens faster than plans for Gigli II and grading students’ papers using purple ones. They say they’re doing this because purple’s “not as scary,” “friendlier,” and “goes better with their new fall outfits.” Grading with purple pens

b. Progressive Education aims to “level the playing field.” Translation: “lower the standards.” Everyone’s work goes up on the walls because it’s not fair to judge a child’s work as there are no wrong answers, only life experiences.

‘Lost in all the chanting for change is the core commitment to impart actual knowledge. For progressives in the Age of Obama, setting high academic standards is secondary to the self-improvement of the "whole child" and "service" to the cause of social justice.’ The Three R's in the Age of Obama: Rappin', Revolution and Radicalism - Michelle Malkin - Page 2

c. “Progressive Education is straight out of John Dewey's work. It's no accident that Dewey was one of the major inventors of both Progressive education and modern liberal Fascism. He was one of the triad that invented Pragmatism. (He called his version Instrumentalism.) He was also a social democrat and a proponent of doing away with classical education. All of these are intricately linked. Pragmatism essentially teaches that there are no eternal truths, because there are no objective natural laws. Everything is in Heraclitean flux, forever shifting. All we can do is arrive at a social consensus of what is true. That view prepares the field for the educational agenda that Dewey advocated, one in which it would no longer consist of memorizing "dry facts" and performing boring cogitation with them. Instead, not just the child's mind but the "whole child" would be taught, chiefly by "socializing" him. I.e. what counts is not objective reality and what it requires of us to create values, but whatever others think is true and worthwhile. The political consequences are all around us.

Progressives are the consistent practitioners of what the Left has been preaching for three generations: social subjectivism, collectivism, and statism. “Shaving Leviathan: Dewey to Obama: Progressive Education and Politics

d. “The teacher is not in the school to impose certain ideas or to form certain habits in the child, but is there as a member of the community to select the influences which shall affect the child and to assist him in properly responding to these influences.” John Dewey

e. Competition is unhealthy. Grades are hurtful. Freedom over structure, and empathy over narrative.
“Generations of children have been let down by so-called progressive education policies which have taught skills and "empathy" instead of bodies of knowledge, the shadow education secretary, Michael Gove, said yesterday.

A Conservative government would reinstate traditional styles of fact-based lessons, he told teachers at a conference at Brighton College in Sussex yesterday. It privileges temporary relevance over a permanent body of knowledge which should be passed on from generation to generation ..” Children being failed by progressive teaching, say Tories | Education | The Guardian

So, you see, Liberalism is one of the reasons that you are as dumb as you are.

The other is far too personal to go into here without hurting your widdle feelings.

Just so that I am clear on what you are advocating, my dearest PC. Small children must be severely punished for failing to learn rather than developing a love for learning. Does that accurately summarize what you are trying to say? If I have misunderstood what you are trying to convey I apologize but I am merely trying to find out where you stand as far as ensuring that children are given a decent education.
"So the Right waged a war against public education and teachers, and they eventually starved it to death."

This is truly one of your most stupid of posts.

The only explanation for this opus is that you simply tossed the Scrabble tiles, and copied each word as it appeared.

There you go again PC. You can't formulate an answer even though you consider yourself brilliant, so you just insult. Londoner is correct. You were maybe in grade school when reagan took over so maybe you don't know the greatness of America before reagan.

What makes you think I can't be brilliant, and insult you?
Watch this:

Now...before I send you back to the last seat in the dumb row, take out a pencil and paper....oh- you forgot one again?

OK....I'll lend you one. was Carter who created the Department of Education to gain Liberal votes.....'education' was turned over to Liberal educrats.....that presaged the end of learning....e.g., production of students like you.

Second...Start taking notes:

Education is about learning and requires effort and working day after day, and some people are better learners than others because some people are smarter than others. Best not let progressives hear that; progressives will insist that all are equal, and thinking otherwise is biased!

Their mantra is that education must be comforting, nurturing, and never discouraging.

a. Red pens for marking are harsh, while purple is soothing.
“In a show of educational Kumbaya-ism not seen since English became Language Arts and self-esteem replaced “go to the principal’s office” as the Mantra of Discipline, teachers are dumping their red pens faster than plans for Gigli II and grading students’ papers using purple ones. They say they’re doing this because purple’s “not as scary,” “friendlier,” and “goes better with their new fall outfits.” Grading with purple pens

b. Progressive Education aims to “level the playing field.” Translation: “lower the standards.” Everyone’s work goes up on the walls because it’s not fair to judge a child’s work as there are no wrong answers, only life experiences.

‘Lost in all the chanting for change is the core commitment to impart actual knowledge. For progressives in the Age of Obama, setting high academic standards is secondary to the self-improvement of the "whole child" and "service" to the cause of social justice.’ The Three R's in the Age of Obama: Rappin', Revolution and Radicalism - Michelle Malkin - Page 2

c. “Progressive Education is straight out of John Dewey's work. It's no accident that Dewey was one of the major inventors of both Progressive education and modern liberal Fascism. He was one of the triad that invented Pragmatism. (He called his version Instrumentalism.) He was also a social democrat and a proponent of doing away with classical education. All of these are intricately linked. Pragmatism essentially teaches that there are no eternal truths, because there are no objective natural laws. Everything is in Heraclitean flux, forever shifting. All we can do is arrive at a social consensus of what is true. That view prepares the field for the educational agenda that Dewey advocated, one in which it would no longer consist of memorizing "dry facts" and performing boring cogitation with them. Instead, not just the child's mind but the "whole child" would be taught, chiefly by "socializing" him. I.e. what counts is not objective reality and what it requires of us to create values, but whatever others think is true and worthwhile. The political consequences are all around us.

Progressives are the consistent practitioners of what the Left has been preaching for three generations: social subjectivism, collectivism, and statism. “Shaving Leviathan: Dewey to Obama: Progressive Education and Politics

d. “The teacher is not in the school to impose certain ideas or to form certain habits in the child, but is there as a member of the community to select the influences which shall affect the child and to assist him in properly responding to these influences.” John Dewey

e. Competition is unhealthy. Grades are hurtful. Freedom over structure, and empathy over narrative.
“Generations of children have been let down by so-called progressive education policies which have taught skills and "empathy" instead of bodies of knowledge, the shadow education secretary, Michael Gove, said yesterday.

A Conservative government would reinstate traditional styles of fact-based lessons, he told teachers at a conference at Brighton College in Sussex yesterday. It privileges temporary relevance over a permanent body of knowledge which should be passed on from generation to generation ..” Children being failed by progressive teaching, say Tories | Education | The Guardian

So, you see, Liberalism is one of the reasons that you are as dumb as you are.

The other is far too personal to go into here without hurting your widdle feelings.

Teaching in college really shows you how much of that has been in effect and for how long. My teaching career was never intended to last very long, just until I could get out of law school. It gave me the extra time I needed to study. Never would I have dreamt that the administration would not understand how a student who took 3 semesters to get their C in remedial reading could not be taught to become a nurse. And I was mortified to realize how many were getting socially promoted in college. I had a student in 3rd semester nursing who could not read. Think about it. She had graduated high school, taken all college prereq sciences, social sciences, and first two semesters of nursing in an ADN program. And could not read. I don't mean she read badly. I mean the woman COULD NOT READ. I won't even say 'how did we get here.' I know how we got here. If you want your children to have an education you home school them, even if they are attending school. I think it is one thing to criticize schools for not teaching critical thinking skills and quite another to realize that they aren't even teaching the basic reading, writing, and arithmetic which one MUST be able to do BEFORE becoming a nurse. Once one has those skills, critical thinking is not a difficult concept.
Last edited:
There you go again PC. You can't formulate an answer even though you consider yourself brilliant, so you just insult. Londoner is correct. You were maybe in grade school when reagan took over so maybe you don't know the greatness of America before reagan.

What makes you think I can't be brilliant, and insult you?
Watch this:

Now...before I send you back to the last seat in the dumb row, take out a pencil and paper....oh- you forgot one again?

OK....I'll lend you one. was Carter who created the Department of Education to gain Liberal votes.....'education' was turned over to Liberal educrats.....that presaged the end of learning....e.g., production of students like you.

Second...Start taking notes:

Education is about learning and requires effort and working day after day, and some people are better learners than others because some people are smarter than others. Best not let progressives hear that; progressives will insist that all are equal, and thinking otherwise is biased!

Their mantra is that education must be comforting, nurturing, and never discouraging.

a. Red pens for marking are harsh, while purple is soothing.
“In a show of educational Kumbaya-ism not seen since English became Language Arts and self-esteem replaced “go to the principal’s office” as the Mantra of Discipline, teachers are dumping their red pens faster than plans for Gigli II and grading students’ papers using purple ones. They say they’re doing this because purple’s “not as scary,” “friendlier,” and “goes better with their new fall outfits.” Grading with purple pens

b. Progressive Education aims to “level the playing field.” Translation: “lower the standards.” Everyone’s work goes up on the walls because it’s not fair to judge a child’s work as there are no wrong answers, only life experiences.

‘Lost in all the chanting for change is the core commitment to impart actual knowledge. For progressives in the Age of Obama, setting high academic standards is secondary to the self-improvement of the "whole child" and "service" to the cause of social justice.’ The Three R's in the Age of Obama: Rappin', Revolution and Radicalism - Michelle Malkin - Page 2

c. “Progressive Education is straight out of John Dewey's work. It's no accident that Dewey was one of the major inventors of both Progressive education and modern liberal Fascism. He was one of the triad that invented Pragmatism. (He called his version Instrumentalism.) He was also a social democrat and a proponent of doing away with classical education. All of these are intricately linked. Pragmatism essentially teaches that there are no eternal truths, because there are no objective natural laws. Everything is in Heraclitean flux, forever shifting. All we can do is arrive at a social consensus of what is true. That view prepares the field for the educational agenda that Dewey advocated, one in which it would no longer consist of memorizing "dry facts" and performing boring cogitation with them. Instead, not just the child's mind but the "whole child" would be taught, chiefly by "socializing" him. I.e. what counts is not objective reality and what it requires of us to create values, but whatever others think is true and worthwhile. The political consequences are all around us.

Progressives are the consistent practitioners of what the Left has been preaching for three generations: social subjectivism, collectivism, and statism. “Shaving Leviathan: Dewey to Obama: Progressive Education and Politics

d. “The teacher is not in the school to impose certain ideas or to form certain habits in the child, but is there as a member of the community to select the influences which shall affect the child and to assist him in properly responding to these influences.” John Dewey

e. Competition is unhealthy. Grades are hurtful. Freedom over structure, and empathy over narrative.
“Generations of children have been let down by so-called progressive education policies which have taught skills and "empathy" instead of bodies of knowledge, the shadow education secretary, Michael Gove, said yesterday.

A Conservative government would reinstate traditional styles of fact-based lessons, he told teachers at a conference at Brighton College in Sussex yesterday. It privileges temporary relevance over a permanent body of knowledge which should be passed on from generation to generation ..” Children being failed by progressive teaching, say Tories | Education | The Guardian

So, you see, Liberalism is one of the reasons that you are as dumb as you are.

The other is far too personal to go into here without hurting your widdle feelings.

Teaching in college really shows you how much of that has been in effect and for how long. My teaching career was never intended to last very long, just until I could get out of law school. It gave me the extra time I needed to study. Never would I have dreamt that the administration would not understand how a student who took 3 semesters to get their C in remedial reading could not be taught to become a nurse. And I was mortified to realize how many were getting socially promoted in college. I had a student in 3rd semester nursing who could not read. Think about it. She had graduated high school, taken all college prereq sciences, social sciences, and first two semesters of nursing in an ADN program. And could not read. I don't mean she read badly. I mean the woman COULD NOT READ. I won't even say 'how did we get here.' I know how we got here. If you want your children to have an education you home school them, even if they are attending school. I think it is one thing to criticize schools for not teaching critical thinking skills and quite another to realize that they aren't even teaching the basic reading, writing, and arithmetic which one MUST be able to do BEFORE becoming a nurse. Once one has those skills, critical thinking is not a difficult concept.

" If you want your children to have an education you home school them,..."

Couldn't agree more!
There you go again PC. You can't formulate an answer even though you consider yourself brilliant, so you just insult. Londoner is correct. You were maybe in grade school when reagan took over so maybe you don't know the greatness of America before reagan.

What makes you think I can't be brilliant, and insult you?
Watch this:

Now...before I send you back to the last seat in the dumb row, take out a pencil and paper....oh- you forgot one again?

OK....I'll lend you one. was Carter who created the Department of Education to gain Liberal votes.....'education' was turned over to Liberal educrats.....that presaged the end of learning....e.g., production of students like you.

Second...Start taking notes:

Education is about learning and requires effort and working day after day, and some people are better learners than others because some people are smarter than others. Best not let progressives hear that; progressives will insist that all are equal, and thinking otherwise is biased!

Their mantra is that education must be comforting, nurturing, and never discouraging.

a. Red pens for marking are harsh, while purple is soothing.
“In a show of educational Kumbaya-ism not seen since English became Language Arts and self-esteem replaced “go to the principal’s office” as the Mantra of Discipline, teachers are dumping their red pens faster than plans for Gigli II and grading students’ papers using purple ones. They say they’re doing this because purple’s “not as scary,” “friendlier,” and “goes better with their new fall outfits.” Grading with purple pens

b. Progressive Education aims to “level the playing field.” Translation: “lower the standards.” Everyone’s work goes up on the walls because it’s not fair to judge a child’s work as there are no wrong answers, only life experiences.

‘Lost in all the chanting for change is the core commitment to impart actual knowledge. For progressives in the Age of Obama, setting high academic standards is secondary to the self-improvement of the "whole child" and "service" to the cause of social justice.’ The Three R's in the Age of Obama: Rappin', Revolution and Radicalism - Michelle Malkin - Page 2

c. “Progressive Education is straight out of John Dewey's work. It's no accident that Dewey was one of the major inventors of both Progressive education and modern liberal Fascism. He was one of the triad that invented Pragmatism. (He called his version Instrumentalism.) He was also a social democrat and a proponent of doing away with classical education. All of these are intricately linked. Pragmatism essentially teaches that there are no eternal truths, because there are no objective natural laws. Everything is in Heraclitean flux, forever shifting. All we can do is arrive at a social consensus of what is true. That view prepares the field for the educational agenda that Dewey advocated, one in which it would no longer consist of memorizing "dry facts" and performing boring cogitation with them. Instead, not just the child's mind but the "whole child" would be taught, chiefly by "socializing" him. I.e. what counts is not objective reality and what it requires of us to create values, but whatever others think is true and worthwhile. The political consequences are all around us.

Progressives are the consistent practitioners of what the Left has been preaching for three generations: social subjectivism, collectivism, and statism. “Shaving Leviathan: Dewey to Obama: Progressive Education and Politics

d. “The teacher is not in the school to impose certain ideas or to form certain habits in the child, but is there as a member of the community to select the influences which shall affect the child and to assist him in properly responding to these influences.” John Dewey

e. Competition is unhealthy. Grades are hurtful. Freedom over structure, and empathy over narrative.
“Generations of children have been let down by so-called progressive education policies which have taught skills and "empathy" instead of bodies of knowledge, the shadow education secretary, Michael Gove, said yesterday.

A Conservative government would reinstate traditional styles of fact-based lessons, he told teachers at a conference at Brighton College in Sussex yesterday. It privileges temporary relevance over a permanent body of knowledge which should be passed on from generation to generation ..” Children being failed by progressive teaching, say Tories | Education | The Guardian

So, you see, Liberalism is one of the reasons that you are as dumb as you are.

The other is far too personal to go into here without hurting your widdle feelings.

Just so that I am clear on what you are advocating, my dearest PC. Small children must be severely punished for failing to learn rather than developing a love for learning. Does that accurately summarize what you are trying to say? If I have misunderstood what you are trying to convey I apologize but I am merely trying to find out where you stand as far as ensuring that children are given a decent education.

1. " Small children must be severely punished for failing to learn rather than developing a love for learning."

What bilge.

Now for you to take notes:

2. "The “Massachusetts miracle,” in which Bay State students’ soaring test scores broke records, was the direct consequence of the state legislature’s passage of the 1993 Education Reform Act, which established knowledge-based standards for all grades and a rigorous testing system linked to the new standards. And those standards, Massachusetts reformers have acknowledged, are Hirsch’s legacy.

2a. In the new millennium, Massachusetts students have surged upward on the biennial National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)—“the nation’s report card,” as education scholars call it. On the 2005 NAEP tests, Massachusetts ranked first in the nation in fourth- and eighth-grade reading and fourth- and eighth-grade math. It then repeated the feat in 2007. No state had ever scored first in both grades and both subjects in a single year—let alone for two consecutive test cycles. On another reliable test, the Trends in International Math and Science Studies, the state’s fourth-graders last year ranked second globally in science and third in math, while the eighth-graders tied for first in science and placed sixth in math. (States can volunteer, as Massachusetts did, to have their students compared with national averages.) The United States as a whole finished tenth.

3. “I came to see that the text alone is not enough,” Hirsch said to me recently at his Charlottesville, Virginia, home. “The unspoken—that is, relevant background knowledge—is absolutely crucial in reading a text.”… he received an endowed professorship and became chairman of the English department at the University of Virginia.[He found that] the reading and writing skills of many incoming students were poor, sure to handicap them in their future academic work. In trying to figure out how to close this “literacy gap,” Hirsch conducted an experiment on reading comprehension, using two groups of college students. Members of the first group possessed broad background knowledge in subjects like history, geography, civics, the arts, and basic science; members of the second, often from disadvantaged homes, lacked such knowledge. The knowledgeable students, it turned out, could far more easily comprehend and analyze difficult college-level texts (both fiction and nonfiction) than their poorly informed brethren could. Hirsch had discovered “a way to measure the variations in reading skill attributable to variations in the relevant background knowledge of audiences.”

4. Hirsch was also convinced that the problem of inadequate background knowledge began in the early grades. Elementary school teachers thus had to be more explicit about imparting such knowledge to students—indeed, this was even more important than teaching the “skills” of reading and writing, Hirsch believed. Hirsch’s insight contravened the conventional wisdom in the nation’s education schools: that teaching facts was unimportant, and that students instead should learn “how to” skills. …expanded the argument in a 1983 article, titled “Cultural Literacy,” in The American Scholar.

5. [He] launched the Core Knowledge Foundation, which sought to create a knowledge-based curriculum for the nation’s elementary schools. A wide range of scholars assisted him in specifying the knowledge that children in grades K–8 needed to become proficient readers. For example, the Core Knowledge curriculum specifies that in English language arts, all second-graders read poems by Robert Louis Stevenson, Emily Dickinson, and Gwendolyn Brooks, as well as stories by Rudyard Kipling, E. B. White, and Hans Christian Andersen. In history and geography, the children study the world’s great rivers, ancient Rome, and the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, among other subjects.

6. -> . That children from poor and illiterate homes tend to remain poor and illiterate is an unacceptable failure of our schools, one which has occurred not because our teachers are inept but chiefly because they are compelled to teach a fragmented curriculum based on faulty educational theories.” Hirsch could see how the progressives’ education agenda was rooted in a deeply flawed understanding of child development..."
E. D. Hirsch’s Curriculum for Democracy by Sol Stern, City Journal Autumn 2009

You should read the entire article.
What makes you think I can't be brilliant, and insult you?
Watch this:

Now...before I send you back to the last seat in the dumb row, take out a pencil and paper....oh- you forgot one again?

OK....I'll lend you one. was Carter who created the Department of Education to gain Liberal votes.....'education' was turned over to Liberal educrats.....that presaged the end of learning....e.g., production of students like you.

Second...Start taking notes:

Education is about learning and requires effort and working day after day, and some people are better learners than others because some people are smarter than others. Best not let progressives hear that; progressives will insist that all are equal, and thinking otherwise is biased!

Their mantra is that education must be comforting, nurturing, and never discouraging.

a. Red pens for marking are harsh, while purple is soothing.
“In a show of educational Kumbaya-ism not seen since English became Language Arts and self-esteem replaced “go to the principal’s office” as the Mantra of Discipline, teachers are dumping their red pens faster than plans for Gigli II and grading students’ papers using purple ones. They say they’re doing this because purple’s “not as scary,” “friendlier,” and “goes better with their new fall outfits.” Grading with purple pens

b. Progressive Education aims to “level the playing field.” Translation: “lower the standards.” Everyone’s work goes up on the walls because it’s not fair to judge a child’s work as there are no wrong answers, only life experiences.

‘Lost in all the chanting for change is the core commitment to impart actual knowledge. For progressives in the Age of Obama, setting high academic standards is secondary to the self-improvement of the "whole child" and "service" to the cause of social justice.’ The Three R's in the Age of Obama: Rappin', Revolution and Radicalism - Michelle Malkin - Page 2

c. “Progressive Education is straight out of John Dewey's work. It's no accident that Dewey was one of the major inventors of both Progressive education and modern liberal Fascism. He was one of the triad that invented Pragmatism. (He called his version Instrumentalism.) He was also a social democrat and a proponent of doing away with classical education. All of these are intricately linked. Pragmatism essentially teaches that there are no eternal truths, because there are no objective natural laws. Everything is in Heraclitean flux, forever shifting. All we can do is arrive at a social consensus of what is true. That view prepares the field for the educational agenda that Dewey advocated, one in which it would no longer consist of memorizing "dry facts" and performing boring cogitation with them. Instead, not just the child's mind but the "whole child" would be taught, chiefly by "socializing" him. I.e. what counts is not objective reality and what it requires of us to create values, but whatever others think is true and worthwhile. The political consequences are all around us.

Progressives are the consistent practitioners of what the Left has been preaching for three generations: social subjectivism, collectivism, and statism. “Shaving Leviathan: Dewey to Obama: Progressive Education and Politics

d. “The teacher is not in the school to impose certain ideas or to form certain habits in the child, but is there as a member of the community to select the influences which shall affect the child and to assist him in properly responding to these influences.” John Dewey

e. Competition is unhealthy. Grades are hurtful. Freedom over structure, and empathy over narrative.
“Generations of children have been let down by so-called progressive education policies which have taught skills and "empathy" instead of bodies of knowledge, the shadow education secretary, Michael Gove, said yesterday.

A Conservative government would reinstate traditional styles of fact-based lessons, he told teachers at a conference at Brighton College in Sussex yesterday. It privileges temporary relevance over a permanent body of knowledge which should be passed on from generation to generation ..” Children being failed by progressive teaching, say Tories | Education | The Guardian

So, you see, Liberalism is one of the reasons that you are as dumb as you are.

The other is far too personal to go into here without hurting your widdle feelings.

Just so that I am clear on what you are advocating, my dearest PC. Small children must be severely punished for failing to learn rather than developing a love for learning. Does that accurately summarize what you are trying to say? If I have misunderstood what you are trying to convey I apologize but I am merely trying to find out where you stand as far as ensuring that children are given a decent education.

1. " Small children must be severely punished for failing to learn rather than developing a love for learning."

What bilge.

Now for you to take notes:

2. "The “Massachusetts miracle,” in which Bay State students’ soaring test scores broke records, was the direct consequence of the state legislature’s passage of the 1993 Education Reform Act, which established knowledge-based standards for all grades and a rigorous testing system linked to the new standards. And those standards, Massachusetts reformers have acknowledged, are Hirsch’s legacy.

2a. In the new millennium, Massachusetts students have surged upward on the biennial National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)—“the nation’s report card,” as education scholars call it. On the 2005 NAEP tests, Massachusetts ranked first in the nation in fourth- and eighth-grade reading and fourth- and eighth-grade math. It then repeated the feat in 2007. No state had ever scored first in both grades and both subjects in a single year—let alone for two consecutive test cycles. On another reliable test, the Trends in International Math and Science Studies, the state’s fourth-graders last year ranked second globally in science and third in math, while the eighth-graders tied for first in science and placed sixth in math. (States can volunteer, as Massachusetts did, to have their students compared with national averages.) The United States as a whole finished tenth.

3. “I came to see that the text alone is not enough,” Hirsch said to me recently at his Charlottesville, Virginia, home. “The unspoken—that is, relevant background knowledge—is absolutely crucial in reading a text.”… he received an endowed professorship and became chairman of the English department at the University of Virginia.[He found that] the reading and writing skills of many incoming students were poor, sure to handicap them in their future academic work. In trying to figure out how to close this “literacy gap,” Hirsch conducted an experiment on reading comprehension, using two groups of college students. Members of the first group possessed broad background knowledge in subjects like history, geography, civics, the arts, and basic science; members of the second, often from disadvantaged homes, lacked such knowledge. The knowledgeable students, it turned out, could far more easily comprehend and analyze difficult college-level texts (both fiction and nonfiction) than their poorly informed brethren could. Hirsch had discovered “a way to measure the variations in reading skill attributable to variations in the relevant background knowledge of audiences.”

4. Hirsch was also convinced that the problem of inadequate background knowledge began in the early grades. Elementary school teachers thus had to be more explicit about imparting such knowledge to students—indeed, this was even more important than teaching the “skills” of reading and writing, Hirsch believed. Hirsch’s insight contravened the conventional wisdom in the nation’s education schools: that teaching facts was unimportant, and that students instead should learn “how to” skills. …expanded the argument in a 1983 article, titled “Cultural Literacy,” in The American Scholar.

5. [He] launched the Core Knowledge Foundation, which sought to create a knowledge-based curriculum for the nation’s elementary schools. A wide range of scholars assisted him in specifying the knowledge that children in grades K–8 needed to become proficient readers. For example, the Core Knowledge curriculum specifies that in English language arts, all second-graders read poems by Robert Louis Stevenson, Emily Dickinson, and Gwendolyn Brooks, as well as stories by Rudyard Kipling, E. B. White, and Hans Christian Andersen. In history and geography, the children study the world’s great rivers, ancient Rome, and the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, among other subjects.

6. -> . That children from poor and illiterate homes tend to remain poor and illiterate is an unacceptable failure of our schools, one which has occurred not because our teachers are inept but chiefly because they are compelled to teach a fragmented curriculum based on faulty educational theories.” Hirsch could see how the progressives’ education agenda was rooted in a deeply flawed understanding of child development..."
E. D. Hirsch’s Curriculum for Democracy by Sol Stern, City Journal Autumn 2009

You should read the entire article.

Thank you for clarifying that you are advocating small children must be punished for failing to be able memorize and regurgitate instead of learning.
Here we have yet another leer-jet, limousine Hollywood liberal screaming one thing but doing something else. "Do as I say, not as I do". Proving once again, "Socialism is for the people, not the Socialist".

Matt Damon Puts His Kids In Private School, Despite His Advocacy For Public Schools


I think Obama humiliated all of you wingnuts by beating your candidates up in that last two elections. The event even ran off some of the wingnuts who used to participate pretty heavily here.

I point out the very humiliating hypocrisy of the liberals and your response is "jealous?"? How does that make any sense? Your under the absurd premise that I also want to be a hypocrite?!? :cuckoo:

Obama has been unilaterally rejected by the American people. Did you somehow miss the 2010 midterms when - after only 2 years of Obama's amateur community organizer shenanigans - the American people handed him an epic ass-kicking which even he admitted? I mean, I know you're a Dumbocrat and all, but surely you can't take that epic ass-kicking to mean the American people supported him?

As far as re-election, he barely eeked out a win through voter fraud - which is exactly why you Dumbocrats vehemently oppose ID that would ensure a fair and legal election. Chicago is infamous for being the most corrupt politics in the world - and Obama has brought that to the White House (remember the "Louisiana Purchase" & the "Cornhusker Kickback" he used to illegally buy votes for Obamacare) - well God knows how many votes he illegally purchased from the Electoral College.
Just so that I am clear on what you are advocating, my dearest PC. Small children must be severely punished for failing to learn rather than developing a love for learning. Does that accurately summarize what you are trying to say? If I have misunderstood what you are trying to convey I apologize but I am merely trying to find out where you stand as far as ensuring that children are given a decent education.

1. " Small children must be severely punished for failing to learn rather than developing a love for learning."

What bilge.

Now for you to take notes:

2. "The “Massachusetts miracle,” in which Bay State students’ soaring test scores broke records, was the direct consequence of the state legislature’s passage of the 1993 Education Reform Act, which established knowledge-based standards for all grades and a rigorous testing system linked to the new standards. And those standards, Massachusetts reformers have acknowledged, are Hirsch’s legacy.

2a. In the new millennium, Massachusetts students have surged upward on the biennial National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)—“the nation’s report card,” as education scholars call it. On the 2005 NAEP tests, Massachusetts ranked first in the nation in fourth- and eighth-grade reading and fourth- and eighth-grade math. It then repeated the feat in 2007. No state had ever scored first in both grades and both subjects in a single year—let alone for two consecutive test cycles. On another reliable test, the Trends in International Math and Science Studies, the state’s fourth-graders last year ranked second globally in science and third in math, while the eighth-graders tied for first in science and placed sixth in math. (States can volunteer, as Massachusetts did, to have their students compared with national averages.) The United States as a whole finished tenth.

3. “I came to see that the text alone is not enough,” Hirsch said to me recently at his Charlottesville, Virginia, home. “The unspoken—that is, relevant background knowledge—is absolutely crucial in reading a text.”… he received an endowed professorship and became chairman of the English department at the University of Virginia.[He found that] the reading and writing skills of many incoming students were poor, sure to handicap them in their future academic work. In trying to figure out how to close this “literacy gap,” Hirsch conducted an experiment on reading comprehension, using two groups of college students. Members of the first group possessed broad background knowledge in subjects like history, geography, civics, the arts, and basic science; members of the second, often from disadvantaged homes, lacked such knowledge. The knowledgeable students, it turned out, could far more easily comprehend and analyze difficult college-level texts (both fiction and nonfiction) than their poorly informed brethren could. Hirsch had discovered “a way to measure the variations in reading skill attributable to variations in the relevant background knowledge of audiences.”

4. Hirsch was also convinced that the problem of inadequate background knowledge began in the early grades. Elementary school teachers thus had to be more explicit about imparting such knowledge to students—indeed, this was even more important than teaching the “skills” of reading and writing, Hirsch believed. Hirsch’s insight contravened the conventional wisdom in the nation’s education schools: that teaching facts was unimportant, and that students instead should learn “how to” skills. …expanded the argument in a 1983 article, titled “Cultural Literacy,” in The American Scholar.

5. [He] launched the Core Knowledge Foundation, which sought to create a knowledge-based curriculum for the nation’s elementary schools. A wide range of scholars assisted him in specifying the knowledge that children in grades K–8 needed to become proficient readers. For example, the Core Knowledge curriculum specifies that in English language arts, all second-graders read poems by Robert Louis Stevenson, Emily Dickinson, and Gwendolyn Brooks, as well as stories by Rudyard Kipling, E. B. White, and Hans Christian Andersen. In history and geography, the children study the world’s great rivers, ancient Rome, and the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, among other subjects.

6. -> . That children from poor and illiterate homes tend to remain poor and illiterate is an unacceptable failure of our schools, one which has occurred not because our teachers are inept but chiefly because they are compelled to teach a fragmented curriculum based on faulty educational theories.” Hirsch could see how the progressives’ education agenda was rooted in a deeply flawed understanding of child development..."
E. D. Hirsch’s Curriculum for Democracy by Sol Stern, City Journal Autumn 2009

You should read the entire article.

Thank you for clarifying that you are advocating small children must be punished for failing to be able memorize and regurgitate instead of learning. can't read...or can't comprehend what you read?
Which is it?
332-206...wins in the north, the south, the east, and the west; all over this great nation.

234--about 220 of which were gerrymandered districts

8 years

5 of the last 6 popular votes

SCOREBOARD!!! But keep telling yourself you're in control; someday you may believe it too.

Like Obama, you're too ignorant of U.S. Constitutional law to comprehend that the presidency is not a dictatorship. After 2 years of his amateur community organizer bullshit, the American people corrected their mistake of voting for race instead of qualifications and rendered Obama an impotent little man who can't even pass a single bill without bowing to Republicans :lol:

332-206--still your President (and still very much impotent - made so by the hand of the American people!) :lmao:

332-206 = 1 (impotent) man (through voter fraud) in Washington D.C. only

234-201 = 234 men & women from the north, south, east, and west of this nation


During the postwar years US public schools (both high school and college) were the envy of the world.

The US had the most educated workforce in the world.

Problem is, those great public schools came with a high tax burden. After Reagan's historic tax cuts, there was less tax money for education. So the Right waged a war against public education and teachers, and they eventually starved it to death. They did this in order to preserve the gains of the new aristocracy created by Reaganomics, especially those that benefited from the globalization of production, allowing them to ship jobs to cheap labor markets.

Now they wonder why our students can't compete effectively for tech jobs.

The Reagan Revolution replaced a well-educated middle class with a horde of impoverished low wage workers. It turned our thriving postwar public sphere into a neoliberal dystopia where corporations own government and talk radio perpetually agitates the serfs with images of gay communist Islamo doom.

I remember when the Republican Party started to wage war on our education system. It felt like a body that turned against one its internal organs. I thought to myself: "are we really going to destroy something as vital to national prosperity as education just to preserve the tax cuts of those born wealthy?"

America swallowed poison in 1980.

We spend more on education today than in any point in history. And we have worse results.

Like all libtards, you're too stupid to understand the real problem. The only "solution" you know is the one you've been conditioned (like Pavlov's dog) to give: have government spend more money. No matter how many times that fails, Dumbocrtas just keep going back to that same dried-up well... :banghead:
America swallowed poison in 1980.

You transposed your numbers there. America swallowed poison in 1890 with the rise of Socialism/Communism/Marxism. After Jimmy Carter completed the epic collapse that Dumbocrats started, the American people woke up and corrected the problem in 1980 with the greatest world leader of the 20th century.

People home school their children all of the time. Many of those go on to Ivy League schools. Proving once again that it requires zero tax dollars to solve a problem (in this case, education). It simply takes two parents who give a damn. Here is an example - I'm about to educate your dumbass tax-free:

“My daughter, Dakota Root, was homeschooled here in Las Vegas. Dakota scored perfect SAT scores of 800 in reading and writing. She was a National Merit Scholar and Presidential Scholar nominee. She was accepted by many of this nation’s finest universities including Harvard, Stanford, Duke, Columbia, Penn, Brown, Chicago, Virginia, and Cal-Berkeley. She actually had the confidence to turn down an early admissions offer from Yale before she had gotten any of her other acceptances. My kid turned down Yale!

At Harvard, she has earned straight As and the John Harvard award for being in the top 5 percent of her class. Today she attends Oxford University in England. Harvard and Oxford are rated as the best colleges in the world.13 Dakota is a scholar and an athlete. Fencing for the elite Harvard team, she earned Second Team All-Ivy League honors. I am proud to say Dakota is among the best and brightest ever produced by the great state of Nevada. She represents what all of us hope and pray for our children.

What makes Dakota’s story so remarkable is that she was educated in the same city (Las Vegas) that produces some of the worst public education results in America. So how did it happen? What was in the water at the Root household? Can others learn from Dakota’s story? Can others replicate her remarkable Homeschool to Harvard story? YES they can!

It doesn’t take a village... or a government... or a teachers’ union to raise a child—it takes a mother and father who give a damn

“The key is the same as achieving success in all other areas of life: taking action, taking charge, taking personal responsibility, and being RELENTLESS. It requires taking back the power from government. Dakota Root’s story is a testament to the power of the individual and understanding that when it comes to educating our children, government is too big to succeed.

My advice as the homeschool dad of a Harvard and Oxford superstar scholar and athlete: Take control. Take charge. Take action. Be proactive. Become the CEO of your child’s future. “If it is to be, it is up to me.” Only through self-reliance, personal responsibility, and rugged individualism can a parent change their child’s direction and super-charge their future.

Here’s what it comes down to. You can’t trust the government to educate your children—any more than you can trust them to guarantee your retirement, provide your medical care, or deliver the mail without losing $15.9 billion per year.1”

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBookstore:
America swallowed poison in 1980.

You transposed your numbers there. America swallowed poison in 1890 with the rise of Socialism/Communism/Marxism. After Jimmy Carter completed the epic collapse that Dumbocrats started, the American people woke up and corrected the problem in 1980 with the greatest world leader of the 20th century.

People home school their children all of the time. Many of those go on to Ivy League schools. Proving once again that it requires zero tax dollars to solve a problem (in this case, education). It simply takes two parents who give a damn. Here is an example - I'm about to educate your dumbass tax-free:

“My daughter, Dakota Root, was homeschooled here in Las Vegas. Dakota scored perfect SAT scores of 800 in reading and writing. She was a National Merit Scholar and Presidential Scholar nominee. She was accepted by many of this nation’s finest universities including Harvard, Stanford, Duke, Columbia, Penn, Brown, Chicago, Virginia, and Cal-Berkeley. She actually had the confidence to turn down an early admissions offer from Yale before she had gotten any of her other acceptances. My kid turned down Yale!

At Harvard, she has earned straight As and the John Harvard award for being in the top 5 percent of her class. Today she attends Oxford University in England. Harvard and Oxford are rated as the best colleges in the world.13 Dakota is a scholar and an athlete. Fencing for the elite Harvard team, she earned Second Team All-Ivy League honors. I am proud to say Dakota is among the best and brightest ever produced by the great state of Nevada. She represents what all of us hope and pray for our children.

What makes Dakota’s story so remarkable is that she was educated in the same city (Las Vegas) that produces some of the worst public education results in America. So how did it happen? What was in the water at the Root household? Can others learn from Dakota’s story? Can others replicate her remarkable Homeschool to Harvard story? YES they can!

It doesn’t take a village... or a government... or a teachers’ union to raise a child—it takes a mother and father who give a damn

“The key is the same as achieving success in all other areas of life: taking action, taking charge, taking personal responsibility, and being RELENTLESS. It requires taking back the power from government. Dakota Root’s story is a testament to the power of the individual and understanding that when it comes to educating our children, government is too big to succeed.

My advice as the homeschool dad of a Harvard and Oxford superstar scholar and athlete: Take control. Take charge. Take action. Be proactive. Become the CEO of your child’s future. “If it is to be, it is up to me.” Only through self-reliance, personal responsibility, and rugged individualism can a parent change their child’s direction and super-charge their future.

Here’s what it comes down to. You can’t trust the government to educate your children—any more than you can trust them to guarantee your retirement, provide your medical care, or deliver the mail without losing $15.9 billion per year.1”

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBookstore:

I never understood why Dumbocrats crave government when government has such a track record of epic failure - but when you read this- it really hits you like a sledge hammer.

"Take control. Take charge. Take action. Be proactive."? Dumbocrats are far too lazy for that. They aren't going to parent their own child - they want government to do that for them. They aren't going to educate their own child - they want government to do that for them. They aren't going to provide housing for their own child - they want government to do that for them. They aren't going to provide food their own child - they want government to do that for them.

It all boils down to one thing: liberal = lazy
I doubt the kids in public schools were expecting Matt Damon to send his kids to public schools. I went to public school and it would have been motivating just to have someone like Matt Damon speak positive about public schooling. I wouldn't have cared where he sent his kids.

You obviously suffered brain damage in those schools because you're a moron who can't see an obvious case of hypocrisy when it's pointed out to you.

Matt Damon isn't against public schools, he's against problems like standardized testing. Matt went to public school but that was before Jeb Bush's reform when he was govenor of florida. Jeb Bush sends his own kids to private schools, he's the real hypocrite.

Jeb Bush?s witless attack on Matt Damon
Like Obama, you're too ignorant of U.S. Constitutional law to comprehend that the presidency is not a dictatorship. After 2 years of his amateur community organizer bullshit, the American people corrected their mistake of voting for race instead of qualifications and rendered Obama an impotent little man who can't even pass a single bill without bowing to Republicans :lol:

332-206--still your President (and still very much impotent - made so by the hand of the American people!) :lmao:

332-206 = 1 (impotent) man (through voter fraud) in Washington D.C. only

234-201 = 234 men & women from the north, south, east, and west of this nation


332-206. Rock Solid. Scoreboard.

Still trying to insinuate voter fraud. Cry us a river bitch.
Here we have yet another leer-jet, limousine Hollywood liberal screaming one thing but doing something else. "Do as I say, not as I do". Proving once again, "Socialism is for the people, not the Socialist".

Matt Damon Puts His Kids In Private School, Despite His Advocacy For Public Schools


I think Obama humiliated all of you wingnuts by beating your candidates up in that last two elections. The event even ran off some of the wingnuts who used to participate pretty heavily here.

You're 100% they are insinuating voter frauld--he won by like 5,000,000 votes.
Here we have yet another leer-jet, limousine Hollywood liberal screaming one thing but doing something else. "Do as I say, not as I do". Proving once again, "Socialism is for the people, not the Socialist".

Matt Damon Puts His Kids In Private School, Despite His Advocacy For Public Schools

Obama's kids are in private school. So are kids of most every legislator. Speaks volumes, doesn't it.

Why are rw's against kids getting a good education? They vote against spending the money to make our students qualified to compete on the world stage AND they whine about "liberal elitism" of universities. IOW, The Republican Race to the Bottom has the rw's full support.

I'm in favor of improving our completely broken and inadequate education system but until we do, I would not hesitate to put my own children in the school I believed would give him/her the best education possible.

Meanwhile, nutters are homeschooling their brats about fundie religion and hate.
Here we have yet another leer-jet, limousine Hollywood liberal screaming one thing but doing something else. "Do as I say, not as I do". Proving once again, "Socialism is for the people, not the Socialist".

Matt Damon Puts His Kids In Private School, Despite His Advocacy For Public Schools

Obama's kids are in private school. So are kids of most every legislator. Speaks volumes, doesn't it.

Why are rw's against kids getting a good education? They vote against spending the money to make our students qualified to compete on the world stage AND they whine about "liberal elitism" of universities. IOW, The Republican Race to the Bottom has the rw's full support.

I'm in favor of improving our completely broken and inadequate education system but until we do, I would not hesitate to put my own children in the school I believed would give him/her the best education possible.

Meanwhile, nutters are homeschooling their brats about fundie religion and hate.

Redneck, hillbilly, fundie, Bible thumper, cracker, split tails, geezer, and homophobe are not words of tolerance.

Obama's kids are in private school. So are kids of most every legislator. Speaks volumes, doesn't it.

Why are rw's against kids getting a good education? They vote against spending the money to make our students qualified to compete on the world stage AND they whine about "liberal elitism" of universities. IOW, The Republican Race to the Bottom has the rw's full support.

I'm in favor of improving our completely broken and inadequate education system but until we do, I would not hesitate to put my own children in the school I believed would give him/her the best education possible.

Meanwhile, nutters are homeschooling their brats about fundie religion and hate.

Redneck, hillbilly, fundie, Bible thumper, cracker, split tails, geezer, and homophobe are not words of tolerance.


"split tails"???
Good gawd, woman, where the fuck do you live???????????????

Since I have never said I am tolerant of ignorance, I'm not sure wtf you're yattering about but I damn near HEAR the banjos.
why are rw's against kids getting a good education? They vote against spending the money to make our students qualified to compete on the world stage and they whine about "liberal elitism" of universities. Iow, the republican race to the bottom has the rw's full support.

I'm in favor of improving our completely broken and inadequate education system but until we do, i would not hesitate to put my own children in the school i believed would give him/her the best education possible.

Meanwhile, nutters are homeschooling their brats about fundie religion and hate.

redneck, hillbilly, fundie, bible thumper, cracker, split tails, geezer, and homophobe are not words of tolerance.


"split tails"???
Good gawd, woman, where the fuck do you live???????????????

Since i have never said i am tolerant of ignorance, i'm not sure wtf you're yattering about but i damn near hear the banjos.

^^^^^^^^^^biggest bigot on usmb^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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